
PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY NOVEMBER 29 1990 The Reasan For Unfaithful Wives is Unfaithf ul Husbands LADY WRITES REPLIES TO THE VIEWS EXPRESSED BY BOHEMIA FAMOUS DIVORCE Devil Island Fugitives Freed in Trinidad, France Claims Millionaire Women Marry for Love to.
a whereupon Czar Appointed to Dr. Fairweather Where. man tries to be evasive servation cell. In April, 1927, of his illicit relations for the sake was sent with 600 other convicta of his wife feelings, Devil Island WOMAD frequently flaunts her newly found From the date arrived when planned only devotion. She is much more cruel to escape to the New World, kart life anew and pursue than the male.
my ambition to become an electrical Never attempt the task of trying engineer, he declared in telling his to recapture her affection. If she is story.
WOMEN MORE CRUEL resolute she will treat you with con Finally he and four other COR ONDON, Oct. 31, Members of tumely, for if Hell knows no fury its managed to capo, setting out like a woman scorned. also think (By the Bar yesterday were discussing Jean Burnup in the Daily in an open boat, but the boast of the comments of Sir Elis Hume it knows no cruelty like woman Express. that he mer enviation proved Williams, on his Divorce scoring.
false the man failing utterly.
Sir Ellis Hume Williams, the fs Court experience of human emotion: Another barrister expressed the Torreman. Gales, rough NA AD Dous Divorce Cour. Counsel, has which were quoted from his aut PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad, Nov.
less faithful The French Government made no VEW that women are fever made mattery worse. The made a startling pronouncement on biography. The World, The House marringe in his new book, publisher ani the Bar. Murray, 12s. in yes because they are more elemental. Several of the five fugitives application for extradition of the men climax came on the ninth night man motives, he said, are reached released, as only certain crimes are from Devil Island who more when a giant wave overturned the this week. think, he mayo terday Daily Mail.
complex because he seems to RE Trinidad on September 18th, after extraditable under international law Loat, the moonlight revealing sharka strange as it may seem, that wom Barristers whom Daily preciate the complexities of life is understood that negovations lurking in the waters. By strenuous fifteen dal sea in an open boat It en are less faithful than man.
Mail reporter spoke described wo more fully are in progress for the revision of efforts the men righted the boat, Here are some of his reasons were released to day, but only al men as elemental, There are 80 completely many phases of life the appropriate treaties.
ter one of the five, a only to discover that alt had made reputed mil which affect a woman in an altoge lacking in compromise, and much lionaire from Monte Carlo, had One of those released was Roberto the food inedible and the VATAR more cruel than men in matters of stood in Court here yesterday ther greater degree than a man, an and Bertolo, a smiling Italian, who hot fit to drink love.
the heard the Magistrate tell him which make easier the path of rather than spend five more yours fter six mondaye of hunger would be lover: curiosity, boredom in One member Government of French Guiana had on Devil Island, braved shark Small ant! thrist, when all hope had been of the Bar, with live of change, love of adventure made application for his extradition fested sene for fifteen days in abandoned and the mea wer ving experience of Divorce Caur DENTIST even risk of an illicit liason. The reputed millionaire was Adrien frail boat with a cheap compass sractice said: awaiting death, they mighted land MASONIC TEMPLE Henri James, man with a busy life.
of One night several years ago he was may pos alleged Looking back over. number owner wale sundenly overturned the sibly live without the affection of years cannot forget the impres Office Hours:8, am to 12 pm the Hotel de Europe at Monte in a cabaret in France during a craft again, but they clung to the. 30 pm to 30 pm Carlo. The case was adjourned on woman. But the period when Italian Franco rele woman average on that women have made bottom till they were able to swim on me Sundays, by Special Appointment cannot live life of even moderate Masonic Temple ilth St, tions of the lengths to which they will go application of Counsel for the were somewhat strained. ashore.
happiness without love, and affee the way they will throw cused so that inquiries could be Frenchman began abus Italy, 0, Box 787. CRISTOBAL every tion. It is the food of her soul.
arting an anti Italian not. Bertolo ring that seem to matter to PHONE: 1664 OFFICE the saw a compatriot felled from.
