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The Workman THE LIBERTY OF THE PRESS IS THE PALLADIUM OF OUR RIGHTS. JUNIUS PUBLISHED EVERY SATUR DAY Horse Racing Juan Franco when con до HORSE RACING THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY OCTOBER 25, 1930 at British Women Travel Church Services Saved His Money Canada Urged to Do Away AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCH Continued from Page 1)
By Wearing Two With Marine Fleet Nineteenith Sunday After Trinity bags and a chain mesh to cover the Race fans will witness a program slippery parts of the road.
ST. PAUL CHURCH, Pairs of Pants at the Juan Franco track tomorrow, PANAMA Says Operation of Ships Involve Sunday afternoon, that in itself is They slipped a couple of revolvers (Rev. Nightengale, both interesting and exciting, in their pockets, said goodbye to Government in Heavy Losses TORONTO, Oybber 15 Abraham and Rector)
their friends, and off they went.
may prove even more exciting than 5:30 a. Holy Communion The Brown, a seventy year old store keep 8, 000 MILES laul Sunday TORONTO, Ont. Oct. (Canadi and subsidizing of steamship lines program fearing Rector.
er of an Ontario village, jucky betters got the tidy sum of 156 For five and a half months they an Press. Government ownership before the Canadian Chambers of 10:15 a. Matins Mr. the perils of city life, came here yes for a winning ticket off Lagrimita rived at Cairo they had covered were on the road, and when they ar and operation of a mercantile fleet Commerce here today.
Aiwell, Catchist.
Lerday wearing two pairs of trousers is a detriment to the country. It in Then there was Galiano pushing his 10:30 a Holy Eucharist The Canadian government, more than 8, 000 miles without a with his money divided between the Cole volves the government in very heavy nel Gear said, had thirty eight ves beak under the winning tape and also single mishap, without a change of Sermon The Rector.
pockets of the two pairs. His pre financial loss, it increases taxation reimbursing his backers with 118.
Prelude Andantino. Fr.
tyres, and with only five punctures Schucaution was justified. Yesterday, sels of a wartime fleet of sixty five.
It prevents individual intetve, There are seven races listed for to Both Miss Belcher and her hert. Introit Psalm Part 19 Hymn while walking along a street in the for these and other reasons be Seven were transferred to the West com Indies service, with five new pas morrow and in each event but one panion, Budge as everybody calls. 297. 282) 314, 298, heart of the elty, he was accosted by lieve the Canadian government would there are entries.
Communion Office. Hal in senger vessels specially constructed her in South Africa, where she ha Zwo strangers who asked him for be well advised to dispose of the Postlude Air Bach.
for that trade.
Raffling for another The operating los race horse made her home since she gave up Austra match. When he put his hand in hie balance of their vessels, as 12:00 a. Holy Baptism.
for the year ended on December 31 starts tomorrow at the track and is driving ambulances in France du pocket to get one, the strangers lia and Britain have done and the in 1929, without depreciation and being conducted along similar ring the war, are typically English 00 Church School Mr.
grabbed him and took seventy five United States are now gradually terest, was 1, 826, 748 dols. The gross the last rafle. So be prepared to have girls, shy, reserved, natural girls Crag well, Supt.
dollars from the pocket of the outer doing.
total of loss was 7, 046, 655 dollars.
your dollar ready Sunday afternoon without an ounce of affectation le 7:30 Choral Evensong garment. Safely deposited, however With these words Colonel Since the merchant marine was in and purchase a ticket. You may wina tween them.
Sermon The Rector, Prelude The in the inside pair of trousers were Gear, president of the firm bearinng stituted Canada had lost 64, 881, 288 horse, never can tell. So let go to We wens pretty close to Lost Chord Sullivan Hymns. 300 death ninety five dollars which the robbery his name, steamship agents, dols. Colonel Gear stated.
Juan Franco and see. At the same a few times, Miss Budget told me.
281, 546, 31.
cluded an address on the operating time take a peek at the attached Lions held them up twice in the Psalm 107. Magnificat. Ben program which will be run off. jungle, and one night as they were TRADE DEPRESSION Aett in Nunc Dimittis Turle 7:30 Choral Evensong Colon 11 a. and 30 Rev.
FIRST RACE asleep in their car, a lion and lion in Postude. Recessional March Address Mr. Osborne Catech Wright DUE TO INDOLENCE Furlongs ess came up. They set up a ter Batiste.
