
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY NOVEMBER 22, 1930 PAGE THREE TRINIDAD City Council to Dr. Fairweather CATHOLIC APOSTOLIG SECT Ex Kaiser Cursed At Dirth By PHYSICIAN IN DANGER OF EXTINCTION Court Etiquette Church With Estimated Funds of 20, 000, 000 to 30, 000, 000 Pounds Sterling like a Doorn, was cursel at his LEFT WITHOUT HEAD TO ORDAIN MINISTERS NEURALGINA 19 an GE ex For sale both Wholesale and Retail AMERICAN PHARMACY Unlessa King Council with branches of the legal prof Communist Propaganda The last of the apostle died Faithful Than Men Spreads Among Workers menarily chitis sans ses, and the last Says Lawyer jects. Continued from page 2)
ony to begin operations, am hop IS NOW LOCATED AT ing that the scheme will be started LONDON, Oct. 20 The ex within the next two weeks.
Mo. K STREET Kaiver of now living in The Government have agreed to PANAMA CITY loan the Council 40, 000 for the tirth by etiquette. It helped to housing scheme which will be in in his life.
the nature of the erection of 200 He had narrow LONDON, Oct. 22. The Catholic balance is paid into a Id the escape from heures. The first twelve will be put Apostolic Church, the religious com entral fund, never coming into the world at all up at South Quay and the remaind munity that was founded nearly 100 No one outside the Church know sive. The doctors considered sacri er will be az Gonzalez Place. years ago in anticipation of the Sec ficing him to save his mother.
the amount in this central fund, but The whole plan of the lay out nd Coming and now has funds es it is the general belief that the she was coming out of an anaesthe Gonzalez Place has been prepar tinated at 2, 000, 000, is in danger of Church is extremely wealthy.
tie she heard them disoussing the Ad and everything practically Should be in every office to immediately soothe any extinction.
point, and cried out: On no account!
One estimate is that the fund ready for the bigger scheme. That would rather die.
That is the remarkable uation neuralgic pain caused by excessive mental work.
amount to quite 2, 00, 000; while 11 however, no start until the dry that has developed in consequence The facts other students of the history of the Karl are related by saron next year. Wih a little luck NEURALGINA that has developed ktia55afou Nowark in a new book, Kaiser and Church declare they would not be we should have the first twelve the deaths of all the twelve Chancellor (Putnam s, 215. surprised if the sum was as great as Mres before January. apostles, who were the original English translation of which by Should be in every school to soothe bad headaches 120, 000, 000 or even 30, 000. 000.
The method that will be used at leaders of the Church. The situation Dieks is out to day.
NO PROPAGANDA first will be to give preference to and reduce the fever of children is unparalleled in ecclesiastical his No missionary work The ex Kaiser placed confidential is unde thise people who are being turned tory, taken by the Church, and nothing is mcmoranda at the author disposal u of barrack houses which are NEURALGINA The Church still has many devo and had countless spent on propaganda. Any surplus conversations Veing closed by order of the City ed adherents, including members with him at Doorn. The book may in the past could have been accumu Council. Each building will be its Is completely Inoffensive and nourishes the heart of the peerage. Services continus ating at compound interest for gen e regarded as authorised.
own litte dwelling house and have to be conducted regularly in the Everyone has heard of the rations, its own out office. The City Council seven Catholic Apostolic churches in Kaiser withered left arm. He owed he question of finance and al hopes to be able to rent these London and in the others scattered it to etiquette. The doctors were other questions is in abeyance houses as cheaply as the gl throughout the Kupt in their place at a distancein country and until a Divine revelation is made rooms which the people now occupy When he was born.
AT THE foreign lands.
The twelve apostles provided in the barracks.
STRICT RULE PENALTY OF ETIQUETTE for the church services a compre They miracle happens the had not ventured, says ensive book of liturges and offices Church must die, because there Iterr Nowak, to break through Lights, incense, and vestments are le rules of etiquette which prescrib one left who may ordain JAVIER MORAN, Proprietor new in contant use. The ceremonial in mur:isters all its completeness is observed in ed that even in the hour of confine The Port of Spain Gazette, of The strict rule of the Church ment an English princess could not October 23rd, statest. Mr. Hamel Panama.
he large Catholic Apostolic Church he that no one may conduct an ordina exposed to the sight of the at the corner of Gordon Square, been Wells. Barrister at Law has tion doctors and at the critical moment ceremony except one of the London, and elsewhere.
the recipient throughout yesterday twelve apostles or an archangel their efforts were impeded.
and the previous day of numerou of the Church, who in turn mus The prince paid the penalty in of congratulations from members be appointed by an apostle Women Are Less an injury to his left arm. Nor did the young mother ever entirely re sion on his being made a King cover.
cunsel (K. archangel died last year. Ever Moreover, the injury to the 11. Wells call to the Inner Bar since the minister, or angels of prince was remarked and treated at bay not been altogether unexpected The acute character of the un tablishment of remedial efforts.
