
ta a IS ac mixture chick to ex Demerara Negroes evening at the concert organi Workingmen Tackle Important Questions message filosion of the THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY NOVEMBER 15, 1930 PAGE THREE BRITISH GUIANA Unemployed German Mechanic young carpenter whose hearing had been affected for several year: Fairweather Erection of a New now. All arrangments were made a PHYSICIAN INVENTS, USEFUL DEVICE FAITH HEALING to take Miss Canterbury and her singers from the City to the quiet (Continued from page 2)
TO BURN OIL IN AUTOS. sandard of hotel in the colony.
village, Certain other women from DEMONSTRATION IS NOW LOCATED AT the City were reputed to visit the The main bar and billiard sa CASSEL, Germany, Oct. 21houses, and make arrangements.
locn is excellent. The table is o. K STREET IN BR. GUIANA An unemployed mechanic nam FOR BIG REPAST new, and none but the choicest PANAMA CITY ed Richenbach has invented a prior to her arrival. The faithhealing liquers, and tobaccos will be pocket size device to be insert Story of Sick Woman Who party travelled from the City by supplied. The rooms are all large, comfortable, and very carburetor pmhaving intake valves or ang ordinary Walked Away After Having landed at the Vreeden Hoop stelling airy The galleries that over look the streets, are accessible NEURALGINA automobile motor to permit the Been Paralysed for Weeks joined bus, which took them use of crude oil instead of gaso destination.
to all residents without inter line at a saving, according to They sang lustily, as they passed ruption of others. In addition the inventor, of about 50 per MYSTERIOUS CURES through the Canal No. district to the main kitchen, there is cent of the fuel cost.
Should be in every office to immedjately soothe any The in and in a special electric an instant hundreds of apartment venion which a number of tech There is no doubht that the faith villagers arrived on the scene.
which will allow late hour neuralgic pain caused by excessive mental work nicians consider destined to re healing influence of Mrs. Amelia Miss Canterbury was first catering for unexpected guests volutionize the automobile in Sealey of Lombard Street, George greeted by woan named The official opening is fixed for NEURALGINA dustry, costs but 25 installed. town, is gaining wide spread popu Gladys Ogle who first of all Saturday, October 18 and the keichenbach unscho larity among the peole of the coun Catering is in the hands of Mrs escorted her to the residence Should be in every school to soothe bad headaches Ferreira personally On cu mechanic, without technical try writes a Daily Chronicle Cor of a Mrs. Johnson whose the and reduce the lever of children training, who knew that petru respondent Day after day, an un mind is reported to have been whole, the Hotel Regent can be CHI could not be burnul ini usually large number of villagers somewhat deranged for some expected to supply the obvious NEURALGINA basoline motor trek to the City, seeking the aid of because the time In the meantime want of more and better the was tuo this faith healer. Just a few days be curious crowd increased con commodation for the ever in fore pode properly unless under en creasing tourist trade, and run Is completely Inoffensive and nourishes the heart Mrs. Sealey left for the siderably and the date was fix ormous travelled to Ancient Country, she pressure, ils in Diesel ning, as it will be, along similar ed for Mrs. Johnson to be dealt eligines.
lines to the two leading hotels Working forward the. est Bank, at special request, with in Georgetown, with one or two irum this point, the acompanied by a body of minstrels.
For sale both Wholesale and Retail inventor The party then turned their peclected a device by innovations, it can be truly said means Whilst returning to the City or attention to the house of the the following morning, Mrs. Sealey Hams family the chief object of that its erection of which crude oil could be enhances the AT THE porized a second time alter is reported to have healed success value of the city, the vist. Old mother Collins leaving the carburetor, then fully the wife of a schoolmasier of AMERICAN PHARMACY who resided there alsoand who driven into cylinders at the district who was stricken with a suiti had lost her sight for years cient pressure to insure good a paralytie stroke for some weeks figured prominently among the JAVIER MORAN, Proprietor combustion.
and having been taken to the publice gathering in the house. The Send Illumined The invention consists of a Thospital Georgetown, for treatment singing was solemn and the mama.
Tunnelled tube which The incident, according to aston receives great congregation included ed eye witnesses, took place on board Address to ſafari semi vaporized petroleum irom the halt, the lame, the blind the Queriman. where the fem the carburetor, passes it and the deal. Miss Canterbury, inine healer touched certain through a nozzle into cham parts the assistant aith healer per GEORGETOWN, Oct. GRENADA Fleming and E including the abnormally sized ab formed the demonstration, and ber. where a wore Edwards, Elected members turbinelike pro There was a large appreciati e domen of the sick woman, resulting peller, kept turning rapidly by it is stated that a suffering West A gathering at the town hall last in the surprise that she Richards, FWR Cruckshank the sucking of the cylinders be onth was dealt with in their Bain ind it completes the vaporiz Walked Almost Immediately own way and had successini New Develop ing process and deliver it to experiences of the steamer and found ment Dr. Marryshon gave a vivil Asscriation in aid of condition che cylinder in such funds to erect an account of his activities in Eng and at such pressure that an ex The ceremony way to the stelling from where she auditorium lasted until the chair being taken by had just been lifted.
