
Constantine Gives Interview to West Indian Newspaper ON HIS ARRIVAL AT TRINIDAD NO SIGNS OF REVOLUTION IN Mother, Fears TO JOIN TEAM SAILING CUBA SAYS NEWSPAPER FOR AUSTRALIA CORRESPONDENT Lingering Death of Somu Constantine says he kept fit Brazil Censorship Declared Exaggerated le story o ta woman who, it is a in on mem Не he ani is bowler, His length is perfect and he keeps the batsman think ing all the time. His changes are quite deceptive. Therein lies his great power as a bowler. Wall is a good fast bowler about Larwood pace, Attempts to End His and Hornibrook is always dangerous Life by Slashing His on a wet wicket, Throat with Razor LAST SEASON NOT Exchange says: with it in Australia before go STRENUOUS But it Turns out to be the One in Learie Nicholas Constantine, chrough the tour. Its balance is YSTRAD, Oct. dramat the famous Trinidad and West excellent althought it has been by skipping on board.
Indies all rounder who has some hard serviec.
alleged, attempted to murder did not have so strenuous (By Harold Denny in the New ed by officials most of the time, but her son because she thought he been engaged as a professional KNOWLEDGE OF season this summer as Times. by the Nelson Club. England they found opportunity to question was going to have a lingering AUSTRALIA people of all classes, from the Gov death, was told at the Ystrad 1929, he said, bit Lancashire still maintains his opinion that HAVANA Oct. 16. The Cuban saw the Australians in ac League Cricket has improved ernor to school teachers and Browne, the well known boot Police Court today, when tion several times and met our much. Bacup beat Nelson after people are interested in a revolution Llacks and the answer Barbados, British Guiana and universally Frances Cross, of Trelaw, was was no trouble, although there is West Indies player, should have captain, Mr. Grant, at Old a great struggle. They secured wrtainly but it is the revolution ir committed for trial the been selected to tour Australia Trafford. There was not much the services of Hartley, who Brazil. As to a revolution in their CONSIDERABLE DISTRESS charge of attempting to murder which greatly assisted Richardson.
there with the West Indies team dur play that day.
own country, about because of the republic present her fourteen year old son. Ald ing the coming winter. think Don Bradman Greenwood, a good all round were fears not so long ago, the sur. bad economic situation, which now is wyn George Cross, by cutting Constantine arrived here yes phenomenal batsman. He has a er, assisted Nelson this season. way to win a laugh from a Cuban at its worst due to the fact that, him with a razor.
to ask him when it will break out terday, to join the other style of his own, he has enter sugar cane is not quite ready to cut. The boy gave his evidence Three American correspondents bers of the team who will sail prise. His batting is an untiring DENTIST HOWELL who came to Cuba reently to cover Where is the revolutionary move from a stretcher bed on whicb for the tour within the next few effort to get the ball away. He ment we have been hearing about? he was carried into court. He days, looking the picture of is never content to merely pat the political crisis returned to House No. 912 La Boca was asked of Governor Vas said that while he was sleeping health for his stay of several vana. It is true that the journey was the bal.
quez Bello of Santa Clara Province, in bed in the kitchen down months in England, and he re Canal Zone made at the government invitation a young Beau Brummel of a politi strains he felt a sharp pain in ceived a warm welcome from a Grimmett is a wonderful and the correspondents were escort cian with a Jimmy Walker smile, his neck.
number of his admirers when That is easy, responded Senor thought was dreaming, Vazquez Bello. In Brazil.
he said, could see somebody in he landed.
AFTELSELEPATILE Where is the revolution?
the front of me. It was my mother NO NEED FOR DESPAIR correspondents asked gray haired She went upstairs, but could Discussing the prospects of woman teacher.
not get out of bed because my the West Indies team against In the pocketbook! she exclaim legs were bad. screamed and Australia, with a representative of the Trinidad Guardian, the slapping her side, saw my brother come. He fol Where is the revolution? they lowed my mother upstairs.
popular all rounder, whose asked a bootblack, BROTHER SCREAM name has penetrated the four Everywhere but here, said Aldy added that he had been corners of the cricketing world, with a laugh.
ill for some time and knew he said: On their retrun to Havana, how nad to go to hospital. His inoth. think we have more than ever, the correspondents found the had looked after him, fighting chance, although city in the midst of a recurrence of had given him all the attention would have been pleased if we the disturbances among students a good mother should.
nad a little more variety in our which had their climax two weeks Sohn Cross, the brother, said bowling However, there ago in the death of one of them in that he heard Aldwyn scream plenty of bowling and we need riot near the University of Ha and tried to open the door of not despair, if it is well support the kitchen, but was bolt ed in the field.
