
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY OCTOBER 18, 1930 WORRY. 20 HOMELY PHILOSOPHY We often hear of men who are said to have died of By GEORGIA DOUGLAS JOHNSON THE WORKMAN overwork; but it is safe to assume that in nine or ten such cases there had been no overwork at all. That too much work has killed some people is not to be doubted; GOOD HEALTH Published on Saturday by WALROND, at the office No 72 but this does not alter the fact that work pure anu Health is usually undervalued until it is menaced or CARLOS MENDOZA Street No. 72, Panama, P.
simple is one of the rarest of all rare causes of death, lost. With health one is able and fit to tackle big things Box 74, Panama Box 1102, Ancon The mischief is done by the worry, which often goed and see them through; the sky seems ever blue and the RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION with the work, and which is mistaken for it.
step has spring and vigor. Wihout health every day We do not yet understand the process by which ONE YEAR. 40 Oy seems gloomy, dark and long; there little or no ambi worry undermines the general health, induces diseases tion to urge one forward nothing seems worth while.
of the heart, of the arteries and of the kidneys or kills Health is priceless, it is a key of keys! Healthy beggars THREE.
a man before his time but that it does do such things is are envied by feeble kings.
a fact only too well established.
It is true that worry often leads a person to praeThe Liberty of the Press is the Palladium of our rights JUNIUS tices which are themselves injurious, such as over in Canadian West Indies Trade Relations dulgence in alcohol or tabacco; or perhaps the use of opium or cocaine or chloral, and disease and death are THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY OCTOBER 18, 1930 During the past year there have been many indicaoften attributable to the action of those poisons rather tions of an increasing public sentiment in favour of than to the effects of work or worry. But those will not THE SUBTERFUGE!
closer trade relations between the West Indies and explain the disaster in all cases.
Canada Canadian Manufacturers individually, and It may be objected despairingly that, if worry is through their trade associations, are showing keen inOur subject describes a condition or state. Its deri slow suicide, then almost none of us can escape. Very terest in export trade to the West Indies and, on the vation establishes the authority for its use, and if we few men can be found who have not unfulfilled desires other hand, the exporters of the West Indies are making may be excused for becoming somewhat literary, we which they are striving to gratify, or who are so absopreparations to take advantage of the improved oppormight say that this word is derived from the roots, lutely secure of the future that they may give little or tunities for the trade with Canada by reason of the subter, secretly, and fugio, flee. In other words, a no heed to the biblical command to take no thought for preferential tariffs recently passed by the Canadian the morrow.
secret flyer. bird on the wing. Subjectively, a subGovernment. During the past twelve months, the islands terfuge is the state to which one resorts for escape from But this forethought is not worry; at least it need have been visited by the Governor General of Canada his proper position, and in which he conceals and covers not be worry; it is merely incertitude, prudent care for and Lady Willingdon, and by an important delegation up his intentions. The fact that one pretentions make the future, or even slight anxiety. Harassing anxiety, of the Canadian Manufacturers Association, headed by that one appear to be what he is not, and what he never impatient expectation, disproportionate fear of the unthe president. One outstanding reason for the increased known this is worry, and this is what causes the heart intended to be, makes those pretentions as well as the public interest in the West Indies, both for trade and pretender a subterfuge. For instance, the Jackdaw was to struggle, the kidneys to contract, the arteries to travel, has been the inauguration of the new steamship never a Peacock. Such a conversion is impossible of weaken and the mind to fail.
service of the Canadian National Steamships which No one who is given to worry can conceive the performance. This bird must remain as it was in the operate a fleet of magnificent passenger and freight original, a Jackdaw. And neither the plumage of the power which the habit gains over its victim. Such a one boats from St. John and Halifax the year round.
Ostrich, or the feathers of the Peacock can change its will freely admit the excellence of the advise not to originality. The organism is not like that of a disease worry; but he will add that it is imppossible to follow it. DIVISION NO. 244 OF Lilies of Success Lodge where it originates with a germ, and develops or changes This is true only in a measure, and in a few cases. Bar A. NOMINATES Shepherds Holds into worm. Its existence is arbitrary and positive ring instances of exceptional trouble, of extraordinary AND ELECTS OFFICERS Successful Anniversary not subject to change, and its identity cannot in fact be hard luck, almost everyone can by resolute determination reduce his worry within living limits. Record. The nomination and elec substituted.
The Lilies of Success tion of officers of Division Lodge, Shepherds, story is told that in the slums of historic London, LOYALTY 244 of the for celebrated their first annitwo men whe were not related met every morning in a the ensuing term, tookversary on Sunday last, tea shop, and by a strange coincidence, sat always at Loyalty to our King and to our country is the most place on Wednesday night 12th inst.
the same table This went on for a considerable time until elementary form of an indispensable attitude. But loylast 15th inst. at their Xall they commenced to speak, one to the other. They refer alty also means that we should be true to our convic 21st Street, Guachapali, of the Society assembled at At p. the members red to the peculiarity of the fact that they always came tions and have the courage to uphold them. We must not when the following persons the Hall in San Miguel and at the same hour, and sat at the same table, and as time hesitate to acknowledge those sympathies and antipa were chosen to guide the went on, they established a somewhat familiar associathies which may affect our popularity when a destiny of the organization. marched to the Panama tion. One morning, a cup of tea fell over on the table sense of honour commands us to speak or act. As Emer Greenidge President Wesleyan Church where and was lost to its owner. He had paid for it the only son puts it It is easy to live in the world according to McPhun 1st Vice divine service on their be penny he had in his name, and said so. The other man, the world opinion, but the great man is he who, living Pres.
half was conducted by the hearing this, offerd to buy him another cup of tea. The in the world, retains the independence of solitude.