La Boca a. Mr. Harris ist 11 a. Rev. Cousins LONDON, October Declaring Ramona. 126 ritfic roar. The two women looked ST. ALBAN CHURCH, PARAISO Darien. 114 out and saw the lions standing only 30 Mr. Moulton that the people of Germany, Eng Sibarita II. 104 a few feet away. The Rector of St. Paul in charge)
Panama Wesleyan New Providence 11 a, Mr James land, the United States and France For a moment we did not know want seem much alike, appear to Mayara. 118 7:45 a. Holy Eucharist Deley quite what to do, said Miss Budgell. Sermon.
Don Ernesto. 100 the same things and are about equal We waited for them to spring at Panama 11 a, Mr. Jones Paraiso 11 a. Rev. Cousins My Star. 104 8:30 Church School ly willing to work for them, Me 30 Rev. Cousins 30 Mr. Payne seemed that it Cococha.
Ds. Every second Henry Ford said the trouble behind. 120 would be our last, but the lionsbe the present depression was laziness. May. 108 TERSELFDERLIEFERREFERERE gan to move slowly and stealthily They wanted something for away. That was our worst thrill.
thing, he asserted. They wanted SECOND RACE Then we were lost in the deser to gamble on the Stock Exchange. Furlongs for two days and nights. We hired They didn want to work. The Tunney. 128 camel guide, but he got mixed up crash was a good thing; it has Zapo. 108 in his calculations through the speed made them start working and think Trigo. 128 of our car and that landed us into ing again. That will lead new Marcial. 111 trouble almost right away. AT: levels, new attainments in quality and 6Gypsy.
new era of prosperity. You El Major. 105 We spent forty eight hours just watch. It is coming. Huerfano. 182 looking around wondering what to de Hot Water. 116 and then by good luck the trail once more.
TODO 2000 These two young women went THIRD RACE where no other white woman or a Om Furlongs motor car had ever been before. It Tufli. 96 was almost a daily thrill for them QUEEN 2Uncle Parks to see natives dancing round their HAIR DRESSING Maria Louisa. 104 CRT.
Imagine yourself Col. Easterwood. 113 They have brought the car home with long, waving, adken hair. Think how attractive Administrator. 111 with them, and drove it from the you would be. This you can Rifle. 112 easily have by waing QUEEN port to London.
HAR DRESSING. This drese Otto Berz. 108 ing also remover dandruff and stope Yalling hair. Com Regalada. 118 DIVISION 244 HOLDS only 25 a large box at GARDEN PARTY good drug stores and DON MISS IT Brewer Hose FOURTH RACE be to be Stores The recital to be given by Madam Furlongs Adella Walker Headly at the Cris Queen Agosto Otelo.
120 FEATURE EVENT: tobal Clubhouse on November 18 165 Central Ava Royal Eagle.
110 Panama City creating much interest at the At 109 Bolivar Reegrey. 126 Tantie end Wee Gentleman, Colon. Miss Pink.
126 Music lovers are getting enthusias Clare Jo.
115 tic over the affair and are looking Kill Joy, Helen Kendall. 112 forward to a suecerssful time. Tonto.
126 PALAIS ROYAL Royal Espade. 111 FOR (Continued from Page 1)
FIFTH RACE SUITS to improve the general marketing Furlongs and other conditions for our export Lagrimita.
Galiano 115 trade can only meet with the wym Pauline. 130 Alondra 114 pathy and support of every one con Dorothy Ellen KIU Joy. 112 PLENTY OF PARKING SPACE La Dalia. 12 cerned.
This is the Prince first pro Excuse Me. 118 SEVENTH RACE nouncement on Latin American trade. 104 Furlongs. 104 since the recent annuncement of Foxy Peter. 110 Don Florentino.
his forthcoming visit to South Amez 120 Cartagena. 112 Ica in the role of supersalesman. La Chiquilla 2004 The object of the institute the Prince SIXTH RACE Resolute. 120 inaugurated to day is to provide Brit Furlongs Bisteuri or. 126 ish business men with cultural in Nobody Home. 1006 Justice. 100 struction to assist them in better. 126 Mareella. 112 understanding of the people of Wee Gentleman. 104 Boo Centry.
FREE Latin American countries.
to 96 We struck JUAN FRANCO RACE TRACK Tomorrow Sunday Oct. 26th. 126 Good als Races Wholesale QUEEN HAMSHCG Nobody Home, Copi, Galiano, Alondra, Prince of Wales POST TIME 00 96 General Admission. 50c.
120 Tramcars direct to and from Track Medico. Mascota PANAMA JOCKEY CLUB HART. Manager Copi. 108


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