
PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY NOVEMBER 1, 1930 of Negro Poston Roosevelt Greatest Friend HARLEM PUBLICIST SAYS CONVENTIONAL RELIGION NEW YORK GOVERNOR GRITICISED HAS BEEN FAIR TO RACE down there, personally, and not only By Professor Julian Poston Commends Record of discriminated against but that they Huxley Roosevelt to Intelligent Negro Voters got the same salaries for the same SAYS NO USE FOR PRAYER in can FILL THOSE EMPTY SOCKETS WITH sistant secretary of the Navy, said Correered and unannotated in their Mr. Poston. When, during the war central position, he said so long Negroes were working in the ship wil the Churches be in the awkwar.
yards in Newport News and Norfolk sition of standing with one leg on Va. and some Southern whites wan.
either side of a nasty gulf. Its learni ed to discriminate against and segre er will believe one thing, the wa gate them, Roosevelt made a trip ut its adherents something not mer.
are none of them vital to any true iy different in being simpler, but eligion.
saw to it that the Negroes were noi radically different in nature.
Religion in the light of sciener seen not a Divine revelation, solution Where, then, does the to lie? he asked. It would seem ut as a function of hunan nature.
Work as goiten by write men. So he said. It is a very peculiar and lie in dismantling the theistic edifice very complicated function of human which if anyone would say that Roosevelt will no By FLOYD CALVIN longer bear the He was associated in newspaper NEW YORK. Oct. 16 That Gov weight of the universe as enlarged work in Kentucky with the late Phil friendship for the Negro is some nature, sometimes noble, sometimes ernor Franklin Roosevelt of the Brown, who was appointed to a thing recent, for political purposes LONDON, October Professor hateful, sometimes intensely valuable by recent science, and attempting to sometimes a bar to or individual find new outlets for the religious Julian Huxley criticised convention State of New York, now a candidate position in the Deparmtent of Labor his action in behalf of Negroes mor social progress for re election, has gone out of his spirit.
at Washington by President Hard than ten years ago shows he regards religion in his Conway Memorial way to show fairness and accord jus ing. On leaving the South, Mr. Pos them. But it is no more and no less lecture delivered at Conway Hall, Red It is obvious that with the aban function of human tice to the Negro in the Democratic mature ton went to Detroit, Mich. where he on Square, London last night.
Governor Roosevelt than donment of the idea of God is a distant party is the keynote of the program published the Detroit Contender, and cousin of the late Theodore Roose Discussing nee, Religion, and fighting or falling in love, than law single independent power, with a to re elect the State or literature, Democratic took courses in journalism at Detroit Human Nature, he said: nature akin to personality, many velt. He was educated at Columbia The Creeds, the words of every ticket, according to Poston University He has contributed University in New York City, and ai The 19th Century has shown, or current religious practices will be bok of the Bible, the very fact of who is heading the publicity divi articles to some of the leading ma Harvard. He is well liked personally my of us believe, that a whore petitioning prayer, the language of come meaningles, son for Negro citizens, with offices gazines of the country, including by all the colored people who ha e jawn of monstrous ideas about re NO REASON FOR PRAYER at 2297 Seventh avenue, Mr. Poston Any and every hy manal all implicity the Dearbon Independent, Current had a chance to know him. He took gion verbal inspiration, eternal There will be no reason for ser or more usually explicitly, assert a who is editor and publisher of the History, and The Nation.
a Negro staff to Albany for the exe Jamnation, magical efficacy of pray Vices of intercession, for prayer New York State Contender, official belief in a personal God, a God whe Governor Roosevelt was a friend cutive mansion when he moved ir or formula or rite, miraculous in the ordinary sense, for fear of in organ of the Democratic party for survey form the outside the of the Negro even when he was at at the expiration of the term of tervention, and the like have no punishment, for Negroes is co operating with James Washington during the war as world He has made, who controls comprehensible as Alfred Smith, validity in themselves, and the Farley, chairman of the Demo indeed, its normal workings and can miracul propitiatory sacrifice, or for agree ously interfere with them, who lis worship that is regarded as cratic State committee, with offices at the Hotel Roosevelt, Madison aven tens, to prayer and may grant able to its recipient, he said.
its HELLS PALEISCLAILLISSU Do people want new religion tie at 45th street, and Dan Ryan, petitions who can be pleased or chairman of publicity for Tammany wrathful, who can purpose and plan or any rate, the only kind of new who deliberately sent His Son into, religion which he Hall, 17th street and Union Square would willingly the world to save see, namely, one with a sientific Says Mr. Poston: At the present sinners.
time the colored fraternal organiza NASTY ULF basis and outlook. Men and women are This is a myrth, that is symbol; tions, the clubs deserting and the various this is a valiant attempt to express the religions which have a God, he sources of assembly of the common theinespressible, that an unfortunate added, Will they want to join one people are rallying to the banner of inexactitude.
without a God? believe that many Franklin Roosevelt. Why? The re would. So long as the plain statements cor f the Governor shows he tried and true friend of the No Bible and Prayer Book stand un Sir Arthur Keith presided.
