
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY NOVEMBER 1, 1930 INTERESTING WEST INDIAN NEWS JAMAICA Unpleasant Incident at No. Railway Pier Elected Member Disregard support the Native Defender Cona No Smoking Sign FIREMAN THREATENS ARREST mittee has been appointed deal and urged those present BRITISH GUIANA Governor Stirring Message to Agriculturists The Land Has not Failed using with the position in regard to the Let us See to it that we Do Not Fail The LAND WE LIVE IN The Danger of Reliance on ing despondeney and even doubt in One Particular Crop Is Stressed to last named cultivation and we may reasonably hope that better prices are bound shortly to be reached.
It is unwise as well as commer cially bad policy to Gress the state of depressip at the present moment.
It can only tave the effect of creat New Horizon the minds of those who are not 30 thoroughly acquainted with actual con ditions in the Colony and its sources of wealth as are its inhabitants. Let us remember that the export figures (Continued on page 7) with money. With 1, 000 saved you can look to the future with confidence start one of these easy savings plans now. 1, 000 in years costs 940. 16 in weekly payments of 52. 1, 000 in years costs 956. 28 in weekly payments of 13. 1, 000 in years costs 970. 32 in woolly payments of 33.
The Daily Chronicle of Deme rara in its issue of Oct. publishes the following: Striking features of The Agricul tural Journal of British Guiana for September, 1980, published yesterday are Message from His excellency LO ST. VINCENT the Governor to the Agriculturist. Severe Drought in The Grenadines The Royal Bank of Canada ANTIGUA Severe brought Is reared la Antigua Dr. Leo Pink in Surgeon mittee and to join the Traders and Consumers Association, Dr. Aarons poke on the ques tion of Jamaicans supporting their own, and urged that the Govern ment and Legislators should do An incident in which an Elected something to protect native trade Member of the Legislative Council and industries.
is said to have figured very promin Mr. Sherwood said that the ently took place at the No. Rail alien trader was able to defeat the way Pier on Tuesday.
ative because of unfair competi Aceording to the story which reach tion. He suggested that the Customs the ears of a reporter of the Ja Law should be amended to stap cer maica Mail, the Elected Member in tain unfair trading. He also said question went to the pier to bid bon that Jamaicans were compelled voyage to a friend who was sailing live up to the principles of society, on the Di Giorgio Fruit Corpora and they could not afford to break tion Steamer Yoro for New the Law by carrying oh gambling, York, because it would be bad example to the younger generation. Cheers. He is said to have entered the He spoke at length on other matters shed on the pier smoking a cigar and concluded by asking those pres ette totally disregarding the No (Continued on page 7)
Smoking signs which are stuck un in very prominent parts of the build ing. The watchman, who was or luty, spoke to the Legislator, call ing his attention to the signs and alleged to have flatly refused to do.
This the gentleman in question is asking him to put out the cigarette member of the Kingston Fire Brigade, who was also on duty at The Trinidad Guardian of Oct. the pier, came on the scene and says: again repeated the request of the Serious fears are entertained that watchman, viz: that the Elected there will be an acute shortage of Member should water An. Mr. Gerald REFRAIN FROM SMOKING Wight told a Trinidad Guardian rep on the wharf premises.
The gentleman is staid to have Mr. Wight has returned from a again emphatically refused to stop holiday in St. Kitts. He states that puffing his cigarette, Thereupon, not only is Antigua in such plight, the Fireman is said to have threaten but that the majority of the islands ed to place the legislator under ar are suffering from drought.
rest if he did not desist. To this the It was expected that cane crops Elected Member, it is said, haughtily would receive a great set back.
replied that he was one of those who TOMATO INDUSTRY had voted money in the Legislative The planters of Montserrat, An Council for the purpose of building the pier and therefore the Fireman tigua and St. Kitts, Mr. Wight de clared, are concentrating very seri threat was an empty one.
ously on the question of a As the member of the Fire tomato Bri cade was about to substitute worde Three representatives of a Mon for action, the Elected Member is treal fruit house on the Canadian of alleged to have appealed to one National liner, Lady Hawkins, held the officials on the pier for protec interviews a few days ago on the tion. This latter gentleman, it je further alleged applied ofl to the possibilities of such thudi.
The planters were carrying out troubled waters, and thus an un trial shipments on a small scale and pleasant incidentended.
if they proved successful, intended it will be remembered that in lauching out in a large way.
darch of 1928 the No. Railway Pier was completely destroyed by fire due to the careless action of a seaman who was subsequently proste ented and fined in the City Resident Magistrate Count. The No. Pier is at present still being reconstruct ed.
TRINIDAD. In connection with the lands in the vicinity of Mues rapo intended to be used as an air base the Trinidad Government in are industry CRICKET!
of the Colony and an editorial 3101 article on Grading and the Rice Industry. In previous numbers there was no leading article.
Panama Branch Herman. Manager The St. Vinent news of recent late (Santa Ana Plaza)
The following is the Governor says: Colon Branch Grosch, Manager Message. Corner 11th and Bolivar St. The xisting drought in 1695 have been asked to give a mes Grenadines is so sever, tha: The sage to the agriculturists of the Col Superintendent of Agriculturint ony throngh this Journal. At auch Mr. Brown, an officer of the de a od as this, when we are face partment, to report on the distress with agricultural depression in caused by the drought.