Rev. Wright who also offer was accepted and the tea was forthcoming. The Trottman. 2nd Vice delivered an anniversary If we do not practice loyalty to ourselves, we shall recipient of the hospitality in acknowledging the same Pres.
address in which he compli said, my friend, this is very kind of you, to which he certainly be found wanting when great issues are at Clarke Generalmented the members of the stake. We may not be called upon to wear the marty received the suave reply, my friend, am your crown, but we are of poor texture if we are not ready to Sec y society for their work and brother.
sacrifice everything save honour. We must be prepared Phillips. Asst. Sec y the improvement they made But there came the time when that proffered bro to bear blame even to the point of actual suffering if by Duncan. Treasurer. since the inception of the therhood would be tested. On a night quite black and so doing we can save the reputation of another. Rouse, Cummings, organization.
stormy, these same men accidentally met on a lonesome Loyalty is indeed the most sublime attainment Oxley and Barrow The remainder of the pro part of the road to Picadilly. The sleet drove hard up within man reach.
gramme was rendered at on the ground, the night was dark, and it was difficult EDYTH BUTE The installation will take the Lodge Hall. After the for one to find his way with any degree of surety. The place tomorrow at p. in opening formalities way was lighted only by periodical flashes of lightning fuge directing, this life is bound to be a funny proposi the hall when all members the reading of the Secrethat showed them where they were. And so they went tion!
are asked to be present. tary report by Bro.
on and on until suddenly, they heard a thunderous Let all who read this commit to his memory the The unveiling of the New Blackburn, the Chairman voice. your life or your money. The lightning flash words of the Physician in our story, that brother Charter also will take place for the evening Bro.
ed then, and they found themselves surrounded by four sir, was a Subterfuge, retain it as a gem, and in his immediately after the in Phoenix was introduced thugs who covered them with pistols. Without loss of walk through life, endeavour to find a brother who is stallation of officers.
and occupied the chair.
time, a physical search was in progress. The second man not a Subterfuge! mixed choir, directed of our story, having had nothing in his pocket, submitted PANAMA WESLEYAN by Mr. Evan Taylor, contamely to the search; but the first man had his all in his JOTO 000 BODO ODO tributed several beautiful 10C pocket, and tried to save it by resisting the search with SOCIETY items to the programme all his physical energy. The robbers did not shoot, but in FOR THE BEST IN flicted as much injury as they could on this man with the The Subject of the week es from members of Kinwhich consisted of address butts of their pistols and with clubs, in an effort to ly programme of the Pan dred Societies. Vocal and subdue him. He fought doggedly. The moon at this mo. HARDWARE :ama Wesleyan Society instrumental Solos Etc.
ment burst from the clouds, and lighted the road with which took place in Geddes its brilliance. The man who had declared himself to be Hall on Wednesday night soloists was Mr. Alfred Included in the evening the other brother? in the tea shop, seized a club from of every description last was The Story of one of the robbers, and dealt his one time brother a Gareth and Lynette from Paynter, who by his splensevere blow on the back of his neck which felled him to Tennyson Idylls of the favorite number The Holy did interpretation of his the ground. Then the robbers succeeded to divest him VISIT THE King, a paper on which of his possession, and dividing the spoils between them, was submitted by the Rev. City. brought forth thund they all forsook him and fled. Wright who also act audience, also the erous applause from the Duet This man lay on the ground, bleeding and unconed in the capacity of Chair One Sweetly Solemn scious. The morning came and a Bobby appeared and man for the evening.
Miss Ivy Myers was res. Dingwall and Williams.
Thought by took him to a nearby Hospital. After he was attended Mesdames to and had regained consciousness, the Physician asked ponsible for the programhim, friend, how came the back of your neck to be so Thirty three representaa fine Selection of me in which several beauti tives of other fraternal busted. The poor man answered, as the tears tyickled ful hymns were included.
societies, all expressing the from his eyes, on the road to Picadilly, sir, my brother struck me a blow, and delivered me into the hands of ARTIZAN TOOLS The Rev. Wright pointed best wishes and good will out that the value of cour of their various orders in my enemies. The Physician paused. Then he said tesy is learnt in this in addition to other items, mn accent. that brother, sir, was a subterfuge. ALSO THE VERY BEST BRAND IN teresting story. He also made a historical day for Our story has a moral. It demonstrates the role the urged the reading of good this new and growing fra subterfuge plays upon the social stage. It discloses and PAINTS ENAMELS books by the young people ternal society.
proves that this life is but one continuous round of perof the Endeavour. Long The chairman closing re plexing contraries. That it is a drama played by men, Give us a call before purchasing fellow he said is the best marks and the Doxology some in the role of an Angel, others in that of the devil.
with which to make a start. terminated the function.
Some as real men, some as Lizards. Some as honest, elsewhere Miss Brownie contribut ydme as thieves. Some as grafters, some as crooks. Yea, ed a vocal solo which was and in this same drama, there is the hypocrite and sinner. And while all these go on to play their roles, we see PANAMA HARDWARE very much appreciated. The PALAIS ROYAL the Subterfuge as the stage director, never failing to programme was brought to remind humanity of the ancient axiom, things are not CATHEDRAL PLAZA a close with the Singing of FOR always what they seem. And after all, with the Subterthe Mizpah and the DoxoODORODIO SUITS and Panama Hardware logy.


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