
THE HEAD expired at 15 without recov.
His sudder death comes as very heavy blow to his very many frineds throughou the island and abroad for his cheery disposition had made him very pop CANADA Tragedy at Egerton. ular. Ho had been Port Officer for THE BRITISH GUIANA Colony Seeks Loan of 5, 000, 000 to Build Railway TRINIDAD Government Accepts Motion Broughtforward in Fruit Industry Legislature of Great Value LOAN FOR TEN YEARS to Colony But Must be Tackled in Right Guiana Legbelature of November Way Says Planter Your Boy!
In your boy future money must play an important reThe Royal Bank of Canada Mode fruit West Indian Students lo London :Dr. Leo Pink JAMAICA the CHOICE OF PROFESSION The New Constant Spring Hotel to be colonial Development Fund or other Opened in January Deplorable Absence nearly 30 years and retired a few months ago on pension.
ARMY REVOLVER Soon after Mr. DeCoteau retireFOUND BESIDE BODY ment from office, Mr. Horne wen on holiday in England and returne a little over a week ago. During that The West Indian of the 19th ulto time and up to the time of the end says: event, Mr. DeCoteau had been resid town was shocked at about ing at Egerton. and had been Mr According to the Argosy, the 50. today when the news Horne attorney during his absence part. The possession of it may mean success; the lack of Hon. Eleazer moved in the British spread that Mr. Montague Jardine INQUEST HELD it, failure. Your experience tells you what he cannot DeCoteau, late Port Officer of GreAn inquest held at the Magistrate know the value of money saved. You can give him a 19th: nada, had committed suicide by Court at 30 today recorded a precious asset the habit of saving. His first thousand shooting himself through the head verdict of suicide while of an Whereas it is generally admitted un.
dollars may mean a lifetime of success.
with a revolver. The tragedy oceurthat the colony possesses in her vast sound mind, Evidence was given by OPEN AN ACCOUNT FOR HIM TO DAY TRINIDAD, Nov. The fruit red at Egerton, the Green Street hinterland almost unlimited Dr. Mitchell and Mr. Horne industry can be made of great value home of his very close friend, Mr.
souroes of undeveloped wealth; and that the deceased had been ill and to Trinidad, and think there is Horne, retired manager of Whereas an increase in the popvery peculiar in his behaviour, parof the Grenada branch of the Colonial ticularly within two days before the great promise to it, provided ulation is absolutely necessary for Bank, whose guest he was at the course, it is tackled in the right the suecessful exploitation of these tragedy. There was some amount of way in every particular, declared time.
resources; and evidence that Mr. DeCoteau had the Panama Branch Mermaa, Manager Mr. Stollmeyer one of The motive for Mr. DeCoteau stated that he was short of money (Santa Ana Plaza)
foremost Trinidad proprietors and Whereas it in agreed that the rayb act is obscure at present but it but this was not enough to show Colon Branch. Grosch, Manager (Corner 11th and Bolivar St. exporters, in Trinidad preparation for and the commence18 evident, as disclosed at the Coronthat he was depressed because of pe 1695 Guardian interview yesterday.
ment of the construction of Railer Inqury held later in the day cuniary embarrassment. am no longer in the cocos trad. way into the hinterland will attract that be bad heen te having puliar ing business he said. have given population to the Colony as well as ly for some time previously and par (Continued on Page 3)
relieve unemploymen; and ticularly so the day preceding the OPO IODO SODO Whereas the finances of the coltragedy.
ony stand in great need of reorgaA SHOT nization and adjustment owing prin At about 30. o clock thid after.
cipally to the failure of the colony noon Mr. Horne, who was resting in major industry; the room adjoining the one Mr. De NEED FOR GREATER Surgeon Dentist Coteau occupled, was startled by the Be it resolved. That immediate sound of a shot coming from steps be taken to secure from the next room. He at once rushil 23 Central Avenue Panama City.
ed over and wa horrified at the wise a loan of not less than 5, 000, 000 with or without interest for. sight which met hi.
