
PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY OCTOBER 18, 1930 دی Destruction of City Threatened by Blackmailer DV 1279 WHO DEMAND AN ENORMOUS RANSOM the THI legio ofrow the money was of can ர 11 11 Sundays, by Special Appointment VA. HOW bitiw bai 11 o rebal is be TO AN ECONOMIC RULE USE GAS FOR FUEL. PSVIT said, were not fulfilled within ultimi dangerous for the youths of the three days the song sila threats Govt. of British Honduras community. The matter was would be made good without de 0190 to ID the concern of the Government lay. The letter contained num TAKING STEPS TO SUPPRESS THE but somehow or other ber of intricate instructions as authorities failed to act prompt to be la GAMBLING LAW Or Gardens and Fields will be handed over.
bobiogaia dil ly in the interest of those whom Brod the craze would surely affct and Ravaged by Insect Pests DETECTIVES Which has Become Very Pronounced in all probability mar their use The police determined to for bi atvm in that Country zaal fulness as citizens in the future.
BERLIN, Threats death explanation tº how the tibi low dugi these, instructions an by set to anotte via han anat However, executive action has and financial ruin to a city with tibus project of the city de detail, hoping that they would 125, 000 inhabitants, a chase by destruction could be accomplished at least lead to the apprehension Britishu Honduras of September out of commission the slet truly be said that something is The Independent of Belize, hotttries and is intended to put now been started, and it tectives in a railway way train with The Backutatrers proposed of the criminals who had so far) 10th says in Maf:01 frain: machines which have receiit being done to minimise the evil, the Director of the Criminal le 160é a swarm of Colorado defied all attemptsiaticapture.
Thel Gosernment are ltáking iy been introduced here and and to bring it under control, as Investigation epartment in beeties to deťout the potato detective Ndressed up asta stepál to minimise the gambling commonly known as the Fox provision is made in the Bill for person conducting operations crops from which Magdeburg, uniformed messenger be the mu evil which has become very pro There have been numerous the Superintendent of Police to from the cabin of the train en an important agricultural comte nicipal council, and in accord nounced in our midst for some complaints made by the public deal with the matter.
gine, are episodes in an amazing derives a large part of its reveni ane with the orders contained in time; Achraf Bill published in against this latest mechanical real lite drama which was enact ue id) 03 non quid to the ultimatum went to the Mag the current number Hof the device of gaming, and the action ed to day in the neighbourhood The Colorádói beoelej scourge, deburg, general post office, and Gazette which we reproduce, in of the Governments in this re.
of the city of Magdeburg, 1o once it gaing hold a district, there collected a letter, which another columin, give details of spect might be regarded as a re Smal)
No writer of fiction could have lasts for many years, and is ex contained further instructions. he proposed amenaments to sult of public protest, ut DENTIST imagined, such a situation. What, tremely diffeuk to eradidate. The detective, in accordance he existing Ordinance which Tods Some months ago we were MASONIC TEMPLE had haykened was bate gang. It is capable of causing hundreds with those, made his way to the ill be submitted to the Legis ompelled to refer to the raffle Office Hours:8. am to 12 pm of blackmailers had offered any of thousands of pounds worth railway statióit, imunored by ative Council at some future. 30 pm to 30 PM craze which had developed to other detectives, Sidcleding Super date for consideration.
