
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY NOVEMBER 1, 1930 THE WORKMAN. 20 JOB FOR OUR PREACHERS HOMELY PHILOSOPHY By GEORGIA DOUGLAS JOHNSON Most any person with ordinary intelligence knows DOING NEW THING that the so called race problem is never so acute in communities where Negroes are scarce as it is where Most people follow custom and tradition slavishly; Pullished on Saturday by WALROND, at the office No 72 Negroes live in large numbers. It is a known fact that they cannot conceive of doing something new, making CARLOS MENDOZA Street No. 72, Panama, P.
our problem grows more acute as we increase in num drastic changes. They feel that what has been must con Box 74, Panama Box 1102, Ancon bers in any given community.
tinue to be on and on forever. The alert and forwardRATES OF SUBSCRIPTION The migration brought any number of strange and looking few break away from the old landmarks and ONE YEAR.
dare to inaugurate something new, something unheard 40 new faces to northern districts; and while the presence of. Because a thing has never been done is no reason to SIX MONTHS 20 of these strangers created many new problems, about advance that it cannot be done; pioneers have proven the greatest problem arose out of congested conditions THREE.
this. Are you among the followers of custom or are you on street cars and bus lines in our large cities. Because. ONE MONTE.
among the few brave who dare to do something new?
of certain segregated areas in our large cities, where Negroes live in large numbers, certain street car lines The Liberty of the Press is the Palladium of our rights JUNIUS able to enter a street car or a motor bus and begin yelltraversing those districts furnish a striking illustration ing at the top of our voices our salutations and howdyof what we mean by our traffic problem. In New York, do to our friends, who are perhaps at the other end THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY NOVEMBER 1, 1930 for instance, cars passing through Harlem are crowded of the conveyance.
with members of our group who circulate twice a day We hold that this condition cannot be eradicated THE RUJUE AND THE RODENT in and out of Harlem. In Chicago the same condition is over night, but can be improved upon greatly if the found on the South Side. In Philadelphia we find 10, 000 ministers filling our 10, 000 pulpits will give a litThe words of our subject describe two varieties of the same traffic problem in South Philadelphia. In Pitts.
tle lecture once in a while on the proper decorum in pubanimals, the rogue and the rodent. The first is an animal the Wylie Avenue district offers its traffic problem.
lic conveyances. Our preachers love to be called leaders, of the higher creation a person who is not honest not And so on might we cite similar conditions in other and we should love to see them lead our folks into a bet sincere and who lacks integrity, and for practical pur cities throughout the country.
ter decorum, a softer voice and cleaner clothes when poses, is faithless. He possesses the disposition to cheat When we speak of our traffic problem we refer prin they undertake to use public conveyances. Our minothers in general of that which they possess.
cipally to the behavior of our people on public convey isters ought to tell the workingmen not to wear their There are several ways and methods in, and by ances such as street cars and motor busses. To persons filthy working clothes on street cars, but if they must which the person who is a rogue performs his cheat, and who are not accustomed to loud talk, rowdy expressions wear them they should do so with due regard for people there are several things which come under the category and impoliteness, the behavior of some of our people is who are not dressed in overalls and dirty clothes. There of possessions as used by us here. These possessions the a source of great annoyance. This behavior is due large are any number of people whose working clothes are of rogue is greatly fond of, and for them he is perpetually ly to lack of intelligence. Of course a lack of refinement fine texture because of the character of their job; and hungry and his thirst is never quenched. The rogue contributes largely to this condition, but we hold that these people, although working people, do not care to performs by fraud, deceit, trick, duplicity, swindle, and ignorance is more responsible for the unbecoming behave their clothing soiled by the clothing of other people bamboozle. And, for instance, he defrauds one of his havior of Negroes in public conveyances than anything holding more menial positions. We should like to see our money, or he ensnares into a ficticious frienship by deelse. It is ignorance that permits a man, white or black ministers give a five minute lecture every Sunday, both ceit, trickery or duplicity, or he swindles the good name, to enter a street car, dressed in his working clothes or morning and evening, for the purpose of helping this prestige and appraisement of another by bamboozling his overalls, and without regard for the wearing apparel condition. We must demean ourselves with more moderation in street cars and in motor busses. We must wear others into the acquisition of prejudiced and unkind of other people, seat himself, beside a lady, dressed in sentiments towards that one.
