
a Government and Electives a siderable importance. That trade the Discuss Advisability of Standing Finance Committee anc is 3801 The Royal Bank of Canada econ ir 1695 The Secretary of State for the these West Indian Islands the most Colenies has, according to the Gree profound satisfaction at the recent ada West Indian, agreed with political development of Grenada cisim by a Committee of the Legis The Secretary of State for the Col lative Council of that island that onies has approved of the eligibility women of the age of 30 years and of women as candidates for the Legis elder, and otherwise qualified as lative Council and this compara Voters, are eligible for candidature tively small island assumes the les members to the Legislative Coun ing role in one of the most import cil. This is as it should be.
ant political changes of the cen The days have long tury. The decision of Lord Passfield past sinet might almost be regarded as me women were regarded merely mentous. We confess to a complete the mistress of their homes.
has their excursion into the more ignorance of the agitation previous le made by our neighbour for the serious realms of politics. lessened enfranchisement of its women, their reputation as good counsellors the success of the efforts of it As a matter of fact, women have farseeing and courageous legislator ihin recent med contributed in causes us all the more gratification no swall measure to the achieve It may safely be assumed that thos ment of our social and politieni colonies, who surpass Grenada in progress. The West Indies, however commercial and economie develop do not change customs easily and ment, will unhesitantingly follow the we do not know of any Colony fine lead and within the next de which the right has previously been cade the presence of women in our Riven to women their to express views in the Legislative halls lead legislative halls should have long been a fait accompli. There is even in the matter has now been given by Grenada and it is certain that the neighbouring island as to whe at this moment much speculation in milar steps will soon be taken by ther women will appear ther RS cand islands.
in the forthcoming election. A motion to extend the framebibbable that time may greatly 10 women in Barbados on the same in the opportunity for making terms men Was defeated ful vantage of the change ор in the House of Assembly recently this ocasion but we have sinal mainly on the ground that the doubt for the future, mover chose most inopportune Nor will it for a moment be de moment to obtain a binding decision nied that women can and will play on so important an isse. It is not an important part in the social and improbable that the Grenada ele political progress of these Colonies tions to be held early next month The experience of larger countries nay wintess the appearance an has been significant Women nos success at the polls of at least one proudly take their place beside theb prominent member of the gentle male rivals in the field of science sex.
law, journalism, aeronaution, and STEP IN ADVANCE, almost every important sphere of Dealing with the subject, the Activity; and their contributions to Barbados Advocate of October 26 the solution of many important says editorially:problems have not been inconsider There should be every where in (Continued on Pame 71 in an Dr. Leo Pink 28 Surgeon ar The Agricultural Reporter of Jetober 16th, contained the follow New Horizon editorial: the question of the appointmen: with money. With 1, 000 saved you can a Trade Commissioner for the look to the future with confidence start one West Indies is certainly one of con of these easy savings plans now and commerce of the colonies of 1, 000 in years costs 940. 16 in weekly payments of 52.
the Caribbean should be adequately 1, 000 in years costs 956. 28 in weekly Te presented in the Mother Country payments of 13.
that the services of an individua 1, 000 in years costs 970. 32 in weekly or a body of individuals should be Demerara despatch states thai payments of 33.
employed to propagand the product.
the Government and the Electives of the colonies is a principle in met in a Conference in the Legisla spect of which there universal tive Council Chamber recently to di greement The proposition is a cuss the advisability of appoini Past in theory regarded as ing a Standing Finance Comm.
Panama Branch Herman, Manager mically sound.
iee in the terms of the memorandum Santa Ana Plaza Colon Branch Grosch, Manager It is in the realms of practical zubmitted by the electives. Corner 11th and Bolivar St. politics that the difficulties arise There were present: His Excel Insular prejudices, individual leney the Governor, the Acting Col terests personal differeces, ged ozial Secretary, the Colonial Trear graphical distinctions, political ar urer, Hons. Seaford, de ODO rogance these and other obstacles TOD01 ODO Freitas, K, Walcott, have stood in the way of the estab Seymour and Anderson, Listhment of a permanent and effi all the Electives with the exception crent Trade Commissioner Service of Mr. Woolford, in London to promote, conserve and small minority of the Electives Dentist foster the interests of all the coi onies in these parts whose problems were in opposition to the ideas of Committees of any sort in general are of its peculiar prol 23 Central Avenue Panama City.
