
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY DECEMBER 13, 1930 PAGE THREE BRITISH GUIANA TRINIDAD Colony Secks Loan Fruit Industry of CERVEZA Economic Conditions Very Bad at Costa Rica SHIPMENTS OF BANANAS AND COCOA HAVE FALLEN OFF CONSIDERABLY Fruit Boats May only Nake Fortnightly Calls BOHEMIA of. HARDWARE :of every description Panama Hardware a fine Selection of ARTIZAN TOOLS PAINTS ENAMELS (Continued from Page Continued from page 2)
up that branch of my activi ses here mation.
In the course of his remarks, Mr.
in order to devote attention to own Eleazer observed that they in Brit growing fruit industry. returned to Trinidad from New ish Guiana were the pioners of railYork by way of the Northern is ways in South America, but they lands recently and with the sho: were the last in the race for develtime at each, examined what Was opment by mens of railways. They SIQUIRRES, November 20 theis tappening in connecxion with ment Railway by Don Leon Cortes, had been talking begging and adverBefore the Banana Contract Bill Minister of Fomento. In consequence friends tising for years for their fruit and vegetable industries. These industries are growing became Law, it was generally felt Don Rafael Castro Quesada, the Adneighbours and relatives to come in that a worse condition of things ministrator of this Department, ha: slowly but much more could be done but the British people had spent than actually existed if only more enthusiasm was put in then could resigned, so also his cousin. Dor.
millions in Mexico and the Argen2001 10 DO to the efort.
never be but it was left to Father Manuel Castro Quesada, as Minister tine. therefore became necessary AMERICAN CONDITIONS Time to prove this; for with the sub at Washington. The situation was for them to get to the task themFOR THE BEST IN It will be inadvisible stitution of a Compania Surtidora de at th of unemployment.
selves. There was another set Costa Rica (Supply Company of Added to all this, is the split that present time for anyone from Trin objectors who said that the colony Costa Rica) and a Bananero Fruit dad or any of the other West In.
has vow taken place in the Cabinet had not sufficient data. He did not dian Islands to go to Company for a United Fruit Comthe United then agravated by a fiery speech in know that they wanted any more pany whether States of American to seek employ.
or not such may Congress by the late Ambassador data, than they had. The knew for mean only the hand to Esau but rent in view of the general situa.
upon his arrival here, the Deputies certain that they had diamonds, the voice of Jacob, it matters notgold beauxite and other mace to understand that if tion existent, is minerals the free and this country is passing through an friendly advise of Mr. Stollmeyen to Congress did not pass the law for that they reared cartle in the RupuVISIT THE ordeal that looks rather humiliating the all West Indians. He has just reEmprestito to construct the nuni savannahs, that they had timEmployees of every grade fram turned from a visit to the United Odways a work that had to be ber and that cereals could be grown States and witnessed the alarming the white American in the office to done the cost thereof would have almost anywhere in the colony the coloured West Iindian the proportion of unemployment While other countries could claim to be met from their salaries. Conther farm suffer alike. Where there is br ught about by appalling trade gress has tried to kill this impressome of those assests, this colony conditions noc a summary dismissal from ser sion ly appealing to the Country in knew it powessed all. vice, there is either a reduction of the form of a manifiesto, avowing MOTION IS ACCEPTED The depression in business in the salary or additional work at the its loyalty to the republic and deny.
United States of America Several members spoke in support showed same salary ing flatly its knowledge of any of the resolution. The Governor little change for the better befor With the closing down of so many triovenent such as have been indisaid he had no doubt if the railway pailing on October 15. Unemploy.
banks in the United States, which cated in the speech of the late Wash were established it might be a sue.
ment was still acute in many parts has had its reaction on the Amerington Minister of the Country especially in cess if it was associated with other New But in spite of all these happenican market, the banana and cocoa industries York. About 350, 000 people are out What they had got ALSO THE VERY BEST BRAND IN tc industries of this country are threat ings, Costa Rica remains, still the of work in New York City.
consider at the present time WAS ened with failure. As it is today, the moet tranquil spot in the Americas how they could induce anyone On the unemployment questior tc Some of the shipments of both these commodities most fiery political generally, Dr. William Stewart, Di come into this country and spend have fallen considerably within the speeches in and out of Congress rector of Census, admits that the money, whether on railway Give us a call before purchasing past few week, and if it be true, as have been delivered; politicians roads, mining and timber industries unemployment figures of the Uniter of have at times left the business elsewhere rumour says, that the fruit boate hydraulic efforts, or States might run as high as 9, 000, any other polities to engage in fistic encountwill soon be making only fortnight.
