
PAGE SEX THE WORKMAN, WEDNESDAY DEC. 24, 1980 SODOC Correspondent Writes on the Coronation of a King Merry Xmas AMERICAN INVENTS NEW AUTO GAS SAVER And Prosperous New Year To All Our West Indian Patrons with every Js gree, Scadron Optical Co.
23 CENTRAL AVENUE in TROTT THE CLEANER (Continued on page 3)
robe of the same material as that less than a hundred of them of the empress. He is bareheaded, Walter Critchlow, 2001 Street sound pietures, mation pictures, however.
Wheaton Ill. has patened some of them with wagons brought The ceremony begins with the a Damp Air Gas Saver for all Autos all the way from America, This invention uses the moisture chanting of the acolytes, and two Inside the building the scene is a golden of the acolytes, and two principle that cause engines to run splendid one. At the far end New the vealing the two crowns better in the cool evening.
entire width is filled with rows Fords report up 40 miles; other 01 The emperor is then invested with white turbaned, back robed priests. the royal mantle, after which a gold makes report up to th to gain.
Next to them are the archibishops of en sword, studded with diamonds, There are five models from 06 Ethiopia and acolyes, resplendent in is handed to him. After these come to 30. 00 with 100 to 400 protheir coronets and rich costumes. To the scepter, the orb, which is of virfits to Agent from the left are the delegates Critchlow wants Mr.
gin gold; the ring, encrusted Country, some of the nations, among them diamonds; two lances of gold fillStates and Central Agents S. Ambassador Murray which an attendant then where to make 260. 00 to 000. 00 Brig.
coby and his aide de camp, month takes and holds behind the throne.
Gen. Harts; to the right other delThe next step is the coronation Write him in English today. Ask egates, among them the Duke of for his Free to introduce offer.
The archibishop, addressing himYour Name Gloucester King George son, the sell to Ethiopian princes and digniAddress Prince of the beItaly, and taries, each of whom is seated LO DOI 1000 ODOBDO IODO 10DO Nation Marshal Esperet of France, City.
sides a foreign delegate, says: their colorful military costumes. You princes and ministers, At the end of these rows sit the NO DICE OR RED nobles and chiefs of the army, and reporters, this making a square LIGHTS you soldiers and people of Ethiopia, Our New Plant and IN ABYSSINIA spacious one. In this square stands Main Office is and you doctors and heads of the BRANCH OFFICE two massive throne which face the clergy honors of professions and Located on NEW YORK. Hubert Julian (ir Panama Best No. 15 St.
Archbishops. The throne to the left trades, you all know that our Em Monteserin Street answering ship news reporter via in red and gilt is that of the empeCLEANERS DYERS PHONE 483 peror Ayeleh Selassi I, here presthe talking pictures on his return Near St, and ror that; to the right in blue and ent, descends from the dynasty of Anoop Ave.
Since 1915 PANAMA from Abyssinia, telling his wouldgilt is that of the empress.
Menelik I, born of Solomon, and the be humorous questioner in reply to What is the attitude of Abyssinia Before the repourters at the spec. Queen of Sheba a dynasty which has that tators, most of them Europeans, and lasted without a break from to African golf? said. back of them is a British Royal Ma day to the Emperor Saleh Sellasie, which are inspired by this ideal, re The crown of the emperor is tall, obeisance to him. The assemblage In the termn that you refer to rine band from the war thip that and to the present.
ceive your fullest support.
somewhat tumbler shaped, and fits on that platform made as brilliant African golf is unknown in Abybrought the king son; in the exAfter an assent rom the princes well down on the head on top are sinia Addressing himself directly to and colorful. picture as one treme rear are rows of Abyssinian and others, the archbishop continumay two circular bands enerusted with hope to see.
the emperor, the archbishop then warriors in their ancient picturesque What is the state of the morals ed; In this solemn moment when said: Will you accept the oath to diamonds, while a jeweled cross sur Cos: umes, some of them being veriof the Abyssinian people? country?
mounts the whole. That of the emThe emperor and empress then am going to anoint your emperor, maintain the orthodox religiun of Are there many harems in the tables giants.
and when, by the grace of God he Alexandria which has existed press resembles the popular pictures de cended the steps of the platform in and mounted into the imperial car There are no Harems in Aby The emperor and empress enter is going to wear the imperial Ethiopia since the holy king, Abraha of royal crown.