cleaner clothes, and we must stop crowding our dirty her very best, and thereby not only make her miserable Now, the rogue does not so perform because he desires but put her to the unnecessary expense of having her clothes into space beside people who have on clean to acquire for himself the things he swindles. As a rule, clothes cleaned before she can wear them again. We say clothes. We must stop laughing as loud as a thunderhe does not possess them; but his performances are that it is ignorance that permits a man to do this. We storm and we must stop yelling across the aisles and based upon the specific desire to deprive, decry, damage hold that it is ignorance that permits people to enter over the seats to our friends who happen to enter the and destroy, which fact is established by the exaggeral street cars and yell at their friends and acquaintsame conveyance we are using.
ed aggressiveness which characterises him. In other ances at the top of their voices from one end of the car If our ministers could feel that a lecture along this words the rogue is a person of low price and small value. to the other: and we hold that it is ignorance that line is in keeping with that statement which says We have seen the rogue described before this time permits people to crowd themselves into small quarters Cleanliness is next to Godliness, they can commit no violation of the cloth in this regard. If we can improve as a social pendulum. a mischievous person. a without due regard to other people who are not dressed this condition no person will object to riding on street wag. a trun coat. a chameleon. These definitions in their working clothes, or in their overalls filled with must have been given by thoughtful and intelligent per lime, plaster and frequently too much mud. Eating peacars passing through Negro districts, and certainly we sons of that time, and in this our time, we have observed nuts and sandwiches in cars is a true sign of ignorance.
will have contributed largely to the improvement of our enough to bring us to the conclusion that those persons Of course it is all right to say that white people do group. We may have a very self satisfied opinion of ourselves, but it is the opinion of others that counts were right, and that those definitions hold good to this this as well as colored people, but we hold that the per quite as largely as our own opinion, and other people day, and they will for all time.
centage of white people who do this is relatively small opinions of us are largely formed by what they see is as compared with the percentage of colored people who. We venture to say that there is a specific aspect of are given to this habit. Then, too, we are not responsible do and what they hear us say.
danger surrounding the existence of the rogue, viz. the for the ignorance of white people, but we are responsible Panama Wesleyan generality of that existence. He exists in the gallery as for our own ignorance and our own lack of culture and Panama well as in the pew. You find him in the hut and in the our own lack of refinement. It is known that white peoC. Society Independence Day palace. In what is termed society, he is there also. Outple register their most serious objection to us and our side of this society, he answers. present. In the ranks company because they say we are too noisy too loud. The meeting of the Panama Wes of the righteous, he has his abode, and among the Most of us do not know what it means to be too loud Monday next, 3rd inst. will be Pan is hís dwelling place. In the light, you can see pagans and too noisy. Most of us feel that it is our privilege to ieyan Society which took place ama Anniversary of Independence, on Wednesday last, 29th ult. in and same will be observed as him, and in the darkness you feel him.
laugh as loud as we please and to yell as loud as we Geddes Hall consisted of a There is a saving grace however, for those among please, and some of us think it is a grand privilege to be pro Holiday gramme of music and recitation special services will be held at the St.
whom he moves and have his being, and that is the disaponsored by Miss Doris Rodney.
tinctive feature which indenfifies him. Like the fly, he is swindle, and rob. But the rogue has his day. So does the special services will be at the The Rev. Wright presided St.
a nuisance, and he notifies his presence always. That rodent. Whole crops have never been allowed to be de and opened with prayer.
