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ESTABLISHED 1912 The Workman THE LIBERTY OF THE PRESS IS THE PALLADIUM OF OUR RIGHTS. JUNIUS PUBLISHED EVERY SATUR DAY VOL. 19. No. 19 THE WORKMAN, WEDNESDAY DEC. 24, 1930 PRICE CENTS Christmas And New Year Messages 0000000000000 Doo0000 Good Will Christmas Message, Christmas and the New Year Message Thought for Xmas Program Christmas or at 90 Foreigners Have Many Concessions in Fthiopia My first Christmas in Panama! At pre Christmas time something stranger in a strange country!
ST. PETER By THE SEA The apparently grips the Christian and, Another Christmas is here, and all tranger asks what is Christmas LA BOCA The message of Christmas neve as it were, enshouds his tike in Panama. One thing we may actions To lift before our brethren eyes who profess and call themselves The following Program will be changes; it is ever the same. Two with intensified respectful obeis The flag of peace and cheer, Christmas are afforded another op be sure of is that Christmas is carried out at St. Peter s, La Boca, things however are always neces ance portunity to lift up their hearts il Christmas everywhere in the world to his God, and repaints or seek for hearlrers in far oft Dec. 24 28, 1980:sary with respect to the message; for him a mental picture of the gh thanksgiving for the yearly re whereyer worlds Christmas is celebrated.
Wednesday, Xmas Eve 11. 30, first. Emphasis; second. Practise Lowly Nazarene. Hence, regardless membrance of the Birth of God The very word Christmas stirs up The message in part is this: Good But try and build it here.
Singing of Carols by the Choir 12 of whatever way the occupation of dear Son.
a unique feeling in the heart. No You are your own destiny. Have o clock, Eucharistie Service. The will toward men. Now this needs mind of the Christian may have faith in yourself Be determined Your There is now no nation in which one except a Scrooge can think of emphasis. There can be no real joy tended to lean since Rector the previous ability is sufficient to carry the joy bells do not ring and Christmas and be mean. It is a key Xmad Day 7, am. Holy Baptism.
you happiness in the life in which Christmas, that internal compelling through life.
which hymns of adoration do noi that opens the heart that is closed ill will predominates III will Set your stake for Distribution of Church mani force his baste faith in his su something you are going to reach.
gifts rin all the rest of the year. It is the fests itself in a thousand different préme Maker revives in healthy Dispel all There is now no land that time when men who have been doubts. Douting is Friday (St. Stephen Day. Holy does ways, all of which are destructive state at this time of the year, and thought of fear that you will not strife proclaim a truce. The nations Communion, 7, a. The Rector desire to learn the secret not of the best within us the enduring peace of which Selfishness he pleasantly falls in line to take reach the point you determined up. Saturday (St. John The Evangelist the that fought one another envy, hatred, unkindness, scandal active part in the joyous acclama on. You may be invited to a bountiBabe of Bethlehem is Prince and in dreadfully during the Great Day. Holy Communion, a.
malice, are among the poisonous ion of Christ Day.
proclaims ful repast, but you must eat for which men do not hunger for the War The Rector. truce shoots that spring from the evil root Active, intelligent minds of moeiernal life of which He is thi ly the Great War proclaims a truce yourself. No one can live or die for Sunday (Holy Innocent Holy of ILL WILL; and they poison the Bread.
on Christmas Day.
German and Comunion, a The Rector dern time must, however, question you. No one can be pure, honourhuman heart, and consequently, hur whether Christians adherents to able and loving for Holy Baptism, 80, a.
Angels in the amazing Frenchman and Britishman sat toexulted you. Every an society.
the teachings of Christ have been thought, good or bad, produces a Matins, Holy Eucharist and Ser condescension when for the redemp gether in their dug outs and sang On the other hand, such things can keeping faith with what they pro vibratory current. Bad thoughts are tion of a world that sought Him not Christmas present and their Christmon, 10. 45, a.
The Rector He humbled Himsolt to be born As feast, all in perfectly good fel not possibly be where GOOD WILL pose to emulate peace and good destructive. positive thoughts are house Saared Cantata (Shilo) 30 pm.
