
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY OCTOBER 25, 1930 PAGE FIVE INTERESTING JOTTINGS Beauty and Health in Life now wear to Beat are LA MASCOTA Just Received a Large Assortment of ENGLISH TWEEDS Distinguished Guests was now pre ant manager respectively, he had prosed by the Rev. Nightengale, whe great advisors and in Mr. Birkett. By ELIJAH HUNTER)
in his usual humorous style evoked the vice Captain an able and com By Dr. HENRY HINES much laughter and applause. petent second on the field. He knee Friends Countrymen: The same The Salesman Dr. Carrington was that he could depend on the entire took his bag and THE VENEZUELAN old story. Nothing new. It has con beat it to the next coach.
team for ustinted cooperation and su)
called upon by the Chairman and on It often happens that the proper tention, a се of sore throat tinued to rain, rain, rain, and rising made it clear that as a lawyer sponsibilities with a feeling of trep port. He was entering upon his re amount of attention to, or the thought to be simple, because its have heard many persons say the TRUTH IS THE GATE!
ht only talked when he got pay bul dation, but he was confident that proper interpretation of little things possessor said that it was hardly more it rains, the mom it pains. This is the statement a man made on this occasion he had to talk be feelng would soon may mean the difference between noticeable; there was no fever and believe it myself because my off OW to justify his assault upon womer cause he wanted to impress upon he was inspired by the remarkable recovery, chronie invalidism and no disturbance of the pulse. There old knee pains me some whenever when he was remonstrated with by the West Indies cricketers the fact death.
was a single small whitish gray it continues to rain. With me it is another. It loyalty which his men had already WAS like this: Some that it was left to them to accom demonstrated.
pot on the left tonsil. Just the sort The tiny not more rain, more nest as it was thing happened to this man as re plished what England failed to do puncture of the moun with the old time slaves.
sult of what his girl had done in re and that was to bring back the ashes Mr. Grant speech was punctuated sin tick, as he seeks his diet of of throat that one might call an or dinary tonsillitis of little inten lation to some change which he had from Australia.
with much feeling and emotion and Word may introduce the gero sty. Purely as a routine measure a It was clearly to be seen that the which cause the Rocky mountain Two persona, a male and female left in his pocket, and on which he culture of the tonsillar spot WAS Mr. Mallet manager of the team re youthful captain realised his great spotted fever. The tick which is re met on a train and at opposite each depended to pay for something he taken. had no idea that it would plying to the toast said, how pleased responsibility.
ponsible for the production of the be positive, and of course was astan other, They were strangers had given to him, for which he he felt to be in this delightful part of disease, is infected with the germ.
each other. It is said that both were hould pay at a given time. When the world. He referred to the opera Grant team broke Joose with the At the close of his speech Mr ished to receive a report from the good looking in every respect other the time expired, he went to hie recently saw a most extensive laboratory that the diptheria germ tion of the Panama Canal and ex than the mouth. That is to say pocket to get the money to make his infection of the face, which nearly was present. It required no small pressed high opinion of its efficiency chorus for he is a jolly good fellow both bad a good supply of mouth. word good. To his surprise and dis amount of persuading to get per As they journeyed on the male as the easy why ships were locked which was joined in by the entire resulted fatally, and followed the appointment, the money was gone audience.
pulling of a hair from the interior mission from the patient for the through and said he had been im was to be expecied changed and he came to the canelusion tha: of the nose. The final result, follow administration of the suitable amount mensely impressed with the entire Messrs Myers and Reld were the ing the necessary surgical drainage of antitoxin.
and conmenced to chat with the fe Ro one had taken it but his girl construetion of the great waterway next speakers after which the path produced a permanent, most distress male. He was one of these nosey Whereupon, he became very sad and ering dispersed.
And so it goes. The bite of the follows, and although the female. expressed himself in the hearing of Captain Grant here rose and in ing facial scarring. hair is only rat flea transmits the terrible bu The team sailed at o clock Friday silghted him somewhat, he still another, Women are a ruination to an epigramatic speech said how pro a little thing but located in the nose bonic plague of the Far East. The all forced himsek on her attentions. It men. His friend took vigorous ex foundly grateful he and his tenm morning for their destination, it happened that certain germs of seems that both were conseious of ception to the statement sayingwere to the West Indian Committee the boys expresing themselves blood poisoning had been introduc mosquito, with his tiny puncture for the reception acorded them having had a marvellous time in ed. probably on this person finger him, but lo and behold, it becomes passen on his disease. It is trivial to the fact that there was plenty of you shouldn talk of women that mouth on the face, 80 during the way. Remember, when men and the opportunity given to see his Panama. The best wishes of the en The small local injury, due to foreib the yellow fever wourge fo the conversation, both made desperate sick, women are always found at men in practise on the field before tire community go with them.
ly pulling out the bair, had made warm countries. The same is true efforts to use such words as would their bedside. Whereupon, the first reaching Australia, where he will if possible for some of these germ of malaria. Whole districts of Africa not require too much expansion of man rejoined, Yes, going through meet the world shampions and lead lying about the base of this parti bave been depopulated through the the first West Indian team to visit cular hair to be introduced into the Hipe They kept them in check his pockets for lose change. Truth PALAIS ROYAL sleeping sickness which is intro Each however, noticed that each hai is the gate.
that country and do battle against open lympth vessel, and then the duced by the bite of the tsetse fly FOR the bridle on the lips. The male in them. He felt that in Messrs. Mallet trouble began.
