
GE SLX THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY DECEMBER 6, 1980 Professor Says That Abyssinians Are Negroes ANSWERS ARTICLE OF THE NEGRO PLAY SOUTH CAROLINA DAILY SWEET CHARIOT OVER MOOTED QUESTION thusiam. This will not be coca when the members will working hard trying to interpret some of the works of the great mu sical masters but, on the contrary, will be a kind of diversion among them and their invited friends.
The pocedure to be adopted in tais connection has not yet been de fintely outlined, but, whatever ar rangements made in this respect sure meet all concerned.
that for the rest of the play he was the fanatical dreamer who believed fervently in the realty of his vision and was the Moses of the exodus which presently took place.
For they did get ship and filled it with enthusiastic blacks bound for the promised land. They got to Africa, first to British possesion where there were promptly order to sail away, and later to a seemingly empty jungle which, after the home Depicting a Ship Full of Colored People Bound for Africa the approval of AN EXCELLENT FARCE when the corporation had the ships wiek city Negroes had fought it for on poration which they should organize to More will be said in reference to this matter at a later date.
in BOX 649 ANCON, GZ R9 Cirilo Sandford Attorney at Law OFFICE: 153 CENTRAL AVE PHONE 183 one CERVEZA Dr. Fairweather BOHEMIA and money they a while, turned out to be only were quietly to fade away.
little island instead on the vast con (By Arthur Ruhl)
This first scene was in the key tinent which Harvey had dreamed NEW YORK, October 24 It was of broad farce, after the manner of of, and a British possession too! So nothing less than Marcus Garvey some of the Negro stories in the everything went to smash the and his Black Empire in Africa Saturday Evening Post. But when end; Harvey own people deserted which put into Robert Wilder play Harvey actually got his people to him and he was left, with the one Sweet Chariot, presented with gether in Pythian Hall to harangue woman girl 30 white that she a nearly all Negro cast at the Am them on the glories and golden could pao who had stuck by bassador Theatre last night.
sands of Africa, and they not only him, to make their way best Marius Harvey was the name of wallowed the spell binding but be they could to the nearest white set tlement he hero and he was first represent gan to croon together and finally ed as a sort of get rich quick real broke into ecstatic song which end There were possibilities in the estate agent in a Southern seaport ed finally in the general hysteria of ides obviously, and for moments town. He was the man of words and a revival meeting, the dusky racke lire and there, during the evening of ideas. His two cronies, King and tror forgot his get rich quick scheme they were brought out. The scene in Patch, were interested only in mon and was himself carried away with which the crowd got religion over ey and, moreover, had some. It was the rest.
Harvey wild harangue for back Mariu scheme to put his vision The writing was a bit ragged to Africa migration and home, at and their funds together, to buy here. The spectator had to guess last, for the black race, had its ships and sell them for double rather than see or hear Harvey theatrical effectiveness, although what they enst to a back Africa cor transformation, but the facts were Porgy and other Negro plays had obviously been drawn on, and the transition of the crowd from a mere collection of curious listeners to well trained chorus singing appro riate Negro spirituals in perfect harmony, was somewhat too quick PHYSICIAN to be true.
There were moments IS NOW LOCATED AT towards the end of the story when Harvey l o. K STREET desperate clinging to his idea and PANAMA CITY the falling away of everybody around him, had an echo of Emper or Jones. The real trouble with the piece, indeed, was that it was largely made of echoes and patches of this and that which had surceeded before in Negro plays plus bits of rather crude melodrama which scarcely fitted in with the main theme.
Frank Wilson played the role of the successful prophet with an earnestness and fervor which might have been expected from what he has done before. Alex Lovejoy was ROVER first class as the hardboiled king, who to make money, was quite F! ready as anybody to exploit his own people. All the rest of the large cast were Negroes with the exception of 419 the three or four white men repres enting the British in Africa. On the whole, an interesting idea, but crude ly and incompletely worked out.
TEST Fifi kaffi AFLA LA LA LA LA LA LAILAH COLUMBIA, Nov. 20(ANP Relying not anthropol PANAMA WESLEY ogical and ethnological studies, but CHOIR SOCIAL simply on the Bible, Prof.
Adam of the department of romance Thursday, January 8th is the day languages at Allen University fixed on which the members of the takes issue in an open letter this Panama Wesleyan Choir will have week with the editor of the State their annual Social.
South Carolina leading daily, on the question, Are the Abyssiniang According to pre arranged plans Blacks?
this event should have been fixed The question, used as the subject for some previous date, but circum of an editorial in the State which stances which were altogether un was published shortly after the co controllable are responsible for the mnation of Ras Tafari, was appardelay, however, the time now fixed ently designed to raise some doubts is not considered in any way inop as to the racial relationship be portune and from what has been tween the Abyssinians and the Ne overheard by one interested, the oc gro or Negroid group.
casion is sure to be one which will Professor Adam states that if the be marked with merriment and en Abyssinians are black they are Ne groes, for the adjective Negro means black, and that no matter How much or how little black blood they may have, they remain black Negroes in the light of current theories that drop of black blood makes a Negro. He challenge che assumption of the editor of the Sate that there are varying shade of blacks, some not related to the Negro, with the declaration that Lody says that a Chinese is not Chinese, or a Japanese, is not Japanese, because some are more tained than others.
But if, as the State editor sug be gests, the Abyssinians cannot claimed by the black race, can they be claimed by the white, asks Pro fistor Adam. To this question SCFLFLFFLFFLFFLLLL supplies a negative answer and it dicates that the Abyssinians, thiopians, have always claimed the blacks of other countries their brothers. When the Emperor Menelik, who defeated the Italian st Adowa, wanted a secretary and side de camp, he sent for a young Haitian, Benito Sylvain. When the same Mertelik desired a physician he called for a black Frenchman Dr. Vitalien. black Frenchman WRS secretary to the Abyssinian del egation to the League of Nations The Abyssinian rulers claim their descent from king Solomon and the Oneen of Sheba, called also Makeda Their son, Menelik, was the first King of Abyssinia, new name which foreigners imposed on the country, the old and proper name being Ethiopia. In a church at des Ababa today one may see tableau representing the Queen of Sheba on one side, King Solomon or the other, and the dark child in the center. His features are unmistak ably those of a black, It is known ihat Ethiopia between 790 and 659 gave several Negro rulers to Egypt in Katchta, Pianky, Scha baka, Tithaka and Tanutamon, all were great rulers. The Shinx on the banks of the Nile bears witness the fact that the Negroes of Eth: pia once ruled Egypt. The wife of Moses was so dark that his brot er wife refused to accept her as Jewese.
The Abyssinians who are diffe ens from Negroes or Negroids are the descendants of nomadic Semitie tribes which spilled over into Ethic pin from Egypt on many occassions All students of Egyptian history a mit this to be a fact.
01 GIVE HER LAGPOE «ROPER GAS RANGE THIS XMAS DIVISION 186 OF THE A. 419 35. 00 The Ideal present is one which will give years of service, a good Gas Range is the best of all presents, it will be used with pleasure at least 1000 times a year, and each time you will be remembered as the giver of the Ideal Gift Elaborate preparations are being made by the members of the Garvey Club Inc. Division 186 of the 1. to exhibit a Xmas tree in con nection with an entertainment to be held at their Hall on Sunday 28th inst.
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