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ESTABLISHEDYDD 01912 orovic The Workman THE LIBERTY OF THE PRESS IS THE PALLADIUM OF OUR RIGHTS JUNIUS PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY DECEMBER 20, 1930 Seven Attractive Uproar at Salvation KID Races for Tomorrow Whole Abyssinian Race Ethiopian pennant at the end of Present Plight of cheer bers LASELTS USESOFTLITELFELLATILLAS HORSE RACING AT:HURTADO PRO(Continued from Page 1)
MOTES FIGHT each lance. These men of the officers an charge of leading helmets, white coats, khaki pante PROGRAMME (Continued from Page 1)
Salvation Army centres in London. Continued from Page 1) and were all mounted on bay horses The newly appointed usistanı With twenty eight item on the shields and performing feats in the The Management of the Panama Behind them came other lancers or manager of the Tela R. Coy, agenda and with only four more Amongst the fighters who will af saddle, swinging lightly from one Jockey Club is determined to see to grey horses, followed by others or native of Honduras is ably cham: pear on the program promoted by side to another to get advantage of days to consider them, according to still darker horses.
it that Juan Franeo contribute ita Kid Hurtado to take place at pioning the cause of his country.
plan, the conference has not yet the the enemy, or reaching over to piek share of merriment and goodwill to Then came the infantry clad en men he has laid off Jamaicans (amChorrillo Theatre tonight, will be up a spear from the round as the tirely in white, then thousands of race fans for the festive season, and completed its discussions on the firsi Kid Skipa and McLarin Lucero each horse dashes by.
ployees of the company for years)
In this connection has arranged item, and cables are being sent well drilled infantry in khaki, their to tipping the scales at of 185 pounds paying them up to the end of the each territory from which the mem Then came a great body of mass fine race program for this Sunday brittling bayonets glistening in the The bout is scheduled for 10 rounds month, at the ame time offering ed cavalry before the are drawn giting notice Emperor sharp sum and other mounted lan before Xmas, which should of to leave the company houses, has and according to fistic opinion it is armed with spears and shields They cers, Somali infantry, in all skull.
the heart of the most downspirited protracted delays before the comfilled their places with his country sure to create a great deal of en dashed to the foot of the hill where missioner return.
race goer, dispel all the blues if any caps and khaki.
thusiasm men and has even refused them theia their chiet sat shouting their warSound Like Cannon and shed any of cheer to the most Regalada.
passages home. His inconsiderate. 112 Al Next Zorrilla and Jimmy Stewart cry. The didn stop there, up the di consolate.
came a rhythmie booming treatment of long service first class Galiano. 108 The Program of Seven races ar will be responsible for the semihill they came madly, a picture of which sounded like the sharpdis.
Jamaican employees has created Unele Parks. 124 final. Both these boy belong to the include six rearing horses a thrilling sight.
ranged charge of cannon. It was the na with events fair amount of critleism in all Kitty Gill. 107 Arriving fly weight class and is taking this there, the front riders eight entries and one with sever tive drum corps mounted on mules cireles Race fans on a whole delight to see opportunity of returning this bout dismounted, rushed near to the foo of their huge drums strapped before Former as well as existing heade: 7TH RACE 1 the the throne, began chanting, dancing which was decided in a draw some.
race with many entries as them with small drum near the of other divisions have always Justice. 120 time ago.
and brandishing their spear. In rea odds on the winning horse are inriders knee. The big drum tey beat Resolute.
treated the Jamaican in his service 112 ity, they were reciting to their Em with curved stricks, Red. predomi kindly and there has been ni record variably pleasing to them. Helen Kendall 106 Johnny Hurtado and Kid David of ir peror the account of the battle bred The rodoubtable native nates in the color of the drummers Col. Easterwood. 126 flyweight fame, Caballero Kid and of any head of division adopting the which they had taken part, of the horse Royal Eagle figure in and the sight is thrilling. Whoever Miss Jill.
sueh open hostility towards Jam.
111 San Blas Kid each of the latter fen. ure event against the fleety Mise Nobody Home. 116 enemies they had killed and promis heard of a drum corps on mules?
deighing 125 lbs, will fight rounds aican employees that might be comPirk, and five others of the best of Oto Berz. 118 ed to do the same thing again for Behind them came grent bodies of pared with that of J: G: Flunarya Segundino Kd and Baley Brown him whenever he called them. massed cavalry with spears and the local track. This time he takes Rod Sweep The United Fruit Company has al 111 of 112 sach, will fight the 1st preli Next came the 43 Ethiopian bande the impost of 122 lbs. Against shields the color of their garments up ways ben grateful to the Jamaica minary the Pink with 126, which is followed by a body of lancers, the and that of the strappings of their labourers and has even in the top weight for the latter horse over prancing horses gave a rlehnese ani face of Government opposition in the disance of seven and one quar.
