
WO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY NOVEMBER 15, 1930 INTERESTING WEST INDIAN NEWS JAMAICA Man Cuts His Throat 500, 000 for New Road Programme THEN SENDS FOR DISTRICT CONSTABLE TRINIDAD Pupils Visit Session of Legislative Council ST. VINCENT Referring to a special session New Lawyer held recently, these welcomed to the Bar The Royal lik of Canada Order to Falan PY TO Chequock in drawn up, short to market.
tion The Royal Bank of Canada who 1695 :Dr. Leo Pink The Gleaner announce that as a result of the meetings of of the Legislative Council of Go and tell the district con the Road Policy Board, a pro Trinidad stable that have cut my grammne had been drawn up Port of Spain Gazette states for the construction of new throat, were the words, it is hat a unique feature of the alleged, of Chifford Burke to roads and bridges. Most of the ST. VINCENT, Yesterday meeting was the presence new roads which have been set his cousin, Emma Markland, at the Council Chamber of evening after the luncheon in bis home at Industry Village out in a schedule which has been the senior pupils of Tranquil terval Mr. Richards took yesterday forenoon. Says the are feeder roadslity Government Intermediate the opportunity of introducing in other words, they will enable Mr. Date, Barister at law Cleaner of the 30th ulto.
School under a teacher who at of The young woman hurried to the producers of the parishes tended to listen to the debates Grenada to the local Bar.
the room and there she where they are to be construct Behind the Man!
saw as a means of educating them In introducing Mr. Date, Mr.
Burke with his throat cut. She ed, to bring out their products into the working of the Coun Richards addressed the Court cil gave the aların and in a BACK of every man back of every The public was also large as follows. May it please time scores of family back of every home, stands persons The programme is an exten were ly represented.
Your Honor, before the Court on the premises. District con sive one, and improvements are the Bank the guardian of fortunes, An important announcement resumes its business, it is my stable Charles Burke was no proposed in almost every par the counsellor and friend of those who, was made by the Colonial Secre pleasure and privilege to pre tified and he communicated ish of the island. The expendi realizing the uncertainty of to morrow, tary when he read the Gov sent to the Court the humble with Sgt. Lee, who is in charge ture involved is half a million provide for its emergencies out of today ernor minute setting out the petition of Mr. Date, of Grena of the Gordon Town Police sterling, and if Legislative Government attitude in con da, a member of the Honour station.
Council adopts the report, then resources.
rection with the electric light able Society of the Middle Tem The wounded man was tak the Government will introduce ing franchise. The whole ques ple and a fellow member of the er to Dr. Atkinson, Continued on Pame 71 from the Government Grenada Bar Mr. Date, as for Gordon Town, who 3106 point of view, resolves itself your Honor is quite aware, is attended to him and sent him becajme despondent. At about into the best method of secur a young man has just to the Kingston Hospital where ten o clock yesterday forenoon Panama Branch Herman, Manager ing an efficient service at the been admitted to the profes he was admitted by Dr. Logan he was alone in his room at In (Santa Ana Plana)
Colon Branch lowest possible cost to consum sion, but judging by the place Levy dustry Village while his cousin Grosch, Manager (Corner 11th and Bolivar St. ers. Consideration is also be in the profession his uncle fills Burke who is about 32 years was in the yard, Burke, it is ing given to the question of mean my friend Mr. Renwick, of age has not been in the best alleged, took an old razor and supplying several parts of the in things legal, and the great of health for a few weeks. On slashed his throat then called island with electricity from promise Mr. Date gives of his Monday he went to Dr. Atkin out to his cousin telling her of one Central Station rather than future as a member of the this son who treated him, and it is his rash act.
OBO TODO from several separate stations.
honourable profession, can reported, that Burke was in Up to late last night Burke assure the Court it is a happy formed hat his condition was condition was regarded as se augury that he has decided to serious The unfortunate man Prisoners Returned join the Bar of St. Vincent. It rious.
speaks well for him that he, Surgeon Dentist to Cayenne like many of us, has decided to (Continued on page 1)
Says the Port of Spain Gaz 123 Central Avenue Panama City.
ette The Fernch steamer Le scem to indicate Saint Laurent, which called at great laxity in the Cayenne Penal Settle Phone 1862. Box 1062 Ancon, this port a short time ago, has ment. While the escape of returned to Cayenne with a Professional Services in all Branches of Dental Works batch of sixty fugitives who had prisoners from Cayenne is no escaped from the Penal Settle novelty, the frequency with which these fugitives have Inent at Cayenne, French Gui been arriving at Office Hours to 12, to Sundays by Appointment Trinidad, within the past few months, With the help of the Venezu gives rise to the suggestion ово OBOJ ODOCO DOPODO clan authorities, these escaped that there is need for greater convicts were recaptured vigilance or that the convicts The Barbados Advocate of maximum wholesale and retai.