Paul Episcopal Church in this city stroyed by rodents, and the rogue will not, must not be presence being harmful and annoying, makes him as a tomorrow at 10. 30 a. and at 30 Each item on the programme was cosequence become of troublesome and offensive regard.
allowed to destroy society. The rogue and the rodent are when the Boy Scouts of Pan Therefore, the rogue works for his woe, and in biblical, destroyers. They disturb the peace. They must be well rendered by the various contrib ama and Colon will be in attendance destroyed!
language it is woe for him from whom offence cometh.
making the meeting exceed ingly lively and interesting.
this sprvice, the National Having said this much about the rogue, we come Anthems of great Britain and Pana Following is the program render TODO TODO now to the rodent. This is the name given to the animal POMOC TODO ma will be sung. Rev. Nighten of the lower creation whose propensities are clearly deRev. Wright Prayer gale will preach and cnoduct FOR THE BEST IN fined by his habit of gnawing, nibbling, and destroying.
Miss Louise Gill Scripture both services In principle, he is of the same dispositions as the higher reading animal who is called by the name we have been dwelling cupon. The rat, for instance, is a rodent. His work is to Mr. Dottin Piano Selection DIVISION 244 OF THE gnaw and nibble at everything save that which belongs Miss Ena Morgan Recitation Tomorrow being Garvey Day, Ro him. He destroys the things which have been carefulMiss Doris Hamer Vocal Solo there will be a special programme in ly, earned and laid aside by its rightful owner. He comes of every description Miss Malvina Niles Recitation in the dark and feasts upon that which was held in high Misses Rodney Piano Duet the Hall of Division 244 of the appraisement by the owner. But he runs away at the A. at No. 22nd Street, Guacha VISIT THE Mr. Cole Recitation sound of even a distant approach, only to lay in hiding Master Carlos Gran Violin Selee pali. Various speakers have invited to give addresses in addition for another opportunity to come back again. So also tion, other contributions which will be with the hare. Teaves of precious vegetables are an Master Carlos Grant Violin rendered by the Chor and other abomination in his sight. Nature made a mistake, so far Miss Doris Rodney Reading. artists.
as he is concerned in adorning the leaves with the green The Rev. Wright spoke of the revision verdure. The turnip was all ill shaped and of too large The Publie is invited.
of rules of the Society and the use of a size whenever it comes within his view. Potatoes are not well made and are overgrown, so he must gnaw and a fine Selection of new pledge cards and English pro grammes for the coming year. He nibble away in order to reduce them to acceptable prostated that the Choir is to be Parker famed sopranoist of this portions. The corn in the bins are too large and not de ARTIZAN TOOLS organized and work in cently sized to meet the approval of the cattle, and it connection city, information was obtained to with the society. Mr. Deaville the effect that in connection with will never be until it has been nibbled and gnawed by the hare. Then, and then only will those cattle be able her proposed Yuletide Musicale (at ALSO THEJ VERY BEST BRAND IN Walker coming to the Ishmus was also referred to Mr. Walker is the Excelsior Theatro rehearsals to face their meals without fright, and so the gnawing and nibhling go on.
PAINTS ENAMELS experienced misfonary and photo ar: progressing nicely.
grapher and expects to occupy the Now, the point is that both varieties of animals we The troupe is certain of putting it have percribed nye more or less of the same temnerachurch pulpit on Harvest Sunday Give us a call before purchasing over, and this authority is backed up the 16th inst.
ment. They both take pleasure in destroying, and deby the amount of enthusiasm which stroving that which they do not own, possess, or provide.
elsewhere The meeting was brought the members are putting into the close with the singing of the Miz In nt Word they are fond of stealing. They are natpractice.
ural thieves. We can make similitudes or comparisons hap and the Benediction.
PANAMA Christmas without music between men and animals (of the lower creation) for would HARDWARE our edification. And we say that every day of our lives YULETIDE MUSICALE AT THE harldy be any christmas at all, there CATHEDRAL PLAZA we come across the social rogue, and the society rodent.
EXCELSIOR THEATRE fore, let us enjoy the season all the musical appreciation of our They gnaw, nibble, and annoy, yea, they destroy, OPOZORO During an interview with Mrs. Bouls.
utors At ed. HARDWARE :been Panama Hardware an to a with 10 POE


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