WALLSTARFAST variety almost indescribable.
these countries kept him in its ser The throng of soldiers seemed ter furlongs. Can the Eagle repeat vice. Adverse conditions and Govern endless. Certainly there was ove h! funt of last Sunday! It is to be ment opposition do not justify the seen, so lets all be out at the Juan 100, 000 of them and perhaps other harah trelement meted out to Jan Franco Pony track tomorrow wter.
tens of thousands would have aicans by the new assistant man.
noon and see what great things wil marched far into the night exeept ager of the Tela R: Coy: come to pass for the fact that the Emperor, weary THE SITUATION 19 SERIOUS Here is the program: arose and went into his tent, ending Thousands of Jamničářg are how 1ST RACE 8 the exercise.
jobless. few are taking the right Mas Querido. 105 Scares European Horse course of leaving for home. The Black Water. 116 Going back to the drum corp! majority linger behind; after leav. Sibarita. 110 mounted on mules, it was such a ing the company houses they re 4Moti Mahal. 126 strange sight that it frightened one tire to the Government town where May. 180 of the six horses attached to the Im high rentals and high costs of living Bubbling Water. 112 perial carriage on coronation day. face them. The company staged Bombo Roto.
The horse became unmanageable series of cheap sales in their com8 Darien. 120 and would not respond to the Hung missaries just a month before these arian coachman, so he had to be labourers were dismissed. Every 2ND RACE 1 unbarnessed some time before the body thought it wonderful chance Gioconda. 100 coronation ceremony got started to obtain clothing and other thing Zapo. 118 well, so there were only four horses at the rock bottom prices and Tunney. 126 attached to Selessie chariot. spent their last dimes. Now these Rippling Water jobless will, as soon as what they My Star. 102 have is exhausted, join the band of Jakie.
Prince of Wales. 112 young men that have been for El Mayor. 112 months living on the generosity of Huerfano.
185 Continued from Page 1)
the better off Jamaicans. careful and the Prince of Wales and his observer will begin to visualize the SRD RACE 61 party will disembark at Talara taxpayers of Jamaican bearing the Pauline. 110 (Peru, on February and will probsame burden in paying for the re2. Foxy Peter. 108 ably visit the British controlled Tapatriation of Jamaicans from Span Marcella. 110 lara and Lobitos oilfields, rejoining ish Honduras as was the case of Contest. 112 the ship at Payta the same night.
IT Cabe.
The liner will reach Callao, the Rowdy Lad. 126 Maria Luisa principal desport of Peru, on Feb. 126 La Chiquilla ruary 10, and the Prince hopes to. 114 Boo Gentry. 106 FEATURE EVENT: spend two or three days in Lima the Peruvian capital, and later to 4TH RACE visit Cuzco and La Paz on his way 2 14 Tribunito. Continued from Page 1)
south to Chile. 112 One thing certain is that the pre Meelah. 128 He will probably reach Santiago went orgy of filthy degeneracy and El Medice 128 (Chile) on February 21, and corruption cannot be allowed to con Gypsy after a few days there will leave for tinue without interference. Dorothy Ellen. 124 Southern Chile and enter Argentina Several plays now running or Don Florentine by Lake Nahuelhuapi, arriving ir Broadway have been criticised by Socia.
Buenos Aires, the Argentine capital the pursuits, among them the mo Honey Dew about March dern version of Aristophanes Lysia He will spend several days there trata.
KTH RACE Another play. Bad Girl, Spanish Lay.
and in the neighbouring country be centres about a scene in an obstetric Otelo. 112 fore opening the British Empire hospital. Another play, Pagar Trade Exhibition on March 14. Lady is about a bootlegger gir) Frivolous 121 NINE HUNDRED MILES who falls in love with clergyman.
Duroi. 126 FLIGHT Corazon 112 Afterwards, the Prince hoped to cial nature.
6Determan. 110 Norit spend a week travelling in Hindoo. 114 It is understood that he will make ern Argentine and to sail from Dr. McMillan. 116 at least one long flight across the Buchos Aires for home on March VO Argent pe, from San Antonio to 21.
6TH RACE 71 Buenos Aires about 900 miles, using The Prince only official engage. Miss Pink.
British aeroplanes. Administrator.
ment is the opening of the exhibition The Prince suite will number 118 Royal Eagle.
and the whole of the rest of his voy six, and including the staff the age will be of a private and unoffiwhole party will number twelve.
JUAN FRANCO RACE TRACK Tomorrow Sunday Dec. 21st. 100 Good GOOD. 114 Races RACES DON MISS Violent Denunciation in New Yo Theatres Administrator Miss Pink, Regalada Royal Eagle Uncle Parks a Galiano Kitty Gill, 189 POST TIME 15 2 General Admission: 00 PLENTY OF PARKING SPACE Tramcars direct to and from Track PANAMA JOCKEY CLUB HART. Manager 122


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