
THE GRENADA Gift of One Thousand Pounds Sterling WILL PROVIDE WARD IN HOSPITAL FOR CHILDREN OF GRENADA BRITISH GUIANA Legislative Council Records Gratitude of Island Good for Georgetown HOMES clothing education even pleasures Writing editorially on the visit would have preferred the danger to Jamaica of their Royal Highness from shot and shell to the deadly the Prince of Wales and Prince routines of constant ceremony. He George, the Gleaner of recent date possesses the qualities which th: says: people of this Empire love and adThe Prince of Wales has decided that mire; and if during the hours he is he will receive two short address with in Jamaica he will play some es at the wme time on his arrival golf, we shall all be pleased that tere, has intimated that he will be here, at any rae, h: will have found ordinarily clothed tho uniforal some pleasure and relaxation after and has ruadest known that he the desire of his heart.
wishes to play some golf on the Con Incidentally, this decision of his stani Spring la course while he is will do a great deal for the a. rt in Jamaica. He yisits Jamaica, but ing of the golf attractions o. Jamhe dues so informally. He wants a aica It will be telegraphed to al littlu relaxation after all his weeks parts of the world that th: Prince and months of strenuous activity has played goli on the Constant And he cannot alter his schedule; Spring Links, and thousands of he cannot remain among us to travelling people, who are also gif longer than the time already speciers, and who have never thought of fied. At this decision we are not at Jamaica as a place for goif, Il all surprised, for we did not really now think of this country in th believe that he could change the ar connection. No better advertisement rangemenis settled. Not that it was for the golf links of the new Conto potition for an exstan. Spring Hotel could there posstay in this colony: sibly be; thus the Prince li direct 19 proper. It showed ly benefit Jamaica. Not that we of loyalty and devo have ever thought of any materal sincere gesture of ap benefit in our desire that he should to his final decision visit us; we thought of the pleasure gely a decision of cir.
of seeing him, or wish was and is naturally bow with to do him honour. Yet there will be in the world and are benefit, undoubtedly, and we are Thu, uvun though his visit will sure that he would be pleased be short, it will nevertheless be know this, since his life has ben made.
ure of service, and because service Most people will bardly ever be to the Empire has been with him an able to understand what terrible ideal and an unraitting endeavour.
atfain it is to be always receiving deputation and addresses of wel and luxuries are bought on the instalment plan; but few people realize that money, the force behind all buying, can itself be bought by instalments. You can buy 1, 000 in four years in small payments of 52 a week.
Ask for our folder New Horison It will show you as Way of Buying 11. 000 The Royal Bank of Canada 3000 St. George Grenada very pleasing announcemen: The Argosy of recent who made by His Excelleney the date Governor. Sir Best, publishes the following: At the City in the Legislative Council Police Court on Saturday last, Mr today assembled at York House Cressall, Stipendiary Magistrate The sum of 41, 000, His Excelleney was presented by the police with said, had been presented to the Gov pair of white gloves, there being no ernment by Mr. Irene Pantin and Police cases for that day.
Mr. Pantin for the erection of The presentation was made by Children Ward at the Oolony Sub Inspector Carruthers who said Hospital memorial to the late that it was the second occasion with Mr. Edwin Norton a few months on which there had After the confirmation of the Min been no lock up cases and be there. utes and the laying of certain papers fore had pleasure in presenting Hie His Excelleney, addressing the Worahip with a pair of white gloves sembly said: have very pleasing Replying the Magistrate said announcement to make. Mrs. Irene was glad to see there were no lock Pantin and Mr. Pantin have up cases for the second time with given 1000 for the erection of a in the space of two or three months Children Weard at the Colony How It justified the saying that the peo pital to the memory of the late Mr ple in Georgetown were at la Edwin Norton of Mt. Helieon. do learning to behave themselves. not think that Mrs. Pantin and Mr.
hoped they would continue to do so Pantin could have chosen better way of helping the children of Gre nada and suggest that this CounWorkmen cil place its appreciation on record by moving resolution of thanks. R. Herman. Manager Panama Branca (Santa Ana Plaza)
Colon Branch. Corner 11th and Bolivar St. Grosch, Manager 1695 to CERVEZA come, to be perpeutally on parude, Memorialulock Tower Compensation beg to move that resolution and sus BOHEMIA con.
BARBADOS Japanese Competition Consignments of Cheap Rubber Footwear Sent into the Market at Barbados some CRICKET!
CRICKET. TRINIDAD Strong Competitor Against Canadian. Manufacture The Divorce Law to be everlastingly performing fun gest that it be as follows: tions of much the sanie kind, reply.
