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HORSE RACING a am a declare the ministers prate about AT: JUAN FRANCO RACE TRACK be more that the Harlem population is large Negro clergy should, since they enough to patronize both according make their living off the improver. the race loyalty the group is ished Negro masses, take the initia (Continued from Page 1) heard to preach. Quite true, quite tive in outlining and executing pro by fifty Negroes, the managers in true, have grams of sound to admit. Recently ecohomie beter form me.
while in a confab with several pro ment, but they do nothing of the Porgy. Blackbird, Hot ducers of shows giving exclusive By GEORGE SCHUYLER in the Pittsburg Courier sort. Most of the Negro minister, with in fact, are only interested in Bleed Tomorrow Offering Rhythm, Make Me Know It and employment to Negroes and it ought to be obvious to the engulf him as a result of his the Hallelujah pictures, and ing their dupes to build, repair or re more than a dozen white newspaper Another Great are. a) getting out of the economie economic and social status.
suffered. Last Dixie, all week men listening in, one producer of tain edifices absolutely Attraction uneeded the social and spiritual status of Rrown Buddies did the unusual rominence looked, at me quite seri Negro group in this country that The Negro church and the clergy The percentage of Negroe churches Last Sunday race programa in the United States, in fact, in and created a maintain that they have nothing to record when they ty and said, Gardner, don you he Negro church has become more with material things only with greater than existed in church rid Juan Franeo was voted one of the registered 1800 Negroes for th hink he Negroes should feel of a hindrance than a help.
spiritual things, but theveriest best meets of the season. The horses in hamed of themselves for not com week. What is true here is true len pre war Russia.
nicety Chicago, Philadelphia, Boston and were all handicapped to a to see their own actors where Briefly, the Negro problema cretin knows that the soul cannot There should be not over 5000. Ne and made it extremely difficult for on the coast. Negroes who have no heir boasted race loyalty. a) geeting out of the economic be strong when the body is weak.
gro churches headed by trained and race fans to pick winners. The money to provide agreeable That is to Any, the first task of outlet couldn answer rut that keeps him a pauper. b)
him maybe educated men instead of ignorant, events were all keenly contested and for their children art sit by and can.
cbtaining his civil and political those interested in the welfare and venal rabble rousers, and these hy rights without which cannot future of the Negro group is to the finishes were most of them SO refuse to attend performances where 5000 congregations should each close that at times it was feared their own shine.
hope to gain power and security, establish a strong foundation upon addition be organized by the the decision of the judge would be a When managers and producer (Continued from Page 1) and (e) defeating the paychology of which the black people may preacher into to reach to the stars cooperative dead heat. The crowd seemed which to ask me the reason for lack of sup were destroyed by hopelessness that rapidly threatens society and credit union, thus be larger than usual. This it is said. port from our group tell them summer will be commenced And right here is where the Ne forming a sound and impregnable was chuset by the drawing for the that the neighborhood house catche few weeks.
depression have been completed and gro The church miserably fails.
economic foundation for group se racer Damon Bean, which by the many who would otherwise menta which will the com give e in force. Union labour has ac Negros cry for succor curity and progress way was won by a West Indian and down town. But then they nent forces of the com quiesced in these plans where that clergy give them prayers, sermons It would then be possible to rally who has our hearty congratulations to weather the present achedules with the company have and threats of eternal damnation the more enlightened Negroes to in his good luck. We hope to see Rowdy Lad.
rient temployment been affected.
in a hell that does not exist. The the church, pay the preacher better his name figuring soon on the. Rifle.
have more commodious, beautiful gular Sunday program taking part Helen Kendall.
and debt free buildings, offer, in the good old game as an addition Marcela.
hope and opportunity to our now to horse owners at Juan Franeo. La Chiquilla bewildered youth and put stop to Nuf sed in this connection. Now the corroding influence of hopeless let see what the management THIRD RACAS hes and disillusionment now curs hay dished up for our amusement Furlongs ing the race.
tomorrow afternoon. There is Pauline. 182 regular churchgoer, but any program of eight good races Boo Gentry. 198 all featuring a large number of en Excuse Me.
