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PRICE CENTS Unemployment is Severest Since Influx FAMOUS ENGLISH JOCKEY TO VISIT JAMAICA RRISING GENEATION South African Sees BE ALLOWED Hope for Race Here SHOULD NOT on Aro Steve Donoghue Wife will spend West Indians here who are em To Forget the Horrors of War New York, November 13. AN Winter in Isle of Springs Atlanta, Ga. Nov. 15 The Amer this special privilege, but desperateGovernployees of the American The acute character of Says Prince of Wales ican of color has achieved in a few the ly need practical training for effiunemployment ment were given holiday and many situation generations what it usually MAY BE ASKED TO RIDE AT RACES SPEAKING TU EX SERVICE MEN takes ciency and success sin the common among Negro workers was indicated Saturof them took the opportunity of centuries for a racial group to at pursuits of life. It is not a question picnics ant enjoying excursions, day in a release of the National Steve Donaghue. knight of tain, according to Hon. Graham Bal.
the of neglecting either type of educa London, November other forms of diversion.
11. The Urban League for Social affairs tion, but of making proper provision lenden, head of the native Service passenger pigskin isa the Prince of Wales, speaking to right Truly, this is a national holiday Elders and Fyffe steamer Camito, department of the city of Johannes among Negroes on the activities of for both, and of reorganizing that enthusiasti before ex service men and women which is always very its thirty affiiated free empoyment burg, South Africa, who is on his bound for Jamaica, say the Gleaner in their respective places they cally observed, but at this season who crammed the great Albert Hal bureaus in cities of the Nor and of the 19th inst. He is accompanied first visit to America, studying in equally valuable and important.
for the terracial conditions in this country.
of the year, our thoughts and British Legion annual atMidwest. The report states that the by his wife, and both will spend the For the American Negro in gon.
tentions are now focussed on Xmas Festival of Empire and Remenpresent unemployment crisis is the aproaching winter here. With all the disadvantages and eral have only words of congratuday the day when the Saviour of has brance. made a This refreshing bit of news was striking spreal hardships to which the group severest test of the urban and in tion and of hope. As contrasted mankind was born, first intimated to us by the cable that the rising generation should dustrial adjustment of the been subjected in America. said with conditions in Africa, the AmerNegro who May we with watchful hearts and giving the list of pasengers not be allowed to forget the horrora Mr. Ballenden in an interview given worker since the recent migrations.
ican situation is certainly a hunof war to the press, the gains have been for the eyes be ready to greet the day which sailed on the Camito on Monday dred times more favorable to Employment statistics the means so much to us. Continued on Page Continued on page 8)
astonishing when one considers the Race. Nor is the future over here period of January 1, to September relatively short period involved.
shadowed by any insoluble of ex30, 1930, the report states how have been especially interesta decline of 34. per cent in the cd in the education progress which tremely difficult problems, so far as number jobs available during the Race has made, as have teen can see. The only real problem, as same period in 1929, while the nu it at schools. There is only one word indicated before, is simply that of ber of applicants for jobs nas of warning tha would venture to normal human adjustments and cocreased 39. per cent. The larger offer, namely, that in the pursuit of operation for the common welfare.
centers, Detroit, Cleveland, Chicahigher education for groes con Proceeding along these lines neither go, St. Louis, Philadelphia, Cincinsideration should be given also to whites nor Negroes have nothing to fear.
nati and New York, have been par the great mass who canno: hope for ticularly affected. In Cleveland the number of available jobs for INSANE PATIENTS. SENTENCED TO ONE Negroes his decrrased 62. per cent. In St. Louis unskilled Negro BE REPATRIATED. YEAR FOR KILLING labor has been offered at 25 cents HUSBAND.
an hour The Favorite will star THANKSGIVING DAY istri a Monday Tee Manuela Roas, a Native of Panama ribean Islands and will take. from the interior who killed iver hun The annual Thanksgiving Day ceinsane patients to their native 1s hand several months ago white lebrations of the was very crunken spree by stabbing him in th.
fittinely carried out Thursday last stomach, was given one year in the throughout the Canal Zone and also In addtion, a number of other Carcel Modelo ty Jude Francis the cities of Panama and Colon.
West Indians will be repatriated de la Osea of the Superior Court.
This Holiday as most of us know.
on account of ill health and other is held with much According to the Vernmnt.
reward by all nous reasons Dr. Odom.
evidence, during the trial a few days Americans theri favorite dish on along with Peter Neil and 18 cothat day being turkey and cranberry ego, kas at the time she committed sauce.
MASH TUN AND BREW KETTLE IN 100, 000 BREW HOUSE OF BALBOA BREWERY Jured attenants will be in charge the act, seemed to have been under of the patients.
the influence of liquer.
The above pieture shows one of Volcanic Eruption at Trinidad I.
the new brewing apparatuses which VENEZUELA MODIFIES IMMIGRATION BAN Whites and colored Sing in Chicago at present adorns the well equipped and up to date brew house of the Panama Brewing and Refrigerating Company in this city.
