
Shar THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY NOVEMBER 1, 1930 PAGE THREE Police Chiefs of all Nations Great Woolworth Dr. Fairweather Nelpful Hints for the Store Gives in Prudent Housewife cuning en trends at the stories and can at NEURALGINA in not Unemployment in the United States Has Become Most Pressing Concern PHYSICIAN (Continued from Page Combining to Start IS NOW LOCATED AT may cases white clerks were laid of World War on HOUSEHOLD HINTS THE CLIMBY BABY No. K STREET because there was nothing for International Criminal them to do. One store put a girl on PANAMA CITY To continue using the lid of a ket here comes a great day in the the outside to persuade people to ile after the knob te of every child; the day when he come in. Colored customers walked has come off, LONDON, Sept. 27. world merely slip a screw through xirst discovers she stair for himself right on by, refusing to spend their the war on international criminals gun hole, with the head on the inside of He has been carried up and down.
money with a sore which would not Inen, dope traffickers, superswindlers the lid and screw a cork on the pro the queer contrivance many times give jobs.
and forgers, jewel thieves, card truding end. This knob will not get ut the stairs didn seem very real.
The losses of the three stores sharpers and confidence tricksters NEURALGINA hot and can be renewed easily when But on one of his crawling expedi mounted to figure estimated will be declared by the police of all has become soiled.
Lions when he found them for him 4, 000 a week. It was rumored that nations at Antewerp next month.
If he was supremely happy when other Woolworth stores were being The foremost police chiefs of Should be in every office to immedjately soothe any To clean embroidery which has he mounted the steps one by one.
taxed to make up the defieit. Con every nation are had at work pre neuralgic pain caused by excessive Dental work. become soiled, put in cold water, All this he has done quietly and he pany officials came to Chicago from paring their plans for the great cam blued but not deep, and add to the can resist chuckling with glee be the New York offees to see what paign against international crime water the juice of one lemon: boil fore he proceeds to further adven could be done which will be launched at the forth for about thirty minutes, rinse tures.
After some consideration, noting coming congress of the world polie cold water, and then dry in the open wise mother, hearing the sounds that the colored people were not go beadquarters the greatest gathering Shoull be in every school to soothe band hondaches air.
of her precious infant will take him ing to give in unless colored girls of detective forces which has ever and reduce the fever of children ini her arms and call him ove were hired, the company announced assembled.
Use grease insead of butter. Cake elever, wandering darling, but ther that in its new store it would hire Scotlandward will be represented NEURALGINA will stick to are other mothers who sold the ti buttered ting, but colored girls Ly Mr. Norman Kendal, one of the when well greased with lard.
umphant child and tell him he mu: Last Saturday the stor opened chief of the Metropolitan Police, Is completely Inoffensive and nourishes the heart never, never do such a thing agai and twenty one browskin girls were He will discuss with the world po The best way to boil soiled cloth Now climbing steps is something, behind the counters lice chiefs the latest methods in ing is to start them in cold water, every child has to learn. Why will The pickets lave been removed use for dealing with crime in this on carrying and allow them to remain until they tired mothers insist from the other three stores on the For sale both Wholesale and Retail country have boiled at least ten minutes. heavy children up a staircase when Southside to give the company The police forces of the worl They should be stirred occasionally they are able to scramble up them chance to keep its promise that it AT THE selves?
capitals now work together in closer with a sticle kept for the purpose. would place colored girls in than co operation than ever before almost Self help, self confidence these also AMERICAN PHARMACY every hour throughout the day and box for the feet of a child placed are the birthright of every child. This picket, said MeNeal, night Seotland yard is in touch with on the floor of the automobile, a pil business manager of the Whip, has New York, Paris, Berlin, or Madrid JAVIER MORAN, Proprietor low for him to sit on and another for Every person should have at least been called radical by the pussy about some international crime pre his back, will make him comfortable two tooth brushes and should use Moters in the race.
Seme wenk ject or world wide menace.
and keep him quiet during even. hem alternately. This gives each long motor trimp.
brush a chance to dry thoroughly kneed Negrou have even tried to SECRET WAVELENGTH and regain its stiffness before be sell it out to the company. But the Wireless has speeded up criminal garden hose used to rinse heavy ing used again.
people who spend the money never investigation work enormously dur article, such as blankets, is very budged an inch. They refused to ing the past few years. Now the po handy, and makes the work much Cleanse the face night and morn trade unless they got jobs and they lice chiefs of the world proposest lighter. Blankets rinsed in this way ing with a good cold cream instead were ready to keep it up all winter ting up a secret wavelength for the avoids wringing and they will dry of using soap and water. This will if necessy exclusive use of criminal investige without wrinkles. The nap is not keep the skin soft, and no trouble The picket orderly and at tion departments to carry on their crushed either, as no ironing is re will be experienced in making the tempted to rowdyiam. to simple work.
powder adhere to the face. justice for the company to recognize An international committee of pe that colored people have a right to lice experts has been secretly work in places where their money work for the months past fixing the of fhe Government 1s being spent in great quantities.
range of the wireless wave which All companies this with other will be used int he battle againsi. ntinue, until December 18, the WASHINGTON, DC. October 21 races and they ought to do it with fifty per cent decrease in rates for crime. It wil be a wave lengih be. The man without a job, and conse Negroes. No store would open in live stock being moved out of the 3, 000 and 8, 000 metres, anci quently with a meal ticket, has be Polish, German or Jewish neighbor drought stricken areas. secret code, to be agreed upon e me the immediate and pressing on hood and refuse to employ members The Government is also asking the forthcoming conclave of police cern of the United States Govern of that race. We asked and fought Congress to permit the Federal Pub chiefs, will be inaugurated.
ment, lic Works, provided for over a period for nothing more than was due us.
