
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY NOVEMBER 1, 1930 PAGE FIVE TO 01 100 100F OPOSE 009 THE FOUR MARX BROTHERS AT THE CECILIA THEATRE IN To morrow Sunday Nov. MODESODOMOFOCOLOSOOFOOD Animal Crackers Monday Tuesday Nov. Nov. 10OLOPOSO INTERESTING JOTTINGS Inquiring Into Beauty and Health in Life These have make a set LA MASCOTA Just Received a Large Assortment of a wa ENGLISH TWEEDS not In the very Latest Designs en of Blue Serges, Black Cheviots and Cream Flannels ne said. Two more explosions follow in quick son.
CRASH Friend Coun rymen. Another week or board. That was one more said, something appeared to have LOCALIZED EXERCISE nas gone and nothing new has taken making two wrongs.
wrong with the ship steering EAUVAIS, France, Oct if your job is such as to necessi adjustment of th argument. Th. ee of which know. The truth is wrongs made me right, therefore, gear, be ause instead of travelling George Rabouille, Frenchman cate the use of one set of muscles, smith readily assented, as his opp that those things that taken WO wruik make a right, which on a definite course she was being who says he was the only person here is a problem confronting you nent size seemed to guarantee thai place and which could be called new proves that it is not true that IW olin sidewise.
who saw the crash of the British hat will need serious thought. there would be only one outcome.
are not fit for publication in a news wrong do not make a right. know gustly wind was blowing and rain wirship 101 near here Sunday, can recall a blacksmith whose won None of the members of that con.
paper because, for one thing, they of one time when two wrongs diu falling in sheets, Rabouil Inzerted to day that th erful physique was the admiration munity knewxactly what happened victims are known to you, and for the other nice little right for me. ng said, and fully five minutes be of the countryside where received There were several confused mix reason that mentioning them will not have recited it.
killed by were noi an before the dirigible touched ground explosion ay bringing up. This man strength ups, with the body of our friend the be taken in a sober sense, nothing he tiled and her nose dippel dan when the airship stuck the ground, vas considered little short of that of smith about the only visible object good will be deduced from their pub rously low. The pilot straightened but were burned to death.
To o her fellows met at a cro he mythical Samson, until one day in the fight scenery. After dus caion, and the only effect it would He ship out on an event keel, he Rabouill ing and commenced to cross Wolls said he was only 100 here came to the villege a medium settled the mighty man of the sledge wave is to raise hell and damnation, erted, but she then slowly ards away when the that is to converse. One said that disaster ize individual whose quite demeanor and the anvil slept peacefully on the according to radical parlance.
fed to earth. As soon as she came curred, and declared that when he encourage the smith, who was a bit village green, and the day before, he heard a convers his oponent contact with the ground there dirigible burst into flames he heard Oi a bully, to be somewhat offensive squatted on a nearby stump gazing Two boys were sore at each other, Lion between vegetables, Impossible a terrifie explosion near the men in the wreckage crying for help.
said the other. how can vege all in his remarks. This provoked the complacently at his handiwork.
and they were trying to get rid of An of the long envelope which He added that he became frightened newcomer to invite the village cham As dawn entered the converse! Wonders never ease befogged that soreness by letting each have knocked Rabouilles off his feet and ran away pion out on the green for a physical brain of the smith he rose andre the full length of the tongue. They said the other, the thing happens tired to his shop utterly subdued.
renounced for the moment the idea yesterday in my presence, and His mighty arms and shoulders, per of sex and tried to settle their dif could not help hearing it. Wet.
fact in themselves, could not give ference in the same thats wonderful sonney, tell the way as him the victory, and, as he passed girls do. This is how they did it: please, how such a thing ever took through his doorway in defeat, fig JOHN: wish to call your attention place. Said the other. It is wonder ured out the his reason, Jarred as he to the fact that you have told some ful, you say, and it was wonderful it bad been by some bone shaking one that was a famous liar.
16 me at the time came across blows, he tottered on a pair ot RUFUS: No never said that was going through some garden slender, inadequate legs that were there is nothing famous about where saw one of the gardeners all out of proportion to the size of erab like you such an expression gathering vegetables. There his arms and shoulders. The all rould not be made in connection with plot in which was planted carrots round sturdy physique of the victor the like of you. said that you and turnips; but the gardener was with the legs and thigh, proportion were an infamous liar, like your only pulling up carrots and ally developed to the rest of his father was, the greatest old liar turnips. As he pulled up the last body, was too much for him.
that ever lived.
turnip and proceeded to move off, mechanic who operates his JOHN: Do you dare to call the turnip said to the carrot. food in th punch press with a single sided foot ather a liar? Or do you mean just bye friend, ll meet you pedal will have a development of a falsifier?
