
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY OCTOBER 18, 1930 PAGE FIVE INTERESTING JOTTINGS Suspension Notice occurrence mont hi town men one one loe 7:30 fjance and LA MASCOTA ENGLISH TWEEDS Cragwell, Supt.
7:30 Choral Even Household of Ruth Proposed Christmas (By ELIJAH ILUNTER)
STAR OF GUIANA songs Sermon The to Observe 3rd Morning Musicale LODGE, NO. 16 Rector.
Friends Countrymen: it has been diad letters only. And as for old Anniversary Prelude The Abbey In an effort to introduce rather warm this past week al hough aids, they are letiers that have Chimes Clarke.
it has also been raining so much. There the Xmas morning musicon overlooked in the general de nas been a sort of dual temperature. Very. This is to inform the meHymns 304, 214. 178. The Household of Ruth cale in Panama, Mrs.
and many other things hat could be chanie circles at large, that Two fellows a they could tell from the 12th day of OctoPsalm 106.
No. 6446 Grand United Parker, one of the leading accurately described by the word th moct wonderful Order of Oddfellows, will soprano voices on the Paci dual. For instance, saw on one of hat happened in his town.
her in the year of our Lord The Magnificant Robinubserve their 3rd Anniver fic end, who is well known the display stalls of a fruit stand a hundred and Preton said that he knew a man nineteen son in Major.
double papaya, the first one have sary tomorrow at p. in and highly esteemed in hat raised a pumpkin so large that thirty, that Bro. Bill Wil Nunc ever seen. saw a mother with the zach of his two children used a half liams has been suspended Dimittis. the Lodge Hall at 21st musical circles here, has to Boyce in signified her intention babies in her arms going to ge.
Street, Central Ave.
way night as a cradle. The other for the period of ninety sponsor this novel enterthem baptised. fellow arranged Postlude. Reverie ellow said that was not more wonder nine years for divulging or The Anniversary will tainment at the Excelsior with me to meet at my Zoo a.
ful than what is to Duettina Clarke.
hima cake the form of a pleasant Theatre, on Xmas Day at o clock one evening, and made me wonderful thing that happened in revealing the secrets and regularly, namely, that transactions of the Order.
wait on him till it was ten clock, ST. ALBAN CHURCH, Sunday Afternoon and the 10 a.
svery night as many as three police PARAISO, program will be contributed and didn show up. So you see, Assisting Mrs. Parker everything seemed to have had the can be seen sleeping on munion The Rector.
to by the Everslie School will be a special orchestra beat!
duplication idea last week. Papayas 10:15 a. Matins Mr. The Rector of St. Paul Violin Orchestra and the under the direction of Mr.
babies, and men, which in Atwell, Catechist.
met his friend and greeted Choir of Division 17 of the Neilson of the Repub in charge word spells, duplicity.
with ihe information that he was 10:30 a. Holy Eu 11:00 a. Matins and and other lican Band who is also charist Sermon now in a new business. His friend School.
well known as a very capThis state of affairs however, is was glad to hear and expressed the nothing new, for ther is nothing Rector.
conMembers of the House. able musician, and a Address new under the sun. As the old folks hope that, his business was new in Prelude Sanetisvery way including lucrativenes 3:00 Church hold have been making cert party consisting of say. everything one comes across Sure. said Joe. Por if not, woli zima. Clarke.
great preparations for this about fourteen to sixteen was here long time before him. 1: not have bothered to mention it true, and only when we cross the Introit. Psalm 119 is Cheral occasion and it is hoped that mixed voices, directed by But said the friend, what is that river will we 18 (Vs. 137)
Evensong Address a large number of persons Mr. Davis a late mem come across new business. Answered Joe, things. Here is something that Hymns. 245. 248)
Mr. Osborne, will make it convenient to ber of the Kingston Glee Clothes Line, at night. Singers of Jamaica and attentd the entertainment.
looks new but is not in fact. man 556, 425.
who is at present a member made the statement to his Communion Office that everybody, men, women, Baker told the story that he of the Panama Wesleyan Hall in ST. MATTHIAS MISSION children resemble letters in Posted as a baker in a first rate Choir.
LAS SABANAS os hokery. This bakery he said was near Office. She thought he 3:00 Church Postlude Offertory was crazy les ta prave yard. One day while bak The personnel of the School.
and told him so. Then she asked ine, the bottom of the oven dron Clarke. The Rector of St. Paul concert party will include him to justify his ridiculous asser ped out, so he went into this grave in charge)
12:00 Holy Baptism.
