
ESTABLISHED 1992 The Workman THE LIBERTY OF THE PRESS IS THE PALLADIUM OF OUR RIGHTS JUNIUS PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY DECEMBER 13, 1930 Move to Establish Last Sunday Races Big Success Mysterious Poisonous Garvey Holds Big an at place fifi. 112 HORSE RACING 112. 115. 124 would be a nice adjunct to the factory WALCOTT OROZ FIGHT Then they could get the citrus, and the rejections of the pines as POSTPONED (Continued from Page Continued from Page Continued from Page 1) auxiliary to the canning factory, According to a recent as a coloured community was that announce cracks chinked up to keep out.
and make a very good profit them. and there was also the cashew and ment in connection with the proposAnother Good Program For selves. It did not require much cal milky mysterious death dealing for about two black men would be the guava, which could all be utilized Walcott Oroz bout, Young Joe placed on the committee of welcome.
which has covered the district for culation to see that if these pines Tomorrow Afternoon ed. Of course that meant machinery Walcott the Lion of Colon has re five days. Sixty four deaths His Royal Highna to represent the were were sold at peritin, it would and skilled persons to handle it, and cently stated that owing to an im90 per cent Negro population of the counced in eight villages, In every leave a very good margin of profit Last Sunday races meet and a large number of hir object was to get co operative paired eye which he sustained in his country The pines selected would bear in a instance the end was the same, Juan Franco was undoubtedly a big ideas and make no mistake at the last bout with Tommy White, he white gentlemen to represent the 10 chocking as of asthma or asphyxia.
year and there would be no better sucess. The Seven races listed on the per cent of other inhabitants of the start. He had an open mind on the will not be able to make it possible tion, and a sudden succumbing with cultivation that he could think of to program were run off to the general matter and he hoped it would not to enter the ring for some time.
island What they wanted was death throes, much like those of sol that appealed to Jamaica today thar satisfaction of all and except for be a one man concern for he knew He has been advised by physicians the pineapple. It did not require ir before His Royal Highness diers of the Great War who, unproshort delays with the start the afit must be island wide. It mean their peculiar needs as a people to not quite to fight again as he is vided with masks, died in gas atrigation and the cultivation was onternoons sport was highly delight that any one could grow pins and likely to lose his eye if he does; but tacks. An uncounted number of hat he could place those needs bely required for the first three ful. The long shot artists reaped a still do other work. Assuming they fure His Majesty the King, his famonths or so and after that the Lion is undaunted and affirms others were in hospitals serioufy ill, they good harvest in the first two events supplied all to the factory, five acre: ther, and it when he, the Prince of fiste that he will be ready for a ok care of themselves. He wanted Various theories were advanced to which paid 31. 00 for a 00 ticket of pines would give them at least bout as soon as he can have the eye account for the eerie visitation get the cultivator to be a share! s, became Kine, adjust those 200 a year. They should start out in each race. The poold in the other needs himself. They which it was feared would assume should try to holder in this fixed up.
event were more or less fairly enplanting pines now An acre of much wider proportions. One of the impresa upon His Royal Highness CO OPERATIVE MOVEMENT ternoon sport was highely delightpines planted feet apart with him to the effect that if they could most striking that they as a people, had reached was that of ProfesHe wanted to get the grower interest Jockey Club have also arranged anfeet intervale would yield 5, 280 be guaranteed 1, 000 acres of pines sor Saldane, eminent Britthat stage where they could proper other good program for Tomorrow ed in the factory. At first it would pines which at 3rd each would give they would put up a 10, 000 factory ish scientist, who said it was some ly and decently conduct their af giving Seven good events. The take perhaps years before the fac fairs and that they wished to take 66 to the acre. Assuming cultiva. but up to now he had not replied. thing like the Black Death, the tory would be in full swing. He did horses are all well matched up and tion cost 10, they would be left Miss Drew then read an article greater share in the government mysterious plague which ravaged after it is expected that another not propose to construct the factory with 56. He had the actual quanti which recently appeared in the thern Europ in the fourteenth of their country. They wanted to merely for pineapples for that was noon of exciting finishes will be ty planted out and he also had the Press relative to a West Indian Can coniury, laying low one third of the place before the heir to the throne only in season about or months seen with possibly a few long shots actual data to give them, so it wa ning Factory and the interest taken population. Scientists their economic and social difficulties pradically thrown in They could get mangoes which no theory, and it was calculated or in England in it.
ind ned the theory that poison 30 that he with his great wisdom could be very nicely canned ani. the most conservative basis. Acer and experience (Continued in next issue)
of world affairs se nanating from buried The program follows:man ammunition dumps are the could study the question and when 1ST RAC4. FLERE CLINI than deaths which were reponsibly remedy the existing conditions. Clarin. 116 Hd Es spread over too wide an Mas Querido area for such to be the case.
