
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY NOVEMBER 29 1980 PAGE FIVE 100 10000 00 070 10 FOI 00 CLARA BOW CECILIA THEATRE AT THE Her Wedding Night IN To morrow Sunday Nov. 30 20 OSOBOX LOLO 000 Monday Dec. Tuesday Dec. 20 OBSOPO 0 10 OFC INTERESTING JOTTINGS (By ELIJAH HUNTER)
FOR Making Good Clothes Beauty and Health in Life INTESTINAL OBSTRUCTIONS By Dr. HENRY HINES and Cleaning Clothes Good see REID No. 6, 19 Street and Central Ave.
Panama, BOHEMIA Helping The Negro Help Himself was (Saturday, November 29th) came in the music when everybody Friends and Countrymen: commenced to put down foot work.
Last Saturday night, was in my My demsel started in, and followsalts In other words, attended a ed her immediately by looking down dance by invitation, and you know on her toes, and adjusting mine to very well that if accepted an invi match. determined in my own tation to such a thng in this part of mind, that although knew that creation, it must have been some was old, must refuse to be cold, thing worthwhile. And believe me, under the circumstances. It was it was so much so, that was pres time for foot works, everybody was ent from the music said go, till it doing it, and dad was not going to said again, home, sweet home. be left behind especially when he It was the dance of the Mystery had his possession a charming damsel on whom the jealous eyes of Club, sponsored by good village folks, and kept up at a respectable every youngster in the hall were place. At any rate, the place was turned.
distinctly respectable on Saturday And so, the night went on, and night, when it was being used by continued to dance with my damsel.
respectable people, and as beheld Her steps were light, her movemenis all the good things said and done easy and her posture comely. In her there, said to myself, it was good eyes there was sweet allurement, for me to have been here.
there was something that attracted and lured me, and was satisfied Nobody enjoyed themselves more that had in my than did, no sir, it was impossible.
possession that night creature beautiful and fine, was captivated, was animated, lovely, charming, fair, graceful was invigorated, and even decorated.
The decoration was the thing that elegant, comely, delightful, perfect.
Mercy! and when gave a thought brotght me all the other things that came to me, and it was the insignia to my old lady who was peacefully resting in the place of her domicile, of master of ceremony. In thi capaI said a fervent prayer. good lord, city, functioned as the one who deliver me!
should say who was the funniest person, and who was the funniest But never will forget the night dressed person. found three for of Saturday, 22nd. of November, which there provided three 1930. It was an eventful night for prizes. My task was difficult as it me. Iwas made supremely happy things are for me, the more difficult (and it was happiness of the highthngs are for me, the more enjoy est kind) by having danced with them, and so, set myself to the that beautiful damsel who, being task of naming the three persons possessed of such a pleasing assemdescribed above. gave the prize blage of qualities, delighted my for the funniest dressed person to senses, and pronounced upon mo ar one girl who showed a lot of humour earthly beatitude. Goodness me, and cuteness in her conclusions from the moment laid my hands about a funny dress. She was dress upon her tender person, felt my ed in a dress that was neither cut accumulation of years passing gentout nor sewed; but was formed out ly down my feet, and now, have of one piece of cloth which she chalked up in my diary a minus of wrapped from her head to her feet, twenty years. And my good friends forming hat, collar, shoulder frills, took me home and delivered me waist, and skirt, leaving only a lit safely at my Cassa, where laid me tle opening at the end to show a down to sleep the sweet sleep of pretty garment. don know the satisfaction for having been rename) which had a lot of pretty juvinated by the pleasures of a night things around the tail, and which that had too quickly passed, and loved to see. The second prize went while slept, dreamt that was to a person dressed in a red rose, still danding, and saw in my vision This was made out of paper in the the same pair of beautiful eyes by shape of a rose, and believe me, which was hypnotized, looikng up friends and countrymen, she would into mine, and woke up singing have gotten that prize whether she glory, glory, hallelujah. had dressed for it or not, for when it comes to being funny, there is no necessity for her to dress. The third EDITH CAVEL SOCIETY prize went to a man who had a good idea of masculino funnyness, and if TO HOLD DANCE.
there were no girls in the competiThe Edith Cavel Friendly Societion, he certainly was entitled to the first prize; but you know, the ty of Panama is sponsoring a grand old saying is, ladies first.
invitation dance to be held at their hall tonight.
But now comes my enjoyment.