and delivered a the small hours of the morning Dr sarne force as Frank Hunte, Resolutions To Be greeting from the Prime The that news aun like wildfire and the party left the district Minister and Executives of the gasoline is obtained.
from vaporized refined Opportunity was taken Sent To Government British through out the di riot, and since for the city in the m dui Labor arty, with then villagers afflicted with variu ferry boat.
ing the course of the evening which he had been charged The double vaporizing is said function, to unveil an illustrat naladies have kept pouring to ed address to be sent to King seething crowd of persons Other seakers then stressed to reduce the quantity of fuel residence of the mysterious wom Ras Tafari of Ethiopia, on the comprised of members of the the seriousness of conditions in per unit of vaporized gas by St. John Branch of the Grena Crenada occasion of his coronation affecting Educa half not to mention the cheap Many of them have returned with which takes place on er price of unrefined gasoline expressions of great satisfaction.
da Workingmen Association tion, the Spice Industry, repre Novem West Bank had further demonstre and crude oils.
and visiting peasant proprietors, sentation of the Workingman ber The address which was HAS REMOVED TO tion from this wonderful faith hes Reichenbach says the device on the Legislative and Execu beautifully illuminated, was the from St. David s, St. Andrew er yesterday (October 8) evening 29 STREET handiwork of Master Cum St. Mark and St. Patrick met tive Councils and manhood suf has been tried out two and when, it is reported Mis Hilda Car Panama City in the markket place today and irage. Questions like a Work half years on various makes of mings, a lad of about 17 years terbury, a young woman of Stanley of age.
motors and found not to have passed four important resolus ingman The unvelling cere Compensation Bill town, Canal No. and an assistant mony was performed by Miss which they proposed asking the Old Age Pensions and a Mini harmful effects, and at the same Classes in English to Mrs. Sealey had travelled from local Government to forward time deliver satisfactory power mum Wage Bill, were also Phillips the Evangelist.
the City and attended the home of It is understood that a Ger Important resolutions BY DAY AND BY NIGHT The following is the text of the Secretary of States for the raised, a well known villager named Job the address: Colonies.
were passed with the request man American consortium back Williams of Plantation Beau Voisin Dr. BARTON, Canal No. This visit was for the His Royal Highness, The primary purpose of the that they be forwarded to the ev! by Swiss money has bought the patents for 500. 000. If the PRINCIPAL The King of Kings of Ethiopia. meeting was to hear the report of the Hon. Marryshow.
hopes prove justified, the inven purpose of healng the only son the home Bertrand Williams, 10 DOC ново The Lion of Judah: May it please your most grac who was the Association del The Greatest Thrill tor and his backers expect see a complete revolution not egate to the British Gus majesty to accept Small in the World only in motor construction but Labour Con Commonwealth ings from the scattered ANCON, sons in the gasoline refining indus BOX DENTIST and daughters of Ethiopia Conference held in England.
MASONIC TEMPLE these domiciled in British Guia Mr. Grant, President of Cirilo Sandford the Branch presided, while with Office Hours:8, am to 12 pm na.
local Government for transmis Attorney at Law 30 to 30 pm Sundays, by Special Appointment sion to the Secretary of State.
We adore thee and our spirits him on the platform. besides io Masonic Temple ilth St, shall prostrate before thee pay the guest of the afternoon were full report of the proceed PHONE 183 OFFICE: 153 CENTRAL AVE Messrs Peer (Treasurer)
ing homage and tribute. O, Box 787. CRISTOBAL. 4 ings will appear in a following Hewitt, McIntyre We thank Almighty God for 769 PHONE: 1664 OFFICE issue. The West Indian. having protected and preserved (Trustees) Glean (Secre thee to be King of Kings; now tary) Hons. Copland, Stop and analyze it. there His prophecy is being fulfilled.
nothing in life that gives more Phone 453 Princess shall come out of life and wisdom ta maintain pure happiness than making DRY CLEANING Egypt, who is the first born of the ancient glories.
PANAMA someone else happy.
Ethiopia STEAM PRESSING With loving hearts, we are Is there?
15 STREET Ethiopia herself shall stretch yours, believe us.
When we present a gift, we DYEING We Dye To we PANAMA forth her hand and there shall In tlfe year of our Lord 1930.
want it to be packed with all the be lasting peace on earth. Promoters of this address: sentiment, affection and good We continue to pray that and others representing Afriits quality every time it is seen.
God give to thee health, long ca cause.
There a multitude of things IODO that will serve, but they lack in some respect. They wear out quickly; outlive their usefulness; or have usefulness at all, is there ANY THING that will Of every description quicken the recipient heart Why throw away your old, but no beat. that will tell her more doubt interesting books, when you sloquently than you could that you wish her well. that speaks can have them neatly bound at that never wears out. that re: tains its value. that arouses the admiration of all who see it?
AT THE Yes it fine jewelry such as No, 72 CARLOS MENDOZA STREET we will be glad to show you if you will pay us a visit Soon, JAVIL LO FILL FULLER ODO 000 000 122 Central Avenue.
as Private Academy to recent greet TROTT The Cleaner Book Binding!


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