
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY NOVEMBER 29 1990 NEURALGINA Popular Cocoa PAGE THREE CZAR APPOINTED TO CLEAN UP CHICAGO BEFORE 1931 Dictator Ssid to be Bulldog Autocrat with Legal and Extra Legal Powers Should be in every office to immediately soothe any neuralgic pain caused by excessive mental work.
NEURALGINA Should be in every school to soothe bad headaches and reduce the fever of children NEURALGINA For sale both wholesale and Retail or AMERICAN PHARMACY am Mao Fiendish Act. HARDWARE of His family of every description Panama Hardware tc TRINIDAD This incident occurred during the hearing of an application brought y a middle aged East Indian wom an of St. James named Mahaban, have a copy of the will of Chin (Continued from page 2)
ko, late of Luckput Street, St.
back to San Fernando Hospital anes, proved.
where he was admitted for treat It was alleged by Mahaban, who ment was the wife of the deceased and Despite the attention he received wole executrix under the will, that afier the death of Chinkoo she went be collapsed and expired shortly NEW YORK, Nov. Chicago, and extra legal powers, will super to Mr. McKay to have the will pro afterwards afraid that is gangster reputation sede the authority of Police Com bated.
may keep visitors away from the missioner Alcock and State At LIQUID TESTED CHARGED 50 DOLLARS World Fair of 1933, is rising torney Swanson It is understood that the remaind Dir. McKay charged her 50 dollars against all gunmen and racketeers the The greatest crime drive in er of the liquid he consumed was in two instalment of 25 dollars each Czar has been appointed to history of Chicago is the phrase estamined, and it was found to cor After she paid the last instal make a reality of the new slogan tai poison. It is alleged that a few used to indicate Mr. Jamie powers ment to Mr. McKay she asked him Is completely Inoffensive and nourishes the heart Clean Chicago before 1933.
which are expected to shake off the drops of the liquid was sufficiently on several occasions for the will Mr. Alexander Jamie, famous as grim hold of the underworld on busivirulent to kill a guinea pig. and he told her it was all right. She ress through racketeering to The put a law enforcement veteran, has Detective Department ha: thought the will was in Court.
been appointed by Chicagoan mil all gangsters in goal, and to make beep notified of the occurrence and In 1928 she went and searched lionares who have organized 01 the city safe for the millions of utffers from the city have been it and found it was not there AT THE re seeking to organise drastic visitors who, it is hoped, will at despatched to San Fernando to in Mr. Mekay then told her that the ght against crime.
rive for the World Fair. stigate will was lost and that he would It is thought that Mr. de Ver This new dictator, wielding legal BULLDOG AUTOCRAT up the lost for her.
leuil flask was tampered with Mr Jamie has been ranted She did not know that she couli JAVIER MORAN, Proprietor weer the time he left it and his have got the will probated at th ter from this office dated the 22nd furlongh from his job as chief of return, but no clue has yet been (ctober 1930, Pigistry for 10s. In addition to the directed to the Special Intelligence Bureau, bu found.
Panama te that the Governor is he not pre dollars she gave him dollar 20 still retains his Federal powers of to which are added those ed to receive a deputation from centa.
the. Native Defender committee ir ate and city police WILL LOST.
and to the Immigration of Alien 2000 The new autocraft is OSO Mahaban gave supported Mr. McKay said this island.
by a Chicago organisation known as bim instructions to have the will FOR THE BEST IN have the honour to be etc. Set Fire to House the Secret Six, headed by two mil robated sonaires and supported from Sgd. DIGNUM the The original will and some other to Rid Himself funds of Chicago largest busi papers were left with Mr. Plummer for Colonial Secretary, because he witness, was not prae Th speakers (especially Mr.
Mr. Jamie is credited with bull tising in Por of Spain.
Saison) criticised the Governor and (Continued from Page 6) Trinidad dispatch states: Ten After the death of Mr. Plummer the Colonial Secretary for their a years hard labour was the sentence witness went to Mr. Plummer of titule in the matter and strongly fice and searched for the will but mented on the prevalance of th of inprisonment imposed on Gobia VISIT THE The Greatest Thrill he did not find it.
Peaka Peow evil which Sammy. East Indian labourer oi they as Tabaquite, by Mr. Justice Walton VALUTION ed was sapping the conmunity in the World He charged Mahaban 35 dollars and that no effective action or. Oct. 29 when he was found giulty had by the jury of having set fire to the for valuation and fees.
been taken by the Government house in which his wife and five Mr. Elliot Maingot, Admin suppress this form of gambling.
