
PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY NOVEMBER 15, 1930 Slaves Freed by King After Expose an FURTHER EVIDENGE AT INQUIRY INTO LOSS OF 101 LIBERIA HAILS FAULKNER AS Lieut. Irvin Impressions of Trial Flight Charred Leaf of Log Produced NEW LEADER ENGINE CAR RECORD Tumultuous Crowd Welcomes Man who Last Entry at 2a. m, States Oil Pressure Exposed Slavery was Was the Entry Completed?
The at Costa Rica ment re FILL THOSE EMPTY SOCKETS WITH that slavery existed in the republic, President King caused to be nounced a proclamation freeing ali slaves, last week.
The government also offidally in formed the League of Nations that it had abolished the system by which Deposed President Turns tribesman could plodge a member Over Associations Property of his family as security for a loan, and that it had ended forced recruit to Government MONROVIA, Liberia Tho come ever given a Liberian citi ing for foreign labor contracts.
LONDON, October 29. Besame car in question, mas Faulkner, whose ele yen, Wednesday Mr. Faulkner is easily the ablesk cause charred bits of the R101 DEPENDENTS OF VICTIMS.
tion as the next president of this SIQUIRRES, Costa Rica, Oct The moment he set foot on Li and most popular citizen in the re log were all that 24 An unsuccessful attempt to searchers republic practically assured, ar berian soil he was hailed as the LONDON, October 30, Ans publie, and his popularity with the rived here from America amid the foul the Garvey could find after the dirigible organisations saviour of his country. His expose wering questions in the House common people has been increased in Costa Rica was was destroyed, widows of the most tumultuous outburst of wel recently of slavery conditions here resulted of Commons by the recent report of the Inter today, made by 48 victims today were asked Mr Theodore Smith, in a League of Nation inquiry, Montague, ed. The outcome of this investiga Under Secretary who was one of the two dele to produce copies of reports or foy Airstated that widows of and the report of the probers not DENTIST HOWELL Slavery whose report hbstantiated gates from this country to the letters written by their hus only vindicated his stand but has the victims of heR101 were charges he made that slavery exist NI Convention held in Lands concerning the dirigible.
entitled to pensions House No. 912 La Roca caused Liberia to free all slaves ed. The outcome of this investiga Jamaica last year.
The loss of the log in the fire during at once.
tion completely squelched any move was made known at the Govern their widowhood, and inmost Canal Zone It appears that Smith, as Pre cases their children were also So certain is it that Faulkner will President King might have sident of the Limon Division ment public enquiry into the entitled to pensions, in for Meritorious Services of the head the government when Presi made to succeed himself, had not been administering the some disaster by Sir William Jowitt cases until the age of 21.
next Gave Facts to World Order of the British Empire, dent King third term ends affairs of his division to the Attorney General who made Civil Division, for his bravers year, that little effort will be made satisfaction of appeal for aid in procuring do Reports that slavery existed in Li AWARDED MEDAL.
the members cumentary evidence bearing up remaining on duty after the by the oppsition to defeat him.
and upon being forced out of LONDON, Oct. 30. Arthur crash, despite his injuries. It beria were first given to the world Slaves Officially Freed office a few weeks ago, re ad on the condition of the ship.
Disley, wireless operator of the by Mr. Faulkner through she AFRO was Disley who first informed Following publication of the R101 who survived the disaster AMERICAN. He followed this up opted the unusual course of SHIP WAS HEAVY.
the Air Ministry by telephone port of the International Coromis has been awarded the Medal of the R101 calamity.
LONDON, October 30. Re by placing the whole matter before handing over to the Comman sion substantiating the accusations the State Department and the dant (Police Chief) of Limon velations with regard to the League of Nations. This resulted in all the private documents, seals performance of the R101 were of made at the resumption of the the appointment of an international and registration certificate TIL FLEU commission, the United States be the division.
inquiry today ing represented by Dr. Charles Smith tactics, however, have The Solicitor General quoted Johnson of Fisk University, not succeeded as he was very Flight Lieut. Irwin as having Although the findings of this re plainly told that the Costa reported after the three trial port were published in the AFRO Rican Government, in common flights in July that the airship AMERICAN last week, the offici with all other good govern was heavy, and also that the al text was not released until Sanr ments, was in no way hostile onter cover was flapping con dny by the State Department in to the national aspirations of siderably, and a number of Washington. Copies here, however, the coloured race.
small holes had appeared in the showed not only that members of These belongings of the or gas bag, in which connection the government forced approved ganization were accordingly re Lieut. Irwin suspected the labor, but that women were being turned, upon request, to Smith valves as being affected.
held as white slaves, and pawns sticcessor.
