
PAGE SEVEN THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY OCTOBER 18, 1930 LREFLERER PARA BRITISH GUIANA BARBADOS TODO Delegate to Support Local GOOD JOB PRINTING OD ܙܘܘܘܒܘܘܒܘܗ plays a very important part in the success of your business THEN IT YOUR BUSINESS TO GET GOOD WORK DONE Continued from Page 2)
cents a day, particularly when he could only work three days week Mr. Gritchlaw had given them a budget of how that 50 cents was to be spent, but he was wrong because it was three days pay that would have to be spent for one week.
They should get a deputation to go to the Governor and ask why Labour should be asked to make all the sacrifice to enable the money to go further. If the money was not sufficient then more should be got. He believed in measures of persuasion and did not believe in violence be cause it defeated its own object The men who succeeded were those who adoptéd constitution al and businesslike methods. resolution would be submitted to them and it was for them to support it. They were not get ting relief, but were being op préssed instead, and their posi tions made worse than before.
Mr. Crithlew also address ed the gathering, dealing with the question of reduced wagés and unemployment RESOLUTION CARRIED Mr. Harding then moved the following resolution, which was seconded by Mr. Cunning ham, and unanimously carried. Wheres at demonstration meeting of skilled and unskilled workers and tenants held under the auspices of the British Guia na Labour Union on the Pa rade Ground on Tuesday after noon, 9th September, 1930, the following resolution was pass ed. Be it resolved that His Ex cellency the Governor be asked to receive a deputation of persons as early possible with a view of disccussing the following matters. 1) An increase on the 50 cents per day of hours work. 2) The Restrictions Bill re placed. 3) Workmen Compen Bation Act. 4) Universal Suf frage. 5) Labour Nominated Members in the Legislative Council; and (6) An Unemploy ed Insurance Scheme.
An appeal was not made to those who were not members of the Union to join up, when the meeting terminated.
a We do only the BEST at Reasonable PRICES at as (Continued from page 2)
class quality and equal to the best imported article. If we might borrow the words of one who has tried this product. it eats out the dirt, it does not cut the bands, and best of all it does not shrink or lose weight as quickly as the best known English brand. This is excellent testimony which, coupled with the fact that its cost is two pence per bar less than that of the Einglish variety, should make it prime favourite in every household and laundry.
But apart from the saving effected by individuals in their preference for the local article there must be considered the great benefit which the Colony will derive from the success of this venture.
It has been computed that the actual amount of laundry soap used daily in Barbados is approximately 4, 000 lbs. which represents about 1, 600 bags. If the locally manufactured article was always chosen, the saving to the Colony would be 64 per day, or 23, 360 annually. This is certainly not a sum which we can afford to give to the people in England whose taxes Mr.
Snowden is not prepared to in crease in order that the local sugar industry might be saved from destruction and the Col ony from ruin. We can not in this regard follow a better ex ample than that furnished by England. The English people are determined to support and MAINTAIN THEIR OWN INDUSTRIES to the exclusion of all others.
We must act similarly. Charity begins, and in a case of this sort might also very well end at home There is too, the prospect that with increased sales the price of the soap will decrease and the extent of the industry assume greater proportions.
This will mean increased em ploymnt for a large number of persons and in some measure will contribute to a decrease in Poor Relief expenditure. We have written sufficient to con vince every householder of the individual, no less than the general benefits which will re sult from a demand for the locally manufactured soap in preference to the imported!
article. This colony is sadly in need of minor industries to as sist in relieving the existing fi nancial stress. An attempt to assist the main industry has recently been made by the Legis lature in raising the duty on im ported granulated sugar.
The support, which is accorded the new industry will also be of great assistance in relieving Sugar of the great burden which it now carries; and in the relief of the stable industry, the col ony difficulties decrease pro portionately Trinidad and some of the other colonies started a campaign recently in which they stressed the import ance of buying local produce.
We should also have as our slogan not only Eat local Sugar but also Buy Perfec tion, the locally manufactured soap. This soap is being ad vertised in the show window of the City Pharmacy on Broad St. We wish the Barbados Shipping and Trading Co. all success in this venture and hope that their enterprise will not only bring them it own good reward but will also in Spire other concerns in the is land to follow their lead in the establishment of other useful and profitable minor industries.
THE WORKMAN PRINTERY 72 Carlos Mendoza Street NEAR JAVILLO Secret Details of RUBBER STAMPS Manufactured to Order (Continued from page 8)
the captain without directly Bighting the foe. Although the vessel is not yet equipped with aircraft, there is plenty of room for a seaplane which may be fit ted in the near future.
The chief point of interest about the 1 is that she is less of a submarine in the popular meaning of the term than a submersible cruiser, with a radius large enough to permit her to cruise to any part of the Empire, and an armament suf ficiently powerful for her to en gage any enemy ship, short of a heavy cruiser, on equal terms.
It is to be hoped that the Admir alty will allow this remarks able craft to know that she has been taken off the confidential list.


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