Loud cheers greeted Mr. Garvey 3 Gioconda. 126 Th: Mnis ry of Health undertook every remark and when the resolu. Bomlo Roto.
tion that the cable be presented to. 111 a searching medical and judicial inSibarita. 116 quiry into the visitation and while His Excellency the Governor to day Black Water. 118 awaiting its result before making with the request that he forward it to the Secretary of State for the an official statement announced that. AT: 2ND RACE. the medical experts, making preli.
Colonies it was passed unanimous.
minary investigations, supposed the ly with very great applause. 108 deaths to be due to the intensely cold Lusty cheers were given for His Murcia. 118 wet fog which has lain over the area Royal igheness the Prince of Wales 1rig. 126 since Wednesday, Mr. Garvey, and Mr. Altamont Dol4 Silver Star.
HOLD FOG RESPONSIBLE phy and a very orderly but enthu. Orange Crush fastie meeting terminated with the BRUSSELS, Dec Reuterd, by Zapo. Cable Co. The death singing of the National Anthem dealing fog in the Meuse Valley be3RD RACE gan to lift to day. In the absence of El Médico. 124 definite explanation the terror of (Continued from Page 1) Tribunito.
the inhabitants has been increased. Huerfano. 90 of Roymande Veron, who had made One theory advanced is that cer.
a complete recovery.
4Excuse Me. 126 tain chemical dust in the air, unit.
ing with moisture, has formed a His sweetheart pleaded passion. Honey Dew. 100 toxic gas which is responsible for ately for his pardon at the trial, the deaths. with the result that he was sentene.
4TH RACE Since the slight lifting of the foged to only four years imprisonment, Meelah. 106 hundreds of dead cattle are seen ly. with the benefit of the First Offend2 Sodia. 110 ing in the fields ers Act, which meant that he was Dorothy Ellen At a meeting of the Sanitary Com set free at once. La Dalia. 108 mission, Dr. Engis stated categori: The tragie couple met again, but Boo Gentry. 116 cally tat the thick fog was al ne Raymonde Veron could only tell her Foxy Peter. 124 responsible for the deaths.
blind lover that her family were Miss Jill. 126 The industrial district of Seraing more fiercely opposed to their mar hold that gas from the factories riage than before.
could not be the cause 5TH RACE The couple ran away. But Helin BRUSSELS. Dee. Although no Corazon. 115 was penniless and blind, and pover Col. Easterwood. 126 FEATURE EVENT. autopsies have yet been held on the ty faced them.
victime the ealth Committee which Otto Berz. 128 She placed my hands round her Dr. McMillan Rusovia has concluded its enquiry, attributes throat. Helin said to the police, and La Chiquilla. 124 the deaths in the Meuse Valley to Helen Kendall. 116 told me to krangle her, did 80.
fog alone 6 Cartagena. 104 FOG OVER THAMES ESTUARY could not bear to live apart. Take We could not live together and we Rosa Sweep. 108 LONDON, Dec. One of the Marcella. 106 thickest fogs in years covered the all want.
dhe, try me, and guillotine me that Thames Estuary to day, completly 6TH RACEhalting shipping. Among the boats Dr. McMillan. 126 at a standstill were thCurnarder Continued from Page 1) Rusovia. 110 Aurania the Orient liner Orvieto fighters of Panams will be on the Royal Eagle. 112 and the merchant and passenger program, Clara Jo. 104 steamers of the Thames Dunkirk Dimas Lombardo and Kid Barber Regalada.
Service. 1 of the feather weight class have Miss Pink. 126 Many persons bound for the con been scheduled for the main bout of Administrator. 114 tinent and others awaiting friends 10 rounds and judging from the in incoming liners at Tilbury had to amount of enthusiasm which is be Tramcars direct to and from Track 7TH RACE6 take hotel accommodation last nighting exhibited by fans, the fight is on the shore. The fog was thick in Dunroi. 126 sure to cause much excitement.
some other parts of England, but The Semifinal will be Nobody Home. 112 between Frivolous. 114 London, usually one of the forst fog Kid Chavez and Kid Sánchez.
areas in the country, escaped the Determan. 120 Battling Ramos and Kid Zorrilla, severe conditions although Kid Cholo and Kid Rowdy Lad Choquilla, during the right the mist was thick Speedy Kentucky and Kid Davie Resolute. 112 enough to interfere with suburban all in rounds each, will be respon Spanish Lay. 118 railway traffic.
sible for the preliminaries.
TE JUAN FRANCO RACE TRACK Tomorrow Sunday Dec. 13th.
Tragic End of a. 118 Good GOOD. 95. 106. Races RACES DON MISS IT Clara Jo Royal Eagle Regalada Miss Pink, Administrator.
POST TIME 15 Fight Program at. 118 General Admission. 00 PLENTY OF PARKING SPACE PANAMA JOCKEY CLUB very. 110 HART. Manager


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