Virgin. Shepherds worshipped together, and shared together their predominater heart of odatinate will on each; to do unto their broth constructing. Keep open, towards all marvelling. Wise men journeyed fat lowship, only to fight again as fierce friendliness mankind. By the Choir. Choral Evensong ers as they would their brothers for good thoughts. You can without a thought of evil; a deter should do unto them. And searching, give to homage and tribute to the ly as ever when the feast wa clearnot have too many. Soon your whole and Sermon, 30, intelligent minds have also been being will be changed. You will find Preacher Dean Werlein.
King of Kings away. The words of the familiar mined disposition to think well, to speak well, and to live well these questioning the versity of And what shall we do to honohymn the yourself happy, find it a joy to Procession through aisle and alleys after presentation of ofexist. You develop self confidence such a blessed anniversary? Shal hush your noise, ye men sweeten human society, and feed the quoted saying of Jesus Christ from of world famine, we nou sing as with the angels, wor the fact that, except these that are ferings, and mental attributes which before strite ship as with the shepherds, journey very cordial invitation is exhopelessly ignorant, the proponents True enuogh you cannot you did not have. The heaven withAnd hear the angels sing.
pu: as with the Magi, and give homage without tended to the public to all the And what was their song? GOOD WILL in the pot and cook of this religion carry on in almost in you makes a heaven what direct opposition to and te bute to hm who once came in Peace and Goodwill.
it for breakfast; nor can you take vices.
they You gather your forces, you are stronger mentally and physically. Continued on Page 8)
humility to save us, and who shal GOOD WILL and pay your month preach. Fortunately, however, the Panama is a cour ry in which this come again in majesty to exali un properly active intelligent mind, rent. Neither the land lord nor the OC uip yourself for the battle virtue of good will can be cultivat belly can or will be satisfied with to the heaven of heaven those who trained in Christianity, also sees as fo. If you wish to succeed put your have followed Him with steadfast od and exercised to the great ad GOOD WILL. It is however true the God he worships a great, un self on the side of power and influfaith and love?
vantage of the various people that that in same quarters many soul limted mass of TRUTH, STRENGTH once Goodwill, good thoughts kindmake up its population. Here we are Let us, and all, bear in mind that ness will put you and POWER from which he must would be far more satisfied with ar on a foundation. Panamanians, Americans, British to hav: a truly Merry Christmas is and assurance manifestation of rock. On every hand it will bring French Contiel Fretekliere sid of by faith continually draw.
to keep a Holy Christmas and ers all living side by side. It is true good will, than with gold; for gold you loyal friends. Friends open the Railroads; Italians Maxe Te opicph Real Christianity is like the clasforward with hearts refreshed and that now and then there is a little given out of a bitter heart is like sics the sublime and the beautiway of opportunities. Opportunities and Telephone Sislen: india to success You cannot afford to be soul and spirit cheered at the cons. ripple on the waters, but on the metal from a burning fiery furance ful. These qualities mean nothing to Controls Soda Water and Hises one ciousness of joys higher, holier whỏle the prevailing feeling is. hotter than the Shadrach type.
filling a of prochy. You are only those ignorant of the make up and more enduring than those of good will. What is the secret? It When the quarter is accompanies such qualities. Our God symbolizes vary small niche in you little cornBy MARY HINES HALL is that Christ is among the nations with a curse or a kick, the recipient the classics the sublime and the or of the world. What is your gain earth. For the Associated Nego Press)
make To the numerous readers of the Son of Man who knows in Himself. the Prince of Peace. He is the therefore would probably prefer to beautiful. He is seen as such by the if you fume and fret, and Workman Peaceful Penetration into un ev1 yourself a camping ground of we extend the Season chuck the quarter in the garbage intelligent mind who has been no difference of race, or class, or greetings, and best wishes for the ean, and thank God for the nickel faithful student of the reported be. thought. Which eat out your vitals, ploited countries is much less eras nation. He is the same to all, and approaching New Year given with a word of kindness and haviour of Christ while he was on Main your life blood and leave you than the rough neck military inesall are the same to Him. He may resions of years ago. look of love. For it means more (By The Rev. Mulcare. Continued on page 5)
earth, the wonders of creation, and on ugly, worthless being. The suc.
