
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, WEDNESDAY DEC. 24, 1930 000000000OOOog CHRISTMAS Christmas Eucharist Xmas Letter at St. Paul From China THE WORKMAN Tonight, Published on Saturday by HN. WALROND, at the office No 72 CARLOS MENDOZA Street No. 72, Panama, P.
P0. Box 4, Panama Box 1102, Ancon Christmas Day in now approaching; Hear his footsteps drawing nigh!
Hark ye to his merry laughter, And his loud and hearty cheer.
Up! arise! be not despondent, Christmas now is with us here.
SIX MONTHS 20 TERLE. 60 ONE MONTH. 20 The Liberty of the Press is the Palladium of our rights JUNIUS THE WORKMAN, WEDNESDAY DEC. 24, 1930 MERRY CHRISTMAS Welcome to thee merry Christmas; Long we ve watched and waited here!
Now at last we hear thy herald, Echoing through the misty air, And our hands are stretched to greet thee, Hearty welcome and sincere.
para pengese te Sounds of music, mirth and laughter, Friends with friends together meet; Throngs of gay and busy people. Tripping on from street to street. Tis for thee they are preparing, And are making fit to greet.
Homes are trimmed and brightly polished, Everything is looking gay; Wine now fills the empty cellars, Dainties on the tables lay; All are ready and awaiting Thee their compliments to pay.
or Hasten on, thou merry Christmas!
Come and join us once again, Only just a short brief visit; For thou canst not long remain, But thy presence for a moment, Helps us courage to regain.
commencing at 12 Box No. 1234, o clock, the usual Christmas Euchar Shangai, China, Oct 11, 1930.
ist will be celebrated at St. Paul Dear Editor, Church, in this city, with the Rector, the Rev. Nightengale, of wonder if you have any boy!
ficiating. Special music for the oeand girls among year readers If sc casion will be rendered by the choir.
can they imagine a place in all the world without Christmas and its The following is the program: Processional, Hymn 61 joys. One such place is down here introit Psalm 98 In the bottom side of the world The Krys (Ward)
slanteyed yaller kiddies here do not have Christmas trees. They do Gloria Tibi (Gounod)
Hymn, 482 10 hang up baby stockings the Gratias Tibi (Gounod)
biggest you can get. Santa Claus and with his sleigh and reindeer Credo. Hall)
bags of toys seldom finds his way Hymn, 59 the In Glory To God to China. It may be becaus Anthem: roads are too narrow and the reinThe Highest Stolts Sosua Corda (Cantus Solemdeer fear getting their feet wet ir the rice fields because there nis)
Sanctus (Gounod)
is so little snow and ice, or it may be because Chinese houses have so Benedictus (Morley)
few chimneys, or perhaps Santa Agnus Dei. Gounod)
Claus is afraid of falling of the Gloria In Excelsis. Hall) bottom side of the earth, or may Nune Dimittis. Bennett)
be even because nobody has shown Hymn 62.
him the way here.
On Sunday the 28th inst. SunChinese children do not wait up day after Christmas Day) the music of the Christmas Festival will at night to get a sly pep at him. Nor do they run down stairs very early be repeated at the Sung Mass com on Christmas morning to see what mencing at 10:30 a. and at 3:30 Santa has put on the Christmas a Musical Program will be rendered by the Choir, assisted by tree or with what wonderful things he has filled their stockings, te Colonial Classical Orchestra.
Just Mrs. DeDier will rendered think of it! land with no Chris a solo at this function mas! say No Christmas; but it CHRISTMAS MORNING SERVICE is not quite No, for once in while some a.
English or American store will have a Santa Claus or Panama Wesleyan Church Chinese tree in the window for the Hymn 124 Christmas awake.
Lesson, Luke 2: 20 sake of English boys and girls.
Prayer Then lots of wee Chinese noses inHymn 123 0, Come all you Faith terestedly press against then window glass Prayer Anthem Then, too, and my American Xmas Address friends of little children Collection and Carol are trying to be Santa Claus to at Hymn. 122 Hark the Herald An least nine hundred little kiddies in gels sing my ragged Sunday School in ShangBenediction hai. The happiest little Brownies you ever saw are my little Chinka as on Christmas day and my helpers tell them the glad Christ mas Story and distribute among (Continued from Page 1) them apples, oranges, and peanuts; the dead, cure the sick, turn water dolls and balls; toys and candy. How into wine, withstand the temptations the eyes of my little people sparkle.
of the devil and finally conquer How happily they ile and how death. It is with the belief that we gratefully they say, Zia zia noong are approaching Christ Day with (Thank, thank you) as they remihds receptive for higher, noblerceive gifts of American friends. achievements that am wishing you wish all your boy and girl readers a merry Christmas, could be with us and see how happy By C. KING my boys and girls are with the sitplest gifts. They would be glad not only for the delight of my little ones; but they would better appreciate their own Christmas gifts. They would also realize how much boys and girls in China are like American boys and girls with their likes and dislikes, their joys and sorrows, their tears and smiles and would feel that they are indeed their own brothers and sisters.