the Church have been carrying once Two LONDON, have instances been hy those who have been intimately employment situation among Race Oct. 31. It noted may their work with the certain know From that moment the Crown following his career at the Bar seem, strange, Sir Ellis Hume Wil workers was indicated today in a re where racial issues were involved in ledge that when they die no one can liams, eminent divorce court lawyer Princess, whose enthusiasms lease of the National Urban league were ever since he was admitted in this th establishment of public. pro te appointed to succeed them, and all for beauty and aesthetic har says in his autobiography, publish colony fifteen years ago an the ior social service among Negroes the Church muse therefore perish ej to day, but think women are mony, was hard, hostile, bitter, Appointment has been a most on the activities of its 30 affiliated pop The whole situation has produced SIMPLE FAITH Le faithful than men.
whenever recalled the coming ular one.
free employment bureaus in cities of the prince into the world.
what the report calls a fertile at Mr. Well, won an Ministers and their congregation exhibition of the North and Midwest.
to The re Other serinking statements based do not allow themselves to be con Herr Nowak says that the Crown mosphere for communist propagan Queen Royal College and he had port states that the present unem he says, on long experience, inelud Princess, afterwards Empress Fred followed up his class room success ployment cries is the severest dists. The increased activity of this cerned over this prospect. They live Once a woman who has loved criek, had no share herself in the to the extent that he later won in the simple faith that the Second rest of the urban and industrial ad in urban centers as group New ene man, has fallen out of love with bringing up of Prince Williams; she immenent, and the Island Scholarship and proceeded justment of the Negro worker since York, Chicago, St. Louis, Baltimore Coming is him and into love of another, there had merely supervised it, and from belief is that they should make no England to study law.
the recent migrations.
and Milwaukee is accomplished by is no cruelty known to any created his earliest childhood she had insis provision for the future of the an unparalleled spread of its doe Employment statistics for the hing, human, or animal, to Afer passing his final equal Church unless and until Divine in examina od on the thing as indispensable trine in parts of the South and with which she will treat the sinn, he returned to the colony ana period Jan. to Sept. 30, 1930 spiration is given.
the strietes discipline.
et man.
e admitted to the Bar in 1915. the report states, show a deline of Lord Eustace Perey, Minister of ver since, Mr. Wells has gradua. 34. per cent in the number of job Education in the last Conservative le rives his own advice to wom take a little trouble to understand. climbed the ladder of Governmeni, available during the same period and uncle success of the 11. 99 o how to hold their husband and sympas hise with her husband Es sk lful vet unostentatious hand in 1929, while the number of appli Duke of Northumberland, is one of affections: My experience is that work or pleasure can keep him just The Greatest Thrill Jing of enses in which he has been carts for jobs has increased 33. per the regular worshipers in the Са woman who is careful to preserve long as she pleases.
retained has time and again evoked cent. The larger centers, Detroit in the World tholic Apostolic Church at Albury, her physical attractions and will the congratulations of the Bench. Cleveland, Chicago, St. Louis, Phil Surrey, Courteous and unassuming to a adelphia, Cincinnati and New York The family of the Duke of Nori Small fault he has repeatedly betrayed the have been particularly affected. In umberland have long and close rela PO BOX GIS NCON, nearny knack of avoiding breezes Cleveland the number of available cons with the Church.
DENTIST in Court by his persuasive manner job for Negroes has decreased 62. n It is one of the duties of all menn Cirilo Sandford MASONIC TEMPLE of stating his case, per cent. In St. Louis unskilled jot bers of the Church to make a fres Office Hours:8, am to 12 pm Negro labor has been offered 29 :9 offering of one tenth of Attorney at Law. 30 pm to 30 pm)
OLDO Sundays, by Special Appointment ons an hour.
Income: Each local Church retains Masonic Temple ilth St, sufficient from those offerings OFFICE: 153 CENTRAL AVE Characterizing the causation 01 PHONE 163 Box 787. CRISTOBAL unemployment among Negroes as meet its administrative expenses PHONE: 1664 OFFICE being both direct and indirect, the HAS REMOVED TO port continues. We view with Stop and analyze it. there 29 HSTREET alarm the increasing propensity in nothing in life that gives more than making pure happiness Phone 453 some sections to aggrivate this DRY CLEANING Panama City social problem by infecting racial so. eone else happy.
Is there?
STEAM PRESSING PANAMA Classes in English issues There are increasing in When we present a gift, we stanes of Negro workers being re 15 STREET want it to be packed with all the DYEING BY DAY AND BY NIGHT lased and white workers being PANAMA hired in their places. The increasing its quality every time it is seen.
Eentiment, affection and good Dr. BARTON, race consciousness resulting from There a multitude of things PRINCIPAL such situations complicates the es that will serve, but they lack in ODO Some respect. They wear out quickly; outlive their usefulness; or have no usefulness at all, is there ANY THING that will quicken the recipient heartbeat. that will tell her more eloquently than you could that you wish her well. that speaks that never wears out. that retains its value. that arouses the admiration of all who see it?
Yes it fine jewelry such as AT THE we will be glad to show you if you will pay us a visit oon.
JAVILLO FILL FULLER ODO Opo TODO ново 122 Central Avenue.
an. to Private Academy TROTT The Cleaner We Dye To ive Book Binding!
RUBBER STAMPS Of every description DONE WITH NEATNESS DESPATCH AND Why throw away your old, but no doubt interesting books, when you can have them neatly bound at THE WORKMAN Nó, 72 CARLOS MENDOZA STREET WORKMAN PRINTERY


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