
GOOD JOB PRINTING (Continned from Page 2)
made of the cost of laying out the ground, it is necessary that levell ing should be taken and a survey made.
He has accordingly requested that permission should be granted that the Director of Publie Works and his officers should enter on lands for the purpose. Gazetta 10 DOI (Continued from page 2)
for rice reached their highest point in 1928 and there every sign of further expansion of the industry while the export of coconut products in 1929 was nearly twenty times that of ten years ago and even in sugar our exports are considerably harger than they were a decade back and the returns pe aere are now larger than at any previous time, The land has not failed us. Let us see to it that we do not fail the land we live in. Sgd. EDWARD DENHAM Governor September, 1930 ODIO these plays a very important part in the success of your business Chinese Stowaways Harbor Improvements in the Colony THEN IT YOUR BUSINESS Says the Port of Spain Gazette of September 30th: About two or three minutes before the Bermuda and West Indies liner, Silvia set sail for New York via Grenada and cther West Indian islands on Sept.
Mr. John Williams, second steward while making his customary round of examination, discovered that the door of No. 10 Cabin was firmly ured from inside. He dropped a Jacob ladder over the side of the ship and tried to peer through the port hole. He discovered that it wa tightly screwed and the curtains were draw. Hrported the to his senior officer. The door wa forced open and four China men derssed in underwear, were discov ered in the bunks, evidently making themselves at home, As a result Loo Chan, Aping Low Tong and Lee Pow, appeared yester day before Mr. Mathie Perez, Acting City Magistrate, and were each fined 110 or two months im prisonment.
TO GET GOOD WORK DONE the to We do only the BEST at Reasonable PRICES at on The Harbour Board of Georgetown British Guiana, has made publie a report which was prepared by Mr. Keigwin, o Mesters. Goode Wileon.
Mitchell and Vaughan Tee, England, on the subject of harbour improvements in the Col ony, MT Keigwin investigated possibility of large ocean going es using New Amsterdam har bour, on the Berbice River. He reported against the proposal, in view of the shoal water inside the harbour and over the bar. He also explored the Essequibo River ascertain the possibilities of dredg inga channel across Kujaron Bank, and reported that it would take about four months to carry out the project. His attention was more or less centred George town harbour, on the Demerara River, and he recommends the use of a self propelled grab hopper dredger of 300 tons. The dredging required, in the event of its being decided to fill up certain areas of fund on the foreshore, would be 600, 000 cubic yards; reclamation of Jand would permit of two wharves Heing construpted in connection with the railway. For reclamation work a light draught pontoon with pumps for dealing with mud suck ed from the hopper would be re quired.
The estimated cost of the grab hopper dredger sind reclamation vessel, pipeline, is 45, 000.
THE WORKMAN FIVE For the filling up of land and the construction of wharves to enable the railway to handle goods to and from the water front; the outlayo would be around 519, 000. Ex Concert by Paramount Musical and Literary Club THE WORKMAN PRINTERY 72 Carlos Mendoza Street NEAR JAVILLO After a day of hard work it is but natural that one should seek roeren tiion in a delightful place, Liberty Hall No. 29 Street offers sch place on Tuesday the 11th insi.
when the Paramount Musical Literary Club will stage a concer: here, and when the sound of sweet voices and music by the Colonial Clas sical Orchestra will permeate the a; mosphere.
This orchestra has always enjoyed an enviable reputation since its first appearance at Liberty Hall many years ago.
The principal faotors which have produgrd much harmonious player: of which it boasts are able music ians, good leadership, smart appear ance and appreciation by the pub Lie for their efforts.
Pobably, one of the best tributes for its popularity is the fact that whenever it plays for any functior here is always a larger attendance han usual. Knowing that their mi sie is always appreciated has en couraged the members to use their best efforts to progress in every way possible so as to interpret the works of the great masters. very pleasing number which it will render for the first time and which ie worth hearing will be The Alpine Echoes Fantasia composed by Hurfeurth.
Manufactured to Order AT THE SHORTEST POSSIBLE NOTICE British Triumph (Continued from Page 2)
ent to support native traders.
The last speaker was Mr.
Waison who created much laughter.
He suggested that the people should speak out loud so that their repres entatives and the Government could realize that they were not in the least in accord with any more aliens entering the Island. Loud cheera. Mr. Waison pointed out the neces sity of asking for an amendment of Law 36 of 1919 and the introduction of a Bill to compel all aliens doing business in Jamaica to employ at least 75 per cent native labour.
Mr. Waison concluded by asking hose present to support thetr own and to help the committee to carry out its aims.
After the chairman had made a few remarks, three cheers were given for the Native Defender Committee and the Trader and Con sumers Association.
The singing of God Save The King brought the successful meat ing to a close.
The Committee will soon start for the country parts GIVE US TRIAL AND BE CONVINCED. LONDON. October Efforts tending over many years in Great Britain, America and Germany to produce a cheap, efficient engine for tractor work on farms have ended in a triumph for two British firms.
These are associates of Agricultural and General Engineers. Ltd. one at Rochester and the other at Stam ford, and they have produced a four cylinder high speed Diesel tractoz using heavy oil at less than half the cost of petrol.
At the recent world tractor trials the best that Germany could produce was a single Cylinder Diesel engine while American firms exhibited only petrol paraffin motors. ܣ ܘ ODOSIO01 OO ODOOD 2010 5745753 FORFATTERS


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