lems, for isolation of a particular His Excellency adjourned the colony and at the same time declare Conference for the purpose of en Phone 1862. Box 1062 Ancon, their faith in a United West Indies abling the Electives to decide among politically and economically. We car thmselves whether they wished Professional Services in all Branches of Dental Works no more reconcile these two pos him to pursue the idea any further tures than we can appreciate the As Governor he thought it use morality of a colony taking full ad ful institution with a great deal of Office Hours to 12, to Sundays by Appointment vantage of the free services of possibilities for good, but did not in institution in a crisis and, Peter tend to impose it on the Electives ODO TOPOPODO OCIOS ODOS like virtually denying its exist against their will, or where any ence afterwards. The inconsistency substantial minority might wreck is 20 glaring! But what is morally its usefulness, prong cannot be economically right The Electives met immediately Of course, it has to be admitted after the adjournment and decided that in determining whether a co!
to await Mr. Woolford views ony should or should not have a the matter before conveying a finai trade representative in London.
decision to the Governor.
many factors have to be taken into consideration. There must be google to propaganda, the ability to sup GOVERNOR PLAYS BOLD Believe that Flask in which he Carried Drinkply them in commercial quantities, HAND prospects or markets being securred and last but by no means least, mon The Governor of British Guiana Trinidad, Nov. In the best of ey with which to carry on the pro has played a bold hand, and has health Mr. Gaston de Verteuil, paganda.
played it well, in appointing the popular cocon planter and a mem The last mentioned factor Hons. Brassington, Fre ber of an old Trinidad family, left IS OF VERY GREAT dericks and Luckhoo to the IMPORTANCE, Executive Council, says the New tion to his estate, on Saturday morn Daily Chronicle, in a recent edi because it is easily fatal to fall into ing. few hours later he had to be torial His Excellency has commit the folly of economising on propa hurried to the Colonial Hospital ted an unpardonable sin in a com ganda at the expense of an industry rietely pardonable manner. He has San Fernando, where he died For Land Settlement And this eventuality recalls an add undoubtedly introduced racial issues the result of poisoning.
ed factor. It is possible, we know, to with polities; but his far reaching Although the Analyst report of Small Settlers ever advertise. That is to say when decisions are sure to be applauded has not yet been officially received and Others advertising reaches satura won by all classes and all races through by the Constabulary, it is stated in point it is generally felt that to go out the colony.
reputable circles that his death was beyond that is to indulge in waste The Gleaner of the 14th dne ulto.
to poisoning, under mysterious But it is equally reasonable to The late Sir Gordon Guggisberg sup circumdances.
says: was a firm friend of the Negroes pose that after that point has been At the afternoon session of the Before leaving his home for his reached a sudden cessation migh. Rev.
and through his intimacy with the have the effect of disturbing the Andrews he showed estate at Guanapo, Mr. de Verteuil kon. Legislative Council yesterday Stream of business if at all a steady deep interest in the East Indians filled his thermos flask with crush the following motion by the Colon Bat Sir Gordon did not choose ed ice. On his arrival at the estate ial Secretary was dealt with en cam one had been built up.
ers: Negro or an East Indian to sit he made a round of a certain sec We have made these observations with him on the Executive Council tion That with reference to the mes because of the scant and superfi Perhaps, it may be said that the Returning to his or he took out sage from His Excellency the Gov (Continued on page Continued on page 7)
his flask and took a pull of his con ernor No. 52, dated 8th November tents After swallowing the first 1930, this Council sanctions the ex mouthful, he noted that the liquid penditure from general revenue of hnd a peculiar bitter taste and he such a sum as may be necessary to ahat out the portion which remain enable the Government to acquire in his mouth. He did not take Burnt Savannah Estate in the par further notice of the incident until ish of Westmoreland for the purhe began to feel ill. He was hurried pose of land settlement. Continued on page Continued on Page 3) OP01 100 ODO TODO TRINIDAD Popular Cocoa Planter Dies from Poisoning CRICKET! CRICKET. ing Water was Tampered with NOW THAT THE ENGLISH TEAM HAS TOURED THE WEST INDIES JAMAICA Get a copy of the his residence on a visit of inspes Government to West Indies Cricket History Purchase Estate and read the records of past Cricket Veterans. AND Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages as Summary of Contents: History of West Indies Cricket for years Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tou, Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual Players Vále ble estructive, Historical, accurate, Complete and Interesting Price 50cts, BOHEMIA Copies to be bad from the office of the WORKMAN Panana IODO ODOLORE


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