
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY OCTOBER 25, 1930 INTERESTING WEST INDIAN NEWS JAMAICA Lucas Cricket Team Gives Big Send Off To Cricketers Leaving for Australia TRINIDAD Amendment to Education Law Authority to Establish and to Maintain Schools and Training Colleges The Trinidad Guardian of Septem The Venezuelan Ban on Colored People TRAVEL large gathering assembled in bring undying glory and fame which the pavillion of the Luogs at would go down in the annals of his Nelson Oval last night, to bid tory. He sincerely hoped that on sur revoir to Messrs George Head their return to Jamaica, Mr. Head loy, Martin, Scott and ley would make them feel proud Ivan Barrow, the Jamaica represen and that the banners of the world catives on the West Indian team to would come under their prowess. He Australia was very pleased that Mr. Headley Among those present were: Mr. was going from the Lucas Cricket Nelson, who presided; Mr. Club, which represented the masses Cox, Messrs Lacey, of this island. He looked forward to Chisholm, Holt, Matchman great things from Mr. Headley and XPERIENCED travellers use Traveland Harrison, Messrs Martin Telt sure he would not lose his head.
lers Cheques. They are as good as Scott and Barrow were unavoidably The Orchestra then rendered.
cash anywhere, and far safer.
Snappy selection, after which mir The Chairman, in opening the Leslie Moody sang to the apprecia Before going away, buy Travellers proceedinga, said they were there to tion of the audience, Parted.
Cheques at The Royal Bank of Canada bid au revoir to one of Jamaica MAJOR COX REMARKS greatest cricketers in the firmament and avoid worry while travelling.
Major Cox mid he was very glad of the West Indies. It has been said of the opportunity to say a few that Mr. Headley was the Bradman words wishing good luck and cheer of the West Indies. He was going on to Mr. Headley, and the others who GLIT this occasion to Australia, where he were going to Australia. He felt would meet the Australian Brad quite certain they would give a man, and they would measure their good account of themselves, for Panama Branch (R. Herman, Manager (Santa Ana Plasa)
prowess one against the other. The they would be going in to a country Colon Branch Grosch, Manager question was that in going to Aur whose climatic conditions they were (Corner 11th and Bolivar St. tralia, the players would be playing accustomed to already; that was one of the bgigest games they had going to be of the greatest help to yet been called upon to play. He the side and be a great factor sincerely hoped the cricketers towards their success. He felt sure would acquit themselves well and every member of that ilde would and bring honour to the country be playing the game for the side ODO IODO that gave them birth. He knew it and not in any selfish way. He was was not within the realms of mortals not going to say that they would to command success, so they would really expect Mt. Headley to better enter into their feelings and wish Bradman score. He felt quite cer them unbounded success They tain he would at least half as Surgeon Dentist would play the game in the true well. He did not feel in any way spirit of sportmanship and thereby (Continued on page 7) 23 Central Avenue Panama City.
ber 24th, published the following:Repeal of the Education Ordi nance, and its reenactment with amendments, is proposed in a draft Bill issued by the Trinidad Govern ment yesterday.
PORT OF SPAIN, Sept. 26. The TRANSFERRED FROM CODE ban by the Government of Venezuela The Education Ordinance (Cap.
on coloured persons and clergymen 127. it is stated, is defective in seventering the Republic, was the sub eral respects. the first place the ject of spirited debate at the Port of interpretation section is incomplete. Spain City Council yesterday This is rectified by clause of this The question was raised by Coun Bill.
eillor Richards who brought forward There are certain principles which, a motion, asking that the local Gov it is claimed, should be onunciated. ernment be requested to make rep resentations to the Home Govern in the Ordinance, but which at pres ent are to be found only in the ment to have removed, what he con Regulations, or to which no reference sidered a slur on the coloured race.
has been made either in the Ordi He went into the history of Vene nance or the Regulations.
zuela and quoted instances to show Provision therefore has been that Venezuela sueceeded in ridding made in this Bill as follows: herself of the yoke of Spain For authority to establish and through the assistance received from maintain school and Training Col England and the President of Haiti leges. Continued on page 7)
For free primary education. Transferred from Code. For authority to the Governor to award exhibitions. Transferred from Code)
The Royal Bank of Canada BRITISH GUIANA For authority for buyment of Moravian Pastor Stops Sunday Cricket, Ciame Dr. Leo Pink Phone 1862. Box 1062 Ancon, BARBADOS Co operative Marketing For the Sale of Ground Provisions Professional Services in all Branches of Dental Works Office Hours to 12, to Sundays by Appointment DODO 10 POSODIO CRICKET! CRICKET. NOW THAT THE ENGLISH TEAM HAS TOURED THE WEST INDIES Get a copy of the grants in aid and conditions under which such grants shall be made or witheld.
