
THE WORKMAN, WEDNESDAY, DEC. 24, 1980 PAGB THREE THE OKO STORE Wishes its Many West Indian Patrons MERRY CHRISTMAS AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR OD0F ODOS Our efforts to give this city an up to date store with low Prices have so far given us satisfactory results.
10 PODOPODOC POP The public have very generously patronized our one Price System of selling quality merchandise at the lowest Prices. POSAODO We feel very happy to have fulfilled our desire in these days of universal joy and happiness. 8 9tiel THE ORO STORE No. 79 CENTRAL AVENUE Os99 Correspondent Writes On The Coronation of a King COURIER COLUMNIST GIVES INSIDE STORY OF ETHIOPIA BIG DAY We Wish Our Patrons MERRY CHRISTMAS LOC FELELALTER FILIALES soldiers had arrived in such numor gildi bers as to line from six to ten deep the entire distance from the palace to St. George Cathedral miles and miles of rich and picturesque coloring, 11 At o clock in the morning the delegates of the different nations began arriving at the cathedral. The emperor and the empress are al ready there. In accordance with the ancient Ethiopian rite they had bent the night there in prayer.
Around the Menelik monument, through the gates of the Cathedral, all along the path of the door from which the emperor is to take his carAND rier after the ceremony, stand tiles of well drilled soldiers in khaki, rifles on shoulders, their bayonets gleaning in the sharp rays of the African sun.
Insid this e rcle of modernly clad warriors, back in the spacious yard of the cathedral, are lines of Ethiopian warriors, dressed in the fighting costumes of a day not?
long past.
Wonderfully decorated shields, long, sharp spears. lions manes, decorations and capdare in evidence As to coloring, it is so Tich and so varied that nothing less than a color motion picture can be Folteirami saw gin to give any idea of it. Inside the church, out in the yard, everywhere, Colon fot is a photographer paradise. And 29 photographers are here.
by the TAN scores. Certainly there cannot be WALLFLESS (Continued from Page 79, vertredt biroda aw Prosperous New Year Coronation Ceremonies of Ras Tafari so Rich, Colorful and Unique that it Would be Impossible to Adequately Describe It, Rogers Claims In The Pittsburgh Courier. By ROGERS ADDIS ABBADA, Ethiopia, Dec. 11 The coronation ceremonies of the Emperor Haile Selassi (Ras Tafari) of Ethiopia were so rich, colorful and uniqueso different from anything that the western mind can conceive that it would be impossible to give anything approaching an adequate description of it.
Never before had seen or im rior began pouring into the city on aged anything similar; not again do horseback or on mules, their expect to see anything like it. strings of retainers dog trotting Remember that here in far away after them, guns on their shoulders, Abyssinin one steps back into what their white shammas or wrappers is a combination of Bible times and flying in the wind.
the feudal age, with just an The chiefs, most of them, paterproaching touch of modern civilinal looking, wore mantles of difzation Abyssinia has thus many ferent colors, wide brimmed hats, quaint and picturesque ways which or caps made of lions manes, coloroffer a real treat to those suffering ful sashes over the usual white cotfrom an overdose of western cul ton cloth, and some carried beautiture.
fully decorated Shields of native For several days prior to the work.
ceremony the chiefs from the inte On the day of the coronation the apThe Royal Bank of Canada Panama WASTAFELS


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