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ESTABLISHED 1912 The Workman THE LIBERTY OF THE PRESS IS THE PALLADIUM OF OUR RIGHTS. JUNIUS PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY VOL, 19. No. 18 PRICE CENTS THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY DECEMBER 20, 1930 PRESENT PLIGHT OF AMERICAN LEGION PRINCE OF WALES NEW EMPEROR OF INVITES PRINCE OF TOUR TO SOUTH WEST INDIANS IN WALES AMERICA ETHIOPIA WILL ABOLISH T, United States To Attend Will Study Conditions REPUBLIC OF HONDURAS Affecting British SLAVE TRADE Trade in Argentine The Closing Down of Sugar Factories WASHINGTON, Dec. Followdo More than 2, 000, 000 Slaves in Ethiopia Puts Thousands Out of Work Declare Officials of Anti Slave Society has for the or Their Convention Next Year LONDON, Nov. 19 Official ing an invitation from the Americar tails of the Prince of Wales plans Wales to attend the 1931 Legion for his South American tour were Legion at Topeka to the Prince of issued from York House, St. James ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia, Dec There are still more than 2, 000, 000 (From Correspondent) Government concession in 1914 to do Convention, extreme interest has last night.
12. Emperor Haile Selamie of the keep them secreted in cellers dur.
TELA, Honduras, Nov. 29 The work that has been long since term.
risen throughout the country.
It is the Prince intention to one remaining independent kingdom ing the days.
world wide, economic crisis inated. He further advises him to The Washington Post saye Audy as closely as possible condi in Africa has named as his one de forced quite a few sugar factories instruet civil and military to revise political realists sometimes scoff at tions affeeting British industries finite ambition the abolition of slay.
slaves in Ethiopia, declare officials in Spanish Honduras to close down the passports and permits of all Nethe practical value of such interna and interest in the Argentine and of the Anti Slavery society, who are ery in his domain. As difficult a an dhas also forced the fruit com groes residing here, deporting those tional amenities but there is no elsewhere, so that he maw gain per: conducting researches into the extask as this appears, the former Ras panies operating here to recourse unable to present them.
doubt that important results some sonal knowledge of how they may Tafari, who was crowned 884th ruler ant of the traffic in this country, to retrenchment. Needless expendi The Hondurean Government re: times flow from these pleasantriea be assisted.
of Ethiopia in November declares The society, formed several years tures must be done away with and cently passed immigration laws Our relations with the British peo The Prince will be accompanied that he will accomplish it.
ago, has maintained bureaus in Adoperating costs reduced to minimum FORBIDDING THE FURTHER ple have been traditionally good by his brother, Prince George. They dis Ababa, Monrovia, Liberia, and The attitude of the emporer reAs a result of this, the companie ENTRY but are capable of improvement. will travel in the Pacific Steam Nav garding slavery marks the first real gather statistianl facts on slavery, other African centers, and which here are laying off thousands of la of foreign Negro labourers in the is difficult to see any better way of igation Company liner Oropesa effort ever made by a ruler of Ethibourers and reducing wages. country, as a result of which many solidfying them than by letting the (10. 075 tons. which leaves Liver and usually release the facts in Eng opis to wipe out lavery completely land, where Lady Kathleen Simor With the closing down of the fac Jamaicans have sought to evade United States bask for a while in pool on January 15. They will prob Although Ethiopia has been a mem.
tories, thousands of natives were them and have cladestinely entered the sunshine of John Bull Princeably join the ship at Santander or and her husband Sir Johns Simon left jobless. Along the whole Atlanber of the league of nations for these of course face deportation Charming.
Vigo, in Spain, but no definite de more than seven years, the are working diligently to arouse inglave tie coast are thousands of Negroes when found.
cision has been taken on this point. traffic has been carried on, if not terest against the traffic. King George their may well (the majority of whom are British The Editor of El Criterio of liloquize that to brush shoulder The Prince will spend January 27 with aetual help of the government Emperor Sela die has been known West Idians in the employ of the San Pedro Sula voices the opinion with men who alwady wiedren in Bermuda, January 31 in Havann, rainly with its knowledge and to be opposed to slavery, but has Truxillo R, Coy the Tela that for two years the President has influence in American affairs might and February at Kingston, Jam.
tacit consent.
oved carefully about the hazar Coy, the Cortes Devel Coy. subsi done nothing that would acclaim his be as good a piece of businessfotaica.
This is past history for Ethiopia sous business of giving it official diarites of the United Fruit Coy. administration progressive. If, how the British Empire as tlanding the The Oropesa will pass through however, according to those who notice because o the deep rooed hole President and the Siandard Fruit Coy. With ever, he continues, the beuaties in Buenos Ai the Panama Canal on February in the last two months the native it has on the country at large. The know. Slavery is fast becoming should dissolve his cabinet and eleet Tango with res. Continued on Page 8) dangerous word to use within ear.
emperor feels that it would be dan been unanimously raising the ery of men of renown, moral and intellect Honduras Hondureans, merous to start an open campaign at ual sanding. He could with their shot of the emperor law enforcing jobs co opperation compel the Tela clamouring for proference of agencies. Already the trade has this time, according to opinions taken on the aspect of an Coy to comply with its obligations To their support have rallied the under freely expressed here and in other cround, illicit business. Where, a Ethiopian centers. Therefore, he is press and political candidates. The rgarding the re embarkation of Ne.
press uniformly started their attackgro labourers brought here by confew years ago, traders openly trans moving cautiously, but effectively ported their manacledslaves across to have the trade abolished. Already on the companies and Intely on the cestion granted in 1914, then he would have done something to cover the Red sea where slaves are still in Negro employees word has passed about hat those The Editor of El Heraldo in an the inactivity of two years.