The corn Cays OPOL many when our main products ar 1000 IODO crop on which th people of suffering from the lowest prices depend for their daily sustenance which they have reached in thir has been a complete failure and a history, when we are partiepating in distressing situation faced the inhab the world depression, any helpful fiants.
Without the early rains message can give must necessarily there can be no corn crop and the Dentist be one of hope for the future based people of this quarter of Saint Vin on confidence in the coltivators and rent are always threatented by 23 Central Avenue Panama City. P.
cultivations of this Colony.
this shortage of rain.
It has been by good fortune to The stvar. aantal rain. of Phone 1862. Box 1062 Ancon, spend thirty years of Colonial ser Union Island 13 inch Un to vice in colonies which have depend the end of August last the rainfall Professional Services in all Branches of Dental Works ed primarily upon agriculture for the amounted only o 10 inches, where social and material progress of their as in the preus years the rain inhabitants and in each of these coun fall up to the same period was 18 Office Hours to 12, to Sundays by Appointment vier periods of most serious depres inches, This gives an idea of the rien have occurred and at the pres meagre amount of rain that fell in OO OPOCEODOS time they all Ceylon those parts of the year.
Mauritius East and West Africa meeting of the representative narsing through periods as critical Union Island and Mr. Brown and as trying as that which Bri ish was held on Sunday, and it was Chinna endures today, decided to bring to the Govern Such periods Gould undoubtedly онов ment notice the seriousness of the be used as stock takings in the viting conditions due to the want sgricultural history of the country of food and water.
Depressing as they may be at the Realising from the report of time, they serve as Mr. Brown that help was wegently JEFUL LESSONS OF THE needed, the department sent him to NOW THAT THE ENGLISH TEAM DANGER the Marriaqus Valley to ask for of too great a reliance on parit help which was promptly given by HAS TOURED THE WEST INDIES cular crop, of the urgent need of the people. We appreciate this act scientific development of kindness and record it as an ex and experiment in all diree ample of the humanity of the peo tins, and of concentrated effort and ple of the distriet. Among those fricreased knowledge on the part of who contributed to the help given the cultivators.
were Messrs. Charles and Billing In this Colony today, the sugar de hurst.
pression is forcing us to examin For the conveyance of thesa food and read the records of past more closely the costs of ontrut town, Mr.
Cricket Veterans the overhead expenses incurred and placed one of his trucks at the the need for economies in many di Wisposal of the department at AND rections. It is also forcing all grote special reduced rate. The Carib ere to look to hitherto unutiliard which was kindly len by the Gov lands as potential sources of devel ernment sailed at midday yester opment. Alternatives to our main day with the Superintendent of Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages erop which have hitherto been expe Agriculture the Distriet of stuffs rimented with are realized now are abous 1, 000 breadfruits, 60 Summary of Contents: urgent necessities to reure the bunches of plantains, some farine, History of West Indies Cricket for years means of livelihood.
sugar canes, eddoes, sweet po atoes, In rice, it behoves us Recure out corn and 98 lbs. of sweet potato Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, side markets and to this end Grad cuttings for Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, planting purposes ing Regulations have been introduc These will be distributed amagat Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tom, ed which will, it is hoped, ensure the inhabitants of Mayreau, CA Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual for Demerara rice a market secured nonan and Union Islarid.
Players on ita quality not only in the Carih We leaths from reliable sources Valuable, astructive, Historical, accurate, complete and hean Sea, but on the continents of that the present existing condition North and South America.
will contintie for about 10 or 12 Interesting The depression in sugar must weeks when the ripening of the Price 50cts.
necesarily overshadow all other falls peus trees which have been grown in price and depreciations in value from 810 lbs. of bliek eyed peas in other products. Unhappily it is which were sent to these Talkhids Copies to be had from the office of the WORKMAN associated with falls in the price of few weels ago, comencen agt.
Panams copra and coconuts and coffee. Vincent News IODO 101 OPO CRICKET. Get a copy of the West Indies Cricket History TRINIDAD Air Base to be Surveyed stuffs to Jack Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 Meeting of Native Defender Committee tends to make arvey thereof and through the Colonial Secretary has Speakers Stress Point of Jamaicans Supporting Their Own Council regular meeting by the De written the Town Clerk, Port of Spain asking for the necessary per mission The letter was read at the City puty Town Clerk and the Counell On Thursday night last the Na readily consented to grant the per tive Defender Committee held a mission publie meeting at the corner of The letter which was siguid by Wildman and Beeston Streets. The Mr. Nankivell, Asst. Colonial meeting was well attended. The Secretary, stated that the Govern matters that were dealt with were ment is considering the question of the alien immigration, unfair com establishing an air base on the petition, and the necessity of em site belonging to the Port of ploying 75 per cent native labour Spain City Council lying south of throughout the island, the Cueurapo Cemetery and weat Mr. Benj. Wilson took the chair of the Maraval River and contain dealt with the subjects and received ing approstimately 68 Mersin great appalus.
order that an estimate may be Mr. H Leigh made an ad (Continued on 7)
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