The formation of an International Robert Harriott Victim of Two The method apparently most need of two years to begin immediately.
Flying Squad, modelled on the lines ed is the division of jobs under what Dastard Attacks of Scotland yard celebrated mobile is known as the stagger system.
her life in the way described.
army of detectives, and moving con Secretary of War Patrick Hurley Powell was bater on arrestad stantly around the world in a ceae The Greatest Thrill has already inaugurated this plan on Correspondent writing to the it for this tragedy, for just a your gether with a William Bogle of the less guerrilla warfare against roving Mississippi River projects and secre in the World Jamaica Mail from Siquirres, Costa 4go he received two gun charges sant plane, who is alleged to have gangs of criminals, will be discuss tary of commerce almos indicates Rica on the 8th ulto says: while at at work in his cultivation facilitated his escape, they both be ed at the congress. Another objec that it may be extended throughout Coincident with the passing into and he had hardly recovored from ing known to be members of a pe will be to make it increasingly di the Government works.
law of the Banana Contrac Bill, is heir effects, which nearly cost him culiar myerie craft known as the ficult for the modern Raffles The stagger system is essential the passing United Fruit Co. in his life. This time it was while he Ancient Mystic Order of Ethiopia.
dispose of his haul of gems in any ly this. factory has one hundred ai Costa Rica) as name of that was sound ascep in bed that his at tart of the world.
employees but jobe only for fifty. In 10 world fameul business organization acker closed in upon him and shot stead of laying off fifty men, the that has made an indelible impree rim through the ear.
hundred remain on the payroll; half sion wherever it has set foot. While Though the police hav failed in of them work three days a week and has been made to appear in local heir efforts to extort the whole Small the other half the other three.
papers, that the big fruit cruth from the alleged Spaniard WAS REMOVED TO that the unemployment, problem in Stop and analyze it. there has sold out all is farms and on tiller, they have nevertheless, it je 29 STREET DENTIST th: United States is grave is admit nothing in life that gives more gineering interests to the Co to reported, been able to trace the Panama City MASONIC TEMPLE on all sides. President Hoover pure happiness than making Rican Banana Company, and its origin of the crime to Richard Sin Office Hours:8, am to 12 pm irre is 3, 500, 000. He believes this someone else happy.
merchandise business to La Comps Inir, a Westmorelander and a resi 30 pm to 30 pm Sundays, by Special Appointment firure does not represent the burden ñía Surtido de Costa Rica (the Sup dent of Pacuarits, between whom Is there?
Masonic Temple Ulth St.
of th country inasmuch as in nor he deceased there was a long BY DAY AND BY NIGHT mal mes there is an unemployed When we present a gift, we ply Company of Costa Rica. it is O, Box 787. CRISTORAL want it to be packed with all the an open secret that all ihes activistanding grievance, and this man PHONE: 1664 OFFICE population of about 1000, 000.
release after his arrest by no means entiment, affection and good ties remain in the same old hands Dr. BARTON, HARD WINTER EXPECTED the change in name being part of the nds the matter. The police continue WASHINGTON, October 22 its quality every time it is seen.
PRINCIPAL (Reuter Service. With every There a multitude of things policy of the new management. 46. rehing investigations DENTIST HOWELL indication of a hard winter, the Gov that will serve, but they lack in Now that the cocoa erop is over, Larriot remains handed some respect. They wear out or nearly so, there is very little wwer to the Loyal Progressive Lodge ORDER BOOKS ernment is paying serious attention on the House No. 912 La Boca (Mechanics) of Siquirres, of which quickly; outlive their usefulness; work outside fruit cutting to the unemployment plight.
SECRETARY or have no usefulness at all, is arms and consequently, the list of he was a member. He is survived Canal Zone President Hoover has announced there ANY THING that will unemployed amongst the labouring here by a little daughter, Caroline, AND that the railways have agreed quicken the recipient heart class has gone up considerably. Just. who is being cared by Miss Charlotte REASURER OSI beat. that will tell her more what changes or improvements will Wright of this town.
ON SALE o eloquently than you could that feature the new industrial era that Another atrocity of the same you wish her well. that speaks is yet to begin are left to be seen, ure is reported from Estrada where. At the Workman that never wears out. that re but there is very indication that a few days before. 20 year old Ivan tains its value. that arouses the present distrossing conditions in Powell (Jamaican) is said to have Printery the admiration of all who see it? the country will soon be ameliorated. shot and killed his 16 year old pars Yes it fine jewelry such as CASES OF SHOOTING mour (Mabel Dunn, after he had we will be glad to show you if Pacuarito, a West Indian colony stabbed her all over the body and you will pay us a visitoon. of some two hundred people three broken the very fingers by which FULLER miles distant was for the first he held her. BOX 140 ANI. 122 Central Avenue time in its history the scene of a mur The girl, it is learnt, had been a der, in the dead of night on Sunday, victim of the youngman illtreat Cirilo Sandford September 28, by it is alleged, the ment at home and so had sought an hand of a paid asasin (Spaniard. asylum in the home of her late Attorney at Law No, 72 CARLOS MENDOZA STREET PALAIS ROYAL The victim, Robert William Har guardian, an uncle. Thither the man JAVILLO FILL FOR riott, a native of Manchester, Ja had gone to entreat her return. Up OFFICE: 158 CONTRAL ATE. PHONE 103 ODO maica, seems to have been ear mark on her refusal he is to have ended OPO 100 INTERWOVEN HOSE Two Murders in Rep. of Costa Rica.
tween a to to the 3 Private Academy con Classes in English were to nat Book Binding!
Why throw away your old, but no doubt interesting books, when you can have them neatly bound at THE WORKMAN

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