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no Amazing Practices Indulged in at Heads of White Fowl Cocks Severed employees can set no salary.
were URGE GREAT BRITAIN FROM CAPETOWN TO CAIRO To Overcome Bad Salesman On Holiday Jaunt in Car ship if American Markets Costing About One must be Captured Hundred Dollars On Arrival at Panama, Sight Seeing, LONDON, Oct. The Prince of Cricket Match and Banquet DOVER, September 30 Wales urged Britain to day to aver a dozen people wore on the qunyside ceive from Twenty Five to Fifty Cents come bad salesmanship if she would here this afternoon to welcome back The West Indies Cricketers piresinted to His Excellency the capture Latin American markets. By BARNES in the to England the two young intrepid Mr. Garvey does not pay the their way to Australia arrived on President of the Republic by Mr. Inaugurating the Anglo Spangish British women, Miss Ellen Clare Afro American)
ficers of the organization. The the Isthmus Inst Wednesday morn Cambridge after which they called and Spanish American Institute of Budgell and Miss Margaret Belcher KINGSTON. Jamaica. Finances of chancellor is on the American field ing and was given a most rowing upon on the British Minister at the London of which he is president who recently made the perilous trip the Garvey organization are not on aceumulating his past, present, and reception by the Isthmian community Legation and were presented by the the Prince said his visit to Soloth from Cape town to Cairo by motor sound footing here and complaints future salary.
in general and Britishers in partie Rev. Nightengale, accompanied Amerien in 1925 impressed him car.
about wages are frequent.
by Dr. Carrington, Camprofoundly with the immense pres Lady Davis, Henrietta Vinton, The office staff at heaquarters the secretary general, is in Wash On arrival at the dock the team bridge and Four hundred people cheered them Taitt, members ont and potential importance of off as they set out from Capetown consists of fifteen persons, with ington, with her bag full of We met by a delegation from the of the Committee.
Latin Amertean markets to British on April 1, for their journey Much publicity had been given to cotal salary of seventy five dollary checks, for weekly salary which the British Wwt Indian Commitee of trade; also with the great anal Through the African desert, and the expected arrival of the a week. Two private secretaries of bank never had any funds to th Panama consisting of the Rev. team growing need of England masket Nightengale Chairman, Dr. and as the time drew near, prepara one of the women who waved them Garvey receive forty dollars per organization credit of cash.
to most of them.
au revoir was on the quayside today week, also special conveniences and Local Division Carrington and Cambridge and tion got under way to give the boys The promotion of efficient sale hearty hand.
after an informal welcome the men She had dashed to England specially privileges.
The St. Andrew Division which manship in these countries is an ob to welcome them. 250 a Week from functions at Edelweis Park, is were taken sightseeing then to The British West Indian Commit vious national requirement, the Zunch at the Imperial Hotel Colon, tee in Panama, through its Chair Prince declared. The urgency It was purely as a holiday jaunt The average support of the head Tiability on the headquarters, because of that Miss Belcher and her compan leaving on the ndon train for Pan quarters from the American field is It can well take care ofitself. The Chairman the Rev. Nighten the problems involved in lestening on set out on their adventure.
gale recter of St. Paul Anglican the handicaps to our trade is very 250 per week at the present time, Division stage performances week Trey bought me od second hand Whion weekly payday arrivedy, and that bringe in sometimes On arrival at the capital city the Church in this city, sponsored the great.
ear for 20 in Capetown. It had al some of these fifteen employees re 600. To be correy her funds are team were met by vast throng of reception ably assisted by the Brit Every effort that can be made to meady done 25, 000 miles.
West Indians and others, all eager ish Society in Panama, the whole af adjust the nature of the goods to ceive twenty five cents, some fifty continually drained by the head They overhauled it themselves got ents. It must be remembered any quarters management. Marcus to catch a glimpe of the men who fair being under the patronage of the market needs, to lower costs and together equipment, including water how, that the secretaries, two ir Garvey constitutes the management)
had been selected to represent their the British Minister. Major Charles (Continued on page Continued on Pag. 8) number receive their certified Since the last convention in 1929 various homes against the formid Brathwaite Wallis.
the employees checques the day before.
hay able Australian combination on the cricket match arranged betwer practically cricket field. The men were here in the visitors and a local team The question WA now then arises: Starved at headquarters. As soon as troduced to other members of the started at R2 o clnek sharp at What has become of the money. an employee back salary becomes the one committee and a number of promi Balboa Stadium and was There is not a dime in the bank to heavy he is driven away; on attended Indians bent West Dance who awaited hy one of the largest gathering of the credit of the organization. In occassion there was a fight, and ir then at the depot after which they West Indians from every walk of life tead there is an overdraft. The the skirmish the office door was Ne smashed to pieces; every one was were taken to the Hotel Central ever witnessed on any single ocen surprised to see how Brother Gar where they were quartered.
commercial business enterprise is sion. The local boys batted first and and Blood Drank After relating up, the men compiled 56 runs all told. Reid being carried on. The organization vey can fight when he does not want does not own one square foot of to pay.
taken out and shown around the (Bocas) making top score of 11.
The Trinidad Guardian of Oct. ihe spirit influence, these people clity and suburbs, all expressing There was a censation of 45 min property, even the headquarters Many in Arrears 3rd published the following. easily shout down the shouters. Ac their great delight of the Isthmus. utes for lunch, at the conclusion of does not belong to the people. This Employees who receive ag salary The Shango, an African dance companied by fearful contortions On Thursday morning the team was (Continued on page 5)
statement might create a great four dollars per week are in arrear which some people associate with their singing is a terrible din. amount of consternation, but never of sixty dollars since September the old Voodoo practices, still flour In the midst of this dreadful theless it is true, 1929, to the present time.
ishes in parts of Trinidad. In this noise the head of several living article a Special Correspondent, of white cocks are severed from their the Trinidad Guardian describes an amazing orgy in which white cocks ing the operation with their teeth are decapacitated and their blood The bird blood, which is held to be a most potent draught, is then suck and 30 Churches ed out and swallowed.