General, told the Court Mr. Waison moved the following children were asleep on the night istrator that Mr. McKay was trying to make solucion which was unanimously ugust 20.
them believe that the will dramatie story was unfo do was a fine Selection of carried: the crowded Court showing how proved long before Mr. Plummer Whereas, we citizeng of 3: Gobia, in an effort to escape his cied, whereas the copy showed that Kingston have been informed at obligations and rid himself of his the will was proved in 1929.
public meeting this 9th day of Nov family, made an unsucessful at In regards to the fees charged ember 1930, that His Excellency tempt to burn them to death while by Mr. McKay, Mr. Maingot said, ALSO THE VERY BEST BRAND IN the Governor has refused to receive they slept.
if he ever read Section 62, Chapter a deputation authorised by us at When we present a gift, we He said that at the time the fire 57 dealing with small estales under PAINTS ENAMELS public meeting under the auspice, want it to be packed with all the occurred he was at home in his ham 100, he would find that the proper of the Native Defnder Committee entiment, affection and food rock, blowing his flute, but his fee for a poor its quality every time it is seen.
person was 105 Give us a call before purchasing held at various points in the parish wife said that she saw him near and all pap could be prepared at There a multitude of things of Kingston, to express our views the house, and another witness saw the Registry free of charge.
elsewhere relative to any further immigration that will serve, but they lack in Is there?
him sprinkling a liquid on the carat Sir George Walton said Mr. Me of aliens into the island: Be it re ruof of the building immediately Kay had no right to charge 50 dol solved that His Excellency be writ nothing in life that gives more Stop and analyze it. there tofore the fire.
lars when the statue showed 10s.
ten to, asking that tangible reasons Mr. Justice Walton told him that pure happiness than making CATHEDRAL PLAZA be given for not hearing the griev it showed in his evil mind a desire someone else happy.
ances of we, the people, in connec to take life in order to escape some some respect. They wear out tion with the alien question, POSODOT that TODO inconvenience to himself and to rid quickly; outlive their usefulness; has now become a national one, or have no usefulness at all, himself of his obligations, The Port of Spain Gazette states JAMAICA and that His Excellency be asked there ANY THING that will pirited addresses were delivered by ther the Trinidad Government has In reconsider his attitude, and re Mr. Waison, the chairman quicken the recipient heart approved of a loan to the extent of and Mr. Lee, against what they re spec fully give our representatives beat. that will tell her more 1, 228 free of interest, to the Toba in the form of a Government to garded as unfair trading on the part deputation eloquently than you could that go Lime Growers Cooperative of aliens, hearing on the subject. That His you wish her well. that speaks sociation for the erection of a lime Excellency attention be called to that never wears out. that refactory (Continued from Page 2)
The Committee had requested the the fact that as citizens we are en tains its value. that aroues it is understood that all the hon.
Governor to receive a deputation titled to a hearing rightly or wrong. the admiration of all who see it?
OC TODO ODO members on the elected and gov and the following reply declining 1y, and that the alien question is Yes it fine jewelry such as ernment side of the House who took the The Guardian of Oct. 24th said: request was read: one that affects our interest comwe will be glad to show you if Mr. Mckay, a solicitor of part in the debate on the motion mercially, industrially and otherwise BOX 649 ANCON, Colonial Secretary Office, you will pay us a visit Boon.
expressed themselves as being in That a the Supreme Court of Trinidad and copy of this resolution accord with the idea of furthering 6th November 1930.
Tobago, was directed by Sir George ho sent to His Excellency and the FULLER Cirilo Sandford Walton, Acting the usefulness of land settlement, Chief Justice, to Press Sir, In continuation of the let122 Central Avenue be brought before a Judge in Cham Attorney at Law the motion being carried without bers to show why he should not be any adverse comment.
found guilty of professional mis OFFICE: 153 CENTRAL AVE PHONE 183 It is stated that the main road Phone 453 conduct.
passes through the area and a paro DRY CLEANING chial road adjoins it, hence there PANAMA will be no such attendant charges as STEAM PRESSING may be the case with other land 16 STREET settlement achemes. It goes without DYEING PANAMA saying that the small settlers and others will be greatly benefited by this new move, behind which is the Hon. Dr. Hudson, the rep TODOC resentative of the parish.
jp 2 a ARTIZAN TOOLS PANAMA HARDWARE Lime Factory 10 DOE Soliciter of the Court Charged With Misconduct TROTT The Cleaner We Dye To Live BOHEMIA Οπτος Book Binding!
RUBBER STAMPS Governor Refuses to Receive Deportation Why throw away your old, but no doubt interesting books, when you can have them neatly bound at THE WORKMAN No, 72 CARLOS MENDOZA STREET Of Native Defender Committee Of every description DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH AT THE WORKMAN PRINTERY Another meeting of the Native De fender Committee was held at the corner of West Queen Street and Orange Street on Sunday night.
Mr. Wilson presided and JAVILLO FILL OPOI


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