000. Many observers however. were works. If they were going to get big ly trips here, then it is clear that ers; but there breathes never a recapital in this country, big Capital optimistic about the revival of busi ness.
PANAMA HARDWARE volutionary air, and life and propagriculturists, large and small, will would need attraction, but it was the soon be going to the wall.
erty are non as secure as ever they DEPRESSION PASSES question of transport. Those were CATHEDRAL PLAZA Were very distressing feature already all questions that arose and he There are sign that the period of of the general situation is the depthat depression is gradually passing: in Recent appointmenta are as folwould be the last to suggest TODOODOODO reciation of the Company 50 lows: Don Gregoria Esaslante, new they be deferred, There were ques.
fact a gradual revival towards the which is now somewhere between 50 Minister of Fomento, in place of tions that were absolutely urgent at end of the year both in agricultural and 60. When it is considered that Don Leon Cortes; Don Rafael Cas.
the present time and he would put and business is predicted.
from relief. On the other hand, the Tuesday by the Hamburg Amerthe mass of shareholders were em tro Quesada, Minister of Foreign before the Secretary of State Asked about the Congressional Republicans declare that their party ika liner, Magdalena, to take up the 38 Elections, Mr.
ployees of the United Fruit ComStollmeyer strongly as he could his dispatch in said: Affairs; has carried out all its platform po appointment. Mrs. Belcher acompaDon Luis Fournier, late pany, it is, easy to see what the pre support of the motion moved by the The Electione were well underway licies which it claimed were the nies him Governor of San Jose, new Adminis valing condition must be in the face Hon. Member for the Demerara and the Newspaper Press was full trator of the Railway: and Snr.
best to carry the nation through its The Magdalena is due in Trinidad vailing condition must be in the face River for the necessity that existed of the sound and fury of the con time of economie stress.
Beeche, Minister to Europe, in sue on November 16. over an order of retrenchment in tending Parties. Democratie leaders cession to the late Marquis of Pefor examining those questions The dry and wet questions were or the one hand criticise the Hoover Justice Belcher is 57 years of the administration of the Govern ralta.
the present moment.
administration alleging that it has also lively and illuminating issues. age, and has a distinguished career.
They were not going to get a rail misled the country concerning the He was educated at Geelong Gramway which would attract people to extent of the economic depression mar School, and Trinity College, thid country at no expense to the and employment; attacking it also Melbourne, and was admitted to NEURALGINA colony. They had got to bear th with failure to provide for adequate practise in Victoria in 1902.
burden and make sacrifies give In June, 1909, he was called to the land terms, undertake to pay interBar, Gray, Inn, with cerificate of est make concessions or grant vari. the Secretary of State he would honour.
Should be in every office to immediately soothe any ous special privileges to induce any make that point clear and show what neuralgic pain caused by excessive mental work body, whether it was Government or the people of this country felt in Between the years 1914 and 1927 a private company, a syndicate or a regard to the country, their faith Justice Belcher held many posts chartered company, or anything else in the country, their belief in BritUganda, Zanzibar and Nyasaland.
It is announced that His Honour It was useless to say that they ish Guiana and their desire that nc Since May 1927, he has been Chief Charles Frederick Belcher, should spend five million pounds or stone should be left unturned in Justice of the Supreme Court, LL. Chief Justice of Cyp Cyprus.
Should be in ever, school to soothe bui he daches railway or to develop the hinter order to make the country the El and reduce the fever of children rus, has been appointed Chief Jus.
land. He thought than that. He Dorado which they all hoped for.
tice of Trinidad and Tobago in sucthought the mover of the motion Excellency intimated that the was to be congratulated in the many motion was accepted by Govern.
ton to Sir Philip James MacDor Bureau of Clubs nell, Kt. Bach. who left here sevways in which he had put the prob ment and that it would, along with eral months ago for Ceylon on Is completely Inoffensive and nourish the heart lem from the point of view of what the debate, be sent to the Secretary promotion.
a railway would mean for British of State.
Guiana. In sending his despatch to This was unanimously approved. Mr. Belcher sailed from England Silver Clubhouse For sale both Wholesale and Retail OPOR stook New Chief Justice Appointed from Cyprus Port of Spain, Nov. Ath.
RUBBER STAMPS The last of the Christmas entertainments for the purpose of secur ing necessary funds to carry out our usual program in connection with our annual children Christmas Treat will take place on Friday, December 19th, at 8:15 This will be a play entitled Bunch of Fun interspersed with other items of interest. The public is asked to note this occasion if for cther reason than the cause for which we are labouring, realizing that there are many in our commuTd and young who are hu an beings well as ourselves; yet because of circumstances are suffering a great deprivation at this time. believe it is our duty then to divide with them any blessing which God has bestowed upon us.
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