7:30 Evensong Messrs. Dottin and tion by explaining in what way this vard and selected one of the tomb Address Mr. Buchanan. accompanists, resemblance was established. The ones there, and used it as bottom 00 Church 7:30 a, Holy Comman Cook, St. Darling, started out without the School. Mr.
for the oven. All bread was baked Richards, Catechist.
munion Sermon.
slightest difficulty, and said. We Parker and Brownafter after a little interruptior The begin with a married woman she next day while he was asleep 29 Basses, Mowatt and is a letter that has reached its des hakers do during the day, every Dottin, Tenor, Misses tination. An unmarried woman body brought back their loaves and Stevens. Hall, Scar(young lady) is a letter that hasn showed him on the bottom of every lett, Staples, Forthe been sent yet. Babies are little Post one the inscription. Sacred to the Weekes, Mesdames Cards. fat big wonkin, she over memory of Patrick Flynn. weight, and colleet postage. The Reece, Parker and The owner of the bakerydis Undertaker, he has charge of the harged him next day!
St. Clair, Sopranos.
At present, the troupe is Just Received a Large Assortment of Church Services undergoing rehearsals at Talked With Dead the Residence of Mrs. Ada (Continued from page 8)
Stevens, San Miguel and THE EIGTEENTH from present indications, it TALKS WITH MY SON.
SUNDAY AFTER is felt assured that the ap have had talks with my TRINITY pearance of this combinason (Raymond, who was killed tion of musicians should be St. Peter By The Sea, in the war) and with others In the very Latest Designs able to stand public criti La Boca realise that the communi cism. The music selected cations are trivial sometimes. Holy Communion, a. for the occasion is highly The Rector ALSO that is often the best sort classical and attractive and Matins, Holy Eucharist and communication for a start.
should meet the needs of Sermon, 10. 45 a. This is best illustrated by an the music loving publicas The Rector example. Suppose you are it is in keeping with the the far end of a telephone and Churchs, School Rally, season.
the people at the other end do Choral Evensong and Ser. The Rector YOUNG PEOPLE not believe it is you they think mon, 30, The perhaps that you are dead. How RALLY AT ST. PETER Rector.
TOMOROW do you make it clear that it is Mulcare LEST YOU FORGET you. Priest in charge You do not begin by talking Tomorrow afternoon, after shortened Choral Evenpolitics or religion. You say PANAMA WESLEYAN This is so and 80 all right.
song, the young people and teachers of St. Peter Sun.
Don you remember me and Panama 11 a. Rev.
IS. UP. TO. DATE AS USUAL how fell down in the garden Wright, School will put over their an that day and cut my shin? That Rev.
nual rally in aid of their an nual Outing on New Year is the first step in establishing Wright, Children Ser Day. Parents, guardians, identity vice and friends are most cordi After that, when you know 30 Rev. ally invited to participate in they are willing to talk and Wright MULLER Prop the laudable effort. The know who they are you begin Colon 11 a. Rev. 37 CENTRAL AVENUE Cousins 37 Rector will deliver a short to hear about their lives on the address on Service.
other side and the communica Rev. tions are no longer trivial.
TRAIN TO PANAMA Another example can Cousins meet the question of Dr. Townsend, La Boca 11 a. Mr.
The Light of Colon, Inde Martin principal of the Baptist College, pendent Order of Good Manchester, who says that if his 30 Henry Hare Samaritans, will run an exmother had anything to say to New Providence 11 a. wood cursion train from Colon to him she would say it to him and Panama on November 3rd.
Mr. Headley not through some halfdazed me The train will leave Co Paraiso 11 a. Mr. Theo dium.
Jon at 15 a. stopping at Fuller If she were alive, would she Gatun to take in passengers. 30 Mr. DONE WITH NEATNESS AND On the return trip, it is attempt to send him a telegram Farquhar direct? Of course she could not.
scheduled to leave Panama She would have to send at 10 and will make DESPATCH AMERICAN EPISCOPAL through the ordinary telegraph stops at Gatun and Silver CHURCH ic channels, and to the men City.
AT THE handling her, message it would Eigteenth Sunday After PANAMA CAPITAL TO mean nothing. It would only Trinity STAGE DANCE have a meaning to the person to ST.
PAUL CHURCH, whom it was sent.
PANAMA, Grand Blue Bell Dance It is just the same with a me dium and it is obvious that in Rev. Nightengale, will be staged by the Panama Capital Friendly So1 matter such as this we have Rector)
ciety on Monday night 20th to use the channel available to 30 a. Holy Cominst. in aid of the organiza tis.
Phone 453 tion.
Sir Oliver tersely replied to truths as such, he said. DRY CLEANING The well known Royal those who criticise him on the simply say that scientifically PANANA STEAM PRESSING discovered they are not authoritative.
Flush Orchestra has been score of having 15 STREET don wish to interfere with engaged to furnish the musomething known to Christians DYEING for nearly 2, 000 years. people who are satisfied by the We Dye To we PANAMA sie and the occasion is being looked forward to with do not criticise Christian religious point of view.
much interest.
of on Blue Serges, Black Cheviots and Cream Flannels FO Our Tailors Trimming Department LA MASCOTA RUBBER STAMPS Of every description WORKMAN PRINTERY TROTT The Cleaner


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