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The Panama Canal Library NOV 1530 othing Special cner mo The Rogue And The Rodent STABLISHED ISE 1912 The Workman THE LIBERTY OF THE PRESS IS THE PALLADIUM OF OUR RIGHTS. JUNIUS PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY VOL. 19. No. 11 THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY NOVEMBER 1, 1930 PRICE CENTS INQUIRING INTO DISASTER OF BRITISH DIRIGIBLE HOOVER COMMITTEE NEW METAL CHECKS ALIEN TRADERS AT TO AID UNEMPLOYED TO BE ISSUED JAMAICA PREPARE PETITION Cooperation To be Sent to Council Protesting Against Resolution Passed at Meeting unuta nesr the was a re the retition nu in are Abyssinia to import White Man Vices as well as His Virtues warn Agents in this Country given Instructions he Law and do not violate the Makes Desperate Appeal to To Panama Canal And American Industry For Panama Railroad Employees Finding of Exports to be Made Public NEW YORK, Oct. 23 The Com MEMORANDUM FOR THE in London Soon mittee appointed by President Hoo PRESS: ver to deal with the question of un PARIS, Oct. 11 The British Air operator. He was reaching for the Round meal cheeks will be issued employment relief has made a despes uuderavou a petition is tendete aid or support by law, regu Ministery experts commission in switches of two generators controll month during the of November rare appeal to American industry to in uw woulu loc signature wy istions or otherwise any move nav vestigating the caute of the destruc ed from his cabin which furnished Pan 1930, to all employees of The o operate in the alleviation of political protesting ing as its objeet the ousting of a the tion of the dirigible R101 current for he ship clectrie ama Canal and Panama Railroad suffering of four million people who against the resolutions passed most thrifty, law abiding and philan sharp Beauvais early last Sunday morning lighting when the are without jobs. An office has been Company, gold and silver, to certain meetings of an association thropic group of people resident in coneluded it, work in France today earthward dip which threw him to place the present octagonal metal apened in Washington in prepara which was formed recently in King this island, who to great extent and returned home. It is understood the floor of his cabin. The crash, cheeks now in use, Octagonal meta tion for what has been described as sion against the Chinese and Assye contribute to the general upkeep of all the findings will be made public followed immediately by the first ex checks must be retained, however, to the race against human misery.
in meinbers of the communicy. the community and who have be London plosion, came before he could at. hearing to begin in secure payment for services render Local and state committees will or The Rollowing is the text of come an indispensable asset to our scramble to his feet and his only eli prior to December 1, 1930.
which will be sent to island home.
Holt, Air Commodore upder thought then was to save himself. Kanise immediately to obtain inform When the new round metal Legislative Council, which meets ou (e) Any move in this direction whose direction the investigation at Mr. Disley remains in the Beaution to encourage employment, but checks are issued, certain your le 12th proximo:informa humble petitioners feel will vais Hospital, where he is receiving anything, however, in the nature of Beauvais has been carried out ar tion relative to birth, age, national To the Honourable Members of only tend to leave the island in rived in Paris to night and went treatment for burns. Two other sur dole, it is understood, has been ity, the correct spelling of names he Legislative Council of the island most destitute and bankrupt state directly to the British Embassy. He vivors. Engineers Savory and Cook, ruled out of the question. In the and clear impressions of both thumbs Jamaica and will ultimately and greatly to to expected to fly to London to mor are also there. At the radio opera meanwhile, the New York Police, on will be required from all employees.
Petition on behalf of the Chinese our large army of unemployed.
row or Monday tor suggestion a minute search was und Assyrians community: of This information must be given cot (d) We would further respectfully relers from the Mayor, have begun It was learned on good authority conducted in the twisted mass The petition of the undersigned point out that the Chinese and Assy that the most important testimony steel wreckage by the investigating aking a census of the unemployed rectly and accurately as its purpose is to establish a complete record of citizens, rate and taxpayers and rians now residenta Jamaiea obtained by the commission Beau experts for the log of the 101, and needy, preliminary to the insur osch employe services with the other inbabitants of the island of came here in the same manner that have vais came from one of six living which he believed might not Canal or Railroad.
guration of public and private meas Jamaica.
Jamaica les ve the island home survivors. Radio Operator burned because his message forms, Disley ares for relief to meet what is ex Showeth. a) That your humble and migrate into such countries as which he kept in the same cabinet Full instructions will be issued to and an eye witness of the catastro pétitioners do view with alarm, dis the United States of America, Cuba, phe, a poacher who was found today with the log, somehow escaped the pected to be the hardest winter seen foremen and others in charge wher quiet and indignation, and are and Costa Rica, Amass great flames. After five days of digging in New York for years. Continued on Page 8)
by the rural gendarmerie.
krieved at the malicious and and vind fortunes by the sweat of their brow Mr. Disley revealed in his depositbout in the mud where the dirigible ive propaganda skeleton rests, however, the experts certain persons and send home same to their native tion that an unknown hero rushed convinced the log must have in this country to unjustifiably oust land for the happiness and comfort through his wireless cabin a few been destroyed by the fire.
certain British subjects, residents in of their families at home.
minutes before the crash, shouting The poacher, who is believed to this island and who are as much en (e) The charge that the Chinese Wee re going down? Whoever it be the only eye withness from the titled to enjoy every right and pri and Assyrians carry on illicit trad was, Mr. Disley said, he was hurry ground, had gone into hiding be vilege in this island, provided that ing to the disadvantage of the na ing on his way to sleeping cause he feared prosecution for they keep within the four corners of tives in members of the crew.