entire city the alternatives of of damage to crope: 002 proportions Masonic Temple, lith St, The thiending ordinance will created an atmosphere which paying an enormous ransom, or The blackmailers perther de intendent Hoeller, the chief of haying, its gardens and outlying, clare their intention of poisoning the Magdeburg UJDT) 0, Box 787. CRISTOBAL dispense with certoin forms of was altogether awkward and fields ravaged by an insect Still following shirt the gang insect pest Magdebørg s, water toervoir PHONE: 1664 OFFICE wa vb BEOO and its its reservoirs poisoned. with dangerous bacteriological demands, the detective, took a 21 IN 1002 THREATENING LETTERS germ scultare capable of first class ticket from in Magde FALTLALPUTATE LETTERLIHAT For some time past the munil spreading death and disease burg to Helmstedt and boarded chpal authorities of Magdeburg among the buman and animal in the 45 train, designated in the statwo have been receiving letters balsitants of the district. letter. He took, as he had beeit to ab hobunel ad thetitening the city with destrue, on Wednesday evening the ordered, a corner seat on the bad mod tion, unless a stipulated suit of milicipal council received the right hand side the last catri morley was paid by a certain gang ultimatum. If theft de age. this Instructions were w date. The letters contained an mands for money, d 4 the letter now that he had to sit quiet and not dare to talk to any one. He added do usa8 to look out of the passing tion of Marienborn, said the DASU HIJIDe message. you will see a, large SITY SUM from the rail track. When you sce this sign, throw the parcel su gontaining the money out the window je MOTOR PATROLS mənimo voll On his way to thre Station the to boss 1030531 01 mod Dildo detective had managed to pass bra Jainsbou vloHaal Ho heulaliano od diw no ajoi valeh electiones et couran hias 192 SU SPECIAL OFFER TO YOU ou instructions to the offt: LOT Toto2 To Los rinalli taxi and when the train started Sup eoque ola 2endtfildent foetter wąsyin pie bars Stogallohu cabin of the locomotive, while har storitev stod of boty 90 dan other officers were stationed at dom tids od Boy di tigil Trious points pf VOH by or as 24 96 toortoit Worriono ர TDI வட. to boulod At the time the motorcycle bi OV HU 191392 a greater reserve of strength the dispatched to scour the country 16 118 tid Istodire iw the famous Dunlop Tyre of Ain the vicinity of the line.
The dramatic Troffent. Cenne bas In orthor a Soft 10 bin ni vile Standard Construction, which BOY Wanittso you know so well. This new Bhortly after the village of Nie pobytyi mob1197 hasil mercato member of the Dunlop family derdodeleben had been reached.
birida The detective looking out of his 1329 Widow large baileticularly hard service conditions 11 It is the choice of the car owne Lester lying in the coad which zo di ed tinder a bridge across which volt 10 ULO and involves his tyres in more The detective flung his parcel from the widott vos Yoga on ther miksy Superintendent Hoeller, who had also seen the letter, ordered anciato side wall the engine driver to pull up at MIT 8981990 352, once. The heavy express train, basbuvoT 11 lo its howeyet, did not come to a stand Our Stočk of stoves, is Limited is lo still until it had gone another Installations at Special Low Prices The famous Dunlop The detectives, who had seen volhas. bhe mid 07 di buasie Tyre of Scanded ramana instafoom unders the Construction. of SWAT 1M. Toimmbyssblomster bridge and seize the packet and staron el valor again, as a male WMm.
anca the bridge. An they found, how margolstadt RUBBER COMPANY LID.
ever, yas the packet lying sip fon blog 105 ped open on the Agroind and COME IN TODAY GIVE US YOUR ORDER trases of a báryle HOUHO TRADISO Ido) bus bahan An immediate hue and cry was (set San2 dia buat cordo however, it has produceno រ Low 11 or Sult. The blackmailers have HAUHO 2LUA9 72 08 09 do mbin once more evaded capture, and TAMARAS Magdeburg now is wondering What is to be the gang e next ww Lidi step mu3 vlot. 08. deleve tonnets ir nyo OFPOPO At Your Service, Always. Colon on 91 Heisgut nisl ai so: ESCOFFERY.
aviscolus 576 yili Inibmundo drive of two Wholesale Distributor WAZAT House No. 912 La Roca w 5h diwaob Canal Zone For the JOKA Extra Strain. FORT.
DUNLOP Anet Dunlops they are as a سو آورد1 all along wire expresentation Ono a wo4 Only Nu por 10 Year Time Payment Daring 301 9910 33. 96 iTV See the coloured who habitually was bad ronda union had to put urna medallion than ordinatig antaran OV.
93 zavil ti9nt thinde 100 This Month Livint 794 دا لافتا 116 og OD AGT NOW!
DUD DUNLOP up to the moment TUTTO. 10. 11 ре, ХЯОw.
CIA. PANAMEÑA DE, FUERZA LUZ For Sale at all, Leading«Garages 19 TETOTITOWAIDAT Panama di Smd 1931 14 snahan onwendi 12o


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