
PAGB BEVEN BARBADOS THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY DECEMBER 6, 1980 RA 100000 BRITISH GUIANA The Sugar Situation Local Newspaper GOOD JOB PRINTING ODOC plays a very important part in the success of your business (Contioned trom Page. The Legislative Council, on the other hand, on Oetober 28th passed an Address to the Governor approx ing of the Majority Report whose recommendations were summarised as follows:(1) That the Government guai antee all loses on the Sugar Industry Agricuirural Bank for period not exceeding five years, the total liabi ity of the Government guarantee no: to exceed 250, 000. 2) That the Sugar Industry Agricultural Bank should advance loans to borrowera at a rate of per cent. during a period not exceeding five years. 8)
That the interest and sinking fund to cover the guarantee and the loss el through interest penses should be a charge on the Treasury and be provided by special taxation The Address expressed the hope that the Governor would take such steps as might be deemed expedient to revive the offer made by the Secretary of State on the 14th March last, vix. guarantee of Im perial assistance not exceeding 30, 000, and if this offer is revived to apply it for the benefit of the email growers of the community.
Meanwhile it is understood that the House of Assembly adopted the principle only of the Minority Re port, there being several clauses ir It to which great exception was taken (Continued from Page 2)
British Guiane today, there is no reason why the wall men of ou community should not come toge. be and unite with a view to establishing a well organised canning industry or small basis. They have an objesi leason from Jamaica as to what car be done by cooperative effort, all that is necessary is that they should have confidence in each othe?
and faith in the enterprise they ar undertaking. And in this connection why shouldn large Colonial firm like Mesars, Booker Brothers, Wie ing and Richter und Sandbach come to the aid of the small farn or by pitalising such industries. We are sure that with proper orga nisation, the possibility of failure would be practically eliminated. All that is necessary is for a start tc be given, and when once that hat been done, then the farmers will do the rest. Now is the time for local capitalists and industrialists to show their enterprise. Will they riset the occasion THEN IT YOUR BUSINESS TO GET GOOD WORK DONE JAMAICA Co. Building.
We do only the BEST ST. LUCIA An Industrial at Reasonable PRICES at (Continued from page 2)
mestie purposes alone will go up considerably. There is also the pros peet in the near future of the establishment of one or more fruit canning factoried here; and this also would mean increased demand for refined sugar so that it is likely that the new refinery will eventual ly be able to use the whole of the Company sugar crop on their a tatea at Vere and Bernard Lodge, about 10, 000 tons at present.
UVODI VDDINTCOVIU THE WORKMAN PRINTERY DENTIST HOWELL House No. 912 La Boca Canal Zone or an 72 Carlos Mendoza Street 001)
The Greatest Thrill in The World NEAR JAVILLO RUBBER STAMPS (Continued from page 2)
Government, together with the lands lying to the east and south thereof. Those buildings are going to ruin for want of use, they cost the Im perial Government money for their uukeep and we feel confident that the Imperial Government would gladly give the use of those build ings and lands, from which no re venue is obtained, to the local Gov ernment as has been done in other instances, free for very nominal sum. Reunion Estate ha: been sold and the amount realised!
from the sale could be utilised tem. porarily in the establishing of the Industrial School which would bc come self supporting in compara tively short space of time and later become a source of revenue.
Those who were in St. Lucia will remember that during the days oi the Great War, when Yimported food beenme very haree and people were urged to plant ground provi sions, the inmates of the Lunatic Asylutn under the capable manage ment of the Keeper, Mr. Alfred Archer, supplied almost all the wants in ground provisions of the Government Institutions in this di triet from the lands surrounding the Asylum. Under capable manage ment the inmates of an Industrial School could supply the wants of the public institutions not only in ground, provisions but also in milk and other dairy produce.
Apart from the revenue that would be obtained in time from well directed Industrial School, look at the saving in man power there would let to the Colony! During the last general strike in England although of short duration, it wa etimated that hundreds of thou: ands of pounds and over a million TI working days of man power were jost. Could we ever calculate th 1995 we have sustained in man pow er that has been sustained by the Selony. wing to an Industrial School not being started fifteep, ten or even five years ago? loss which can no more be calculated than it can be made good.
The Building and lands are there, the material is there, the need is there, the machinery can be Started by the drafting of a minute.
Why is not that minute drafted?
TA Manufactured to Orderstoru SESORIS 31 AT THE SHORTEST POSSIBLE NOTICE When we present a gift, we want it to be packed with all the Eentiment, affection and good its quality every time it is seen.
There a multitude of things that will serve, but they lack in Is there?
Stop and analyze it. there nothing in life that gives more pure happiness than making someone else happy. id some respect. They wear out quickly; outline their usefulness; or have no wefulness at all, is there ANY THING that will quicken the recipient heart beat. that will tell her more eloquently than you could that you wish her well. that speaks that never wears out. that rer tains its value. that arouser the admiration of all who see it?
Yer it fine jewelry such as we will be glad to show you tf you will pay us visitoon.


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