
PAGE THREE Dr. Fairweather PHYSICIAN a un a ma IS ex war NEURALGINA on ac ille me wui Trum oa every and lor and ciety to the appean. tncta pritaios Little It is Criminal to Paramount Musical Standing Army Literary, Club Propagate the Unit Among the talented artists Transformed into who will contribute to he pro IS NOW LOCATED AT gram to be given by the Para Thoroughly Mechaniz EACH CHILD HAS THE RIGHT TO START mount Musical and Literary.
No. JK STREET Fighting Force LIFE UNENCUMBERED BY DISEASE Club ou Armistice Day, Tues PANAMA CITY day the Ith inst. at Liberty, Hali, No. 29 Street, will be LONDON Oct 18. Visions Says Dr. Tredgold of the Consultative Proiessor Muñoz, solo oboe of the next war were unfolded Council of the Eugenic Societies player of the Republican Band.
before the empire Prime Min This wul be his first appea.
isters today when the War Of NEURALGINA LONDON, Oct. 10 Every fice revealed its newest feel that before any result ance in that spacious and airy mor child has the right to start lule sters of destruction at Alder all be achieved the public con, auditorium. He was trairied anecumbered by disease and de science must be awakened. In the National Conservatory of sbot.
lective inheritance, and it is new giant tank like Should be in every office to immedjately soothe any music in Panama, and is essential thing, therefore is the wicked and should be a criminal cuucation of public opinion steel crab on wheels, rumbled to doubtedly the greatest oboe neuralgic pain caused by excessive mental work.
act for any individual to pro across shellholes amid the swirl wie responsibilities of parent player on the Isthmus.
Juce offspring burdened in this nood.
of dust, the roar of engines and His tone on the oboe is NEURALGINA way.
the crackle of guns.
Dean Inge in his address Old fash jestic, his execution is excel With these words, a challenge oued a warning, that the Church lent and for sentiment and ioned caterpillar tanks controll should be in every school to soothe bad headaches on one of the most ed by wireless fought a battle important should not be indiferent to the pression, musicians who know and reduce the fever of children racial problems of the day, Dr. question of breeding from the before the Prime Ministers him personally declare that he Tredgold a member of the wrong end.
eyes like portents of a is in a class by himself.
Consultative Council of the Eu which would be fought not by WASTED PRODUCTS Music lovers here have from genics Society, electrified the machines. New machine gun time to time heard some good Church Congress here today.
Lugenists, he said have no devices were brought into Is completely Inoffensive and nourishes the heart WISH to introduce the methods performers such instru His speech which criticsed the tion to reveal new refinement the studfarm into human nation attitude to people who ments as the piano, violin, cello of destructiveness.
They are not fools or cornet and the clarinet, but it are mentally and physically de The demonstration revealed cranks.
ficient, followed that of Dean can be safely said that they For sale both Wholesale and Retail conclusively that in the twelve Inge, who also spoke on euge We are at present breeding have never heard any on the years since 1918 Britain little But from Professor AT THE the learned protes oboe better then nics standing army had been trans rolls, or from the capable und Muños, which is considered the Dr. Tredgold said that he had formed into a thoroughly och iespecting artisans class, most difficult of al lwind and ascertained that eighty per cent AMERICAN PHARMACY chantzed fighting force operat of all defectives were the result the dwellers in the reed instruments. Do not miss ing with scientific precision an.
siumns, the waste products of of inheritance.
the opportuniy to hear him.
JAVIER MORAN, Proprietor var social system, and especially The most hair raising of all It is nu exaggeration lusi run the mentally deficient. DIVISION 244 OF THE the day monster was the tank Panama.
til lor some time pasi the la do not think the Church A.
which moved like a crab. It has tion has been steadily, breeding ought to be indifferent Deen designed to solve Tom the dregs rather than irom system of laissez faire The regular mass meeting of problem of a shell torn battle cream, he declared.
which largely increase the num Division 244 of the NI.
nad a big head start, but it was France to Erect a area and wriggle over obstaci Increased medical knowledge ber of criminals fallen women, will take place in the Hall at juickly ovetaken by its more. facilities which during the World War treatment, and others who prey upon so Monument to the 21st Street Guachapali, tomor to date and more terrible coun umanitarian had put caterpillar tanks out of sentiment, row.
action. When it came to gaping terparts. Two men tanks hali Victims of the 101 de general trend vi social legis Are we its size scurried past it at twice The programme for the eve to say that the craters combine sition it simply lifted its encoruage its speed to mae life easier for the unit Church ought to confine itself ning will be contributed to by wheels in the air one at a time PARIS, October 21. Authori cu cure, and leave prevention to the Choir and other members As a last surprise a survival and propagation others? hope not.
and crawled to the other side. dark zation to ask Parliament for an of the Division. cordial in its its Like the claws of a nightmare surse tank made and to make life easier for the appropriation to erect a monu the tank Another charge against cution is extended to the public wheels stretched mammoth Sixteen ton unfit than they do for the fit.
