p. 8


Two Big Racing Days Scratching up Success Sailors of Defunct Black Star Line at Juan Franco rirst State Opening The President Derby was SO SELLSLLSSLESSY Were HORSE RACING. AT:tunately, continues to Jaminate the TO FIGHT markets of the world and the ac CASE IN BRITISH companying restriction of internatior HONDURAS Do you remember this one about al trade is felt with parteiular the hen? Hard work meang noching (Continued from Page 1)
evity in those industries, which The Jamaica Gleaner understand to a hen. She just keeps on digs ng (Continued from Page 1) of the League of Nations in Septem that an important case will come on ere especially dependent on export ber last. General agreement worms and laying eggs regardless hat money was held by the United My government will persist in it for hearing in the Supreme Court o.
Won by Copi a of what the business pronosticates reached upon the treaty of financia States when the deal was not British Honduras efforts to develop and extend home during bexi about the outlook of this or any summated. The money is now in the assistance to states which may be month.
Imperial and foreign trade, and to The plaintiff is seeking to Sensational Finish Jer year. If the ground is hard Enited States Treasury and victims of aggression which receni claini recover a bequest which she contenu she seratches harder. It it dry have been filed in Washngion un ly was signed at Geneva Applies help in measures which will lead ic Pr greater efficiency in industry. was made under the will of the Sunda, all. Monday R. cc digs deeper.
If she strikes a rock der the Act of Congress permitting tion of this treaty is conditional us late Mr. Mottor. The latter devised Programs pulled off at Juan Franc she works around it. If she gets a few it. More than two thirds of the on the coming into fores of a gonposals will be laid before you for the bulk of his state to the Univer track were the greatest two days more hours of daylight, she gives us a promotion of increased settlement claimants have filed their elain eral disarmament convention which sal Negro Improvement Association race meet ever seen on the Isthmus few more eggs. But always she trust will shortly be concluded.
and employment on the land and of but there are many that have and it is learnt that Mr. Marcus and was as well attend, speakin digs up worms and turns them in o large scale farming operations and been located. It is therefore desir UNEMPLOYMENT General of the compartively, as any of the big race hard shelled profits as well as tender for acquisition and improvement of Garvey, President that the following persons namel, Association has arrange to procee meering up North.
profitable broilers. Did you evr follow with grave concern and agricultural land in need of recor George Joseph, Clifford Lewis Wi sympathy continuance of heavy un ditioning to Belize some time next week in ala Jockey Club Cup see a pessimistsehen? Did and for organization of You ever hear of one starving to death liam King, Benjamin Campbell, Ela: employment among so many of my connecton with the case. well producers for marketing purposes.
Pa. sur un Sunday, the Presidents known barrister of British Hondu wei, cup and the Municipal Cup, waiting for worms to dig themselves Richards, Herbert Cooper and will people. Economic depression, unfor PROPOSED COMMISSION has been retained to conduct the liam Powell should communicate a cuid for on Monday Panama to the sutrace? Did you ever her once with any of the propose framediately to set up following case on behalf of the Universal Ne one cackle because work was Independence day, were each of then parties so that they should loge gro Improvement Association, a big attraction and hard? Not on your life! They have 11 Moore St. New York Cty; Avery commission to inquire into the entire drew out a their claims, and we understand Tanssig and Fisk 220 Broadway question insur large number of unemployment their breath for digging and their of persons to the that some of these parties are cackles for ergs The Dar ir breezy track both days. Many per Kn New York City, and Messrs ance and in particular to allegation: Jamaica. They should immediately and King of 728 Seventeenth Street, of abuse of its provisjon. The com sons who have never been seen on a interim reports on the most pressing communicate with Lucien Axtell Washington race track in Panama discarded all mission will be asked to present questions, and, if required, legisla White Man Kills conventionalities and turned up tion based upon them will be intro the track to see the ponies do their duced. In the meantime measure (Continued from Page 1)
stuff. It believed that whic FELLSLLLL574519 to make a further financial provi will. Both the attorney and the many of the new faces seen sion for an unmployment fund will presenlle from more curiosity there daughters expressed themselves be laid before you.
