
THE WORKMAN, WEDNESDAY DEC. 24, 1930 PAGE FIVE 100 JOOP ܘܘܘܩܘ 0000 10 POSODOPODOC OBOROSOF05 F0F ODO 20 BO ODOS MODOPODOC 10G OPO PODO HOSE TO OUR West Indian Customers May this be your Merriest Christmas and your Happiest New Year, and may our affiliations with you become even greater this coming Year 100 OPODOC ODOC 10 DO TODOC OODO!
ODO ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE 0 The Panama Coca Cola Bottling Co. PHONES PANAMA. 167 COLON 84 FOR THE HOLIDAYS Coca Cola, Cascade Pale Dry, Orange Kist, Lime Kist, Lemon Kist, Nu Grape, Chocolate Soldier Cascade Butter, California Eggs, Louisiana Oysters, Kist Ice Cream in a variety of flavors Kelvinator and Fountain Supplies.
ALEXIS PEREIRA 87 CENTRAL AVENUE 87 NICH CLASS GROCERIEN BEST VALUES AND QUALITY phere is felt and denjoyed by all civilized persons.
Two thousand (200) years this joyful festival was in existence and today, it is still kept up with a freat deal of enjoyment and en thusiasm.
Fraternal religious organizations and individuals take the opportunity of exchanging greetings. happy Xmas. merry Xmas etc.
these are the usual froms of feliei iations adopted; our friends the Pa.
namanians, say Fotice, Pascuas.
Oa Thanksgiving day, we give inks, but, we should be more than thankful for Xmas.
Indeed, we should be both thank ful and proud of the Reedemer of mankind and in making our mes.
sages, we should also remember the angls message. Peace on earth, good wll to men.
Even tho they might have been wars political, industrial eie, wag ing. Peace on earth, goodwill to men should be forever indelibly impressed on our minds and we should sing if we can Hark, the Herald Angels Sing.
FOR Christmas Message Friends Countrymen. hardly Another fellow met his friend on know what to give you this week. Xmas eve somewhere and greeted Last week told you merry Christ him with the query. how things mas, and suggested how you should moving Luther. Luther replied make youselves happy, and this ah, boy, at a time like this things week, believe should leave it to move according to cash. Don you you to select your own happiness hear the people say that money for the old folk say. ebery tub alk. Yes, said Luther; but by siddung pon him own bottom. gosh! the only thing that it ever said to me was, good bye. But on a Christmas morning long time ago, a fellow was passing So, am going to follow Money through the crowd at the marker example now, and simply say, good and met one of his friends. This bye. friend was in company with a girl and also tipsy, you know what that meand He greated him saying. friend, you are in company with a bad companion, and you are in possession of another just as bad. How do you mean. said the friend. DOTTIN Well, replied the other, have There are many things for which Xmas is noted. One of them is the heard it said that the downful of a man is brought about when he pos possibility of making folks forget their troubles and concentrate for a sesses himself of two things, viz: Women and Wine. Now, see you while on the significance of the day, are possessed of both, and at the and this message has special refersame time The most that a man can ence to the Xmas of 1930.
The year has been one of safely do if he can do without both many of them is to possess himself of one troubles, vicissitudes and disappointonly, either the woman or the wine;ments on all parts of the globe; unbut both of them together? no sir! employment, suffering, political unrest etc. but, this should not lessen As a friend, am adviseing you not to perform the ceremony of joining the joy that comes to one at this together in matrimony the two s season.
The exchange simply of god will for whoever does and felicitations are still in use as in says: Woe to the man who possessed previous years and when we ponder for a while, we may very well conof a woman, Woe to him also, if he drinksclude that regardless of existing cir cumstances, Christmas is Christmas, wine; Yes! Christmas is Christmas for Just in a jiffy both eyes will be all. The King in his castle, the poor blin man in his tent and all members of and And it will be by te human family. That Christmas spirit which pervades the atmosTHE CHRISTMAS SEASON Fancy Boxes, Assorted Chocolates FROM 20c. UP and every other known article in the Grocery Line DROP IN OR CALL Phones 2180 or 2181 ooOOO000000000 Store one of this that We wish all our Patrons Merry Christmas ANDProsperous New Year Cood Will (Continued from Page 1)
fuse to concede to His claims and to render Him the service of our life, but we do revere His name because it stands pre eminently for good will Such is the benevolent influence of Him who loves the sinner, loved the poor, loves His enemies, embraces everybody in His love. When we celebrate Christmas today we do grateful homage to thee Christ who is the Christ of good will. May you all Panamanians, Americans Britishers and everybody else enjoy Very Happy Christmas, Wright.
women Winel


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