116 Rioom and sadness all the time. tries ce has been offered for the Mascota. 108 no to different churches and find Wurth which has been termed Don Florentino.
118 practically all of the ministers the Death Classic and for Tribunito 115 legion in this kill joy preaching.
which a field of eight classy native Socia. 120 would teach more hopefulness in unies will contest.
good stage plays. Young folks would The feature arce, which is over FOURTH RACE interested in going to the mile distance, will bring together Furlongs rhurch, believe, the best blood at present the local (Leap of Death Classic)
mre hopefulness in ack. Alondra who romped home Huerfano.
122 stead of spreading so much fear. re her field last Sunday, meets Hot Water. 104 hope this letter may start some of the old and reliable Kitty Gill, the Lagrimita. 183 the minishers to thinking about fleety Miss Pink Kill Joy, and Re Tunney. 116 more hopeful things to tell en lads, with the doughty Determan Trigo. 112 congregations.
coming from the rear. Besides Honey Dew. 133 TEAGLE the two most important events Gypsy.
there are six other interesting Mayara. 106 am over 60 years old and find Taces which are sure to provide that the trouble with so many of great excitement and probably hang FIFTH RACE our people is that they are scolding up some long odds for risky fans. Furlongs the ministers for, trying to preach An added attraction at tomor Otelo. 110 the old time religion. The church is row race will be the dardevil act May Fly. 126 the source of the greatest solace of the great Humberto Tontini in Dunro. 124 che can find. When the churches his Leap of Death in a motor car Elsewhere.
112 get back to the old time religion one wooden platform to Claro Jo. 122 and the real spirit manifests itself other, a distance of about 60 feet. Frivolous.
MISS IT much of the ful things people do It is stated that this will be the We Gentleman.
days will be much lous.
first time such a stunt will be modern stuff is what is hurting the staged in Panama, and it is expected SIXTH RACE church. The preachers need more that the breezy hipodrome will be Mile FEATURE EVENT: religion. You know the leelers taxed to its greatest holding capa Alondra. 128 must be right if they expect the city by the large crowd which is Kitty Gill. 114 pew to be googl. pray God for expected to take in both the races Kill Joy. 110 return to the good old time religion.
and this daredevil stunt. Miss Pink. 106 Mrs. Van HERNE For this double entertainment Regalade. 121 tomorrow afternoon there has been Determan. 108. no advance in price of admission which is for the grandstand and SEVENTH RACE 25 for the field stand. Furlongs The following is the program of Boyer. 110 George Headley, a black man of the races:2 Justice. 100 Jamaica, who in a few months time FIRST RACE Resolute.
126 will be touring Australia under the Corazón. 110 Furlongs cap. ainey of Grant Can Hall Rate. Foxy Peter. 118 108 brdge Blue of last year is (says. Rosa Sweep. 112 Cococha 124 London writer) the nearest ap El Mayor. Tulli 126. 114 proach the world has to Bradman. May. 104 In the West Indies Tests last 8TH RACE Silver Star. 116 Winter his younger scored 176 in Furlongs Infimo.
106 the first Test, two centuries, in the Lucky Strike. 103 Sibarita.
120 third, and a double century in the Dacing Girl.
118 Marcial. 182 fourth. English players have told Dampwing. 105 me his footwork, eyesight and Black Water. 126 SECOND RACE Meti Mahal.
strokes are exceptionally brilliant. 122 We will see Hendley in Australia Furlongs Mas Querido. 116 Cartagena.
1227 Bombo Roto.
100 CARRER shortly, says the Reforge.
Tomorrow Sunday Nov. 23rd.
if the pasom would teach Good8 GOOD their. 114. Races RACES from an 110. 12 DON This Alondra, Miss Pink, Kitty Gill, Regalada, Kill Joy, Determan, POST TIME 15 Headley the Nearest Approach to Bradman General Admission. 00 PLENTY OF PARKING SPACE Tramcars direct to and from Track PANAMA JOCKEY CLUB HART. Manager


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