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Venezuela Modifies British Jails will Cure Chicago Gangsters Another Good Race Program Tomorrow ru your Continued from Page 1)
The series of articles by a Chica strict. It punishes you. And, geel it reliable witnesses of good standing go crime reporter in the Daily Ex makes you realise prison is one at their place of domicile in Vene press points one moral to a man The management of the Panama place to out of zuela.
There Jocky Club has again presented an.
who has served sentence in both no chance of being able The necessary titles or such other other puzzle for race fans, in the English and American prisons. wear your own silk shirts under most up to date program, which locuments that prove that the appli it you could prison rigout, like That moral is: Transport the cants is posessed of real property English prison system to presents to morrow. As on Sunday in Sing Sing. And you can smoke the Uni and or owns an established business. that last, there are eight races listed and me down! and you ed States.
the entries in each event are all Venezuela.
can talk to each other, except practically brought to a level by the Lewis Richards, whose criminal chapel.
If the applicant does not own handicap which will have race fans experience have previously any real property or an established counted here, gives this advie. And re FINE CURE guesing as to the winner.
business in the country but is mar You don eat in messes like in But while the fans will be scratchried to a Venezuelan citizen he knows what he is talking about and America. All your meals are brought ing their heads and grabbing their issue of that marriage, then a Seven years in Sing Sing and Au pocket bookks, the public in general to your cell.
certified copy of the marrigae certi burn goals left him a crook. Five are assured one of the best days months in he Pentonville, whence ficate together with certified copies recently emerged. No, don kick against the sport in many a meet.
of the birth whipped fine certificate or the system; but do my certifi crook out of him.
with cure for any crook imagina cates of such issue must be produced lat Race5 to the satis action of the Consul. And believe me, said Richards tion. There the cell door with just yesterday, an American loves an My Star 102 English prison just like he loves peep hole for the warder. It 2 Cococha 124 Dancing Girl 118 solid American doors are barred 105 He comes over here: Don Ernesto Dampwing poison.
he 105 You can see the other guys across 116 Half Rate gets caught; he does his bit in stir Black Water 126 the landing. Here all you can El Mayor 120 Moti Mahal (prison. But it almost breaks him 122 is a May.
111 Mas Querido And he swears, Never again!
patch of sky through your 115 window, and a pigeon or two. en Infimo 108 Bombs Roto 100 admire the English system. It vied those birds. Zapo 140 it a see LA FALLALALALALALALALALALALALAL. 45454 ILALA FORT FORT DUNLOP 2nd Race 1 130 HORSE RACING Lagrimita Huérfano. Mayara Orange Crush Trigo Honey Dew.
124 102 96 106 120. AT: Rising Generations 3rd. Race 1 1 Boyer Justice Resoluto. Corazon. Foxy Peter. Rosa Sweep Tufli.
110 109 126 110 118 TL 112 114 JUAN FRANCO RACE TRACK Tomorrow Sunday Nov. 23rd.
a 4th. Race 1 8. Good GOOD Meelah. La Chiquilla Rowdy Land Maria Luisa Marcella Contest. Dr. Drury.
105 120 120 122 117 126 118 Volcanic Eruption. Races RACES 5th. Race 1. DON MISS IT Wee Gentleman Royal Spade. Otelo. Rusovia. Frivolous. Elsewhere Clara Joe. Duntoi.
116 112 104 126 110 115 117 118 know England premier jockey by reputation only, will be afforded an opportunity of seeing the little (Continued from Page 1)
man in their own homeland. We do not want another war It is probable, too, that Steve We must not even contemplate one will be asked to give us an exhibiand above all we must do our uttion of his riding. About this time most to avoid any war declared last year it was reported that Donthe Prince amid a storm of cheeroghue had it in mind to visit Jaing maica, and the Jockey Club deterThunderous appause greeted mined to ask him to ride in one at number of Maharajahas and other least of the events at a race meeting Indian potentates in splendid robes that would have been staged in his as they appeared on the platform. honour.
their identity being indicated! by The idea caught on to the popular loudspeakers scattered abou: the imagination of the public and there building was abundant proof that thousands would have visited Knutsford Park to see the man, who, until a year or two ago, was acclaimed the greatest jockey in the world.
Hence it is (Continued from Page 1) certain that the Jockey Club will Bell, endeavour to get Donoghue to ride Upheaval Offf Erin at their meeting next month. Needless to say this would mean conAlmost two years agoon Desiderable financial gain to the cember 22, 1928, there was a loud Jockey Club fixture as the pubexplosion heard off Erin, and a lic would be attracted to Knutaford great mound of soft mud was thrown Park in great numbers.
above the sea level. It masured 200 Steve career as a jockey 15 feet long and was twelve feet high.
Its surface remained hot and bubknown throughout the entire sporting world. He has the happy knack bling until it disapepared below the of winning the Derby. He has won sea in a few days.
Mud volcanges are found in seythe Derby four times performing the hat trick with eral districts in the south of the Humorist island, particularly at Devil Wood(1921. Captain Cuttle (1922) and yard and neer Palo Seco, but none with Papyrus (1923. In 1925 he of the nature of that which erupted won with Manna. No other jockey has such a brilliant record, and on Monday was ever reported in the though he has not been in the front Tabaquite district rank these last couple of seasons due presumably to old agre creeping on Steve Donoghue is still reg.
FAMOUS ENGLISH arded in England as the greatest horseman in his time. Continued from Page 1)
from Dartmouth; and yesterday ORDER BOOKS the Gleaner was informed that a friend of Steve in England had SECRETARY written to Mr. Alexander to AND say that Mr. and Mrs. Donoghue will be staying in Jamaica for the REASURER winter.
ON SALE This means that Steve and his wife will be here for probably two and a half months during which time thousands of Jamaicans who FEATURE EVEN Administrator, Alondra, Uncle Parks, Kitty Gill, Miss Pink, Kill Joy, Determan, Otto Berz 6th. Race 1 1. Administrator Alondra. Uncle Parks Kitty Gill Miss Pink.
Killjoy. Determan. Otto Berz.
114 135 112 109 105 106 108 104 POST TIME 15 7th. Race 1 General Admission. 00 PLENTY OF PARKING SPACE Tramcars direct to and from Track Excuse Me. Dorothy Ellen Don Florentino. Socia.
Pauline. La Dalia. Bee Gentry Miss Jiu.
105 112 116 118 182 116 118 182 PANAMA JOCKEY CLUB HART. Manager 8th. Race 8 Sibarita.
At the Workman Printery 120


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