
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY NOVEMBER 8, 1930. Conference to Relieve Depression HOMELY PHILOSOPHY THE WORKMAN By GEORGIA DOUGLAS JOHNSON WHICH WAY ARE YOU TRAVELING. Lifes pathway is an incline on which you are either climbing or slipping down, for verily one never travels on a level in life; there is always a slant either up or down. You are continually improving or losing, growing better or growing worse. When you are apparently standing still, you are losing ground. It is well to occasionally survey your course to be sure that the path slants upward.
ONE YEAR. 20 THREE. 60 20 About nine or ten months ago the President of the United States called into conference the money powers of the country and asked them to spend some money to Published on Saturday by WALROND, at the office No 72 help relieve the depression then, as now, the topic of CARLOS MENDOZA Street No. 72, Panama, P.
universal discussion. It was reported that any number of financial leaders heeded the call and had dinner with Box 74, Panama Box 1102, Ancon RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION the President. We say had dinner, because we have no evidence that they conformed further than eating. 40 Cy.
and talking SIX MONTHS Following the conference, our daily papers carried a statement announcing the heads of the various inONE MONTH.
dustries attending the conference committed themselves to a program of large spending. We read accounts of The Liberty of the ress is the Palladium of our rights JUNIUS the millions that would be spent almost immediately aid the President in relieving the depression.
Almost a year has elapsed since that announcement about large spending of millions to aid the President.
ANT LIKE DESTRUCTION We have not seen the fruits of that conference except in a most disappointing manner. Not only have the heads of the big industries refused to spend the millions, but To day, we wish to speak of destruction. Everyone We have noticed what may be termed orders from the knows what it is to destroy, and everyone is more or front a decided retrenchment in Uncle Sam spending.
less familiar with the things used as implements of deWe have heard about the order that went out to certain struction. Some of these are called lethal weapons, such departments to curtail over head; to cut down expenses; as knives and other cutting instruments. Firearms, poito retrench here and there. Retrenchment means a cutsons, narcotics, and so forth. Such weapons of destruction as these are used by mankind to destroy the physic ting down of expenses. Cutting down means the laying off men and women.
al vitality in mankind. The earthly masters of creation used the gun and sword in warfare. Whenever one nation The President ought to know that his own govern has, or imagines a grievance against the other, that na ment cannot lay off men and women from their jobs tion resorts to the use of these weapons to adjust that and expect the industries to add men and women to grievance, and the other nation also resorts to the use their payrolls. Just how the President expects to aid of them to defend themselves, and the work of destructhe hungry citizens by laying them off is another one of tion commences. Malicious and grossly wicked persons, his engineering theories, perhaps, but it sounds like bad many times too many, have destroyed the vitality in the practice to us. The example is bad, especially after askphysical life of others. And too, men and women have ing the industries to spend large sums to relieve the debecome adicts to the use of narcotics to the extent of pression.
destroying the vitality of body and mind, and thereby It is known that many of the leaders of industries making themselves wholly impotent to discharge the mal functions of proper reasoning and sober judge. left that conference and went straight home and, instead of spending millions, they laid off men and woment. In all these ways, men have wrought destruction en by the hundreds. The Pennsylvania railroad did just on the bodies and souls of humanity, and have enactthis thing. Others did similarly. If this conduct can be els mewhat of a universal holocaust.
construned as relief then we are ignorant on the subBut there is another kind of destruction, the which we have described in our headline as, ant like. The kind is to foolish to help in the work of building up the drone that is crafty and cunning, unerhand and fatal.
The kind that prohibits the establishments of social among mankind who is void of conscience, integrity or honour the drone who is afraid of the sunshine and amity among persons, the kind that retards community prefers to function in the dark where he needs no light progress, the kind that is undermining to the social to do his dirty work, and where he fattens upon the prestige of individuals. In the same manner that there sweat of the laborers and those who are builders. Yes, are different kinds of machinery put on the market of the work of the drone wherever he is found is to disthe world which are used to accomplish every kind of suade, dissolve, and destroy. The sound of his voice work in the industrial activities of nations and peoples, cannot be mistaken, for it is always dissonant and disin this manner there are different and various kinds of destructive devices used by persons to accomplish their puting, and should you listen, in the dead of night you will hear him chanting the ancient song of destruction aims and aspirations, if these may be so called. Carthage must be destroyed! Carthage must be In order to illustrate the destruction we call ant destroyed!
like, we use the publication about the doings of a certain Let all who read this story of the sauva ant resolve kind of ant found principally in Brazil called the Sauva in his own mind that he must occupy a place among the or cutting ant. This ant has been described as the great workers in the vineyard, where he will be engaged in the est enemy of all time of the farmers of Brazil. There are practical occupation of building constructing, instead three kinds of this variety of ants, viz. the queen or of destroying. The life of the destroyer is one of shame, propagators, the laborers and the drones. sordidness, and villany. There is neither principle nor The queens attend to the work of supplying reality behind it. The age of sentimentality is passed enough of both laborers and drones to perform and long gone. This is the age of reality. The sauva ant the functions of destruction, the laborers work hard made itself known to the farmers of Brazil by its depre bringing in the leaves and twigs and flowers they cut dations over extended periods. Now, they have devised from the farms and gardens of men who work hard to all manner of means with which to fight and destroy it.
rear them, and the drones remain in the ant cones get Yesterday this ant was engaged in the work of destruct ting a hold of every leaf and twig brought in by the laborers, and reduce them to pulp with their mandibles. ing it. That is the natural way. The destroyer will tion. To day, men are engaged in the work of destrovThese ants as will be observed become a real problem to eventually be destroyed!