lent to the victims of the from shellhole to shellhole, each contrivance, which will super 101 disaster was granted to Although we are not Idege genists is that they value brava more than brain. They do not, wheel with its own driving wede the type now used by the way to Air Minister Laurent nerate nation at present it is on as a matter of fact; but is not power and each with its British Army. The capacities oi vious that if this process is al This tank are still a jealously Eynae by the French Cabinet. lowed to continue, national de this another gain of the new grip on the surface. The ma The monument will be erected at HAS, KENCVED 10 chine had been designed to car stranded secret, but it won the Allonne, where the airship fell. generaey is merely a question of morality, that we are beginning care for our bodies and to ce around the eldershot Irill ry ammunition and rifles over a 29 HSTREET time and a sum Yesterday, at in arithmetic a meeting of make them as fit and comely is Lattle area.
ground to day with the greatest Panama City The only way to avoid this is the Municipal Council of Al we can?
The commanding officers in onne, the Mayor made the sug of the fit and preventing that which control of propagation Ought not the temple of the to day demonstration issued gestion that the field in which Holy Ghot to receive a litle out Classes in English orders not to marching men TRINIDAD of the unfit.
che airship fell be presented by ward attention, by health exer BY DAY AND BY NIGHT but to machines with men inside the council to the English peo The last point we have to cont cises, sunbathing, and them. Only the heads of the ple. This suggestion was approv sider is that of the means by This is all part of the eugenic Dr. BARTON, company commanders peeped Health and Hygiene ed, a letter to that effect being wheih control of propagation ideal and though admit that from the tops of the giant tanks, sent to the British Ambassador can be achieved. There is PRINCIPAL we have the whole of the dark and the commanders. too, were Museum at Paris.
large section who are intrinsical and middle ages against us, mechanized, for beneath their ly sound and healthy; their pro somehow think that Christ Him Small steel helmets glearned wireless The Port of Spain Gazette pagation should be encouraged. self would have approved.
states that during Health Week Unfortunately thefe is also MOTHER FEARS DENTIST The commanders were follow in that city, Dr. Geo. Ma The Greatest Thrill a very considerable section who MASONIC TEMPLE ed in to battle by wireless tend son, E, Medical Of are so constituted that they can in the World Office Hours:8, am to 12 pm nicer of health and Chairman on ers with a maze of instruments only produce unfit off spring. 30 pm to 30 pm Sundays, by Special Appointment inside and from parapets of the Health Week Committee, Their propagation should be BOX 849 ANCON, Masonic Temple lith St, steel the commanders issued delivered an address to a large prevented. How is that to be O, Box 787. CRISTOBAL wireless order to a host of other gathering in the course of which brought about?
Cirilo Sandford he pointed out the remarkable PHONE: 1664 OFFICE tanks to armored cars and mo It may be that the time has tor trucks behind the lines and decline in tuberculosis and en 102 which the State Attorney at Law PALAIS ROYAL even to airplanes whirring eric fever in Trinidad within should take come definite action above them.
recent years and appealed to FOR OFFICE: 153 CENTRAL AVE. PHONE 103 and various the Government and local phi There was neither colour nor proposals have been advanced to this end, INTERWOVEN HOSE glory in to day picture of war. tantrophists for a permanent Drab gray ironclads swarmed Health and Hygiene Museum over the countryside, often to enable them to combat the Stop and analyze it. there hiding behind smoke screens.
scourges that afflicted the inha nothing in life that gives more Phone 453 Only occasionally a glimpse of bitants of the colony, pure happiness than making DRY CLEANING infantry betrayed the fact that His Excellency the Governor someone else happy.
PANAMA STEAM PRESSING men were engaged.
strongly supporſed the sugges Is there?
The demonstration culminated tion for a museum of that kind 16 STREET When we present a gift, we DYBING We Dye To we with a thrilling race between a as he was priviledged to bear want it to be packed with all the PANAMA dozen tanks lumbering over hil testimony to the good results sentiment, affection and good locks, difches and artificial shell achieved by such an institution its quality every time it is seen.
holes. An old caterpillar model in Zanibar.
There a multitude of things that will serve, but they lack in some respect. They wear out quickly; outlive their usefulness; or have no usefulness at all, is there ANY THING that will Of every description quicken the recipient heart beat. that will tell her more eloquently than you could that you wish her well. that speaks can have them neatly bound at that never wears out. that retains its value. that arouses the admiration of all who see it?
AT THE Yes it fine jewelry such as No, 72 CARLOS MENDOZA STREET we will be glad to show you if you will pay us visit Soon.
JAVILLOFILL FULLER obo 122 Central Avenue.
Private Academy OWII to ease.
So on?
a :9 TROTT The Cleaner 10 DO RUBBER STAMPS Book Binding!
Why throw away your old, but no doubt interesting books, when you DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH THE WORKMAN WORKMAN PRINTERY

    FranceSpainWorld War

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