kro The most outstanding thing in his first term was to sign the hili creating the Tenth Judicial Distri Harlem, in which colored judge have an opportunity to be electes The Governor knew when he signing the bill colored judge would be clected if the measure to came a law. Yet he cheerfully sign the Niit. That act gave to Negroes influence of the Agricultural New York City their first opportu Society from the time of its incep nity to bccome members of the The Clarion of Belize of October tien a few years ago. Unfortunately judiciary. Two jobs were created saya:13 Sir John lost many valuable years which will pay 12, 000 a year for We were glad to notice that our of his term, wavering between the den years. Also, Governor Roosevelt Governor, Sir John Burdon, while clamours of the Press for roads and signed the Old Age Pension Bill passing through Jamaica was given agriculture, the insistence of Mr.
which is proving a book to na a great deal of attention by the press Oliphant for forestry and a railway Hundreds of Negroes who woula of our sister Colony. What is per and the opinions of experts who visit ntherwise face poverty present haps the best feature of the numer ed uor shores and spent about and in the years to come. Alrendy ous interviews he gave Jamaican re short a time as possible racing from hundreds of aged Negroeg in Нат porters is his insistence that there is one end of the Colony to the other and lem have filled out the blanks mak no market at present for labourers writing a report which was read, ing application for the pension.
from Jamaica or elsewhere. It has carefully put into a pigeon hole and Labor bills which the Govern always been foolish to paint British BC into oblivion.
Honduras as a land over flowing It is now some time since we all signed, which help Negroes as wel (DURING NOVEMBER ONLY)
with milk and honey, and no time as whites, include provision for pro the Government, the people and the tection to employes on work of de could be worse than the present to do press agreed that agriculture could so.
be our only saviour in the years to molishing buildings; requiring seats The reason for the present depres come. We have been promised land for operators of passenger elevators: problems by industrial commission sion apart from influences abroad, settlement schemes and other pro which have wrecked our chicle projects to attract settlers to our broad er; requiring an eight hour day and prevailing rate of wages for all pects and ruined coconut, prices, be and fertile acres. As far as we are workmen on railroad garde crossing ing the necessity of transferring our aware nothing has been done.
elimination; insuring half holiday dependence from forestry to agricul There is another point which was for women in factories and merean ture, plans are being formulated to brought out in the Jamaican press turn British Honduras into an agri tle establishments; providing one and that is our political constitution, day of rest in seven for moving pic cultural country. In this connection Sir John is reported to have Haid.
ture operators; insuring further pre it seems very regreatble that Sir that as we are an unrepresented John should have given the report people, carrying on the Government tection to window cleaner: prohibi Ne ting against importation into ers who interviewed him to under of British Honduras was made more York State of convict made goods of stand, or more likely the reporters difficult as all plans for develop should have misunderstood him to other states.
ment and progres must come from say, that this administration WAS the Government. We wonder how The Democratic party has beer trying to instill into the minds of men like the late Sir Gordon Gug generous to the Negro in the matter the inhabitants the fact that they gisberg. Sir Reginald Stubbs and of employment in Mr. Poston owe cffice. staff of eleven people was cannot, for much longer, depend on others with ideas of their own and immediately put to work when he forest products and must tum will strong enough to put those ideas agriculture. We say that the report fnto actuality would welcome ampaign opened. There are five in his New York office, three in his are are more likely at fault, as sure form of Government in which they ly Sir John could not have forgotten could carry out their schemes with nyeploy in Brooklyn, and thr e ir the bitter duel the Government had ont having to fight Queens county. When the project their Way and lost to the Agricultural Society through stubborn Legislative work for up state is begun, Coun when the Hon ble Wolffshon was ells. We were very surprised that vill be used. The Contender, issue president, nor could he have forgot Sir John, who boasted, on his arrival by the Gotham Publishing Company ten the complete here, of his pioneer spirit and his akes an unequivocal stand for all REVERSAL OF POLICY Nemocratic candidates.
love of developing countries, should one he effected on more than Poston, a native of Honite oc complain of a system of Govern casion. When Sir John arrived in ville, Ky, came to New York nine ment which practically gives him British Honduras, the people were his own way in almost every in years ago. He was in Democratie work before coming North. He was nearly as much agriculturally mind stance. What a chance for a pioneer ed as they are now, and the chief educated at Kentucky State College Inree nndeveloped colony not and practically only reason for the at Frankfort and at Fisk University withon resources and the power to stir towards tilling the soil has been ons he liked.
KEEP SOME SPARE LAMP BULBS WA British Honduras is no Land of Milk and Honey Clarion Comments on Interviews Given by Sir John Burdon in this Island NEEDS AGRICULTURE EDISON MAZDA LAMPS il WE GIVE YOU HOUSE WHEN YOU BUY at SIX EDISON MAZDA LAMPS Genuine Edison Mazda Lamp Bulbs ARE SOLD BY THESE BETTER STORES 2 Cent Store, Wong Chang y Cia, Garage Exposicion Omphroy. Padilla y Cia. Brewer Co. Duque y Cia. Lyons Hardware, in Panama Brewer Co. Colon Cycle Co. Wong Chang y Cia. in Colon to AND OUR TWO STORES רות CA. PANAMEÑA DE FUERZA LUZ Panama At Your Service Always Colon


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