DOO Isthmian Hardware Store KOHPCKE NEUMAN friends, Extend to their West Indian Friends and patrons a Merry Christmas Messige AND Happy New Year PANAMA Branch North Ave. No. 26 To day, we wish to join with the rest of the nonpagan peoples of the world in saying MERRY CHRISTMAS. The custom is aged and universal, and is in keeping with Christian propriety. We are convinced that the days of pagan merriment have been spent, and so, we desire to associate some intelligent ideas with the merriment of which we speak at this time.
In so doing, we will try to say for what reasons we should be merry and some of the things we should know about the festival of Christmas, and which we hope we do know. We are here asserting a separate and distinct thought to each letter by which the words MERRY CHRISTMAS are spelled, and our wish for a MERRY CHRISTMAS is exprssed in association with hose thoughts:Magnanimous in that it elevates both soul and sentiment to the heights of unselfish nobility, greatness, and dignified generosity.
Expressive of a faithful and vivid representation of what Christmas stands for and of the meaning and feeling intended to be conveyed by the season.
Rational because of its agreement with facts connected to Christmas, and its compatibility with judicious and intelligent reasoning regarding the purport of the event.
Real because of existing actuality not assumed or counterfeited spurious or adultered; but a merriment that is unalloyed, intrinsine and authentic.
Yields actual payment and reward in the establishment of the productive growth and distribution of:Cheerfulness, satisfaction, and comfort for the glad tidings of a Messiah birth and gladness because of the assurance of man redemption by the coming of his Christ.
Happiness which possesses one of enjoyable pleasure for the good security established by a Saviour who is the harbinger of salvation for the human creation.
Radiance brought by His presence which makes man eternal future so brilliant, bright, and effulgentand the splendor of that which has been accomplished by the occasion which creation celebrates at this time.
Idealism which defines that the outward and visible signs of merriment are only of external perception. and that these must be submerged by the MATERIAL IDEA of the season.
Soberness that exemplifies moderation. calm and somber quietude, and a state of composure without excitement or passion.
Thankfulness for our creation, preservation, and all the blessings of human life public acknowledgment of God given provision for the promotion of spiritual success, welfare, and happiness and for the eternal legacy of virtue, piety, and Divine benevolence.
Moderation in keeping within bounds placing a restraint upon our feet from the paths of evil. reducing the intensity of our passions and the schooling of ourselves to be temperate and reasonable in all things.
Adoration of the Christ whose birth the festivities of Christmas are intended to adore to characterize our worship with profound reverence and exemplify our love and regard for Him whom we worship in high degree.
Sunshine to evaporate the mists of evil in and around us to purify us in thought, word, and deed to give us warmth in our devotion brightness in our being, and cheerfulness through life journey from innocent morning to the tempest beaten evening of our existence light to guide us on our way to the crossing of the bar, and after that, light perpetual in the Spirit world!
We wish all our comrades then, a MERRY CHRIST MAS in the only way in which our merriment can be connied as more than sounding brass and tinkling cymbal. May we be MERRY in the thought that Christ came as the Angel of our salvation, calling mankind, dead in trespasses and sin, back again into life, and whispering Immortality beyond the grave. Merry because the voice of Him who was born at this time penetrates beyond the vale, and raises to life the souls of men whom sin had slain. Yes, our MERRIMENT at Christmas time should fill us with the inspiration of Nature symphony should present before us our Angel of salvation our Prophet of Immortality the herald of our eternal Summer and the Spring of our existence in the life to come. And, if we realize all this, we can say in a genuine way, MERRY CHRISTMAS for the enjoyment of which we should thankfully exclaim. Glory in excelsis Deo!
North Ave. No. 54 ooooo000000000000000 Merry Christmas to All Our Patrons ELDORADO THEATRE Sants Some say there is no Claus. think of him as that great big heart of love that tries to make other people happy. Don you think that true, Mr. Editor. Now may ask you to carry to all your good readers, children and grown ups, my best wishes for merry Christmas. Keep lots als for yourself.
Yours from the land of the China Chinks, Rev. C, HALLOCK Santa Ana Plaza ST. PAUL XMAS FETE Cool and Airy Play House ATTRACTIVE SHOW EVERY DAY FROM p. to 11 The winner of the poularity contest will appear as Queen of the Xmas fete of the St. Pauls Church at the Jamaica Society Hall, tomorrow night.
The popularity contest in connection with this function which has been carried on for the past few weeks, created much interest and enthusiasm among the contestants and their supporters and it is expected that tomorrow night fuction will be a lively one.
Friends of the various candidates are urged to stand by their favorites and support them,


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