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STABLISHED 19 TASHA 24100 Diegul sri 2396ewart The Workmam THE LIBERTY OF THE PRESS IS THE PALLADIUM OF OUR RIGHTS JUNIUS PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY IBER 6, 1980 THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY DECEMBE Apother Attractive Air Mail Service Police Chief Cries as Negroes Ran for Commanding Officer Race Program Race Officer is Buried Murdered TomorrJw Wednesday last, when the Panama American Airways giant plane the Full Military Honors Accorded Florida cay, the playground of wealthy and The candi STABBED BY SOLDIER Policeman Mayor and Other Dignataries Present Land for the school committe, Her WHO LOVED HIM TOO WELL (Continued from Page 1)
na and the island of Jamaica (Continued from Page 1)
defeated, it set precedent for this on aristocratie America.
dates were Dr. Marcus The Secretary of 161 114 tary of Another race program that will Commondore, in command of Pilot no asturedly attmet record Schultz landed safely at the crowd at the Juan Franco Naval Air station at Coco Solo race track, has been arranged by the 40 o clock from Kingston DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. Nov During the ceremony the chief Management of the Panama Jockey Jamaica where it took off at 11. 57. taking just six hours to make 20 What was Club as its offering for tomorrow described by old was so moved that tears were seen afternoon sport.
the run.
residents as the largest funeral to trickle freely over his cheeks.
There are seven races listed, ir ever held in Daytona marked the Full military honors were riyen cluding one of a mile which will obsequies last week for Oscar Tan Lo Tanner, who was World War bring out the cream of the Track.
ner, colored patrolman on the city veteran in the six other races are represent Miss Pink 116 police force. Both raced seemed to od the pick of native horses and Regalada vie with each other in paying trib Elessed with the benedictions of many of the recently imported ute to the fallen guardian of the his white and colored brothers in thoroughbrede The program on a SEVENTH RACE law, who had ben killed a few days he spirit, Tanner has now gone on whole is one that will keep the depe Furlongs previously in an automobile crash.
to a Negro heaven, according to the stors and rail birdd guessing all the Resolute. 126 Among those present at the fu Implication of the News Journal, time to pick the winners. Don Florentino.
105 neral ceremonies were the mayor, Then fans will have another op Justice. 118 the city manager, the chief of police cained the following except: he leading white daily, which con The portunity of getting a horse for a Miss Jill.
129 and the fire chief. Each made com rity fire siren will blow when the dollar as the entrance ticket will en Pauline. 118 mendatory speeches cortage leaves the undertaking side each person to a chance on Roxy Peter. 11C Said the chief of police: He was tablishment and later when it new racer. Corazon. 114 a good man. We hated to lose him leaves the Stewart Memorial The program for omorrow is as La Dalia. 10 He will be hard to replace. Church for the NEGRO cemetery.
fellow FIRST RACE Burlonge Sibarita II. 120 Dancing Girl. 118 Dampwing. 106 Black Water.
126 Moti Mahal.
12 Mass Querido. 115. Bombo Roto.
100 OS a Guilty of Neglecting Island Prishtina HORSE RACING. AT: SECOND RACE Furlongs Huerfano. 100 Excuse Me. 138 Medieo.
120 Dorothy Ellen.
131 Honey Dew. 107 Tribunito.
124 Meelah. 122. Lagrimite.
Sobris Good 7 GOOD ber Robertson and Martin Cana yan for the council. They ran on the Democratie ticket.
While Bidding Farewell to Senegalese Troops (Continued from Page 1)
Because he loved his Captain too noise and cries they make.
well and because the Captain was It was emphasized by the Seere Government leaving for France, soldier of the and Justice Army stationed in that the police sit by and fold theit Senegalese arms to these publie abused despite Cayenne killed the officer.
the frequent complaints made by The body of the victim of this local newspapers, and be further Waa strange tragedy 3tes that it is their obligation to caken to France via Martinique last week, prevent such outages.