Many times the first pains of ap troduced himself to the female ae don know how any of you feel and Scheult the manager and assist INTERWOVEN HOSE at There recently came to my pendicitis are not excessive, ner the Salesman from Boston. Then he friends Countrymen; but person hemorrhage from a lung tuberculo obberved that all the girls he saw ally know this. that many a time sis any more than a slight discolo since he boarded the train were nice go into an Ice Cream Parlor when ration of the sputum, but you do looking, but were conspicuous for one ocorsion did the lice Cream not know what is behind the episode, size and color of mouth, except the had to buy cakes besitles, and on not and even your doctor cannot tell girl to whom he was speaking. But ne occasion did the Ice Cream you truthfully without making the his exception did not save him from vendors make me a present of Cream necessary investigation and tests.
the wrath to cont. The female and Cakes. Moreover, the femenine know prominent business man frowned, and refused to continue apparel must now be made with who always paid the utmost atten the conversation. They sat mute until long sleeves, and long skirts with tion to even the smallest item in his after while the male looked a lot of hangings, and knots, and affairs; no detail was too minute to through the window of the train tapes, and frils, and whatnot al!
his employees to exercise the same and SAW cow of great size. He over them, and the last one paid hin Athension, and he required asked the female, whats that great for took as much as it took to buy care. That man knew he was pass big thing out there. The female three before. This statement of mine Ing too much urine, and that he has answered, to me it looks like a should give you an idea as to wheth an extraordinary thirst this was Salesman from Boston, judging by agree with truth is the apparet for at least a year or more the size of its mouth. gate or not.
before he consulted his doctor. But ALSO thought it a trivial, a matter that would finally right itself, and prc ceeded to apply the doctrine of dis regard and hope. When matter finally became so bad that he was (Contined from Page 1) were glad to be here to pay honour alarmed, then he sought relief, only which the visitors took their turn at to the cricketers from Jamaica, to be told that he had advanced dia the wicket and treated the large Barbados, Trinidad and Britah betes. Diet, insulin and the moar crowd to felint exhibition of their Guiana, who are sailing on a three modern methods were powerless to LEST YOU FORGET proweee with both bat and ball. At weeks voyage to play a series. stop the progress of the disease.
the call of time 30 on account of matches with their fellow Britishers Don be afraid of being laughed gathering douds which made it in New Zealand and Australia. Maj at by your doctor, or by anyone dark, the visitors had put up the or Wallis paid a high tribute to the else.
score of 108 runs for the lons of guests and said the men represent wickets. Sealey and Headley making one of the finest cricket teams in ISHUP. TO. DATE AS USUAL sopscores of 35 and 29 respective the world.
ly. The cricket match Wale He said he felt that the graced with the presence of the gathering were all grateful to British Minister Major Brathwaite Governor Burgess of the Canal for (Continued from page 1)
Wols and Governar Harry Burger bis kinally act in granting the Bal MULLER Prop lous room lighted by candles these of the Panama Canal.
bons Stadium for the game of cricket are the setting for their shows.
At 30 a complement of 64 played that afternoon.
parape sat down to the banquet From seven o clock in the evening He finally referred to the team at the tomtoms start planned In honour of the visitors, at to beat, and the Contral Hotel. At the head of ambassadors of Empire going out crowds begin to assemble men, we the large horse shoe table sat the to represent the West Indies and te men and children. When the muster of curious people is large enough, a Beltiakt Minister, the Rev. Nighten give of their bost under the glorious pale the Chairma on his right and flag. If these young men succeed weird chant commences, to the deaf in beating the Australians said Mallet Manager of the ening rab a dub of the tomtoms. In. the Minister don know how we team occupied the weat on his left.
an open space the dance begins.
In the midst of this pandemonium After the sumptuous MenuId can celebrate the ocasions.
At the conchsion of the Minister heen through, the Chairman qulled one of the women dancers suddenly speech the British National Anthem grows violent in her movements on His Excellency Mayor Charles Brathwaite Wallis to propose tho was sung lustily.
The high priest of the band calls health of the British King and Bm The next speaker was Mr.
for quicker drum beating. The we British man bodily contortions grow more plea. The Minister received great Fearson President of the ovation on cling to give the Loyal Society who proposed the toast of and more grotesque and repulsive.
tout. He said among other thing the President and Cabinet Members Soon she leaves the arena and the Republic of Panama, which AT THE how pleased he was to welcome the staggers into a room near by, to Visiting cricket team and told them was fittingly carried out, and at the which the guillible are admitted for that they were going to bantle with conclusion of which the band struck a fee of to hear their business.
the ploked cricketers of a dominion up the Panamanian National Anthem. e. bave their fortunes told. The of three million square miles to fight Mr. Harris vice Chairman spirit has come over her, and she is now credited with oracular pow team which has broken even with of the West Indian Committee next era, the best in England dening the past rose to propose to tolest of the Unit two test match seasons. He said ed States of America und in the Of course the drumming goes on you are taking the goodwill of your course of his dress paid high trib keeping the crowd on the spot until fellow Byltishers in your home is ute to the great republic which had very late hour much to the an lande and also the many who are built up a great nation and referred DRY CLEANING noyance of the neighbours PANAMA residing on the Tathmus. You have enthusiastically to its great achieve The dancers appear to be doing STEAM PRESSING representatives hare this evening ment in the construction of the Par roaring trade.
In fact they are 18 STREET about to shift their camp to a more from all parts of the British Westama Canal. All then joined in sing DYBING PANAMA Indles and Belthers from overy ing the Star Spangled Banner.
central spot by request of their The toast of the evening other section of the Empire who Our clientelo!
In the very Latest Designs er West Indian Cricketers Given Rousing Ovation Blue Serges, Black Cheviots and Cream Flannels Our Tailors Trimming Department Amazing Practices sure LA MASCOTA RUBBER STAMPS Of every description DONE WITH NEATNESS DESPATCH AND WORKMAN PRINTERY Phone 453 TROTT The Cleaner We Dye To ive


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