SAN JUAN. Shango dancers NEW YORK, October 11 To call obloquy or other degrading imputa These orgies were formerly held tion. The public policy, at least in DETROIT. Much. Spiritualism in white man a Negro is no more li communication with the spirits have left Petit Bourg, San Juan, and at Petit Bourg but through the in so far as such may be declared by has found a mecca in this manufact the prophet. names Henry Ford have selected a spot on one of the Dellous per se than to call Negro a Suence of the Trinidad Guardian cons white man, Supreme Court Justice law, does not sanction such uring town, according to Prophet Thomas Edison and the late Conas back roads of Barataria, not far the villagers there were relieved of Hurley, who calls himself the Doyle. The most strinking proof of from a newly arrived group Dunne in Brooklyn ruled yesterday struction, for the Federal Constitu of these amazing and disturbing cere Second Christ, and has a follow Spiritualism to be found in tion and the organic and legislative Shouters.
in dismissing the complaint in the monies.
ing of 81, 000 tibel action for 100, 000 dollarsenacment of this State, followed by scripture is found in the story of Both shangoists and shouters are Barataria reisdents, who now suf damages brought against The Prophet Hurley in making this the crucifixion of Christ when He grave nuisance to residents in fer the same annoyance, hope that revelation, took issue with lebiers called upon the spirit of Mosses to Brooklyn Daily Eagle by Emílio judicial expressious, have so indicat the neighbourhood for. perhaps something will be done to control a ed.
appearing in the forum of the AFRO comfort Him unconsciously keen the cross, he says.
rivalry Salomon, a professional boxer.
the situation which is fast becoming ir After citing a decision of the Salomon, who is known in boxing AMERICAN signed by the Rev. singing has sprung up between tolerable.
Is Second Christ them.
cipples as King Solomon, alleged Court of Appeals bearing on the sta Hawking who declared that no Prophet Hurley declares that he SPIRIT DANCERS thnt JORDAN RIVER an article appearing in the tus of the Negro, Justice Dunne con mwe ever communed with the spirits is the second Christ and can prove Following the report published of the dead and quoted the script it by the astrological planets under The Shouters idea of singing is yesterday of excesses by Shango Newspaper which told of his having tinued. If, in error, man a is deno minated a Negro, and thereby per se ures to prove his connection.
which he was born. He can heal the a series of grunts, groans and yells dancers at San Juan, the Trinidad beca hired by Jack Sharkey as Prophet Hurley declares that the sick, raise the dead, restore sight to pitched shout of Jordan River, Tobago, describes a spirit dance bout with Max Schmelling read in equal cogeney, so far as the law with, now and then, a sudden high Guardian correspondent at Delaførd sparring partner before Sharkey acquires a cause of action, with Rev. Hawkins did not understand the blind, bring peace to broker Sing on, sisters, and Yes, Lord in his district which is used to his Bible and denounced the Prote homes, pacify enemies and make the part: Salomon formerly worked with concerned, a man, is in error, is de while some hymn is being ground tant clergy and religion which he deaf hear. Prophet Hurley defies tract customers for a fortune teller Schmeling, and Sharkey believes he out.
declared is founded on black magic. any Protestant minister to match can get some idea of the German nominated a Caucasian or any other member of the human family, he Prolonged emphasis is lid on the The prophet also challenges the this.
DELAFORD, Tobago, group of style by boxing with the Negro da, in Jordan. should likewise per se be entitled to Rev. Hawkins to meet him anywhere dancers three women, a, man and ditioner.
He has 30, 000 followers and 30 great Sometimes, to the halfway between Detroit and Har churches and temples. He has given ment of the crowd which gathers. excitement in this village for the Tecover for the mistake.
amuse boy have been responsible for great To say that the words published risburg, Pa. to discuss in open de The court gave Salomon permis his association more than 10, 000 there is side stepping by the past seven nights. They have settled by the plaintiff are libellous per se, bate Protestantism vs. Spiritualism sion to plead special damages in and since 1923 has returned to his priests, whose robes it may be at Top Gully in a dismal nook well Justice Dunne said, is to say as He will prove that the former is parishioners from 00 to 26. 00 mentioned are usually rainbow col suited to their superstitious praca view of his contention that his repu matter of law that a based on witscheraft and black art weekly to help care for their incloured.
wholestation as a prize fighter had been while Spiritualism is based on the tices. Their last camp was at Zion people, in now is responmble for ruined, and gave him ten days time dental expenses. What would become SPIRIT INFLUENCE Hill about six miles away.
Bible, of Protestant ministers if their cor Equipped with drum, bottle and an accident of birth, are to be placed to file such plundings.
Three hired drummers, plenty of Many Believers gregations refused to pay their sal bells, their rivals the shangoes King Solomon is well known in in a category signifying in the ground space, and a small myster Among the great men who believe aries? he demands.
hold forthclone by. When under (Continued on page 1)
public mind some degree of moral Jamaica.
Spiritualist in Detroit States He 2d Christ Says He Prophet Has 31, 000 Followers drunk by the dancers.
bodies. the stango devotees perform To Call a White Man a Negro no Libel in a ble.
ai con


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