The day before the incident, the assassin is said to have remarked to the murdered officer wife tha the Captain could not leave them without him (the assassin) going with him, because they did not know whether or not they were go WASHINGTON, Nov. 26 ing to get as good an officer as he. The record which Uncle Sam has to be in charge of the Army.
made as a povrnor of his oudying The day preceding his intended rossessions hasn ben as creditable departure for Europe, the Captain as his press agent has led his na gathered his men to ny farewall tionals to believe. It has been very and to tell them that he was positive largely record of neglect.
ly leaving on the morrow; and Porto Rico and the Virgin Island while chatting with them she are striking examples of the indit sassin, who had concealed in his ference and inefficiency of our ec hand a stiletto plunged it into the lonial poliey. It is taking large linguailed officer neek, the wea ense with this term to use it in pen severing the spinal cord. The This connection. The Virgin Islands unfortunate officer fell dead. Twc deprived of practically their only gerdarmes rushed to the scene and Fource of income when the United seised the murder, and within few ates purchased them, have stead moment he met his deserts from fly declined in the scale of poverty the bullets of the gendarmes.
and populatiation.
The Army was so horrified over And official report of conditions the incident, that they resolved to in Porto Rico says that 60 per cent make penance as a mark of esteem up the people are jobless; 90 per for their officer by facing three cent in the rural districts and days. It was also resolved that one majority of the urban population of the number should commit suicide ar suffering from hookworm; 35 when the body left the shore. Ons to 85 per cent are often stricken of the soldiers on the day when the with malaria. The death rate from remains of the officer were being tubereulosis is the highest in the taken to the ship, threw himself ir western hemidphere four and one to the river, and it was with diff half times that of the United States culty he was rescued. The average yearly income By resolution of the soldiers the the working man or woman in Porto ssasin was buried without military Kico. says Governor Theodore honours Roosevelt Jr. ranges between 160 The Captain body is accompan to the ed to France by his wife.
government offices weekly, with but Exchange a single request work. They do not ask fot a dole merely the oppor tunity to earn a livelihood.
XMAS CANTATA BY PROGRESSIVE SCHOOL Reds Reduce Bread Principal Myers and Mrs. Gray tachers of the Progressive School in this city are arranging a (Continued from Page 1)
grand Christmas Cantata in which Pickets were placed in front of all the pupils will take the leading the smaller bakeries bearing signs partal We must have cheaper broad.
The date of this entertainment in Ansuring the sympathy of people fixed for Friday 26th Inst. and in the streets, the pickets prevented aecording to the progress of the many from entering the bakeries rehearsals, it to felt sure that All and the effect is believed to have who attend will be treated to been felt the first day as the emers at musical fonet cut the price one cent on the loaf.
This move was directed chiefly at the smaller places operated by Jews whose prices are said to have beer PALAIS ROYAL higher then those of the big takeries FOR BEST CLOTHING THIRD RACH Furlongo Gypsy. 132 Zapo. 130 Intimo. 100 Trigo. 124 My Star. Marcial. 116 To Mayara.
11E Tunney. 182. 105 laces MB) RACES DON MISS IT FEATURE EVENT: FOURTH RACE Furlongsian Nobody Home. 126 Contest. 116 Maria Luisa. 112 Rosa Sweep. 108 Marcella. lic Boo Gentry. 106 La Chiquilla. 126 Rowdy Lad 116 Uncle Parks, Alondra, Otto Berz, ond 200. Hundredd come Kitty Gill, Determan, Administrator, Miss Pink, Regalada iare.
POST TIME 15 FIFTH RACE Furlong Royal Eagle.
110 Col. Easterwood. 110 Oelo. Frivolous.
104 Elsewhere. 120 Spanish Lay. 128 Hindoo. Wee Gentleman. 118 General Admission: 00 PARKING SPACE Tramcar. OF to and from Track PANAMA JOCKEY CLUB SIXTH RACE, Mile 1 Uncle Parka. 110 Alondra. 180 Otto Berz.
90 Kitty Gill. 105. Determan. 99 Administrator 107 VIBO son HART. Manager

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