poaching on private shooting WITHOUT FOUDATION Mr. Dinley further described how nerves. His names is Alfred Eugena Constitution of the island or become and even assuming for the sake of he was dozing partly clothe, at the to Purchase the Most Up to Date Rabouilles. He estimates the dirigi indesirable citizens of the State. Rrgument that this is the case the time. His first thought was to turn ble was flying at a heighest of not (b) We do most earnestly and sin aliens would in no way be respon off the electricity which might more than 150 feet. Although the Prely pray that the Legislative sible for this state of affairs, the short circuit and cause an explosion oors seemed to be turning at full Council of this island will not coun (Continued on page 8)
Ras in a crash. He was the chief electric NEW YORK, Oct. 23 That epeed and were making a loudin, he aboard as well as the radio (Continued on page 5)
Tafari Makonnen, who will be crown ed emperor of Abyssinia Nevember intends to make a thorough job ni modernizing the country, is indi MOVEMENT cated by reports that he has agents in this country whose duty it is to According to the Cleaner of the purchase the most up to date gamb 23rd ulto. meeting under the aus ling devices now used in Chicago pices of the Native Defender Com ADDIS ABABA, Abyssinia, Oet. 23. The Negus will become His Ini and New York to be taken to the CHICAGO Changing a policy of Southside in sters where the mittee was held at the Coke Chape. The Negua Ras Tafari of Abyssi perial Highness, Haile Selassie.
African state.
over fifty years standing, the patronage is mostly colored.
steps on Tuesday night.
nia and his queen, Waizero Menen, The arebishop and the bishops will Woolworth company announced One by one the chain stores on For thousands of years Abyssinia The first speaker was Mr. who will be crowned emperor and pronounce a te deum in the Geex Saturday had employed the Southside gave in to the reason introduced Mr. that it or Ethiopia, as it is more properly Sherwood who empress of Abyssinia Nov. 2, will language, which is the ancientee twenty one colored salesgirls to workable request that they hire alled, has sought to live its own Wilson and asked him to take the spent the entire preceding night in elestical tongue of Abyssinia.
of in its newly opened store located at members of the race from which the life, with its peculiar portions chair.
solemn meditation and prayer at St.
The crowds today repose on high Fifty first street and Calumet aven sor got most of their patronage. good and bad. But Ras Tafari, whose George Cathedral.
Mr. Wilson spoke of general lax altar in the church, the six bishops vo.
Chain drug stores, chain grocery father years ago went to Rome to ity in the government principally as Outside, thousands of Abyssinian praying over them for twenty one secure the ratification of the Treaty The announcement of the employ stores and meat markets, branch regards the Chinese question. Christians, subjects of the King of Ucciali, and was shown all the days before the coronation. The pre ment of colored clerks was made by ehoe stores and others hired Negroes.
There was large gathering Kings and Lion of Judea, will wonders of the white man world cious stones and gold with William Rand, district superinten All except Woolworth.
which listed appreciatively. stand during the vigil holding light they are set has set himself the goal of develop were purchased Seventeen Weeks Picket dent for the company.
in Europe and made by master gold Mr. Ricketts, founder and Preed candles, sacred images and eccle modern state Mr. Rand also announced that col Seventeen weeks ago a picket was ing Ethiopia into a sident of a Benevolent Society in siastical banners.
smith of the country at a cost of lored salesgirls would be placed in started outside the three Woolworth His problem has not received the Colon, who has only recently returr Within the dark cloistered walls 1, 000, 000 the other three Southside stores of stores catering to colored trade. mass support of the Ethiopians, whe ed to Jamaica after 22 years abroad of the famous church, built by the the Woolworth company as fast as Steadily the pickets marched before prefer to live their simple warrior was asked to speak. He compared Emperor Menelik as a thank offer ROYAL BANK they could be trained for the work. the stores with their signs: This lives, unentangled by alliances with the sanitation in certain sections ar the white man, of whom they are Kingston with the sanitary arrange ing for the victory of the Abyssinians store does not hire Negroes. Do not CANADA DIVIDEND Result of Job Campaign.
over Italian troops in 1896, the The breaking down of this fifty spend your money where you cannot suspicious.
ments in Colon and Cristobal, deploy two sovereigns throughout the night The Royal Bank of Canada has your old policy of the However, Ras Tafarį may have aring the conditions here. He told how will invoke the blessings of heaven declared the regular quarterly divi company is one result of the cam in a Receipts dropped off so sharply other thought in mind. Hundreds of talk with him the Com. of a upon thetr reign, their people and dend of per cent, also the usual paign of the Chicago Whip, South and so steadily that attorneys for representatives of white nations are United States Squdron spoke highly their country.
bonus of per cent, for the cur side weekly paper, to get Negroes to the company called several meetings expected at Addis Ababa for of the appearance of the police men the As dawn breaks through the in rent yor. Dividends and bonus are spend money only where they can of Negroes to effect a compromise, coronation. They will want to play order, but said it was not a happy their majesties, clad in în Jamaica and their ability to keep ner mnetuary, of coronation day payable on December 1st. to share get jobs The Whip campaign has but never did the company wish to gorgeous holders of record at the close of been in progress for almost one year promise to place in colored sales among themselves and Tafari may sight to see women carrying bas robes of crimson velvet embroidered business on Oct. 81at. This will and during that time it is claimed girls.
have the notion that they can be trets on their heads and so many with gold and set with diamonds. make a total distribution of 14 per nearly 2, 000 new Jobs have been The colored people united in re bersuaded to leave some of their persons going on bare feet. He will be crowned by the Coptie are sent to share holdets during the opened up to colored people on the (Continued on page 3)
zold in his country. Continued on Page 8) bishop, assisted by six other bishops. year.
Gambling Devices ADVISES AGAINST Great Woolworth Store Gives in to Negro Boycott BACK TO AFRICA? Abyssinia Ruler to Don Growns at Dawn After Night Prayer some a which OF Woolworth work.


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