
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY DECEMBER 20, 1980 PAGE SEVEN TRINIDAD GRENADA DO TODO DA JODO 1000 The Divorce Law Gift of 1, 000 Pounds Sterling aan GOOD JOB PRINTING OD JOB OP DOPOD. Continued from Pag. 2)
Thy kingdom come!
Thy will be done in carth as it is in heaven.
Deliver not up to beasts the soule the contess to Thee: And forget not to the end the souls of the poor.
Thou hast held me by my right hand; And by thy will thou hast oonduet ed me.
And with thy glory thou hast received me.
Arise. God, judge thy own cause!
Bring forth the people what are blind and have eyes; that are deaf and have ears.
Be of good comfort, my children cry to the Lord, and he will deliver you out of the hand of your enemies princes Convert us, Lord to Thee, and we shall be converted, JOHN PIUS Archbp. of Port of Spain plays a very important part in the success of your business THEN IT YOUR BUSINESS Self Government And British West Indies TO GET GOOD WORK DONE continued from page 2)
to Mr. Pantin for their generous gift.
AND BE IT FURTHER RE SOLVED that this posolution be recorded in the proceedings of Council and that copies there be sent to Mr. and Mr. Pantin.
RESOLUTION SECONDED The Hon. Marrysbow, Elected Member for St. George, seconding the resolution of thanks said. feel the greatest pleasure in seconding the motion of thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Pantin, which has been so very well put to this llouse by the President. know that am giving expression to the thanks of the public at large for the munificent gift.
It is not only a munificent gift. It is a rare gift. We have not been accustomed to find well to do people in Grenada, either during their lifetime, or by bequests in their willa, helping in this way to make the lot of their less fortunate brother and sisters happier. can only hope that this splendid spirit will be found worthy of emulation by others, and that it marks a new step to proper understand0. community comradeship.
NO SUDDEN IMPULSE As His Excelleney has well said, the egenerous donors could hardly have chosen a better field in which to do good generally than that of much needed Children Ward the Colony Hospital which their gills is meant to wtablish. am in position to state that the gift for which we are rendering thanks is not the result of any sudden impulse on the part of the honors. happen to know that much thought has been acercided over matter for quite a long time, and conless that it was no surprise to me when heard moment go of the nature of the gift and the ends it is meant to serve. This is but tangible proof of the deep interest wken by Mr. and Mra Pantin in the welfare of the community in which they live, for back of the gift is what know to be a willing spirit of service which trust will find full roim for expansion the years go by. even hope one day to have the pleasure of greeting ei or rx, Panton or bath of them, on this side of the Council table. Whether this be so or not. feel sure that their names will be held in greatest affection not only by the present day public of this is land but, also by unborn genera tions.
We do only the BEST Blected Members of Legislatures in Colonies butaide of Trinidad and Grenada should sponsor motion calling on the Secretary of State to appoint Royal Commission to the West Indies to enquire into united West Indian claim for Self Govern ment, says the Trinidad Labour Lasder. A motion to this effect will NOOD be moved in the Grenada Legislature, as well as other motion calling for the introduction of labour logislation as a corrective of stand ing ovila As far as the question of Sell Government is concerned, there are those who may think that even our limited system of Representative Government he faults me thick as dast in vacant chambers, but, as a feat thinker has said, the best remedy for the faults of Repregentative Government is more Representa tive Government.
at Reasonable PRICES at THE WORKMAN PRINTERY BRITISH GUIANA Workmen Compensation 72 Carlos Mendoza Street boca NEAR JAVILLO RUBBER STAMPS (Continued from Page 2)
labour and labourers should be more exactly defined, and. Whereas it is desirable that emn.
ployers of labours should have their liability in the case of accidents to ther employees be more exactly de fined, and Whereas it is dextrable that la.
bourers should be able to establish their claims to compensation in case of accident without undue delay o expenditure. Be it resolved that His Excellency the Governor be respectfully request od to cause the necessary enquires to bo Rt on foot as to the most equitable form of Workomen Com.
pensation Act to be introduced into this Colony and on the completion of such enquiries to direct the Law Oficers of Government to introduce such measure for the earliest consideration of the Council.
country with no national debt.
Venezuela owes her prosperity to her oil fields The hundredth anniversary of the union of the countries of Demerara Berbice and Essequibo in the Colony of British Guiana will be celebrated in 1931. The Colony faces total funded public debt on January, of 22, 414, 106, and the prospect of an accumulated deficit on December 31, 1931, estimated at 1, 250, 000 The oil ban must go.
Manufactured to Order AT THE SHORTEST POSSIBLE NOTICE ubishi BOX 140 ANCON, Cirilo Sandford Attorney at Law OFFICE: 150CENTRAL MP. PHONE 103 Venezuela And British Guiana 27 The Daily Chronicle, says: The 100th anniversary of the death of General Simon Bolivar national her of Venezuela will be celebrated or December 17. This anniversary, will be marked by the payment of Vene.
zuls of the last cent of its nationa debt. In 1908 50. 000. 000 was owed by the country and the payment of the balance this year, will make Ve nezuela the only Latin American GIVE US TRIAL ene AND BE CONVINCED ola. 1910 au:D XHDOLANAN SM TAHT FREE ORDER BOOKS SECRETARY AND REASURER ON SALE At the Workman Printery otte OCIO 1000RO 10DONO OOI SARA


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