Rio Caribe, Margarita, Cuma are becoming less amenable to Oct. 1st. says: There was a prices for the various grades na and Carupano.
the terrible conditions at the large attendance of members of sugar, fancy and choice mo Available evidence. would Settlement.
when the House sat an noon lasses to be sold locally and to yesterday this being due prin vary such prices from time to MODO. DORO 100 TODO cipally to the very important time The Board would also quesion which was to be have authority to control the sidered at the meeting, namely manufacture of sugar as well the stabilisation of the sugar ir as the importation of sugar. First step in Campaign Tomodation which make for bet of the island.
The Minority Report further re Secure For Colony a Bigger ter accommodation on dance There were two reports be cummended that the sum of Tourist Trade. evenings.
NOW THAT THE ENGLISH TEAM fore the House, a Majority Re 450, 000 should be raised annu ally and placed to the credit of MODERN ADDITIONS port, and a Minority Report, HAS TOURED THE WEST INDIES CONCERT BROADCAST The Majority Report recom a fund to be called The Sugar The lay out of the hotel will niended (1) That the Govern Industry Fund. This sum shoulc Excellent surprise most people, but tak Get a copy of the Arrangements In ment guarantee all losses be raised in the following man ing into consideration the fact The New Building to Cater For the Sugar Industry Agriculter. 30, 000 on Income Tax ef that evertyhing is in the hands tual Bank for a period not ex fected by lowering the exemp All Visitors.
of Mr. Ferreira, who for coeding five years, the total tion for a single man to 40 years managed the Hotel Tow liability of the Government with a minimum payment of GEORGETOWN. With the er, it will be agreel that noth guarantee not to exceed 250, 10s, and by hixing the same application for licence for Dancing but the best could be expect and read the records of past 000. 2) That the Sugar Indus rates as in 1922 and 20, 000 bying at the new Regent Hotel, a ed.
Cricket Veterans try Agricultural Bank should adjustment of the Customs new era opens in Tourist attrac advance loans to borrowers at Tariff. There would also be an tion in British Guiana. The Re During the management of AND a rate of per cent during a estimated saving in expendi gent displaces the old Imperial, the Tower by Mr. Ferreira, were in period not exceeding five years ture of 25, 000 per annum ow and ranks as one of the best broadcast concerts 3) That the interest and sinking to a reduction in exporters hotels in the colony, says the troduced at the popular Main Street Hotel. Mr. Ferreira has Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages ing fund to cover the guarantee charges having been made un Daily Chronicle.
already arranged for a series and the losses through interest der schedule attached horeto. It occupies the entire block of concerts to be broadcast Summary of Contents: expenses shall be a charge on An amount not exeeding 165 bounded by Regent. Hincks and from the Regent, and in this the Treasury and be provided 000 should be loaned to this Commeroe Streets, and History of West Indies Cricket for ou rears the connection, has secured a spe by special taxation. The mem Fund by the Government. This Booker Alley. The Regent Hocial orchestra, which will be Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, bers of the Committee whe amount of 165, 000 should be tei has accommodation for a the same as the one used at Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, signed the Minority Report ex paid back from the Sugar in minimum of forty guests, and Tower Concerts in the past.
Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tou, pressed the opinion that the dustry as is provided for by nothing has been spared to and under the same direction Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual crisis through which the sugar paragraph 14 of the Report. make it a really first class of Bert Rogers. The Regent Players industry is passing can best be The Attorney General moved tourist centre. An open gallery is going one further and will be válmable, astructive, Historical, accurate, Complete and met bv guaranteeing a price to the House into Committee to overlooks the three main ther installing a first class radio re the sugar producer for.
consider the wo reports and cughfares and a spacious ball ceiving set, so that guests at Interesting THREE YEARS AT LEAST to decide which of the two room occupies what may be the Regent, will be sure of re Price 50cts.
and that this should be done schemes. was favourable to the called the centre of the build gular entertainment.
by the creation of a Board to be House.
ing. Adjoining the ballroom is THE REGENT IN GENERAL called the Sugar Board who a private dining saloon, and a After a protracted discussion bar and ladies dressing rooms. stroll around the new Re Copies to be had trom the office of the WORKMAN should have power to fix the gent Hotely shows that the Panams all innovation in hotel accom (Continued on page 3)
BARBADOS House of Assembly Discusses Report on Sugar Crisis THREE YEARS GUARANTEE Board to Fix Maximum and Minimum Wholsale and Retail Prices ana at BRITISH GUIANA ERECTION OF NEW HOTEL IN COLONY CRICKET!
con CRICKET. on West Indies Cricket History Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 (Continued on PREST)


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