As a result a heavy police guarded. He burst it open and FAMILIAR WICKETS was posted about the Parque Central heard his mother rushing up learnt stairs.
from Patsy Hen this morning. Despite this, many Jren, continued Constantine, students coming to the opening ses He followed her, but she had that the Australian wickets sion of a high school near the park bolted her own door, too. He were more closely approximate gathered there with a number of burst this open and saw his mo to that of British Guiana than worknien. The policemen, noting the ther lying on the bed crying piti any other in the West Indies. If mixed character of the crowd, dis fully. She had a razor in her that is so, West Indies batsmen persed them. Several are reported to hand.
should make many runs Wc Dr. Charles Bryan Tonypandy TO HAVE SUFFERED BRUISES should not get obsessed with delegation of students after pady said the boy life was not che idea that the Australians ward called at the offices of El Pais, now in danger. He had are a team of super men. They an opposition newspaper, where known Mrs. Cross for nine are the hardest triers have they years. She was an excellent me and protested the treatment scen, and Don Bradman is a ther, and had carried out his in stated that they were determined to phenomenal batsman, but ructions faithfully.
Keep up the agitation.
aust begin by getting rid of Mrs. Cross told me, he sait fol demonstration by students that feeling, when we take the lowed by a few hours a declaration that she was very depressert about her son condition. She by Professor Juan Marinello Vida (DURING NOVEMBER ONLY)
BELIEF IN BROWNE arreta of the University of Havana had been told he was going to Asked what he thought of the who had been held in jail until yes have a lingering death, and she exclusion of Browne from terday in connection with the riots said that she intended to end the West Indies side, Constan of the university students, that he her son and her own life.
tine asserted. would continue to fight for liberty in the streets as well as in the class Personally, think his type Bandits Make a Big of bowling would have been use Haul tul. But, he has not been select In a public statement, Professor ed and do not think we need ARE SOLD BY THESE BETTER STORES Vidaurreta said the younger genera NEW YORK, Oct. 29 (Reuter consider it. We still have plenty tion would do away with the evils of Service) Three bandits, of bowling, as there is old style politics and that the stu armed with guns, walked into Birkett, Sealy, Headley, denis were creating a new political the jewellery shop of Ro Martin and Scott, to life for Cuba.
sental and Son in Broadway support the fast bowlers, and Reports of the censorship exereis St. Hill, and do not think ed by the Machado Government ap norter at the point of the pistol this mornine, forced the negro we need therefore to despair.
pear to be exaggerated. The Ameri But our bowling must to reveal the combination of be can correspondents here have not well supported in the field, and noted any interference with their dis by 200, 000 dollars worth of the safe, and decamped richer above all we must play as patches in which they have freely team. Team work and keenness Brewer Co. gems.
quoted the opposition. The newspaper The porter story is that a was the secret of Australia El Pais appears daily with charges disguised as success in England.
man, Postal against the government and report telegraph messenger, rapped on We must adapt ourselves to of disorders which are not found in the window at a. this morn play another type of cricket in newspapers favourable to the poving shouting that he had an the no limit test matches. think ernment, although it is duid that the urgent message and when the have a reasonable chance editors of El País have been warned door was opened the robber ram of success if we display the ne to be careful in their editorial com cessary confidence in ourselves ment. Despite its campaign against forced him inside, followed by med a gun in his stomach and We must take a leaf out of the government El País is to be another man. The negro, tremb Woodfull book on occasions.
found in the club rooms of soldiers ling, said he couldn remember GOLDEN BAT barracks and even the guards at the the safe combination, where As Constantine unpacked his Palace tilt back in chairs placidly upon the bandits forced him to grip at the Oval, he shewed us reading it.
telephone the owner of the Special Constantine bat with store, let the combination, and which he had. earned 870 in PALAIS ROYAL open the safe.
talent money in six weeks.
Genuine Edison Mazda Lamp Bulbs room.
ya Cent Store, Wong Chang y Cia, Garage Exposicion Omphroy, Padilla y Cia. Brewer Co. Duque y Cia. Lyons Hardware, in Panama a Colon Cycle Co. Wong Chang y Cia, in Colon a we GAAND OUR TWO STORES CIA. PANAMEÑA DE FUERZA LUZ Panama At Your Service Always Colon the porter story.


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