Section 13 (1) of the Ordinance has been omitted from the Billon the ground that it is unnecessary. Stands in Centre of This section provides that the Edu cation Board shall meet once at Pitch and Refuse least in every month on such day as to Move may be prescribed by regulations under the Ordinance, Sections 6, and 11 of the Ordi The following is taken from The nance are stated to be contradictory, Barbados Agricultural Reporter of as acording to Section the Board Sept. 26th: is merely an advisory body with no Rev. Grant, Pastor of the executive funetions, yet under See Tabernacle Moravian Church, Beter tion 11 the Board is empowered to verwagting (British Guiana)
stood make regulations.
in the centre of a cricket pitch on a Section has therefore been o Sunday, a grim figure, unyielding to mitted, and by clauses and of the the entreaties, persuasion, abuses Bill the power to make regulations and later threats of disappointed is vested in the Governor in Execu village sportsmen, who had turned tive Council.
out to see a cricket match between a Section 18 (4) limits the power City XI and a village club.
of denominational Boards of Man The sensation created when Rev.
agement to matters relating to the Grant interrupted the game and employment of teachers. Clause 18 caused censation of play, WAS (3) of the Bill extends the scope of more than a mild one.
their activities.
Arrangements had been made be Section 19 which deals with the tween the Ramblers Cricket Club of dismissal of teachers in Elementary the village and Mr. Hardy of the Schools is stated to be out of place çity for a game to be played between in the Ordinance and has therefore we club and a city team at Beter been omitted and will be iserted in verwagting. The city team accord the Code.
the village.
VALUE OF SCHOLARSHIPS The team comprised three intercol The provisions of Section 20 of onial and several first Eleven play the Ordinance relating to Colonial ers among whom were Hunte.
Scholarships have been amended by Jones and Mékean, Intercolonial, Clause 19 of the Bill as follows. Neblett (J. West Indies (1928)
Regulations in relation to the player and Miranda, McGibbon, grant of scholarships will be made Hinds, Moore and by the Governor in Executive Coun Hardy (captain)
zil and not by the Board. Such regu BROOKED. NO ARGUMENT lations before coming into foree The game started at about one will require the approval of the Legp. Hardy xi occuping the islative Council wickets and refused to remove with Power is given to the Governor in the score of 68 for the Reverend Executive Council to incrase the gentleman was seen to leap over the value of a scholarship from 800 fence of the erjcket ground which to a sum not exceeding 1, 200 is a public one, pull up the wickets in certain circumstances.
and refuse to remove from the pitch.
Scholarships awarded after Janu When questioned the Rev. refused ary 1, 1930, will be payable at the to give reason for his action, saying rate of 2000 per annum.
he wanted no argument.
Section 21 of the Ordinance, The Reverend however, intimated lating to free tution of the children that he was not going to have any of deceased Public Servants, has cricket in the village on Sundaya been extended by clause 24 of the The citizens and villagers persuaded Bin to cover the use of books and and entreated Rev. Grant to move stationary at the Queen Royal of the pitch but he was adamant.
College, or at any Assisted Secondary It was pointed out to him that crieket or Higher Grade Primary School. Continued on page 7)
West Indies Cricket History The Agricultural Reporter in cally representative of the producers recent issue says editorially: of a product in any area and Advertising to the movement on Board may be empowered, among foot to apply methods of cooperation other things, to buy grade, store, sell, to the marketing of ground provi pack and advertise or transport the sions, especially sweet potatoes, regulated produce. scheme may which we dealt with in our yester ulso empower a Board to manufact Jay impression, some reference to ure any article from that product the Agricultural Marketing Bill and sell it; to regulate sales of any which was introduced by the British registered prodyder and to encour Government in the House of Com age agricultural education and re mons for discussion on the last day search. of the recent session should be of Uly registered produeers will be some interest. We have already ex allowed to sell a regulated product.
premned the view that the efforts Board will be able to recover which are being made locally at Irom any producer who contravenes cooperative marketing are wise, the scheme such monetary penalties practical and opportune and that as may be specified. The interesta the proposed formation of what vir of the producers are protected by tually amounts to a tripartite Board provisions for independent arbitra of Control is a step in the right di tion and either for exemption from rection. the scheme or for representation on Of course the marketing of pro the Board administering it. The in duce in a big country like England terests of the general public will be with its complexity of interests and further protected by the establish problems would require much more ment of a special Consumers.
elaborate machinery for its regulat Committee for every scheme. It is tion than it would in a small island also proposed to establish a Com like Barbados where the conditionsmittee of Investigation to which are far less complicated; but in both the Minister may refer a complaint countries it is equally fully realised from Consumer. Committee. The that cooperative selling is indispen products to whleh the proposala ap sable if the best return from ply are mill, potatoes, hope, wool, industry is to be obtained. The mo cereale, chone and livestock.
tives of both countries are identical.
It will be observed from the forgo It is proposed under the marketing ing summary that while the Bill to allow producers to PRODUCRR IS PROTECTED REGULATE THE MARKETING there are certain obligations cast on by means of Boards elected by him neglect in the discharge of themselves and in accordance with which renders him Kable to monets schemes submitted by themselves. Ty penalties. Whatever shape the The scheme will be binding on all Barbados scheme eventually as producers of the regulated productsumes are should be taken to have in the area concerned. Schemeg may incorporated o the necessary be submitted by persona who satisfy safeguarda against any disposition the Minister that they are substan (Continued on page 8)
will be hanno mely in venia and read the records of past Cricket Veterans AND Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages Summary of Contents: History of West Indies Cricket for years Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tou, Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual Players Valuable, instructive, Historical, accurate, Complete and Interesting Price 50cts.
re Copies to be had from the office of the WORKMAN Panama


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