Roup. ALSO either the right of left leg that is RUFUS: mean just what said not symmetrical with the other side not falsifier just a plain old Once upon a time there were two of his body and while only a leg and He rather lie than eat. He lie all distinctive characteristics nerhaps a thigh are involved, never the time. pardon me for the use of objection less there are internal failures in JOHN: Don speak of my father in able language) who lived in the development of just as great magn that manner; he dead same locality. One had the distinc tude. recall an expert typist, who RUFUS: Dead? You are mistaken. ion of being the thinnest man of the was of the championship class, and What was the complaint?
village, and the other earned the vho in maintaining her high stand JOHN: There was no complaint. eputation of being the meanest man LEST YOU FORGET ard of performance practiced al Everybody was satisfied.
it those parts. The question was minst constantly. She had a miserable RUFUS: Where did he die?
led as to what basis it was muscular development, except in the JOHN: He died in the house.
which this thin man was put down hands and forearms. The muscles of RUFUS: Did he die standing up?
as being the thinnest. The answer the fingers and palm of the hand JOHN: Certainly not. He died lying!
enme fast and furious from the IS UP. TO. DATE AS USUAL were relatively enormous. Bodily, RUFUS: Yes, and he kept it up to paker. well, he is so darned she was entirely inadequate, until the last, and still you object!
in that he wears at all times we persiaded her to give up the ne clapboard on his back to keep his cessary time to bring her other body There were two smart fellow ackbone from cutting his suspend parts to somewhat the same stand engaged in efforts to prove the con ors in two. Thats pretty good, per ard she had set for her arms and trary. One of these insisted that MULLER Taps it would be unreasonable to Prop.
bands. She was ultimately success that was a very easy thing to do.
ask you for greater proof. Well 37 CENTRAL AVENUE 37 ful in doing this and became one of while the other objected on the ow, how about the other man you our foremost women tennis players ground that the contrary could not ay is the meanest man? How did Automobile driving is an example be proved by legal, argument, nor to you come the conclusion in re of the same idea. The quiet comfort scientific application, nor mathema spect to him? That easy, came the of sittngs, and the wise of handling ties, nor anything at all. The other answer, that man is so brutally mean of the modern machine, make driv fellow agreed that none of theme big tha; he wouldn buy a collar button.
ing a dilght, and too often it is things would be necessary to prove He has a mole on the back of his the only exercise that certain people the contray but that he would prove get. Here again hands and forearms nee, and he buttons his collar on it very easily just by reciting a faet it.
are favored with the legs and things In other world, recitation would be getting a very little of real blood the only thing to do it. Whereupon stirring work. Stiff limbs, constipa. Epitaph seen in a Cemeteryhe proceeded to recite as follows: tion, headaches, and neuritis are the Two wrongs make a right. Sama Here does the body of Marian rest, portion of these luxury lovers.
one passed a counterfiet five dollar With her head on Abraham breast; Try and give the whole body bill on me the other day. That wa Its a very good thing for Marian, chance, even though only partial, to one wrong. gave it to my landladyBut very hard lines for Abraham keep pace with the rest of the ma hine in its development.
AT THE LA BOCA ATHENAEUM PANAMA WESLEYAN ACTIVITES Harvest Festival Services in con Among the many important items section with the Panama Wesleyan of the programme held under the Church will be held on Sunday Nov.
ORDER BOOKS auspies of the La Boca Athenaeum 16th.
an on Tuesday night last were The Sacred Cantata entitled The SECRETARY address on Happiness by Mr.
two seasons will be rendered by AND Bynoe, a paper by Mrs. Olga the Choir at p. and membre REASURER King on How to interest others, and friends of the Church are cordi Phone 453 DRY CLEANING recitation by Mr. Cole and piano ON SALE ally invited.
PANAMA selections by Misses Richards, STEAM PRESSING and Hinds.
PALAIS ROYAL 18 STREET DYEING The week news was read by Mr.
SUITS Our Tailors Trimming Department LA MASCOTA RUBBER STAMPS Of every description DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH a WORKMAN PRINTERY TROTT The Cleaner We Dye To we At the Workman Printery


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