
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY DECEMBER 6, 1980 PAGE FIVE 00 100 100 100F001 100F BEN LYON AT THE ME CECILIA THEATRE IN To morrow Sunday Monday Tuesday Dec Dec. Dec. 900SS FOFOCOBOLOSSO 100 2000 OSO Hell Angels UNTERESTING JOTTINGS FOR Making Good Clothes ST. PAUL XMAS FETE England Economic Crisis 2, 263, 127 Unemployed and Many Factories Idle Cleaning Clothes Good dozer REID اله No. 6, 19 Street and Central Ave.
Panama, sor 11 At the Workman Printery promised CERVEZA (By ELIJAH HUNTER)
Members of the St. Pauls Church reus Luunurymen. Anexe Guilar set of diamonus, thou.
are making arrangements for dag lew this week. tue se a set of surs, hundred grand Christmas Fete to take place wiu wry Ustas coming vi vi và anh del ale Per C10a và and at the Jamaiaca Society Hall on then, solde volk adu tout by saying a hard times she says husuan Friday 26th inst. Wild there is no money Ahu nu uldn afford no greater di. Dusine, you know, In connection with IS wways the affair, sam so very hard.
cuking a lot of trouble. When there there will be a grand popularity con ats hard times, says the cler honey, it makes trouble, anu see he shang hic coat, as he order test in which nine young ladies of. ae economic position of Great when there is none, well known families of the commu its the Britain in the twelfth year of peace same yer and champagne two ubing, 50, you see, money or no mon Lyslers cooked in various ways, all nity will compete for honors. is causing all thoughtful people the ey, there is trouble, and believe halt a pint of Burgundy times The first count of votes will take greatest uneasines Our principal the chappy who wid that money ard, and cant afford luxuries.
place on Thuraday night, 11th inst.
industries are in a condition is the greatest trouble maker in the Is hard times, says the Telle.
at 30 when those interested profound depression and we have world. This, of course has been ne Le pours down old Hennesy at will have the opportunity of voting over 2, 100, 000 unemployed. Our over kutived by others who hold that the cents nip. De lord only know for their favorite candidates sea trade is decreasing at an alarm greatest trouble make in this world what we am coming to.
ing rate, and our relative position is a woman. don agree. Its hard times, says the Fopt.
in international commence is. de But this money business had the Tailor, and you must wait acmission.
CHRISTMAS clining one.
trouble in its trail since the days of MUSICAL Hadn you better wear out your Among other obstacles to the The national old, and it seems that it will alwaye old clothes, says the tailor, till you.
PROGRAMME income is falling ORDER BOOKS rapidly, while the national debe Is progress are his own scan.
be 80. At one time in the distant finances improbe a little, and the ir training and interest in manual la spite of taxation on an heroic scale past, this same business confronted times get softer? Can afford it This is due to the fact that An unusually interesting musical SECRETARY during the a person as he went about trying to says the top, must have the past seven year iliustrial education is deficient programme AND is being prepared by amounted at 81st March, 1930, te collect from his members whom he shanghie. can afford to lose my ne Noruh as well as in the South, the members of the St. Paul Choir REASURER 17, 469, millions, an increase of the wid were in arrears, as they always position, and look as though work the South the expense of teach to take place at the Church on Sun sy. His name was the Rev. Jacobused for livin ON SALE millions as compared with the tota technical subjects has been the day 28th inst, at 31st March, 1919, and at time Snowball. At the time, he came to Its hard times, says the Capita greatest obstacles; but everywhere the conclusion that the cause of the Select anthems, duets and istic Raskiasity, as he buttons up hi when our principal competitors are solos epils have tended to avoid other hard times was gambling. So he coat. guess ll lock up what cash will be the special feature of the pro reducing taxation we have just aad han academic studies because they that he would preach have in de vault, and let no parsor ed great sum (846, 680, 000 in full gramme.
lacked respect for industry and year) to a burden that was already sermon on the thing. Ho declared have it, cause all de newspaper almost crippling our industries.
the that the people lost their money and feared they would be denied is its hard times, and wus says education given freely to white child fel comin ll lock also the portion to which he up my money, This aatement, which admits of entitled, because they indulged ren.
ir enuse there no knowin who to no contradiction, was made by Mr gambling, after which they became trast.