Mr. Padmore is in charge After the prizes were distributed and acclaimed, straightway took of the arrangements and the popular charge of the damsel of the first will Royal Flush Orchestra prize saying, henceforth, with me supply the music for the occasion.
shall you dance. and she said, yea, papa. Then the music started, and laid my claws upon her tender person, holding her gently, and swayed her around the hall, to the strains WESLEYAN METHODIST of poppy music, while she looked up into my face, and me down into Panama 11 a. and 30 hers. She wore a smile upon her Rev. Wright.
face and a look in her eyes that took Colon 11 a. and 30 charge of me, the more she looked, Rev. Cousins.
the more felt the years passing La Boca 11 a. Mr. Henry through my feet, and they became Harewood 30 Mr. Kinyounger and younger. She was flexible, she was pliable, she was agree nimouth.
able, and she responded to my indiNew Providence 11 a. Mr.
cations for movement to the right Willington.
or left, as the case may be, to my Paraiso 11 a. Mr. Hilton Airall utmost satisfaction. Then, the part 30 Mr. Theo Fuller.
Inability to moyo the bowels be pendix, an adhesion having caused cause of a twist or angulation or the trouble. After severing the adbecause a part of the bowel has hesion and correcting the twist and slipped into the adjacent portion angulation of the bowel the aband because congested or swollen domen was closed and the boy made is called obstruction. This last pro an uneventful recovery. Had oper cess can be readily likened to the ation been delayed the circulation partial inversion of a glove finger. in the bowel would have been comIt is one of the chief causes of one pletely cut off; there would have of the most tragie conditions pre been eventual destruction of a part vailing in the practioe of medicine.
of the bowel above the point of obThe outstanding fact is that without struction, with the throwing out of early relief death must quickly fol a large quantity of fluids rich in low.
Speculation has been rampant Remember, in obstruction we have for many years as to the real cause something more involved than proof death in these cases. Peritonitis longed constipation. Many cases are has been proved present in due to a hernia or rupture and these many cases and has been accepted as the show the greatest number of cures cause. Other cases were thought to because they are readily diagnosed have died through absorption of the with a resultant early operation contents of the diseased bowel aboro and relief. The cases that occur inthe point of obstruction. The most dependent of rupture are much recent theory is that the patiente more difficult of early diagnosis die because of loss of salt and water and give rise to the many fatalities.
through vomiting continuously the typical successful case was that gastro intestinal contents which of a boy 12 years old who complain form above the point of obaturetion.
ed of a sharp pain in his stomach, Whether the last supposition is as he said, but really in the upper true or not the fact to be most imregion of the abdomen live weeks pressively borne in mind is that life after a successful operation for ap depends on two things. Early diag.
pendicitis. The doctor ordered ene nosis, coupled with prompt surgery.
mas and announced his belief that There is no medical cure for a the boy had an obstruction of the mechanical obstruction of the bowbowel due to some adhesion causing els. Only surgery can cure and to a twist or angulation, thus shutting do so must be early, off the bowel. He returned next Every hour of vain hoping for remorning and finding that repeated lief, once the diagnosis has been enemas of various types had been made, adds to the gravity am given with no relief, requested perdanger. Most of these cases occur mission to operate at once. The parents consenting, an operation in people past middle life who can not be relied upon for an accurate was performed as soon as posible after removal to the hospital.
history. These elderly people may have a temporary paralysis of Operation revealed a sharp anbowel due to a toxemia, which must gulation of the bowel with an ae be differentiated, operation being companying twist a short distance contra indicated here.
from the stump of the removed apThe doctor should have early consent to operate. If you make bim wait until the abdomen becomes greatly distended, rapid pulse, rise in temperature, a cold, clammy skin and almost continuous vomiting, no operation is of any value and a life that might readily have been saved is lost. McClure Newspaper Syndicate. Continued from page 4)
their notable efforts at self help and self improvement.
In the North, as everybody knows, the Negro emigration of the last 15 years has created some weighty. problems. The Negro in the industrial centers needs to be supplied with better housing, ample educational opportunities, reliable employment bureaus and protection agains exploitation by racketeers and promoters of commercialized vice. As the committee report points out, the problems of the Negro are in the main community problems and systematic, amicable co operation of whites and Negroes is essential to their solution.
Such co operation has been brought about in preresive southern communities and is yielding remar able benefits There is need and room for much more of that kind of civic teamwork. This is true in Chicago. in many other cities. Chicago Daily News. the with a LA MASCOTA Just Received a Large Assortment of ENGLISH TWEEDS SPECIAL SERVICE FOR WESLEYAN WOMEN LEAGUB TOMORROW NIGHT.
In the very Latest Designs ALSO The Members of the Wesleyan Women League and the members of the Girls Club are reminded of the special service to be held to.
morrow night at 30 in the Panama Wesleyan Church. They are requested to assemble in the Hall not later than o clock.
Blue Serges, Black Cheviots and Cream Flannels CHAPTER 244 OF THE Church Services LEST YOU FORGET go Our Tailors Trimming Department IS. UP. TO. DATE AS USUAL. and 30 The usual mass meeting of Chap ter 244 of the will take place tomorrow at p. in tho Hall when the Choir and other members of the Organisation will contribute to the evenings programe.
The public is cordially invited.


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