
SALE TRINIDAD JAMAICA JODO Federation of the Clerks Are GOOD JOB PRINTING ODOOD ODO (Continued from Page 1)
a University in Great Britain. believe that a West Indian University would be definitely for the good of West Indian students. Perhaps in years gone Ly, the association of students from the West Indies with those from Europe was a great factor in their educational pur suit, but things have changed considerably now.
sr. Bradshaw thought that th association with students from the various sections of the West Indies would tend to de welop the individual ideas and these would not be that insular idea that exists.
On the question of finance, he was of the opinion that all he Colonies could pool their money and so aid in bringing about this long overdue institu tion (Contirred trom Page 2)
It was suggested some time wgo that the salaries of the sec and class Clerks should be rais od to 220 per annum, and those of the first class Clerks also in creased; but proposal was re jected Now, the men in the former grade are thinking of making definite move in the matter as they consider that their claim for increased pay have been overlooked for too long a period plays a very important part in.
the success of your business DOMINICA Serious Disorders.
THEN IT YOUR BUSINESS (Continued from Page 2)
to go, it does give our young men a chance to develop and fit themselves and it helps to make good comrades in the other is lands. But if it is useless, why keep it going?
Local Government Sanctions Loan TO GET GOOD WORK DONE To Assist Lime Growers Association at Tobago We do only the BEST at Reasonable PRICES at TRINIDAD, Oct. 9, The Tri nidad Government has sanction ed the loan of 1, 000 to assist the Tobago Lime Growers As sociation.
Arrangements, it is understood are on foot for the purchase of an up to date Fletcher lime crusher plant from England similar to the one used at Ce dros; 500 is mentioned as the cost of the construction includ ing working capital.
The crusher is proposed to be a thee granite roller. small Diesel engine consuming crude oil will be used to drive it.
It is expected that he actual boiler and engine will be procur ed locally and the wallaba vats from the neighbouring colony, British Guiana.
The Lime Growers Associa tion have already raised 800 for the establishment of the factory; 300 has been further guaranteed.
The object of this assistance of loan by the Government is to give a trelping hand to the lime industry of Tobago.
RELATED ARTICLE without any THE WORKMAN PRINTERY Steamer Runs into Dock at full Speed These are days of speed, but to see a steamer come into port at full speed is a rare thing in these waters, so that when the Western Ocean was seen steaming into port at what the layman considers a dangerous speed quite a crowd of excited people rushed to the bay front in time to see her run into the jetty and so crumpling the end of this iron structure. Fortunately for her the jetty yielded to the impact, and so the ship got off apparent injury to herself, but inflicting decided damage to the jetty.
The high dignataries in the persons of Chief Inspector of Police. The acting Crown Attor ney, and Colontal Treasurer who is Commissioner of Piers and Wharves were soon the sport. Later on the Captain of the Western Ocean, came ashore in the Treasury Culter and we understand that the Steamship Company has ar ranged to pay 250, the estimat ed damage done to the jetty.
The Ships of this line of steam eis seem to have bad luck in these waters. From the inaugu iation of the service there ha been a series of mishaps that a tend them. They go aground, ey ram ships and commit va.
sus acts which one does not use aily associate with scient navigation. Whether the fault is due to the machinery or to the men we are not in a position to say but it does seem a pity that on this occasion when the jetty was damaged by the West ern Ocean an enquiry was not held on this steamer.
on 72 Carlos Mendoza Street NEAR JAVILLO Councillor Takes Action Against. Ban Placed on Colored Persons Entering Republic of Venezuela RUBBER STAMPS Manufactured to Order AT THE SHORTEST POSSIBLE NOTICE en in cornection with the restric tions placed against coloured persons entering the Republic of Venezuela, the Port of Spain Gazettes sof recent date pub lishes the following At the rext meeting of the Port of Spain City Council, Councillor Richards will bring forward the following motion. Whereas, the Venezuelan Gov ernment has summarily prohib ited coloured persons, inclusive of burgesses of the City of Port of Spain irrespective of their financial status or moral worth, from entering Venezuela, ei ther for temporary or perma nent residence; And. Whereas Venezuelan citizens, the majority of whom are also themselves coloured, continue to enjoy the privilege of entering Port of Spain. the Capital City of Trinidad, etiher to sojourn or to reside perma nently, are owners of large GIVE USA TRIAL AND BE CONVINCED properties, and are legally titled to purchase houses, to trade, and to engage in the practice of the learned profes sions, Be it therefore Resolved, that in the opinion of this Council the local Government should make representations to his Majesty Government for the ad justment of this anomaly, re lations between coloured per sons, British citizens of Port of Spain, and Venezuela, should be reciprocal. And that this reso lution, with its discussion be T! forwarded to His Excellency the Governor with a respectful request that it be forwarded to the Secretary of State for the Colonies to be placed before His Majesty Government.


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