Phone 1862. Box 1062 Ancon, period of ten years for the purpose gaze. The body of Mr. DeCoteau lay of Ladies on the floor fully clad except for his Professional Services in all Branches of Dental Works The Gleaner of the 22nd ulte of constructing a railway into the hinterland as a sure means towards jacket. he was on his left side, croush says: wer ed. His outstretched hands The Grenada West Indian Indian the expansion of the colony producclenched before him. By his head was publishes the following from its Announcement has been made ir tion and the equipment of her in London correspondent:Office Hours to 12, to Sundays by Appointment Montreal by Mr. George Neil an ever widening pool of blood. He dustries; and vice preqident of the United Hotels hind him, about feet away, laya Be it The full term has witnessed an further resolved That ODO ODO 10 DOI ODOSODOE Company of America, that the Cor His Excellency be respectfully re 45 Army revolver, unsually large number of West Instant Spring Hotel, now God! has shet himself! dian students seeking admission to nearing quested to forward copy of this completion in Jamaica, will be oper motion, and the debate thereon to Mr. Horne cried, then rushed to the various educational institutions ed about the middle of telephone to summon Dr. mainly for Law and Medicine. To January the Secretary of State for his in(Continued on Page 7)
Mitchell. o.
judge by their number, one would (Continued on page 3)
BRAIN OWN SUT not be disposed to think that the Dr. Mitchell was on the scene five West Indies are in the through of PODOC говор OBO minutes later. Mr. DeCoteau was conomie depregion. There are still breathing but uneonscious and many problems incidental to such a beyond surgical skill. bullet had student population in London, of Writing editorially under the enter end the right side of his head which more anon. But it would seem above caption, the Tribune of the just above the ear and came out a that West Indian parents and eduethe back of the head, making a ators, in advising the choice of a Barbados Takes Leaf 1st ult, saysNOW THAT THE WEST INDIES For the first time within living wound about two inches in diameter profession, will soon have to be con and blowing away bits of brain and sidering carefully the capacity from Jamaica Note memory, food tickets are being is. TEAM IS TOURING AUSTRALIA of sued to our labouring population.
skull that lay on the floor nearhy. these communities to provide a liveBook In the wall some distance away was This action now taken by the Gov.
lihood for large a number of ernment is an unfortunate necessity a hole high up near the ceiling and men trained in Law and Medicine The Barbados Advocate. of on the floor the doctor picked up a professions to a great extent parasitie as there are large numbers, particflattened bullet. An examination of in themselves. At present they seem November 22nd. says: ularly in the Eastern District, whe The the inaugural meeting of the revolver revealed that it was ful utterly to diregard the claims of are on the verge of actual starvaly loaded in five chambers, the sixth Education, Commerce, and Agricult.
Barbados Co operative Produce tion.
containing a discharged cartridge ural Science. The same thing would Marketing Association was held yes Let us hope that the necessity will and read the records of past The wound in Mr. DeCoteau hea sem to be true India and West terday at the Planters Hall for the soon be removed by the provision of had, from all appearances, beer Cricket Veterans frica where it is observed that in into being, appointing a Committee purpose of bringing the Associatior employment for the destitute.
self inflicted.
any of the Bar Lectures over 70 We hope that the Government will Rev. Fr. Moss, Vicar General, wa the students are persons of colour.
of Management, and adopting, if ne soon find itself able to push ahead hastily summoned and Mr. DeCotear cessary the rules which were draft(Continued on Page 7)
with its development schemes, such ed prior to the establishment of the as the construction or reconstrueAssociation. Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages tion, as the case may be, of roads, The Hon. Hinkson was vot and the installation of water ser ed to the Chair and the meeting vices. By this means a large number Summary of Contents: adopted for the time being the of workmen could find employment.
Rules which were drafted by a GomHistory of West Indies Cricket for 60 years But the main problem is to get Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, mittee appointed for the purpose work restarted on our Estates. Our and which had been in circulation planters are seriously handicapped!
Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, Mer for some time prior to the establish in the essential task of recultivator Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tout, ment of the Association, by want of pence. The Banks and Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual Then came the question of the private banking establishments are Players appointment of a Committee of Man not making agricultural advances, Vályable, estructive, Historical, accurate, Complete and agement. The Rule dealing with with the result that many plantathis question provided that the Com tions are incapable of rebuilding Has mittee of Management should con their storm stricken and disearedPrice: 50cts.
sist of three members of the Asso ravaged limefields, and compelled to cation, two members of the Agricul lockout labour. We see no hope for tural Socieyt and two delegates Dominica in the immediate future Copies to be had trom the office of the WORKMAN from the Peasants Associations unless this situation be ameliorated 52. Panama (Continued on Page Continued on Page 7)
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