
PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY OCTOBER 25, 1930 Former Cricket Representative DISAPPROVES SELECTION OF OUTSIDERS TO NANAGE CRICKET TEAM Now on its way to Australia to Play chief managerial post dit not acceps brought in all; secondly, there are not singled out for especial just the result desired, acea intended to be conveyed?
pears on the face of things no nee estment in preference to Con As to the Selection Committee u the present, am done with for two Managers; and thirdly, oted minds at headquarters are as while on tour, what have written our words of advice and warning te even such need was aparent to th: necessary to match winning above apply with equal force to the members of the team and all Board, it would be idle to deny that is exhibition of team work on the them. There should by no partisan thers connected with the touring the posts of Messes Mallet and se sed and it sight be not lort of ship, no differentiation for reason side, and can only look forward to huelt coul have been filled to best his fact, then will the foundations of sei, wlien it comes to seleting chile maintenance of the highes ter advantage. It would be sve been well and truly laid the sides for the respective matches triumph to West Indies cricket judgVhereby best results may acerue Ideals of the game during their The only unerring guide, a short sojourn in the Antipodes. So long as ment and talent if in such event, the So much for the maniugement.
while after the start of the tour all the canons of cricket be maintain Tseems wholy unnecessary for should be form and form is expect able to Major Austin) had ed, and our team aequit themselves Series of Games been offered to Major Har side of the duty which they owe to me to remind each member of the ed to be the standard by which each as befit a touring side, then all Manager player is to be judged. The question should be perfectly satisfied. Win (By An ex West Indies Cricket Reforeign fields had to be exploited to ragin and the Assistant themselves and the West Indies. As of the balance of representation, it ning or losing this match or that presentative in the Sporting Chron get someone suitable for the post, whip to one of Kidney, cricketers it is expected they will 35 far as each colony representa must surely count for much, but icle of Sept. 28. and by electing to appoint two Man Tarilton or Nunes.
slay cricket both on and off the tives is concerned should never arise the great thing is to know that all agers instead of one, the Board fur However, the die is cast, The more one thinks of it, the and field. In the same way as complaints mor should any of the Selectors be played the game in its best spiri ther showed and inclination to there is no tarning back at present reached us about the Management biassed in favour of any players of and lived up to the traditions which more one disapproves of the action of the West Indies Selectors for waste money that might have been therefore take unto myself th during 1928, in the same way were the colony to which he may helong have been associated with the used later on to better advantage. task of discussing in its broade we informed that certain members the naming of an outsider to Tf it came out that all the Trinidad tional pastime ever since its incep the The suggestion that the Manager aspect what a team expects of its of the team did not quite live up to post of Manager of the cricke: lans, for instance, failed to justify tion.
function what was expected of them, and side that will set out for Australia will have a considerable amount of Managers. In order to expeetations at various times, and it work to do has been heavily exag properly, those so appointed must this is and reflection. The duties a few weeks hence, and then worsen found necessary to drop them SODIO 1000 The gerated in certain quarters.
have knowledge of each of th ing matters by appointing a non of a captain and managers should all. unhesitatingly say that this members of the side, or West Indies will only travel to five a difficult great not be made more cricketer as his assistant. The office than should be done so long as it is in DENTIST HOWELL of one or the other is certainly a States, and the qnestion of itinerary majority of them, and it is common they are; in fact, every assistance tended for the ultimate success of West Indies side should be given them. And we ex the side as a whole, And what House No. 912 La Boca sinecure, and the only right thing hotel accommodation and weet each member to cooperate with that should have been done, allow such matters which crop up whilst composed as it is of men of variou more need be said on this point to Canal Zone nationalities, is more difficult the Managers in bringing about ing it was thought necesary that a team is in England is reduced to a enrry home to the Committee the understand than any other team of two Managers were required negligible quantity in Australia cricketers in the world. The psy was to haveappointed a crickerter of Whense, then, this insistent demand chology of the average West Indies 59 24FRESULGEMALLELULEY standing and ability who would that a Manager needs an assist to player is not the same as that have been capable assist help in the execution of the arduous the South African or Australian on ing the side at a pinch. Then, and Tinies whick such a tour entails?
English, crickter, and his susceptibili only then, might Save the appoint There is no doubt whatsover that ties are more easily aroused. It ment seemed feasible but to decide matters here were badly misconduct takes a man who is a diplomat te as did the Board id tantamount to ed. Firstly, one fails to see why Mr.
handle successfully such a combina an insult to the West Indies since flott should have been ion, and we trust that sound diplom hey will be the guiding principle of both Messrs Mallett and Seheult other ground that to of from the time of departure of the For the Extra Strain. FORT DUNLOP AN ECONOMIC RULE USE GAS FOR FUEL!
The comfort of a side is the com fort of each of its members, in the same way as the strength of a hain it its weakest link, and if it does transpire that there is reason able cause for dissatisfaction by ny member, and his mind is disturi nd, then that one diseatsified mind will operate adveresly against the working of the team as a whole when in play. It is the duty of the Manager and his assistant to see hat the wants of each member are well attended to, that every man be made to feel at home any and every where. In other worda, the team should be made a happy family from the time of departure of the late of return, and nothing should y 107s SPECIAL OFFER TO YOU One greater reserve of strength than her imported in one to pre merchant new Dunlop. with an ev.
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ORT During This Month happening it has been said of Major Austin hat he was not only Captain of the 1923 side, but manager as well Some of the players go further an even say he was a father to them 11. That is the idea we desire tu instil in the minds of the Manager of present side. Major Au in was always with his team; attended personally to all complaint which were made, and ever showed.
himself ready and willing to give heed to their reasonable demands.
The result was that espirit de was built up and ocom mon understanding established be tween the men and himself which did not fail to be reflected in their work on the field.
Both Messrs Mallett and Scheul: 1005 on the side wall an a ACT NOW! Pour Stock of stoves is Limited Installations at Special Low Prices The famods Dunlop Tyre of Standard Construction is, of course, still available DUNLOP RUBBER COMPANY LTD. le Home. London, kwa We were associated with the 1928 side COME IN TODAY GIVE US YOUR ORDER and the most glowing reports did not reach Trinidad as to the treat ment meted out to members of the side. It was stated that there were upen exhibitions of feelings of par tisanship, and blunt denials were made to some of the most simple or Whether all the things told 33 in this connection were true of not, the fact remains that those members who had previously gone under Major Austin in 1923 were satisfied that they were not given the same treatment and they very naturally were inclined to murmur This is to be avoided if it is the de sire of the Management that the team do well in its engagements, and it is up to them to see that OW CIA. PANAMEÑA DE FUERZA LUZ Panama At Your Service, Always. Colon For Sale at all Leading Garages ESCOFFERY Wholesale Distributor


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