Excluding Colored People and Within the past year this company Chinese from that Republic STEAM, MUD AND GAS BELCHED great that the Tabaquite Rio Claro has been thoroughly reorganized INTO AIR AFTER TERRIFIC The Road was badly fissured and broken and fully equipped wtih the most Port of Spain Gazette of COMBINED CHORUSES OF 20 the baton of George Calder, white, EXPLOSION Getober 30th says: near the 6th mile post.
modern machinery to be found in The mud sent up was of a thick, We have been officially informed VOICES APPEAR AT ORCHESas under James Mundy, colored.
any part of houth or Central AmerThe Trinidad Guardian of Novemblack, clayey nature. There was no They sang The Heavens Are Tellica, for brewing the best beer, and that the ban excluding coloured peo TRA HALL ing, Worthy Is the Lamb, from ber 6th says: evidence that stones were thrown the Mash Tun and Brew Kettle ple and Chinese from domicile in Ve the Messiah; Hallelujah Chorus, The centrol district of the colony up, neither was there any oil seen, shown above, is but one of the many nezuela has been modified as fol Chicago, Nov. 13. ANP) La from the same, and Inflammatus.
experienced one of the greatest vol although the strong smell of petro and varied machines which have just lows: week in Orchestra hall there was They DID sing, and how? If only canic upheavals that ever occurred leum hung on the air for several been installe in the imposing look Those aliens of the mentioned races an occasion known as Prize Win.
the world could have heard them locally on Monday last, and the day hours after the first explosion. The in brew house.
who are already domiciled in the ners Night. This event was a re.
and seen them! There were two will live long in the memory of all ground was warm, but there was no cital of two prize winning groups of Coincident with the expanding, Republic and desire to leave the pianists, one white and one colored; who inhabit the villages near the sign of fire.
equipping and embellishing of its country with intention of returning singers, the Orpheus choir, white, Walter Gossette, organist, and Tabaqulte Rio Claro Road.
Crowds Flock To Scene new brewery many months ago, shall produce to the satisfaction of of Hammond, Ind. the Mundy chorWalter Dyett string and woodBetween and p. a loud ex Mr. St. de Verteuil, Warden of new brand of beer has been manuthe Venezuelan Consular Agent to isters, colored, Chicago. The qualwho led The Star Sangled Banplosion was heard in the forest land the Eastern Counties, went on the factured and will be on the market whom they may have occasion ifications are used here for underwind ensemble.
about half a mile away from the scene. After the first explosion during the latter port of the comapply for visas of their passports on standing and emphasis. They were first and second prize winners, resCarl Craven, guest conductor.
road. strong odour of petroleum there was no fear evinced by the in ing month. Bohemia, the new beer, returning, the undermentioned certi gas pervaded the air, and when habitants, and a great number came is a double pilsener brew, and is ficates, which are white, eminent in the musical world, to be issued pectively, during the Chicago Tribsome of the boldest spirits drew from the surrounding districts to claimed to be the best beverage ever who led The Star Splanged Bangratis to applicants by the Civil Au une Chicagoland Musical Festival, near the scene they found a mud inspect the havoc, which had been brewed in these Americas, and for thority of the place wherein ner at the close, could not do so they held in Soldiers Field and attended volcano belching forth steam, mud wrought to the forest land.
the matter of that, in any part of may be domiciled.
by 150, 000 music loving people. without declaring his profound joy and gases. The ground in the vicin Residents in the district assert the known world, where beer is certificate that the applicant John Burdette, baritone, who in the occasion; and, likewise, Phil ity had been fissured.
that there had been a little bubbling manufactured. The name of this is domiciled in the Republic.
aroused to great enthusiasm the Maxwell of the Chicago Tribune Road, Damaged spring in the forest for years, and new beer is of great historic signi certificate of good conduct at Chicagoland throng, was leading who was the manager of the ChiThe upheaval affected from about fissures extended from it for a conficance, as a glance at the Ad ap tested to by (3) independent and soloist. His accompanist was Miss cagoland Festival. There never was 15 to 25 acres of land, and the lo siderable distance.
pearing on page four of this impres. Continued on Page 8)
Gladys Osman, white, sympathetic an occasion like this one in Chicago; cation of the volcano is roughly half His Excellency, Sir Claud Hollis, sion will show; and it may not be and efficient in playing.
may there soon be another. Those anile north of the Tabaquite Rio visited the scene yesterday after saying too much of this new bever beer is sure to excel that of the hisThe combined choruses, number who were not present may well add Claro Road at the 3 mle post.
one more to their list of lifetime The force of the explosion was so (Continued on Page 8)
ularity as a superior and wholesome been taken BOHEMIA.
the same degree of response under regrets.
tc noon accompanied by Sub Inspector age when we predict that its pop toric place from which its name has ing perhaps two hundred, sang with


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