
PAGE SEVEN THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY DECEMBER 18, 1930 PERERERATERRESTRERER GRENADA PRED TODO JAMAICA West Indian Students The New Constant Spring Hotel to be Opened in January GOOD JOB PRINTING ODOL JODOC ODO ODO ODO plays a very important part in the success of your business THEN IT YOUR BUSINESS (Contioned trom Page 2)
EXPENSIVE Again it would seem to be unwise for so many of these students to con frogate in London and to seek admiasin too often helter skelter in the same institutions. London, despite its unrivalled opportunities for senior students, is spensive; and it cannot be said that many of the West Indian students avail them.
selves of opportunities for liberal education outside of profesional study and for making desirable contacts wider distribution of this student body is also desirable for many reasons, and will prevent intrud ing. Residence, too, in a university with view to a degree in Libera Ars is strongly advised for these future leaders of West Indian thought.
The almost complete absence of West Indian young women is very noticeable and is greatly to be de plored.
RECENT ARRIVALS Among the recent arrivals in Lon.
don are: For pot graduate work in Medi W: Dr. Theophilus Thomas (Trini.
dad. Dr. Abinsetts and Dr. Bisces.
sur (British Guiana. Dr.
Bristol (St. Lucia. For Law: Messrs. Ward (2. Barbados. Correia and Eastman. Brit ish Guiana. Busby and Celestine (Trinidad. and Dupigny (Dominica. For Medicine: Mr. Ward (Bar.
bados) who is at the University of Bristol.
For Education: Mr. Arthur Farrell, Trinidad. Among candidates at the October Bar Examinations were: Messers.
Johnstone, Sinanan, Mahabir (Trinidad. Mr. Woor Sam of Miss Seeram (British Guiana. Messrs.
Chenery and Talma (Barbados. and Mr. Redhead (Grenada)
TO GET GOOD WORK DONE (Continued from Pag. Says the Canadian Gazette of the 30th ult. He also announced what Mr. Charles Cameron, formerly manager of the Royal Connaught Hotel at Hamilton, Ontario, will manage the new tropical hotel.
Mr. Neil stated that the ConStan Spring Hotel is situated with in ten minutes run from the heart of Kngston, the capital of the island of Jamaica, which has a population of 60, 000. The hostely will open in time to meet the height of winter traffic to the Caribbean resort. It will, however, be an all year round hotel, catering alike for winter and summer visitors. Mr. Neil stre ed the advantages of the Britsh is land as a summer resort and the fact of its equable climate, assuring cool evenings. In summer he said people arrive from South America escaping that continent winter.
Mr. Stanley Thompson, of Toro to the well know golf ecur reh tect and designer of the Jasper Path golf course, responsible for th 18 hole course which will be a fea ture of the hotel.
Te exterior of the building pre sents a striking picture. Only thre storeys in height, it is done in th rambling Spanish style and is se at the base of the Blue Mountains that tower in the rear to a hight oi 7, 000 feet. The hotel itself is 600 feet above sea level.
The main structure will be augmented by a modern golf clut house, a group of amusement build ings and a group of guest cottages In the main building are 100 rooms each with its bath and twin beds and each with its private sun porch The public rooms are done in strik ing colours and artistic curves.
Mr. Neil said that the new hotel will be run on what is known as the American plan. It is built on the original site of the hotel which bore the same name. Two hundred acres of premises, with special provision for polo, will be a notable feature of the project. It is planned later to install stables for the guests mounts which are now available through concessions.
It was also announce hat Mr Joe Smith formerly of the Mount Royal Hotel, Montreal, will conduet the Constant Spring Hotel or chesina.
We do only the BEST at Reasonable PRICES at DOMINICA Food Tickets THE WORKMAN PRINTERY 72 Carlos Mendoza Street NEAR JAVILLO (Continued from Page 2)
by the establishment of a Land Bank, with sufficient Capital at its disposal to finance the agricultura)
reconstruction of the Presidency as. whole. For this purpose a Public Loan of about a quarter of a million sterling is required; Anyone who imagines that the general economic outlook of the island can be permadiate loan is like unto a man who tries to dam the Roseau River ir flood with a bamboo fonee. TE Any small loans or granted that may be secured should be allocated to the work of rebuilding peasants houses on more substantial lines cal culated to withstand the next hur ricane In connection with the work of Hurricane Relief, we have already pointed out that the funds at the dis posal of the Hurricane Relief Committee are absolutely inadequate Many conflinting reported seem to have been ciroulated abroad as to the position of Dominica following the hurricane. The truth is that the inhabitants of the Eastern District are in a desperate plight, and that the rest of the island cannot assist them, for the reason that this Community as a whole is facing economie extinction.
RUBBER STAMPS Manufactured to Order od of three members from the Association and two members of the Agricultural Society with power to add two delegates who might be from the Peasant Associations ae and when they are formed.
Mr. Miller then moved that Hon. Hinkson be elected the first President of the Association. In do.
ing so he said that Mr. Hinkson had taken a great deal of interes: in its establishment and he (Mr. Miller)
was certain that it would be the unanimous wish of the members that he should be their President at least for the first year of their existence.
Mr, Hawkind supported the remarks of Mr. Miller. All the members present prevailed upon Mr.
Hinkson to accept the Presidency at least for a year, and as he Hison) had no desire to see the movement drop through he acceeded to their request. He was therefore unanimously elected President of the Association and Mests. A. Yearwood and Arthur were elected as his colleagues.
This closed the business of the meeting.
BARBADOS GIVE US TRIAL AND BE CONVINCED Co operative Marketing (Continued from page 2)
but owing to the fast that no Peasant Association was, a yet established and also in view of the desire of the members to have the Produce Marketing Association functioning as early possible this rule was so amended that the Committee of Management could be com TOM ORDER BOOKS SECRETARY AND REASURER ON SALE At the Workman Printery tool ODO 2010 DOI IODO 100 出出た Do SETETLER


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