were quite a large number who had as being outraged to the insult My ministers propose to introduce been attracted by the arge pools y which their father had heaped legislation to secure for the com the Pari Mutuels at the last few meer, upon them in leaving his lat munity its share in the site value of But be that as it may, the crowd state to a Negro Attorneys land. Neasures will be submitted to was there and everybody had their for Miss Fletcher, however, you for fill of fun and amusement and en state that under the laws RAISING OF THE AGR joyed the two days sport immensely. Maryland a man may leave his of compulsory school Attendance for The longest odds over paid at th property to whom he wishes amending the laws relating to trade track was recorded on Sunday wh and that there is not the pos disputes and trade unions, and for Rosgrey one of the newly imported sible chance of the will being setting up of a consumers council. horses of the Jockey Club rompad broken.
measure of electoral reform will be home before his field in the Spei submitted to you. Bills will also be Handicap of furlongs, and paid o Cococha. 100 laid before you to enable ratifica each of his backers the tidy smo tion of the Washington Hours Con 158. 80 on each two dollar ticket to THIRD RACKS vention and of the International win. This was the greatest surprise Furlongs Convention for safety of life at sea of the day and had the form players Miss Pink. 126 and for establishment of guessing. The redoubtable Copi cap Foxy Peter. 198 statutory authority to deal with pas tured the President Derby Cup Clara Jo. 118 sengers traffic in London.
beating the reliable Kitty Gill by Otelo. 122 pray that under the blessing of mere half lead. The Municipal Cup Boo Gentry. 105 God the outcome of your delibera was won by the Native Pony Miss 6Rowdy Lad. 104 tions may advance the hapiness and Gill.
well being of my people.
So much for the past. Lets FOURTH RACE The speech gave indication of at what the club is offering for tomor Furlongs least one highly controversal for row afternoon.
Seven races Rifle. 126 ture in addition to the electoral re listed and include two feature races Don Florentino. 112 the most classy of which brings out Miss Jil. 114 form project, this being projected nulification of the law which made Claprock, Kitty Gill and Alonda Cartagena. 136 IT the general strike of 1926 illegal three cracks of the track meeting a 126 trio of some good ones from the Rosa Sweep. 126 and placed restrictions on certain trade union activities which made Jockey club stables strikes possible.
The next feature brings together FEATURE EVENT: FIFTH RACE The King who appeared to have a field of six of the fastest sprinters Furlongs recovered entirely from his long ill on the track over the six and a half Kitty Gill. 120 furlong route and should be equally Claproek. 126 ness wore long grey great cost as he rode with Queen Mary in ai interesting as the main event if Determan. 110 their gilded stage conch from not more so.
Alondra. 126 The Program is as follows: Unele Parks. 108 Buckingham Palace to Westministes Nobody Home. 100 through streets Wined with cheering FIRST RACE thousands. Furlongs SIXTH RACE Her Majesty, radiant and smiling 105 Condesa. Furlonge was garbed in a long cost of Mayara. 124 Frivolous white material. Both seemed very Darien. 104 Ramona. 126 Elsewhere. 106 bappy and were greatly interested Rosgrey. 110 in the crowds. The Queen frequent May. 112. Don Ernesto. 100 Regalada. 140 ly waved her hand bowed in an Wee Gentleman. 117 7Halt Rate. 106 swer to the crowds cheers. The Administrator. 116 Lucky Strike. 104 crowd also caught a glimpse of the Prince of Wales and applauded him SEVENTH RACE heartily as he drove from St.
SECOND RACE Furlongs Furlongs James to the House of Lords in the El Medico.
104 state landau arriving shortly be luetano. 126 24Socia. 115 fore his royal parents. Marcial. 104 Tribunito.
124 Tunney. 124 Honey Dew.
108 Zapo. 108 Dorothy Ellen. 120 PALAIS ROYAL Hot Water. 110 Excuse Me.
145 JUAN FRANCO RACE TRACK Tomorrow Sunday Nov. 9th. Good GOOD new see. Races RACES are DON MISS Resolute.
Kitty Gill, Claprock, Alondra, Uncle Parks, Determan, Nobody Home POST TIME 00 109 General Admission. 00 PLENTY OF PARKING SPACE Tramcars direct to and from Track.


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