The hearing of evidence was Bair then begun. Professor to attract men to plantations and that thousands of young men were stow gave a long technical ex being forced into physical bondage planation of the difference be tween a Zeppelin and the R10C by the Liberian Frontier Force.
and the R101 types. Defeated in 1927 There was a sensation when Mr. Faulkner ran against Presi the Attorney General, Sir dent King for the presidency in absent Jowitt, who had been 1927. The result of the election with the Air Ministry officials was a defeat for Faulkner, who FOR returned and announced that a received 9, 000 of the republic 10 document had been picked up 000 legally qualified votes while in France which was obviously King received 235, 000, which Faulk a sheet from the engine log of ner claimed were chiefly stuffed one of the airship car units, ballots.
and in which the last entry was Some idea of how elections in the AND made at two o clock in this country have been conducted re morning, when the engine under the King regime may be volutions were normal.
gleaned from the following figures: REVOLUTIONS NORMAL In 1919, King, running inoppos ed, received 4, 000 votes. In (British 1923, LONDON, Oct. 30 his opponent, Harmon, received Official Press by Gleaner Wire 7, 000, and King claimed 40, 000.
les. charred sheet of pa (DURING NOVEMBER ONLY)
Just four years later, the votes for per picked up close to the spot King had increased from the 40, 000 where the R101 was wrecked, to 235, 000. King is now ending this was produced at today hear the third term of four years.
ing of the inquiry into Faulkner, who is a practical en disaster and was stated by the Attorney General to be a page gineer and a naturalized citizen of WITH THE Liberia, came here more than twen from the log of one of the en gine cars of the airship. He said ARE SOLD BY THESE BETTER STORES ty years ago. When one lands in Li it was of the utmost importance beria and asks for a hotel, he is in because it showed the revolu variably sent to Faulkner Hotel.
tions of the engine and the If one wishes to stop down near cruising speed down to the the bay and get a meal, he is direct time of the accident.
ed to Faulkner Cafe, and when He added: The last entry one drinks any ice water he is drink was at a. At that time the ing off the ice made in Faulkner revolutions were perfectly nor ice factory, the only one in the coun mal but the oil pressure, in try. Turn on an electric light, and stead of being from thirty to one is again under obligations to hirty one, as it had been all Faulkner, who established the only Brewer Co. along, appeared to be only three electric lighting plant in the coun The numeral three was at least try, the only entry at that time.
Was Pioneer ORDER BOOKS Whether this was at the mo In all of these activities Mr.
ment of the crash and there Faulkner was a pioneer, and he has SECRETARY was no time to finish the entry done mor to modernize the country AND cannot be said. am told that it than any man living or dead.
would be a matter of great im Further, it is declared by REASURER those portance that if you found the who know, that deci ON SALE register at three. you would stop your engine at once be not come from personal, political fore making the entry.
inclinations. He would have prefer Sir John Simon, the president red to build up the business and in of the Court said the man ap dustry of the country, but, faced parently did not complete his with the King regime of waste and basis: entry. It was stated that Cook misrule, he decided to take this ac Nine out of every ten legal voters one of he survivors, was in the tion as step towards placing the of the country will cast their votos government on a sound business for him in the next election.
KEEP SOME SPARE EDISON LAMP MAZDA LAMPS BULBS PLACEYour Order WE GIVE YOU HOUSE CHRISTMAS WHEN YOU BUY SIX EDISON MAZDA LAMPS NEW YEAR CARDS Genuine Edison Mazda Lamp Bulbs Workman Printerly 2 Cent Store, Wong Chang y Cia, Garage Exposicion Cmphroy, Padilla y Cia. Brewer Co. Duque y Cia. Lyons Hardware, in Panama Good Assortment Arriving Soon Colon Cycle Co. Wong Chang y Cia. in Colon AND OUR TWO STORES CIA. PANAMEÑA DE FUERZA LUZ Panama At Your Service Always Colon nion to run for the presideney did At the Workman Printery


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