His explanation sounds convincing winds for the consummation of blow by a Frenchman, Almost Naturally, his experience in vhat seems to us. vague passion.
he promptly drew a revolver and the Divorce Court has enabled, hin READY TO LOSE ALL shot the assailant dead.
to observe hundreds of wives (Continued from PACO 8)
whc To say that such a fever pitch of Bertolo was arrested and spent dok strength of character and many so there through boredom, curio!
motion only occurs once in wc months in prison, his sister coming be able to control the wild gunmen y love of change and all the PHYSICIAN an life is rubbish.
from Italy to arrange for his de gat of it. But it is this very exper of Chicago underworld. have known women throw away fense. He was sentenced to five ence which makes him see marriage Today, New York people are won IS NOW LOCATED AT Everything in this way when the years imprisonment, Grief caused in a wrong perspective.
dering if their city, too, does Bot him to go know that satlety must bring disil Please, Sir what about temporarily insane and all 7o. K STREET need Jamie. Early this morning he made a childish attempt lusionment and realise that their to the wives, millions of them, who gunmen invaded an East Side nigh feelinge are by no means reciprocat PANAMA CITY cape from his cell with the aid of literally have not the time if the club known as the Black Bottom a knife, being committed to an ob ed by their lovers.
Inclination to indulge their curiosity and described as the hottest spot Loredom, love of change, even in in town.
Enjoying the dancing and musk in such an enormity as taking were two gangsters, one Cowboy lover?
Larry and the other just plain Most wives, after marriage, be Charles Greco come housewives too. And mothers When Greco arrived he anased The housewife and mother is en himself by towing Lighted cigare wrapped in the routine of her home tes at the Negro jazz band. Bu: and her children. If she has the time his fun was short leed. In walked Cor philandring, she simply has not a group of killer, whose fusilade the opportunity GIVE MORE op bullets ant the musician Where is she likely to meet other cowering on the floor as tho two oon who might become possible Ringsters felldend.
Invers? Her husband and her home and her duty have made too great comands on her.
FOR LESS Women get married for love, for children, for a home, for money for the status of being married. is only the last who are potentially unfaithful wives. The rest, given AND LAST LONGER fair chance, will remain faithful to THAN ANY OTHERS what they married for love, child ren, a home, money.
Where all men are instinctive ly unfaithful.
Unfortunately, most women, even if they admit this and how many will? imagine their husbands to be the exceptions. There would be far AND fewer hearthburnings if women realised that there are no excep tions.
es the smaller phases of life let alone FANARY ISLANDS EDISON MAZDA LAMP BULBS I H Μ Ν Υ PLACEYour Order FOR THEREFORE CHRISTMAS THEY ARE BEST AND CHEAPEST Buy them by the Carton NEW YEAR adore you.
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IN PANAMA WITH THE Your husband may He might never in actual fact be unfaithful to you. But he want to be, he would like to be. Moreover, he is in imagination. With the de licious girl who sat opposite him in the train that morning, with some beautiful and unattainable film star. He loves you, none the les even more for his flight of fancy.
The chief reason almost wrote exence for unfaithful wives is unfaithful husbands. falous wife will take a lover in order to revenge herself for her husband infidelities. But she will not be happy in doing so.
No, wives, unfortunately, are on ly too faithful. It is the habit of women. Unkind of Nature not to have made the balance a little more fairly Warkman Printery Brewer Co. Colon Cycle Co. Wong Chang y Cia. IN COLON AND IN OUR TWO STORES CIA. PANAMEÑA DE FUERZA LUZ Panama AT YOUR SERVICE ALWAYS Colon FEATURELSELEPAS PELASTUSLISTA Good Assortment Arriving Soon


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