riage, drawn by four spirited Hunnia, and found that the mornals in their turn and take their seats. crown present and recommend him and Aisebeha, and to respect the In his discourse the archbishop garian bays. There were to have of the country were great deal The latter is clad in a flowing robe to you so that you will obey him and laws and the commandments of the praised the emperor for the work been six, but one of them, frightenhigher than in the average civiliz.
that seems to be made of finely aid him in the accomplishment of orthodox church.
he had done in the elevation of hised by the cannon and the buzzing ed country.
knitted gold lace on a cream back the task, spiritual and material, The emperor in his reply prom. cmpire, for the building of roads, of the low flying airplanes, became ground. Over her head is a long, which God has imposed on him. In ixed to do all in his power for the for his sending young Ethiopians to unmanageable and would not reflowing white veil. Around her are thus doing you will facilitate the of his people; the be educated in Europe and America spond to the Hungarian coachman tional anthem. Resuming, it contiattendants, while nearby are the material progress of the country and advancement nued the introduction of electricity so it had to be unharnessd with its founding of schools and the spreai for its way under the four great princesses and the noble ladies in and the maintenance of the true reof knowledge.
and other modern improvements. He mate some time before the end of triumphal arches that had been wide hats, capes trimmed with gold ligion, and will cause Ethiopia, durerected His head was then anointed by said that he looked forward to the the coronation ceremony.
for the occasion and drove and weering long veils of various ing his reign, to advance itself on to the palaces followed by the colors. nat do not hide their science, wisdom and knowledge; the archbishop of the Coptic Church, day when Ethiopia will again take The carriage, which was that of Ethiopian princes and foreign digni.
faces. Whoever has designed this thus will the safeguarding of the a flowing crimson veil was then put rank among the great nations of the the ex kaiser, is a magnificent one taries.
ensemble of color is a master artist PEthiopian flag from the interior ver it, followed by the crown. At world, and is ornamented with crowns, the To an outsider one thing it is so delighted.
to the fronteries be assured. urge his the Royal Marine band played After a lengthy mass had been seems four on top being surmounted with acts, the Ethiopian national anthem, the aparent everything and recommend that all his The emperor also is dressed in a said the Ethiopian dignataries and the lion of Ethiopia. It carries four went through audience applauded and the cannon the delegates of the nations left the great silver lanterns of elaborate smoothly. The preparation for this in the churchyard fired a royal sachurch and took their places on coronation entailed a tremendous workmanship. The white Hungarian lute.
specially prepared stand amount of work the planning of outside, coachman wore a black three corthe reception of the delegates, the One by one the rases, or govern where two thrones had ben placed.
ered hat trimmed with silver, green building of the arches, the lighting ors of provinces then came to the They were followed by the emperor velvet vest sleeves over a dark yel.
of the streets, and a thousand and throne and taking off their coronets, and the empress, who in the mean low bosom, short red trousers, white THE DIADEM JEWELRY STORE one other details, the incompleteness paid homage to the emperor. while had made a tour of the church stockings and black patent leather of which might have marred much.
NO, 79 CENTRAL AVENUE shoes This was followed by the crown yard, under silken awings borne by attendants ing of the heir to the throne, the The coach then drove off between Prince Afa Woosen, and then that From the platform the emperor the line of soldiers. In front of the PALAIS ROYAL of the Empress Menen, who on be then made an address into a micro great statue of Menelik II it stop0 TO HAAK. Proprietor ing crowned came to the steps of phone, and the assembled dignitaries ped while the emperor saluted and FOR the throne to bow to the emperor. came forward one by one to pay the Ethiopian band played the naSUITS in a Merry Christmas The Best for Your Money HARRY BOONE Agent FRANK MORRICE Manager Absolute Protection and Security Fire Insurance Policies NATIONAL FIRE INSURANCE Co. of HARTFORD PAN AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY NEW ORLEANS, LA.
31 Central Avenue Tolephone 714 Box 172 Enrique de la Guarida Miguel Moreno Life Insurance Policies ASSOCIATE GENERAL AGENT SPECIAL AGENT Pulido AGENT WE WISH ONE AND ALL MERRY CHRISTMAS AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR TE in


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