GEORGETOWN Nov. 23. Hon Whereas the sum of 1, 000 ing to congraula. ony addresses, din Generous Act on the Webber (Elected Members has been presented by Mrs. ing at ceremonial banquets, hurry. Part of Labourers for Western Berbice. who it will be Pantin and Mr. H, Pantin te ing from point to point, from place recalled was one of the two dele the Government of Grenada tot to place, doing a thousand things in The Gleaner says: gates who represented this colony the construction of a Children the full glare of the limelight and at the British Common wealth LA Ward at the Colony Hospital in being bored by many of them. It is It is confidently expected that the bour Conference held in London a memory of the late Mr. Noran awful ordeal, yet it is the ordeal Memorial Clock Tower will be com few months ago, gave notice of the ton of Mt. Helion, St. George s: which the Prince of Wales has had pleted some time before the arrival following motion at today meeting BE IT RESOLVED that the to undergo ever since he attained of His Royal Highness the Prince of the Legislative Council:grateful tbanks of this Council of Wales, who has graciously his majority, and he has borne it Whereas it is desirable that the and the people of Grenada be with remarkable rood humour But sented to be present at the dedicarelationship betwen employers of conveyed to Mrs. Pantin and tion now and then, since there are limits ceremony on the occasion of (Continued on page Continued on Page 7)
his visit to Jamaics on the 3rd of to what flesh and blood can baar, February next.
DODO he craved for some rest, for respite; he wishes for some The construction work is being of that freedom which even the carried out by Mr. Robert Gillies the humblest of the King subject onwell known contractor, and he has joys. It is no wonder that he has at got the whole hearted co operation times sought to escape from careof his staff of labourers in pushing monjal tedium in the hunt with its forward the work. The latter have NOW THAT THE WEST INDIES wild excitements and its risks.
He agreed to continue work every SatTEAM IS TOURING AUSTRALIA is not a good horseman, but urday afternoon, without charge, ac is.
that they will probably give about most intrepid one. Again and again The Advocate of recent date he has been thrown from his mount, a week work free in order that the Get a copy of the mys: but as cowardice has never been a Memorial might be ready in trait of his family and is not to be and the Memorial Clock Tower Com At a recent meeting of the Bar.
found in him, he still continues to act with the utmost satisfaction. On ride to the hounds; and now he Saturday afternoon the labourers the Faithful ter was read from Toppin on behalf of Messrs. Geddes flies from one place to another, giv.
and read the records of past started to carry out their promise.
Grant, Ltd. stating that as ing not a thought to the mishaps We are requested to state that a PORT OF SPAIN, Nov. 18 His bers of the Chamber of Commeree Cricket Veterans which sometimes overtake those who meeting of the Memorial Clock Grace the Archbishop has issued the they felt that it was in the interest use the airship or the aeroplane. He Tower Committee will be held at the AND following appeal in an official Mem of the Chamber to drew the atteni would have loved to sight in the Parish Church Vestry at 80 o clock onandum, addressed to the Clergy. It tion of the Council to some recent front ranks during the recent war; this afternoon, and large turn out refers to the rumoured proposals importatione of Japanese Rubber but that could not be permitted. He is expected for the introduction of Divorce shoes into this market. For the last Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pagoe Laws in Trinidad and to the inalien 10 to 16 years this business had been 10 DO able rights of Catholies to receive a very successfully catered for by the Summary of Contents: Christian Bducation: Canadian manufacturers, such History of West Indies Cricket for bus years The prayers of the Faithful, and the Minor Rubber Co. the Dominion especially of children, should be ask Rubber Co, and the Gutta Perche Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, ed by the Clergy, and also by those and Rubber Co. Ltd. who had al.
Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, Dentist in charge of Institutes, that the ways endeavoured to satiały buy. Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tour, Reign of Christ may not be imperill ers in this island both in quality and Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual ed nor the full, pure stream of His 123 Central Avenue Panama City. P.
in price. It was impossible, however Players Grace polluted in the Colony by any for these manufacturers to compete Válpable, astructive, Historical, accurate. omplete and measure hostile to the invidable with this Japanese competition in Phone 1862. Box 1062 Ancon, sanetity of marriage or to Christiar view of the existing labour condiInteresting Professional Services in all Branches of Dental Works education, tion in the two countries. His firm Price 50cts.
God does not change, nor aan Hi felt and was also joined by the law.
mercantile community that this Office Hours to 12, to Sundays by Appointment Simple, short prayer may be sug purious Japanese competition Copies to be had trom the office of the WORKMAN gosted:should be eliminated and in the cirPanams ODOFORO (Continued on Pap Continued from PAG. 8)
HOOD time; Archbishop of Port ofmittee have learnt of this generous Sprin Issues Appeal to budos Chamber of Commerce, a letWest Indies Cricket History memCricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 as Dr. Leo Pink Di Surgeon


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