
PAGE FIVE 050 100 100L ΟΞΟΣ ноног 1000 OSO 10505050F STANLEY SMITH WE CECILIA THEATRE AT THE IN QUEEN HIGH To morrow Sunday Nov. Monday Nov. 10 Tuesday Nov. 11 QoFocUSPOS000 FORION RALUPO OOS INTERESTING JOTTINGS Church Services Panama 27th Anniversary greatest attraction was he num ideas of 11 his a We Making Good Clothes Cleaning Clothes Good to name REID ST ALBAN CHURCH PARAISO. crous Scouts who were beau (By ELIJAH HUNTER)
tifully clad in uniform. Were (Rector of St. Paul in charge)
ST. PAUL CHURCH, marched to the attired looks, tokens oi of the strains FRIENDS Countrymen. This Uh, answer me somebody, and let 7:45 a. Holy Eucharist the Commander promulgated Valor Cobarde, which was af week will give you a bit of ora e not bust with anxiety as Caesar Panama, Sermon reform? Are the terwards changed to March tory, and was informed by the old methods devised for the opera Laid when gimblet stabbed him TWENTY FIRST SUNDAY AFTER 3:00 Church School Las Camisas.
folkes that the fellow who tions of Sea Scouts tending to gave the house of Representatives.
TRINITY 7:30 Evensong Address This band is comprised of the suppression of the prevalent this oration was well paid for his But have sprung aleak an. Mr. Osborne, Catechist.
effort because one of some veteran musicians from criminality and the girl spilling am going to let her rip immorality Rev. Nightengale, the famous West Indian Regi among our boys in this cosmo who heard him so fell for him that ST. MATTHIAS MISSION while yelp like a hungry bear with Rector)
mental Band; therefore their politan domiciliation of ours? Is she afterwards became his wife.
a sore head, or a big yellow dog 5:30 a. Holy CommunionLAS SABANAS toning, phrasing and execution the mental horizon of Leader Here you are:with a wheelbarrow tied to his tail he Rector. The Rector of St. Paul in charge) were excellently done. The Deship scrutinizingly probing the (It was recited at a tea meeting) hen, flod together, fellow 10:15 a Matins Mr. 8:00 Church School Lesseps Band marched the com units of the origination and the Fellow Citizens and huma un ans, like a fleek of turkey bu well, Catechist.
7:30 Evensong Address ny of Police, while they beni nest of waging atrocities in Lend me you ears, for am about vards round the carcass of a di 10:30 a. Armistice Commem Mr. Richards, Catechist. tifully executed March Pana immorality in the ranks?
to let her slide. This is a great iune mule, or a drove of shad in oration (Eucharistic Intercession)
ma The Band was in good What examination or act of country, full of toils and troubles fly time, or will stick to you like The Rector.
WESLEYAN METHODIST form. The third Band was the valor did these Officers accom sin and sorrow, Mickness and death. brick but to a bar of soft soap, or Prelude prayer Von Weber.
Sea Scouts, which interpreted plish preparatory to Panama 11 a. Mr. Henry Hale the rank We spring up like a hopper grass, a lot of hungry children to a bow! Intro Palm 119 Pt. 21 Vs.
March Arialot. This Band un wood 30 Rev. they are assigned? Is the Sea and are cut down like a pepper of clam soup. Times are not as the 161.
Wright der the young Leader, should Scout a Governmental unit?
grass, as Speelshake sys in use to was, and things in general Kyrie Ward to a great extent be compliment Where is Colon 11 a. Mr. Brathwaite the ship our Sea work of human events. tell you have got to come to a stop, son Hymn 218 ed for its attempt. While stand Scouts 30 Rev. Cousin will mann? Can the fellow citizens, a crisis has arisen friend James says, and what he Gloria Tibi. Gounod thes admiration was shown for Country La Boca 11 a. Wright 36 depend on their rendition, although they Scouts against any foreign in and something is bust; our hyper says is oil from the these How can.
Gratias Tibi Gounod bolical and majestic universe of Dm. Mr. Walters lacked a few things, particular vasion? Are zomeever, his absence prevents hi Credo Hall these Sea Scouts creation has unshipped her rudder, hemispherical, organizational, optie Hymn 376 New Providence 11 a. Rev. ly marching parade exercises.
the progenies of the undesir and the Captain dead drunk in al. illusional powers, Sursum Gorda Cantus Solemnis Cousins The Admiral who should have able? These are popular queries that renowned and never to Look to it, fellow humans, or Sanctus Gounod Paraiso 11 a. Mr. Milling led the Scouts was somewhere which should be cleared. In forgotten place called the other will, for am spillin. am worried Benedictus Qui Venit. Morley ton with the band, the reason for the past there were magical side of Jordon; the chamber maid and there will be trouble in th Gloria In Excelsis Deo Hall 30 Mr. Harewood which, cannot tell. But the and ornamental imponderable has jumped over board, and dived the Recessional Hmn 235.
streamings that excited the ad down to the depths of the mighty land, and when do rise up, whole nation from the east to the Postlukle Air. Handel.