honest and hard working people whose every effort is destroyed by the depredations of the sauva. The farm PODO IODO 100g ers keep sowing while the sauva keep destroying, and the work of destruction is more easily performed than the work of sowing. The work of reaping is easier FOR THE BEST IN of accomplishment by the theif and the robber than it is for the honest sower to sow, nurture and mature, for while it takes intelligence, knowledge and perseverance to sow and mature, none of these things are necessary to accomplish the work of destruction.
of every description The point we wish to make by this little narrative of the sauva ant, is to make reference to a likeness of relaVISIT THE tions between this ant and men and women in this particular, though they be so different in others. We make the bold but truestatement that in every walk of life we come in contact with the same three kinds of persons as we find among the ants, the propagators of principles, maxims, creed those who inculcate these and go out as labourers among others earnestly engaged in sowing the seeds they have gathered and the drones who do no a fine Selection of other work but destroy that which was propagated by the propagators of good things, and disseminated among cthers by the laborers. Too often have we experienced ARTIZAN TOOLS the result of the activity and aggressiveness of the drones in our churches societies, and organizations. Their ALSO THE VERY BEST BRAND IN work of destruction is spread from end to end of the whole works, and they seek to destroy in the morning, at noon, and the twilight finds them still at the task which they delight in performing the task of destruction. What has been the cause of the lethargy with Give us a call before purchasing which people allow themselves to come under the influelsewhere once of the Christian religion? What is the cause of the indifference towards attentiveness to the things that make for progress in our industrial life? what is the PANAMA HARDWARE cause of the disposition to be mean, unkind, ruthless and wanton in our social life? The answer is the same in CATHEDRAL PLAZA every case. It is the result of the work of the drone who ODEODODO ject of relier. If anybody has been relieved of anything vut his job, or a few dollars from his envelope, we refer such ignorant ones to Mr. Hoover. Perhaps he can tell us how many have been relieved, and who they are. We do not know such persons. Ask the President. Pittsburg Courier)
DIVISION 186 OF THE PANAMA WESLEYAN U. HOLDS DUAL SOCIETY FUNCTION The monthly consecration Members of the Division 186 meeting of the Panama Wes of the held a dual leyan Society took place function at the Hall 25th Street, it Geddes Hall on Wednesday Guachapali on Sunday last viz: night last the 5th inst.
The observance of Garvey The programme was arranged Day and a ceremony in connec tion with the coronation of the by Miss Louise Dawkins and the Rev. Wright presided.
King of Abysinia. Ras Tafari The subject for the evening was The function began at pm Lessons from the life of with the singing of the Hymn Elijah on which Mr. Har Shine on eternal light and ris delivered a very interesting was conducted by Mr. Jef address which commanded the fers who took charge of the special attention of the audi religious section of the pro ence.
The newly organised ihe other section of the meet Choir contributed an item to ing was sponsored by Secretry the evening programme for Greely who acted in the which they were heartilyap capacity of Chairman.
The Rev. Wright stated that Secretary Greely also deliver the next consecration meeing ed the principle address of the will be held in the Church and evening Other addresses were also the first meeting of the Mlivered by Miss Williams new year will be in the form of and Messrs. Douglas and Stew a rally which will also be held art while a few other members in the Church of the Club contributed Vocal reception for Mr. Deaville Solos.
Walker which will take place Wine was served in honour on Thursday next, also of the occasion to all the men mentioned. The meeting was cers present, while toasts were brought to a close with the sing given by many of the officer ing of the Mizpah.
of the Society Following are the contribut the evening pro The Singing of the doxology ors gramme.
brought the function to a close Prayer Mrs. Gittens Tomorrow will be Women Scripture Reading Miss Julia Day and the officers and men Bailey bers of the Society take this op Reading of the Minutes. Miss portunity of extending a heart Dawkins Welcome to all friends to attend Vocal Selection Choir the meeting to be held in the Vocal Selection Mrs. Ste hall at pm vens.
Address Mr. Harris WESLEYAN CHURCH Recitation Miss Ambrozine PANAMA Roll call and Response Harvest Festival Closing Hymn Mizpah Our Harvest Services will be held in the Wesleyan Church on was to Villiers TODO TODO Sunday the lóth. The Rev. Radio Program on. HARDWARE :Panama Hardware Wright will conduct the ser ices at 11 a In the afternoon (Continued from Page at 30 a Cantata, The Two school This study Seasons will be rendered by which comprised sixteen south the Choir. Before the Cantate ern states showed that only the children will present their per cent of the total Negro offerings. The admission to this school enrollmen were in high service will be by presenting schools in 1927 28, while the ihe Special Harvest Envelope percentage for whites was 14. the door and By Cor Figures were also released in tion of 25 cents. The Cantata is this connection showing the beautiful and there is no doubi comparison of Negro boys and will be a most imteresting fea girls enrolled in high school.
ture in the series of services.
The evening service at 30 Sixty three per cent more ne gro girls than boys attended will be conducted by Mr. high school in 1927 28. while Deaville Walker of the Wesle the difference between white Missionary Society in girls and boys was only seven London, Mr. Walker has travel per cent, in favor of the girls.
led extensively in the Mission Many persons, while encour Fields. He is a writer of books aged over the 178 per cent in and an authority on Missions.
crease in the total Negro high His addresses and sermons are school enrollment during the full of interesting incidents. past ten years, and the 529 per our people in Jamaica have been cent increase in the fourth year lelighter with him.
of high school, lament the fact On Monday night 17th inst. that so few Negro boys are a social will be held in the Hall continuing in school. It is ex Tverything will be done to rected that the devotion of an make this an enjoyable evening hour over a national hook up to The children are request these and similar problems will ed to in their seats not later do much to stimulate more in than P. as the Cantata will terest in the education needs of be started at 30 precisely. the Negro. Negro World. an PAINTS ENAMELS.


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