Other demand, the practice now is to caught trafficking in human being open letter to the President of the papers direct personal attacks through populated will be subject to severe punishRepublic urges him to compel centers under cover of darkness, and ments.
the individual Negro employees of the Tela Coy, to ship back to their Tela Coy. insulting them in homes 500 Negroes and their re. many cases.
NEW YORK, Nov. 17 violent moral sense?
spective families brought here by (Continued on Page 8)
denunciation of the New York stage MORAL DISEASE.
for indecency was made yesterday It is our duty to educate by Bishop Manning, head of public minds in matters of health the Pro estan Episcopal Diocese of preservation, but while we are doing New York.
this we do not permit a man to mar He was preaching at the annual tain a cesspool which contaminate memorial service of the Actors our water supply, yor to dissemiGuild, and said: Something nate disease germs in the commu Red and Gold be done to put an end to the vile and nity We cannot go on allowing the filthy plays which now disgrace our producers of vile plays or movies to ADDIS АВЕВА, Abyssinia Ir away at the Empress Menen on hi uge.
make money by contaminating and America men clothing has the blue throne, surrounded by her at These filthy plays, and alsc infeeing the minds and souls of ou usual drab colors. But when the tendants.
LONDON, Nov. 18. The Daily the General, and was defeated by. many of our present day novels, people and spreading moral disease mperor Haile Selessle reviewed his Express understands that a scene majority of only five votes.
with their dull, disproportionate, and among us.
30, 000 mounted troops during cos Abyssinians Negroes of uproar occurred during week end noisy scene followed, in which inartistic dwelling on matters of All of the coronation ceremonies We are thankful for the efforts romation week, he wore pants of meetings of the international com the American group took part, and sex, are a sin against art, deceney which are being made by the Romar red and gold, and those preceding, were marked missioners of the Salvation Army Ge the meeting was immediaely adjourr and God.
Catholic Church in this matter, aniSeated on the ground before the been an inspiration for any colored with great dignity and would have neneral Higgins having threatened ed It is quite true that these dirty we must do everything in our power royal tent upon slightly raised eush American. Let me make this to resign if one proposal in particul Particular interest attached to the plays and novels would not be pro to stir and arouse the conscience of em ar was carried vote as General Higgins, who ions, with splendid carpets coversuc deed if there were no demand for our people.
phatic, the Emperor, the Empress, ing the ground before him, the the Crown Prince and nearly This proposal was that limitations ceeded to the army leadership them and the true remedy is to edu We all know that the present deall should be put on the powers of the the deposition of General Bramwell cate the public taste, but this doce filement of the theatre is not Emperor wore a tall flowing lion the princes are colored, such as the the General in connection with the ap Booth, had hitherto been opposed by not mean that we are to sit still and fault of actors and actresses. As a mane helnte. The mane was parted word colored means in America.
pointment of trustees. It was put Commissioner Catherine Bramwell let matters take their own course. body they do not wish to see their in the center showing the helmet of All are darker than the forward by Commissioner Lamb ani Booth his daughter.
gold with a golden chin strap. American mulatto with hair of the There is such a thing as debasing profession de basted by the kind of supported by Commander Eva Booth FIRST PETITION His mantle was of crimson velvet same.
public taste by feeding it on what plays they are required to take part and the American delegates. During yesterday proceedings richly ornamented with gold lace is corrupt, degenerate and have seen hundreds of rotten in.
thous General Higgins vigorously resist the conference received a strong de and that is what a large part of our We do not want a censorship and edged with golden tessels, Un ands of Abyssinians and in theu der this was an Abyssinian sham ensemble they show much more of ed it, and was supported in his pro mand for a hearing at the couneil stage is now doing. Our filthy shows We know well its defects and dan test by Commissioner Catherine meetings for the field officers. Au are a powerful educational force for gers, but unless something is done ma, of native wrapper, a cheese the African in their make up than cloth like material.
Booth; Commissioner urren, who is over England these men and women immorality, and obscenity a censorship in some form will be say the Northern Negro.
in charge of the army in Great Briare meeting to claim a share in any Are we as a community to sit forced on us. What we hope is that Then came the famous pantaloone The great coronation spectacle be tain; Commissioner Unsworth; the changes which may be made in army still while these vile educational in the good and decent elements in the in red with gold stripes. His shoes gan with an exhibition of horsemar Parliamentary representative of the control.
fluences are at work for financial theatrical profession will take hole were of patent leather. At his side ship. Bodies of horsemen on fleet army, VAR The first petition which reached. kain, depraving the taste of our peo. of the situation and deal with it hung golden sword, the hile rich gray animals dashed after one an.
The motion was pressed to a diviother in mock combat, the conference was signed by fifty ple, defiling their minds, lowering themselves.
ly ornamented with jewels.
throwing sion, in spite of renewed protects by (Continued on page 8) their standards, and blunting their (Continued on Page Continued or Page 8)
On another mound some distance Violent Denunciation on York Theatres By Bishop Manning Head of Protestant surple them Episcopal Diocese Whole Abyssinian Uproar at Salvation Race is Negro Army Meeting Says Rogers New Ruler Pants of is Said to Have Threatened to Resign the must meeting was lume on average


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