That is especially true of this pix and is worth more, even though the intelligence of man as a by. cesful man is a man of good will there is a slowly growing nickel cannot purchase a quarter product of God.
Follow men change your vibratory where group which realizes the mucessity BOHEMIA BEER BRITISH WARSHIPS TO worth of gooda in the Commissary The majority of the colored people leay from inharmony to harmony of some form of cooperation wib There are higher standards of valu Wishing all a Merry Christmas a within the bounds of Christianty foreigners VISIT WLST INDIES timely arrival in Panama than dollars and cents, but whicl for misinterpret what the Christian Gul Prosperous New Year.
The country is being slowly drain. Dyett Skerrit, ve will never be able to appreciate symbolizes. They underestimate the the Christmas season is Bohemia ed of its natural resourses: conce3Beer brewed by the Panama Brew. DETACHMENT OF ATLANTIC fully until we learn to breathe free.
great power Christ exhibited while sions are beinggranted for long ing and Rertfgerating Company.
FLEET Is the refreshing, renewing, and exHe was on earth; that great power SERMONETTE terms on many government mines hilarative of GOOD This new Beer was released atmosphere from darwn from his father, our God, and properties; monopolies are yield the factory on Saturday last The British Admiralty the WILL country. It is surprising the announce which, by faith, cures This underWAGES OF SIN ed in abundance, restricting the mar 20th inst, and captured the entire that a detachment of the Atlantic atference it makes let us, during valuation of the son of God has been ufacture or sale of certain commo Isthmus. This not to be surpris that a detachment of the Atlantic this season ever afterwards practice one of the principal causes of our For the wages of sin is death; dities to the one holding the monoed at, as the management spared Fleet, consisting of Nelson, Rodney, his message of GOOW WILL TO having so little faith in ourselves to but the gift of God is eternal life poly right.
neither money nor time in artifully Hawkins, York, Dorsetshire, Nor. WARD MEN.
enable us to accomplish the bigger through Jesus Christ our Lord FRENCH CONTROL and effusively advertising Bohemia folk and Adventure will sail on JanThe word for the NEW YEAR is and better things without the aid of Romans vi 23.
POSTOFFICES and thus prepared the publie for uary 8th for the Caribbean, visiting copied from that excelat little book others whose faith in the same God All works of sin bring sorrow, dis The postoffices of the country are the new beverage. Needless to say Jamaica, Barbadon, Trinidad and My Pocket Compas jon for 1931 fins rewarded them bountifully with appointment and failure in the end, wontrolled by the French.
that on Saturday last and all Sun other islands and British Guiana. It is a verse to whicl. We all should some of things of our world, Dishonesty, if practiced, brings lack The Italians control telegraph and day everybody who is any body At the invitation of the United iisten, and then practive: The celebration of the anniversary of self respect, loss of confidence of telephone systems.
sought Bohemia States Government the Commander Speak a shade more gently. of the birth of Christ should mean others in us, very often a termin An Indian company has the moThis Beer which is a double Pil in Chief of the Atlantic Fleet (Ad than the years before; to our people an occasion when they prison, and always a frown from nopoly on soda water. Greeks have Pray a little oftener, love a sener is certainly a most delightful miral Sir Michael Hodges. in the are reminded to redouble their efGod and decent men and women a monopoly on the exportation of (Continued on Page 8)
little more; drink and from expressions of opin forts to emulate that strong charact Selfishness causes us to become hides and skins. Other monopolies Cling little closer to our ions heard around to ita merits and er who was born in the lowly manhard hearted, friendless, abject and have been granted on coffee, some Father love; demerits by those who have drank ger. It was that great faith which despicable. Impurity in conduct re of the best in the world being grown rica. But feard that at the rate this Life below will liker grow to the new beverage it is to pro Jesus Christ had in our God. His wards us and our children with di in the Kafee country of Ethiopia.
the the life above.
the best Beer Brewed in new beer has caught on with father which enabled Him to raise nounce sease and death.
French and Ethiopians joinly conCordially and sincerely yours, the entire South and Central Amer public the demand may be greater (Continued on page Continuad on Page Continued on Page 8)
than the supply Cousins. con


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