miration of the populace for a deep, in search of crabs and other time; but these met their doom west, from the north to the south small insects. Our wigwams are torn 7:30 FOR Evensong Sermon in forgetfulness in few to pieces like an old shirt on a brush will exclaim in the loud and terrific The Rector.
months. Let us hope this move fence.
have ublime and unnatural language a purloined the Prelude Melody in Geo nent for reformation will re hunting grounds of the poor abori Paul De Soap Fat Man used when Rocknell sult in the uplift of our boys.
to th giness, and drove them in despera preaching in the widerness Hymn 586. Psalm 118. Mag when aboriginess of Hosh Kosh, If the Leaders of the move and tion to the plains of carcassus on nificat. Jacobs in Major he mentare said unto them, that Him possessers of the the Kentuck river, near sheedunk Hymn 217 Recessional Hymn qualities which should be dom last shall be first, and territory 364. Postlude. March in inant in all reformers, then the that is first shall be This is a time to be looked up Waghorne.
inits will make aspiration to last, and follow in the footsteps of see like a bobtail shanghai on the heights of their cultured he others when gabriel blows his rickety henroost. Are such things horn, or stay behind till the day of jses to be one heads; but if the Leaders!
of the most to be did? ask you in the mental horizons are blurred by interesting for the season as conceit. or these two Clubs are considere possess erty, which has smelt the smoke of rooms: to let if they are posses Merey! this oration to be the stronges on the Paci miny bottles, and has now flown No. 6, 19 Street and Central Ave. sed with the characerisics friends countrymen. We over the cloud capped summits of which make for mental religi The match will start at 12 Rockyganny mountains, the some of these orators to day Maybe and Panama, 11s and industrial growth, then has perched on the staff of the they would be able to help us tell noon with Umpires Ashby the followers will naturally be star spangled smasher. Are such the people something thats good for Dalhouse officiating.
come possessed of demeaning things going to be conglomerated. them!
characters. Many distinguished prizes were given to scholars of Nations Union, at which the who showed merit in the Span ish Schools final grade, and ently represented.
the oration delivered awakene!
Continued from Page 1) The Prince pointed out to the thoughtful study and high a in the efficiency of the League gathering that the Empire rep preciation by the audience resented one fourth of the en of Nations to prevent another which manifested excellent be devasting world war. would tire human race; comprising dif Just Received a Large Assortment of haviour. It is pity that the rain ask those people to reflect first ferent races, languages, and con fell just at the time when the that the way to prevent war is ditions, and who maintain sep various units should pursue hay reached back to their head not by some sudden and violent rate nationalities and action at the eleventh hour, but their own methods of develop quarters Leaders be awakened to the by the gradual and steady forma ment, had passed beyond the fact, that who owns the self tion of habits of international stage where it was the duty of cooperation and mutual trust. the nation vehemently to assert In the very Latest Designs owns the self before the last Secondly, would suggest te its independence. They will ELKS OF THE WORLD those people that they ask the settle their diferences around a table, and if a quarter of the ALSO selves if they mistrust the Lea TO HOLD MOCK TRIAL gue what possible alternative human race has thus proved the Arrangements have been complet they have to offer for estab practicability of a true league ed for the holding of a senational lishing peace and rebuflding nited, independent of the na murder case (moek trial) by world prosperity.
tions, is it mere idealism te the members of the Olympu Tonight gathering is in it hope that the remaining three Lodge No. 569 Elks of the self one of the most convincing fourths will be able to tread the World, at their Hall, 23rd proofs of the possibility of. In same path?
Street Guachapali, at p. to ternational. co operation on a LEST YOU FORGET night.
very extensive basis. Here is ANCON AND EAST Attorney Sydney MeLean will represented one quarter of the END TO MEET act in the capacity of Chief Justice entire human race comprising in the case; Mr. Jos. Smith will different races langu The Ancon Cricket Club will act as Assisatnt prosecuting attor ages and conditions but united engage the East End in under the crown of our com very interesting game of IS. UP. TO. DATE AS USUAL ney for the plaintiff, while Messrs Myers and Dacres will be the de mon tradition of loyalty.
Cricket tomorrow Sunday 9th USES THE EMPIRE AS AN inst.
fending attorneys.
the EXAMPLE This match The proceedings will be in was formerly LONDON, Oct. 31 scheduled for Sunday 16th, but hands of Mr. Victor Moore who is The British it was found more convenient SC. MULLER doing verything possible to ensure Prop Commonwealth was held up as to have the date changed. The a well spent evening. Tickets are 37 CENTRAL AVENUE 37 on sale and members and friends of an example to the world by the game will played under the the organization are looking for Prince of Wales at a dinner held auspices of the Silver Spray ward to a most interesting time, in the Guild Hall by the League Cricket competition and prom of that proud majestie bird of lil Jugernot. vacant is some need fic side.
Prince of Wales will Dominions. and India were emin LA MASCOTA ENGLISH TWEEDS Blue Serges, Black Cheviots and Cream Flannels Mount Our Tailors Trimming Department men of LA MASCOTA obo

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