Dr. Woofter report shows that, Edgar Crammond in an Address grumblers to their repu Its hard times, says the Banl all in all, the Negro has won which he delivered at the London tation, the parson kept his word and fellers who have been livin too fast Chamber of Commerce, on October contest with industry on the following Sunday, he 28th.
tore and must either retrench or skid preliminary and that it remains for him to com out the following sermon from his doo. can retrench and go ir It is to be doubted whether the pulpet:pete for the title of skilled laborer society afterwards; but can default seriousness of the industrial crisis My dear Grumblers: In concord in two seasons, all am forgotten. In spite of the many obstacles in in England is fully appreciated ance with my most solemn promise We must take advantage of the his way, he has already made some overseas. Hardly day passes which will spoke to you this evening on times, says the business man, and progress in the direction of the does not bring fresh evidence of its the prevaling epidemic of the day cut down de wages of the workmar skilled occupations. But unless he gravity, and the CIRCULAR would and of the night. You will find my. now is de time when newspapers continues this rise in scale his nu be lacking in its duty to readers if every preachermen, lawyers, and text on the tongues and in the e merical gain in industry will have it did not refer to it from time to pero of everybody and every nobody bedy am crying, hard times. Leen only a jump from the agricul in the community, from the mil So, down goes de wages, tural frying pan into the industrial lionaire down to the push cart down comes de tears of de workmer fire.
In a letter published in the Daily vagabond. It am written in unmistak chillun for bread at de same time Telegraph of November 6th, Mr able characters and in deep lines you see, de poor man and his Ceo. Sullivan, after commenting or de the fact that there are now 1, 000, 00C on the faces of the pauperized, and familiar do all de sufferin and In the anxious faces of the rish as rich all de jawin. And after all, more workers unemployed than there well. It is none other but hard and from fus, whenever you see were twelve months ago preacherman find it hard to pick up writes that since the safeguarding Its hard times, thinks the dem dimes, there am no mistake duty on lace was removed on July merchant lady, as she alights from about it, de times am so hard, you Ist, the country has been flooded her carriage, decked in a two thou can bite it. Amen!
with foreign made lace goods. Factories in Nottingham and di tret which had been working to capacity are now on short time, and What is the correct way to ad hundreds of people who were dress a policeman. Continued from page 4)
ployed in those factories are now When a man meets Woman drawing the dole. Certain manufac wn. Here, as well as in businesses on the streets and both desire to thrers have received offers colored fr what for a few minutes, what should pullonized by Negroes, the French firms to purchase machines the man do?
is making appreciable head which, until the removal of the duty Should one call at a lady way. Stores and offices owned by ALSO were running in Nottingham, home and find her absent, in it upcoes have multiplied. In them On December 1st the duty proper to write a message on the Negro clerks and manage are. eadily on fabrie gloves is to be removed card?
iy employed. White prorietors have and a month later the duty on When dinner is given to an generally preferred white employes, cutlery comes off, the only certain nounce an engagement is it custom 16. Chicago, however, Negroes have cuteome being that thousands more ben taken on by a chain of drug ary to invite men as well as wom will be added to the ranks of the stores, several chain groceries and en?
unemployed. When entering a theater, it department stores and a number of LEST YOU FORGET small businesdes.
no usher is around, should the wom On a certain hill in the industrial an precede the man down the aisle. Losses among waiters, elevator North one can stand and view with ANSWERS operators, apartment house and on in the range of normal vision no Mr. Officer.
fice building attendants can, fewer than thirty factories which Turn and walk with the woman part, be traced to definite propagan few years ago were hived of in in the direction she is going.
de for the employment of whites.
dustry, but which are now definite Yes; Sorry to miss you is ly closed down The survey shows that in the sufficient ghet You building trades the Negro position 2000 MODO No; the man should precede if depends on the attitude of the trude union. While the American there is no usher, then stand aside MULLER Federation of Labor favors no dia and allow his companion to PALAIS ROYAL enter Prop the row of seats first. She should crimination, this is not true of all 37 CENTRAL AVENUE 37 POR niever occupy the end sent with locals and internationals, and these have the final decision on Negro men SUITS BOHEMIA time.
and a LA MASCOTA times.
Just Received a Large Assortment of ETIQUETTE Cheap Mexican Labor ENGLISH TWEEDS en In the very Latest Designs Blue Serges, Black Cheviots and Cream Flannels Our Tailors Trimming Department in IS UP. TO. DATE AS USUAL LA MASCOTA 30.


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